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肾移植是儿童终末期肾衰最重要的替代治疗手段.国内数家大的移植中心儿童肾移植长期存活率已接近国外先进水平,但我国肾移植患儿总数较少,主要原因是经费不足和供体缺乏.为推动儿童肾移植的发展,建议建立国家医疗救助制度,鼓励亲属活体肾脏捐献,严格掌握适应证,合理使用免疫抑制剂,加强多中心协作,建立移植随访网络.  相似文献   

190 5年 ,普林斯特罗将一只家兔肾移植给一个肾功能衰竭的儿童。术后患儿获得良好的肾功能 ,16天后死于肺部感染。190 6年 ,乔布雷把羊和猪的肾异种异位移植到一位慢性肾功能衰竭的女性病人 ,由于超急排斥未能成功。1936年 ,苏联的沃龙夫 (voronov)首次为 1例尿毒症患者移植尸体肾 ,受术者 4 8小时后死亡。195 2年 ,法国巴黎的一家医院摘除了单肾者的损伤肾 ,用患者母亲的活体肾为此青年患者进行了移植 ,未能成功。195 4年 ,由美国波士顿的默里 (Murray)第一次施行的同卵双生肾移植成功 ,并获长期存活 ,这是移植医学首次成功的病例。默里于…  相似文献   

探讨肾移植患者的生存质量及影响因素。采用健康状况调查问卷(SF-36)调查广州地区医疗机构145例肾移植受者移植前和移植后6个月的生存质量。移植后6个月患者的生存质量评分较移植前有明显提高。文化程度、有无配偶、经济状况、肾源、健康知识掌握程度等因素对患者的生存质量影响较大。医护人员应为肾移植患者提供个性化护理,以提高患者的生存质量。  相似文献   

探讨肾移植患者的生存质量及影响因素.采用健康状况调查问卷(SF-36)调查广州地区医疗机构145例肾移植受者移植前和移植后6个月的生存质量.移植后6个月患者的生存质量评分较移植前有明显提高.文化程度、有无配偶、经济状况、肾源、健康知识掌握程度等因素对患者的生存质量影响较大.医护人员应为肾移植患者提供个性化护理,以提高患者的生存质量.  相似文献   

BK病毒(BK V )是人类多瘤病毒的一个亚群,有很高的隐性感染率,研究显示全球超过80%的人口BK V血清学阳性。随着移植后强效免疫抑制剂的使用,BK V感染正成为移植肾失活的重要原因。据统计,约1%~10%的肾移植受者在免疫抑制状态下,可因BKV激活而引起BKV肾病(BKVN),而BKVN可引起约45%的远期移植肾失活。由于目前缺乏明确有效的抗病毒药物,早期监测病毒载量、减少免疫抑制剂对控制BKVN、保留移植肾功能至关重要。本文就肾移植相关的BKV感染概况及BKVN的诊断、治疗进展进行综述。  相似文献   

为了探讨前列腺素E1的脂微球载体靶向制剂(Lipo PGE1)对肾移植术后移植肾功能恢复和血流动力学的影响,80例肾移植受者在术后被随机分成两组:PGE1组和对照组。PGE1组从手术当天起至术后第14天每天给予静脉注射Lipo PGE1 20μg。比较两组术后尿量、血肌酐、彩色多普勒超声下移植肾收缩期最大血流速度(PSV)和血流阻力指数(RI)以及两组肾功能恢复延迟(DGF)的发生率。应用Lipo PGE1的患者术后尿量明显高于对照组(P〈0.05),而血肌酐、PSV、RI和肾功能恢复延迟发生率则明显低于对照组(P〈0.05)。因此,前列腺素E1有利于肾移植术后移植肾功能的恢复,对肾移植术后早期肾动脉血流动力学有促进作用。  相似文献   

肾脏移植领域迫切需要解决的是提高长期存活率.相关的基础与临床研究进展已使人们从本质上更深刻、更准确地了解后期移植肾丢失的原因.从哲学角度回顾分析可以发现,受到时间、空间、思维能力、客观条件及认识水平的限制,对移植肾丢失病因的认识是一个逐步深化的过程,需要不断总结与探索,肾移植受者治疗方案的确立应自觉地将系统思维方法与医学知识有机结合起来,遵循整体性、动态性、最优化原则.  相似文献   

肾脏移植是救治终末期肾功能衰竭的最佳手段。亲属活体捐献肾脏是扩大供肾来源的有效手段。当前国内开展亲属肾移植存在伦理、法律和健康风险,主要来自供体和医疗两方面。为防范风险,医务人员应严格审查供受者的血缘关系,签署完整规范的法律文书,进行全面细致的术前评估,制定完善的手术方案。  相似文献   

亲属肾移植的伦理学探讨   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
活体亲属肾移植是当前解决器官匮乏最重要的途径,近年来我国亲属肾移植例数也不断增多。但是亲属肾移植因其具有一定的特殊性,相比尸体供肾移植更为敏感,也更易于引发伦理问题。简要介绍国内外亲属肾移植的研究进展,重点对亲属肾移植的生命伦理学问题加以探讨。  相似文献   

活体亲属肾移植是当前解决器官匮乏最重要的途径,近年来我国亲属肾移植例数也不断增多.但是亲属肾移植因其具有一定的特殊性,相比尸体供肾移植更为敏感,也更易于引发伦理问题.简要介绍国内外亲属肾移植的研究进展,重点对亲属肾移植的生命伦理学问题加以探讨.  相似文献   

The purpose of the current study was to assess the uniqueness of the condition of kidney transplant recipients in comparison to a sample of matching healthy peers in relation to body-image dissatisfaction and identification, quality of life and psychological distress. Participants were 45 kidney transplant recipients who were under follow-up care at a Transplant Unit of a major Medical Center, and a sample of 45 matching healthy peers. Measures were taken using self-report questionnaires [Body-Image Ideals Questionnaire (BIIQ), Body Identification Questionnaire (BIQ), Brief Symptoms Inventory (BSI), and the SF-12]. The major findings were the following: (i) kidney transplant recipients reported lower levels of quality of life and higher levels of PsD when compared to their healthy peers; (ii) no difference in body-image dissatisfaction was found between the two studied groups; (iii) significant correlations between body-image dissatisfaction quality of life and PsD were found only in the kidney transplant recipients. The kidney transplantation condition has a moderating effect in the association between body-image dissatisfaction PsD but not in the association between body-image dissatisfaction and quality of life; (iv) kidney transplant recipients experienced higher levels of body identification than did their healthy peers. Taken together, these findings highlight the unique condition of kidney transplant recipients, as well as the function that body-image plays within the self.  相似文献   

Restlessness and psychomotor agitation are among the causes of morbidity and mortality in different diseases. They are known problems in end-stage renal disease patients but no study has ever evaluated their presence and effects in kidney recipients. This study aimed to explore the presence of restlessness and psychomotor agitation and their relation with morbidity of patients after renal transplantation. Sixty-one subjects were randomly selected from kidney transplant recipients being followed in Baqiyatallah Hospital, Tehran, Iran. Restlessness and psychomotor agitation were determined by Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS). The correlation of these scores with demographic data, clinical data, sexual function, marital adjustment, quality of life, sleep quality and medical comorbidity of patients was evaluated. The scores of restlessness and psychomotor agitation were significantly correlated with the age at transplantation (r = .269, p = .04 and r = .324, p = .01, respectively), the total score of medical comorbidity (r = .273, p = .02 and r = .257, p = .04, respectively), role limitation due to emotional problems (r = -.26, p = .03 and r = -.25, p = .04, respectively) and mental health (r = -.277, p = .02 and r = -.252, p = .04 respectively). There was no correlation between these symptoms and the gender, marital status, and sexual relationship score of the patients (p > .05). Restlessness and psychomotor agitation are frequent and can impose high degrees of morbidity on renal transplant recipients. Proper management of these problems seems to improve the different aspects of quality of life in these patients.  相似文献   

Introduction: Organ‐sourcing developments now permit increasing numbers of renal transplants. Recipients commonly experience negative affect pre‐ and/or post‐transplant yet research on patient experience is lacking. Aims: This study aims to develop theory based on the lived experience of recipients, and to guide psychological and support interventions by counsellors and professional carers for the benefit of patients. Methods: A sample of eight participants was interviewed about their transplant experiences. The interview data were analysed using grounded theory methodology. Uniquely the research was conducted by a renal transplant patient, which potentially adds interpretive insight. Results: The central finding is that the issues facing transplant patients before and after transplant may be summarised as living with paradox and conflict. Thus, recipients may need to juxtapose anger/sadness about losses with an adaptive attitude to making the most of a second chance at life, and negotiate a positive relationship with an ‘alien’ organ. Conclusions/implications: The study offers evidence‐based guidance to counsellors supporting recipients to adjust to a changing sense of self, and to form adaptive relationships with self, others and the new kidney. Finally the research recommends action on improving awareness of and access to counselling and other supports for renal transplantees, and the need for in‐depth experiential research in this expanding area.  相似文献   

The authors examined the degree to which the supportiveness of a patient's family environment predicts change in quality of life following renal transplantation. The sample consisted of 95 patients receiving renal grafts from either a living donor or a cadaveric donor. Patients were initially assessed prior to transplantation with follow-up assessment occurring an average of 5.5 months after transplantation. Among patients receiving a living-donor kidney, those reporting a more supportive family environment exhibited reduced depression, improved mobility, and improved social functioning. However, those living-donor recipients reporting less family support exhibited increased depression and diminished mobility and social functioning after transplantation. Patients receiving a kidney from a cadaveric donor showed modest improvements in quality of life regardless of the degree of family support.  相似文献   

慢性肾病、慢性肾功能衰竭全方位审视   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
慢性肾病(CKD)、慢性肾功能衰竭(CRF)是全身性疾病在肾脏的表现、特别与血管性免疫性和代谢性疾病相关。肾脏又是一个排泄器官,中西药的过度应用,尤其是具有毒性药物如雷公藤类、抗生素类累积性损伤肾脏。所以,根本性控制在于预防和少用药物。近年来因为应用了肾替代疗法、包括肾移植带来一些社会、经济、生活质量、移植肾来源等问题。本文以全新的理念提出质疑且对其共性治疗重新评估替代疗法,并重视个案分析对某些肾病的病名提出它的概念的非合理性,对其共性治疗的误导应予以反思。最后,建议逐步改变单纯生物医学模式的替代疗法,重视整体全方位地发挥自身潜在调节力量缓解或治愈或延长寿命,这样可以大大地减少CKD、CRF、ESRD的发病率。  相似文献   

Research has shown that most patients with end-stage kidney failure prefer treatment by transplantation. This entails taking immunosuppressant drugs daily throughout the life of the kidney. Failure to do so causes transplant rejection and a return to dialysis, or sometimes even death. Up to 50% of transplanted patients report failing to take their medication as prescribed. This qualitative study used focus groups to explore patients' lived experience in relation to medication adherence. Data were analysed using thematic analysis. The main themes to emerge were: fear of kidney failure, loyalty to the renal team and donors, health beliefs, forgetting and side-effects. Reasons for adherence were to avoid kidney failure and to acknowledge their gratitude to the renal team and donors. Participants suggested that non-adherence was largely due to forgetting.  相似文献   

A young man who had glomorulonephritis at age five was treated psychotherapeutically for an anxiety neurosis with phobic and obsessional features. He was referred for psychoanalysis at a time when he was approaching kidney failure, but was referred back for more psychotherapy with the possibility of future psychoanalysis. He underwent renal dialysis and then received a kidney transplant from a brother. The psychoneurosis became worse, and a psychoanalysis was begun about one year after the transplant operation. The clinical report illustrates the developmental effects of the childhood illness, as well as the patient's response to the adult treatment and the renal transplant. Nonanalytic observations by others on renal dialysis and transplant patients are reviewed and compared with the findings in this analysis. The psychoanalysis of a renal transplant patient is feasible if other indications for analysis are present. A previously unreported finding is the problem of changing a lifetime adaptation from illness to relative health. This involved the analysis of the narcissistic conflicts of the oedipal stage of development as well as the preoedipal maternal transference.  相似文献   

Given the rise in chronic kidney disease (CKD) in both children and adults, CKD has recently been targeted as a public health priority. Childhood onset kidney disease is generally a noncurable and progressive condition that leads to kidney failure by early adulthood. Fortunately, improved identification of kidney problems allows for early intervention, which is thought to slow progression toward end-stage renal disease. In addition, medical interventions for pediatric end-stage renal disease have also improved, allowing children to take advantage of lifesaving renal replacement treatments such as dialysis and kidney transplantation. In spite of improvements in identification and treatment, CKD causes both direct and indirect insults to a variety of organ systems. This paper reviews recently published studies pertaining to the neurocognitive and psychosocial impact of CKD on children of various ages and at various stages of kidney failure. Specific attention is focused on summarizing peer reviewed research that describes associations between kidney functioning and cognitive functioning, language acquisition, visual spatial abilities, memory, and executive functioning. In addition, peer reviewed research describing psychosocial outcomes associated with CKD related to academic achievement, social-behavioral functioning, and quality of life are summarized. The authors also identified disease-specific factors that likely mediate neurocognitive outcomes (e.g., anemia, hypertension, cardiovascular) and endorse the importance of continued interdisciplinary research collaborations that will provide a better understanding of the mechanisms responsible for improved neurocognitive functioning after transplantation. The authors conclude this review by describing a multicenter, prospective, longitudinal, National Institutes of Health funded study that is currently examining the developmental outcomes of children with mild to moderate CKD. The authors speculate that the Chronic Kidney Disease in Children Prospective Cohort Study (CKiD) findings will provide additional evidence-based guidance for clinicians and researchers working with children and adolescents with deteriorating kidney function to improve medical and developmental outcomes.  相似文献   

A case is presented to illustrate some of the difficulties encountered when providing psychological consultation to evaluate the readiness of patients for pediatric heart-lung transplantation. The outcome of complex medical decision making can often hinge on information provided by the psychological consultant who is attempting to simultaneously serve the needs of the patient as well as the transplant team. Ethical dilemmas frequently arise when medical decision making is driven by limited health care resources and cost constraints. The utility of cognitive functioning as a variable in pediatric transplant decision making is discussed. Recommendations are made for further work in this area on both conceptual and empirical grounds to guide the integration of psychological information into transplant decision making as health care delivery continues to evolve in the future.  相似文献   

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