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LAW模式的建立是要改变被动的、填鸭式学习方式为积极、主动及高效的学习,培养有能力、高素质、有知识的人才。LAW模式给出学习的目标、学习方式及自我检查的标准,基本特点:多层次、多角度学习潜力的调动;启发式、以问题为导向、以学生为中心的互动学习方法;逻辑性、批判性及创造性思维的培养与应用;重点与相关学科内容的整合方式;观察、思考、信息与实践的有机结合。  相似文献   

正随着我国教育教学改革的深入,越来越多的学校开始推行范式教学。它改变了传统教学中以教师为中心,学生被动接受的模式,树立了以学生为主体,培养学生自主学习能力、创新能力的教育理念,引导学生以探究的学习方式,通过独立思考与合作交流,主动获取知识。大学的任务是教学、科研和服务社会,作为教师既要传授知识,又要培养适应社会发展的人才。所以要从以知识内容为重心的教学转向以创造有意义学习经历为重心的教学。为了  相似文献   

本文在对“学习力”内涵进行界定及探究协作学习模式与学生学习力的提升与培养关系的基础上,尝试将协作学习模式运用到物理课堂教学中,并指出利用小组竞争评价体制,可激发学生学习动力;利用导学案实现分层教学,可提高学习效率;通过小组互相提问方式,可激发学生探索的兴趣,引导学生利用网络资源、实验设备等进行交流合作,可提高学生检索信息的能力以及利用新知识来解决问题能力,并以教科版9年级物理《创新电路设计》一课为例,对此进行了说明。  相似文献   

CDIO工程教育模式是近年来国际工程教育改革的最新成果。它以产品研发到产品运行的生命周期为载体,让学生以主动的、实践的、课程之间有机联系的方式进行学习。CDIO培养大纲将毕业生能力分为基础知识、个人能力、人际团队能力和系统能力四个层面,要求以综合的培养方式使学生在这四个层面达到预定目标。基于这一理念,我们改革了传统《乘务英语》教学的结构和形式,进行了大胆构想、设计、探索和实践。通过课程改造激发学生兴趣,改变了学习方式,优化了学习环境和过程,提高了学生的实践能力;让学生在学习专业知识的同时亲身体验实践过程,使知识学习和应用形成良性互动。  相似文献   

三年多多来,我校以中央电教馆“十一五”专项课题“现代信息技术与校本课程开发应用研究”为载体,搭建起现代化数字平台,创编了以“数字化”形式为主体的多样化校本课程教材及课程实施方案,通过课例开发,初步形成校本课程(选修课)系列.课题研究获得了成功,分别被省教育厅、市教育局评为一等奖.今年我校配合新课程改革,紧紧围绕“搭建平台、整合资源、优化结构”,进一步完善了“课题研究管理技术网络暨校本课程资源管理运行平台”;认真总结校本课程开发与应用的基本经验;转变学习方式,开发学习潜能,张扬个性,培养学生创新思维能力;提高教师的信息素养,培养教师的课程意识、课程开发和设计能力.  相似文献   

为了培养合格的医学人才、适应学科发展和医学模式转变的需要,医药院校的课程必须整合.医药院校课程整合的主要形式与内容有:相似课程合并,它是医学学科内部整合的重要方式和高级形式,适合内容相似而且内在联系紧密的学科;开设第二专业,适合于两大联系紧密的学科群,而且两大专业的工作有着十分密切的相关;开设通识教育课程或素质教育课程,是广域课程整合的有效方式;以重大问题为中心或以一定主题为中心开设系列讲座,也是一种重要的整合形式;课程融合是整合的更高形式,但是难度较大,一些学校还在探索之中.课程整合过程中必须注意的主要问题有:设立整合的教学组织、师资培养与合作、课程整合与分科发展的关系等.  相似文献   

初中生物实验活动、探究活动和课外活动较多,需要学生有较高的亲自动手实践和综合素质的能力,据新课程基本理念“面向全体学生、提高生物科学素养和倡导探究性学习”,策应素质教育的目标“重点培养学生的创新精神和实践活动能力”,改变学生被动接受学习方式,形成主动探究式学习方式,培养学生的动手操作能力及理论与实践相结合的能力,构建探究式教学模式极为重要.  相似文献   

对我院03级在校博士生和部分博士生导师的问卷调查显示,我院科研型生物医学博士培养目标明确并与学生毕业后期望去向基本一致.培养方式和培养质量尚存在一些问题,针对这些问题需要在培养方式上作些改进和调整,以优化培养模式,提高培养质量.  相似文献   

文章根据高校美术教育专业美术课程的教学现状,提出了比较适合美术教育专业发展的"T型人才培养模式",以改进美术教育专业学生的培养方式,进一步强化美术教育专业人才培养的综合性及实践性,提高美术课堂学习活动的具体性和针对性,并为美术教育专业相关课程的教学改革提供理论支持与实践指导。  相似文献   

外科医师临床培养中的矛盾,主要表现为师承的矛盾关系及实践的矛盾关系.在查房、病例讨论、外科手术操作等临床培养过程中,适当转换上级医师与其两者的角色地位,在层次提高过程中,采用请进来、送出去的开放式培养模式,有助于外科医师主动地实现认知知识向认知方法、知识向能力、学习基础知识向学习新知识新技术的多元综合转化.是矛盾解决、调动年轻医师学习主动性和积极性、引发其与上级医师互动学习的良好方法.  相似文献   

应用多样本潜变量增长模型,探究空巢和非空巢老人抑郁情绪发展轨迹的差异以及社会参与对两者抑郁情绪发展轨迹的影响。结果表明:老年人抑郁情绪发展趋势遵循阶段化线性增长轨迹,空巢老人抑郁情绪初始水平及二阶段发展速度均高于非空巢老人;社会参与可以降低老年人抑郁情绪初始水平,对空巢老人而言,社会参与可降低抑郁情绪上升速度。结论:空巢老人是抑郁情绪高发人群,社会参与是降低和缓解老年人抑郁情绪的重要途径。  相似文献   

PURPOSE: This article provides data on a depression screening model (HOME) in acute home health care designed to detect clinical depression among medically ill homebound older patients. The model was developed to address the lack of mental health services in home health care settings and to specifically improve geriatric depression screening as part of routine care. Authors report on the concordance of homecare and research interview ratings of depression in older homecare patients. DESIGN AND METHODS: Using a prospective cohort design, data were collected from 289 elderly patients, aged 65 and older, from a large home health care agency to examine depression, cognitive functioning, medical comorbidity, functional status, and social isolation. Research interviews used the depression module of the structured clinical interview for DSM (SCID). RESULTS: The overall prevalence of major depression was 5.7 percent according to both homecare and research raters. The prevalence of subthreshold depressive disorder was 16.4 percent as reported by research raters. Observed agreement was 73 percent and kappa agreement was 0.42, indicating a fair to moderate agreement. We identified patient characteristics that may influence the accuracy of homecare worker estimates of depressive symptoms. IMPLICATIONS: Findings suggest that depression continues to be underdetected in medically ill homebound elderly patients. Ongoing training in depression screening methods, patient follow-up interviews, and appropriate referral would improve care of depressed elderly homecare patients.  相似文献   

Three hundred ninety-three elderly adults aged 55 and older were divided into 1 of 9 subgroups in a 3 (bereavement group: survivors of spouses who died by natural death or by suicide and nonbereaved control Ss) x 3 (depression group: none, mild, and moderate-severe) design over 4 times of measurement--1 month, 6 months, 1 year, and 2.5 years after death of spouse. Significant Bereavement x Depression Group effects were obtained on Brief Symptom Inventory scores. The moderate-severe depression/suicide subgroup had the greatest psychiatric complications with bereavement. Results indicated that elderly persons with significant clinical depression at the time of a spouse's death were at significant risk for psychological complications during the bereavement process, and survivors of spouses who had committed suicide were even more at risk within the greatest depression group.  相似文献   

Depression is considered one of the most complex mental disorders in the elderly. The diagnostic difficulties due to comorbidity, especially, with somatic diseases, have cast doubt on the use of diagnostic instruments for the elderly. In the present study, we try to determine the existence of differences in affect of third-age depression with respect to adult-age depression. For this purpose, the PANAS-X scale was administered to 120 subjects (30 depressive patients over 65 years old, 30 depressive patients between 25 and 50, and two control groups of 30 people each). The data allow us to establish two major differences of depression in the elderly compared to depression in adults: a lower intensity of negative affect and a lower intensity in the affects of fear, hostility and guilt. We can also conclude that sadness is not a differentiating element between both depressive groups.  相似文献   

Anxiety and depression are extremely common in the elderly with medical problems. They can manifest not only as symptoms of a primary psychiatric illness, but also as physiologic sequelae of medical illnesses and medical treatments. Recognition and treatment of depression and anxiety in the medically ill is especially difficult. If these states go untreated, they result in higher morbidity and mortality, higher health care costs and utilization, and poorer functional status and outcomes. Three of the most common medical illnesses that afflict geriatric patients, cardiovascular disease, pulmonary disease, and rheumatoid arthritis, will be presented to illustrate the difficulty in recognizing depression and anxiety and the impact of treating these symptoms in the medically ill elderly. Multidisciplinary approaches combining optimal medication regimens and psychosocial interventions can be effective for treatment of anxiety and depression in the medically ill elderly.  相似文献   

Anxiety and depression are common comorbidities in the elderly who have tuberculosis. We conducted a community-based trial to explore the effect of comprehensive interventions on anxiety and depression of the elderly tuberculosis patients. The control group (n?=?122) received health education, and the intervention group (n?=?61) received health education, psychotherapy, home visit, peer support, and psycho-educational workshops. Compared with the control group, the anxiety (βGroup×Time = ?0.79) and depression (βGroup×Time = ?1.13) declined more pronounced in the intervention group. The results suggested that comprehensive interventions could alleviate the anxiety and depression of the elderly tuberculosis patients sustainably and effectively.  相似文献   

HIV infection has evolved from a fatal to a treatable condition, leading to an increase in the rate of elderly People Living with HIV (PLWH). However, little is known about the psychosocial burden of elderly PLWH. Thus, the aim of this longitudinal multi-center cohort study was to investigate whether elderly PLWH experience more anxiety and depression and reduced health related quality of life (HRQOL) compared to elderly patients with other chronic conditions. PLWH were compared to diabetes patients (DM) and patients with minor health conditions (MHC), e.g. patients with hypertension or allergic conditions. All patients were over 50 years old. Anxiety and depression (HADS) as well as HRQOL (SF-36) were assessed at baseline and after 12 months. 218 PLWH, 249 DM and 254 MHC were included. At baseline, the study groups did not differ in anxiety, depression, and physical HRQOL. However, PLWH indicated lower mental HRQOL than DM and MHC patients (p = 0.001). We did not obtain any moderating effects showing a differential effect of patient characteristics on anxiety, depression, and HRQOL in the three patient groups. At follow-up, the level of anxiety, depression, and HRQOL did not change significantly. The prevalence of anxiety ranged between 27 and 35%, and that of depression between 17 and 28%. Thus, the results of our investigation tentatively suggest that the psychosocial adaptation to HIV among elderly PLWH resembles those of other chronic diseases. There may be some subtle impairments, though, as PLWH experienced lower mental HRQOL.  相似文献   

Underdiagnosis and undertreatment of late-life depression is common, especially in primary care settings. To help assess whether physicians attitude and confidence in diagnosing and managing depression serve as barriers to care, a total of 176 physicians employed in 18 primary care groups were administered surveys to assess attitudes towards diagnosis, treatment, and management of depression in elderly patients, (individuals over 65 years of age). Logistic regression was performed to assess the association of physician characteristics on attitudes. Nearly all of the physicians surveyed felt that depression in the elderly was a primary care problem, and 41% reported late-life depression as the most common problem seen in older patients. Physicians were confident in their ability to diagnose and manage depression, yet 45% had no medical education on depression in the previous three years. Physicians confidence in their ability to diagnose, treat, and manage depression, and their reported adequacy of training, do not appear to correspond to the amount of continuing medical education in depression, suggesting that physician overconfidence may potentially be serving as a barrier to care.  相似文献   

The literature emphasizes depression and poor sleep quality as problems that affect many elderly individuals. However, these problems have been related in few studies and there is no meta-analysis performed so far on this relationship. The present research reviewed the studies performed on the subjective sleep quality in order to understand how it relates to depression in older adults. The review was conducted in January 2016 and comprised publications between 2005 and 2015. Based on the electronic databases Web of Science and EBSCO, we used the keywords ‘sleep quality’, ‘depression’, and ‘older’ to identify the empirical studies performed. After assessing the collected studies, we selected those that presented the elderly as participants, resulting in nine papers (N = 3069). A random-effects method was used to evaluate the relationship between depression and sleep. We found that an older person’s lack of good sleep quality is significantly related with depression. The main limitation of this study was the difficulty in collecting a greater number of studies. Future research should consider the importance of additional variables (e.g. moderators) in order to understand and investigate viable interventions for prevention and health promotion in the elderly.  相似文献   

Depression was studied in a Canadian community sample of 582 men and 906 women over the age of 65 years. The Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale (CES-D) provided the measure of depressive symptomatology. The Diagnostic Interview Schedule was used to confirm clinical diagnosis. A total of 8% of the sample (4.3% of men and 10.4% of women) were at or above the cut-off point of 16 on the Depression Scale. Significant Pearson correlations with depression were found for gender and education. The married and never married persons showed low depression while the widowed, separated, or divorced appeared to be at high risk. The relationship of marital status to depression is primarily a woman's issue as most elderly men are married. This finding may have implications for policy and program planning for this population.  相似文献   

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