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就常见的临床诊疗决策失误,从四个方面探讨失误的原因.首先是对患者的发病过程的相关情况掌握不全面、不准确:其次是对患者的化验与检查结果用于诊断与治疗不尽合理:第三是未处理好对患者的诊断与治疗之间的相互关系:第四是未处理好如何发挥各级各类专家的智慧、学识与经验,用于整个临床诊断与治疗的决策过程.总而言之,影响临床决策的环节多,且贯穿于整个临床过程,医师们应重视循证医学证据,始终都要把握好,不可稍有粗疏,否则将不利于提升医疗质量,难以确保医疗安全.  相似文献   

决策普遍存在于经济、政治、技术应用和日常生活中,是各种管理中广泛进行的一种活动。在所有失误的情形中,最大的失误就是决策上的失误。不确定型决策具有普遍性和复杂性特征,也是研究风险型决策的基础。当今医学存在很大的不确定性,尤其是临床诊疗决策中的失误或偏差,将会造成医疗质量的下降和患者身心的严重损害,并进而成为医患冲突的风险隐患。现代临床决策是一个涉及心理和社会诸多因素的复杂过程,需要多层次、多因素的考量,拓展智慧层面,建立整体理念,探索适应现代医学复杂环境下的科学决策之路。  相似文献   

完善的临床治疗手段与医学人文相结合是临床医学的趋势。人性化医疗是临床治疗的最高层次,也是临床实践追求的最终目标。在人性化医疗的临床实践中仍然存在医学技术异化、医疗个体化不足的问题。医疗人性化应当是双向的人性化,需要多方努力。人性化医疗首先建立在临床医生精湛的临床技术与善心之上,其次要求医生与患者进行合理有效的医患沟通。在人性化医疗中,患者是整个临床治疗的中心,临床决策应当综合患者实际情况做出。除此之外,人性化医疗的实现更需要医生敢冒风险、勇于担当。  相似文献   

医生在临床工作中做出明确诊断,并据此给予有效的处理均属于决策过程。制定决策的整个过程,同时也是进行决策思维的过程。近年来,高新技术的迅猛发展以及医疗费用急剧增加,使制定决策更加复杂。如何进行正确的决策思维,做出最切实可行的和最佳的决策,对避免决策的盲目性具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

关于临床决策问题   总被引:10,自引:8,他引:2  
医生在临床工作中做出明确诊断,并据此给予有效的处理均属于决策过程。制定决策的整个过程,同时也是进行决策思维的过程。近年来高新技术的迅猛发展以及医疗费用急剧增加,使制定决策更加复杂。如何进行正确的决策思维,做出最切实可行的和最佳的决策,对避免决策的盲目性、局限性及惰性具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

临床决策需要辩证思维   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:0  
对于一名临床医师来说,临床决策是一项十分重要的基本功.所谓临床决策,主要是指对疾病的正确诊断和及时有效地决定治疗方案并付诸实施.笔者从事口腔颌面外科临床工作50余年,深感临床决策的重要性,在笔者大半生的工作中,绝大多数情况下临床决策都是正确的.然而,医师是人不是神,一位医师在一生中总不能没有一点临床决策上的错误,或者说是"失误";但应力求少犯,特别要防止重大的失误.临床决策失误往往与医师的思维方法关系密切.现仅就临床决策的一些经验体会略加讨论.  相似文献   

为了使大家对临床决策有更加深入的理解,本刊编辑部特约请上海交通大学上海市第六人民医院曹建文副教授就临床决策的相关问题撰写了系列讲座,讲座的内容为:第一讲:临床决策分析概述;第二讲:如何构建不确定条件下的临床决策;第三讲:临床决策分析中如何应用决策树;第四讲:临床决策分析中的效用分析;第五讲:灵敏度分析在临床决策中的应用;第六讲:临床诊治中的Markov模型;第七讲:成本-效果分析在临床决策中的作用;第八讲:决策分析在药物经济学中的应用。我们希望读者看过这些讲座后,踊跃提出问题,发表意见,以促进医疗决策的深入研究。  相似文献   

医生在临床工作中做出明确诊断,并据此给予有效的处理均属于决策过程.制定决策的整个过程,同时也是进行决策思维的过程.近年来高新技术的迅猛发展以及医疗费用急剧增加,使制定决策更加复杂.如何进行正确的决策思维,做出最切实可行的和最佳的决策,对避免决策的盲目性、局限性及惰性具有重要的现实意义.  相似文献   

临床决策需要辩证思维   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
对于一名临床医师来说,临床决策是一项十分重要的基本功。所谓临床决策,主要是指对疾病的正确诊断和及时有效地决定治疗方案并付诸实施。笔者从事口腔颌面外科临床工作50余年,深感临床决策的重要性,在笔者大半生的工作中,绝大多数情况下临床决策都是正确的。然而,医师是人不是神,一位医师在一生中总不能没有一点临床决策上的错误,或者说是“失误”;但应力求少犯,特别要防止重大的失误。临床决策失误往往与医师的思维方法关系密切。现仅就临床决策的一些经验体会略加讨论。  相似文献   

医患共同决策增强患者治疗依从性、提高患者满意度、完善决策过程的特点符合我国当前的医疗需要,因此受到越来越多的关注。介绍了目前国外常用的共同决策过程评估工具,将其根据评分视角分为患者角度、医疗服务提供者角度、观察者角度、多角度四类,并简要介绍了每种评估工具的编制过程、评分方式、心理测量属性及应用现状等,以期能为研究人员选择科学、可靠的评估工具提供借鉴与参考,进而促进我国共同决策临床实证研究的发展。  相似文献   

临床决策是医疗实践过程中的中心环节,直接关系到病人的治疗效果。在决策形成和实施过程中受到各方面因素的制约,主要包括两个方面医生自身方面因素,如医生素质、技术水平、决策思维能力等;医生自身以外的因素,如卫生政策、药品及其它医疗器材的流通环节、医保制度、医院经营方针,其它因素如社会、伦理、法律、经济等无不影响着医疗决策的正确实施。因此,要排除干扰,努力实施科学的临床决策,不仅要加强医生本身的素质和技术层面的培养和提高,更需要全社会、患者和广大公众给予理解和支持。  相似文献   

循证医学与卵巢癌的治疗   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
循证医学(EBM)是在临床实践中通过科学的方法获得最充分的证据,并对病人做出最佳诊治决策的一门科学。目前卵巢癌的治疗还存在很多不规范的问题,利用循证医学观点来指导卵巢癌治疗方案的选择,对保留患者的生育功能、生理功能、提高生活质量有着重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

In the delivery of clinical services, outcomes monitoring (i.e., repeated assessments of a patient's response to treatment) can be used to support clinical decision making (i.e., recurrent revisions of outcome expectations on the basis of that response). Outcomes monitoring can be particularly useful in the context of established practice research networks. This article presents a strategy to disaggregate patients into homogeneous subgroups to generate optimal expected treatment response profiles, which can be used to predict and track the progress of patients in different treatment modalities. The study was based on data from 618 diagnostically diverse patients treated with either a cognitive-behavioral treatment protocol (n = 262) or an integrative cognitive-behavioral and interpersonal treatment protocol (n = 356). The validity of expected treatment response models to predict treatment in those 2 protocols for individual patients was evaluated. The ways such a procedure might be used in outpatient centers to learn more about patients, predict treatment response, and improve clinical practice are discussed.  相似文献   

临床决策已成为临床医学的重要内容,但目前仍被许多妇产科医师所忽视。通过阐述临床决策的概念及意义,分析了羊水栓塞诊断中应该注意的问题,探讨了如何建立科学的羊水栓塞诊断的临床决策。为了提高临床决策的效率和准确性,减少或避免各种失误,需要建立一套合理的临床思维方法和科学的处理程序,为羊水栓塞的治疗提供科学的决策方法。  相似文献   

This study provides a reexamination of the role of different decisional strategies in facilitating progress in occupational decision making. Although the assumptions that a rational decision making style is the preferred mode of vocational functioning has been endorsed in a variety of career theories and interventions, there has been conflicting evidence about the validity of this assumption. To examine the role of different decisional approaches in the progress of making an occupational decision, the rational, intuitive, and dependent decision making style scores of 71 undergraduate students were used to predict progress in occupational decision making. The results of the regression analyses failed to provide support for the assumption that a rational style is the most effective in accomplishing this careerrelated task, but indicated strong support for the conclusion that the use of dependent decisional strategies is damaging, particularly in early stages of the decisional process.  相似文献   

Objective: To determine the usefulness of Q methodology to locate and describe shared subjective influences on clinical decision making among participant physicians using hypothetical cases containing common ethical issues.

Design: Qualitative study using by-person factor analysis of subjective Q sort data matrix.

Setting: University medical center.

Participants: Convenience sample of internal medicine attending physicians and house staff (n = 35) at one midwestern academic health sciences center.

Interventions: Presented with four hypothetical cases involving urgent decision making near the end of life, participants selected one of three specific clinical actions offered for each case. Immediately afterward and while considering their decision, each respondent sorted twenty-five subjective self-referent items in terms of the influence of each statement on their decision-making process. By-person factor analysis, where participants are defined as variates, yielded information about the attitudinal background the physicians brought to their consideration of each hypothetical case. We performed a second-order factor analysis on all of the subjective viewpoints to determine if a smaller core of shared attitudes existed across some or all of the four case vignettes. Factor scores for each item and post-sort comments from interviews conducted individually with each respondent guided the interpretation of ethical perspective used by these respondents in making clinical decisions about the cases.

Measurements and Main Results: Second-order factor analysis on seventeen viewpoints used by physicians in the four hypothetical urgent decision cases revealed three moderately correlated (r 2 < 40%) subjective core attitudinal guides used broadly among all the cases and among sixteen of the seventeen original factors. Across all the cases, our participants were guided in general by: (1) patient-focused beneficence, (2) a patient- and surrogate-focused perspective that includes risk avoidance, and (3) best interest of the patient guided by ethical values. Economic impact on the physician, expediency in resolution of the situation, and the expense of medical treatment were not found to be influential determinants in this study.

Conclusions: Q sorting and by-person factor analysis are useful qualitative methodological tools to study the complex structure of subjective attitudes that influence physicians in making medical decisions. This study revealed the subjective viewpoints used by our physician participants as they made ethically challenging treatment decisions. The three second-order factors identified here are grounded in current bioethical values as well as the personal traits of physicians. The participants' decision methods appear to resemble casuistry more than principle-based decision making. Generalizability of results will require further studies.  相似文献   

多种因素可以影响乳腺癌的临床决策。本文从四个方面进行探讨,期望探索出适合我国国情的乳腺癌临床诊疗模式。首先,多专科的良好协作是乳腺癌临床决策的前提;其次,陈旧的乳腺癌诊疗观念限制了科学的临床决策;第三,防御性医疗行为降低了乳腺癌临床决策的质量;第四,要考虑到社会心理因素在诊疗决策中的影响。  相似文献   

临床决策是临床工作的核心。科学正确的临床决策是保证医疗服务质量的重要环节。现代心理学对临床决策的研究发现,由于决策双思维系统运转模式的存在,一些心理效应常常会导致临床决策出现系统性偏差或失误,这些心理效应包括易得性、拆分效应、锚定效应、框架效应、单次-重复博弈效应和后见之明效应等。医务人员了解这些心理效应的表现,熟悉它们对临床决策的潜在影响,并在进行重大临床决策时有效避免之,将会显著提升临床决策质量。  相似文献   

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