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We show that perceived size of visual stimuli can be altered by matches between the contents of visual short-term memory and stimuli in the scene. Observers were presented with a colour cue (to hold in working memory or to merely identify) and subsequently had to indicate which of the two different-coloured objects presented simultaneously on the screen appeared bigger (or smaller). One of the two objects for size judgements had the same colour as the cue (matching stimulus) and the other did not (mismatching stimulus). Perceived object size was decreased by the reappearance of the recently seen cue, as there were more size judgement errors on trials where the matching stimulus was physically bigger (relative to the mismatching stimulus) than on trials where the matching stimulus was physically smaller. The effect occurred regardless of whether the visual cue was actively maintained in working memory or was merely identified. The effect was unlikely generated by the allocation of attention, because shifting attention to a visual stimulus actually increased its perceived size. The findings suggest that visual short-term memory, whether explicit or implicit, can decrease the perceived size of subsequent visual stimuli.  相似文献   

J I Laszlo  P Broderick 《Perception》1985,14(3):285-291
Earlier studies have shown the size of kinaesthetically presented two-dimensional movement patterns to be significantly overestimated. Whether this size overestimation is characteristic of the kinaesthetic system alone has not been established. Two experiments are reported which were designed to investigate size judgment made after kinaesthetic and visual pattern presentation and the effect of environmental cues on the perception of movement patterns. In experiment 1 patterns were presented kinaesthetically (experimenter guided hand movements around the outline of the pattern) or in combination with visual information given by a moving light (pinpoint light attached to the stylus which was moved around the pattern); visual and kinaesthetic cues were either congruent or conflicting with each other; and environmental cues were either present or absent. In experiment 2 static visual display was compared with visually traced pattern presentation, again with or without environmental cues. Overall the results showed that, regardless of experimental manipulation, in all cases where the information was given over time the subject perceived the pattern larger than reality. After static visual display, overestimation of size did not occur.  相似文献   

The useful visual field size at each fixation in a pattern was investigated by artificially supplying various visual field sizes on a TV display. The degree of pattern perception was measured in terms of recognition memory for pictures, and the speed of processing pictures was determined as a function of field size. A serious deterioration in the perception of pictures occurred as the visual field was limited to a small area around the fovea (about 3.3° × 3.3°), processing speed becoming extremely slow. Speed increased gradually as visual field size became larger, to reach a certain level beyond which no further increase was observed. The visual field size at this asymptotic speed was called the useful visual field and was found to be about 50% of the entire pattern size. Analysis of eye-movement records demonstrated that in terms of the useful visual field, the scanning characteristics of the eye over the pattern occurred in a heavily overlapping manner to assure good perception of the pattern.  相似文献   

Right hemisphere damaged patients with and without left visual neglect, and age-matched controls had objects of various sizes presented within left or right body hemispace. Subjects were asked to estimate the objects' sizes or to reach out and grasp them, in order to assess visual size processing in perceptual-experiential and action-based contexts respectively. No impairments of size processing were detected in the prehension performance of the neglect patients but a generalised slowing of movement was observed, associated with an extended deceleration phase. Additionally both patient groups reached maximum grip aperture relatively later in the movement than did controls. For the estimation task it was predicted that the left visual neglect group would systematically underestimate the sizes of objects presented within left hemispace but no such abnormalities were observed. Possible reasons for this unexpected null finding are discussed.  相似文献   

Why are human observers particularly sensitive to human movement? Seven experiments examined the roles of visual experience and motor processes in human movement perception by comparing visual sensitivities to point-light displays of familiar, unusual, and impossible gaits across gait-speed and identity discrimination tasks. In both tasks, visual sensitivity to physically possible gaits was superior to visual sensitivity to physically impossible gaits, supporting perception-action coupling theories of human movement perception. Visual experience influenced walker-identity perception but not gait-speed discrimination. Thus, both motor experience and visual experience define visual sensitivity to human movement. An ecological perspective can be used to define the conditions necessary for experience-dependent sensitivity to human movement.  相似文献   

The two-stage model of amodal completion or TSM (Sekuler & Palmer, 1992), and the ambiguity theory (Rauschenberger, Peterson, Mosca, & Bruno, 2004) provide conflicting accounts of the phenomenon of amodal completion in 2-D images. TSM claims that an initial mosaic (2-D) representation gives way to a later amodally completed (3-D) representation. Furthermore, the 2-D representation is accessible only prior to formation of the 3-D representation. On the other hand, the ambiguity theory claims that the 2-D and 3-D representations develop in parallel and that preference for one of the coexisting representations over the other may be subject to the influence of spatiotemporal context provided by other elements in the visual display. Our experiments support the claim that, once formed, both representations coexist, with spatiotemporal context potentially determining which representation is perceived.  相似文献   

On size, distance, and visual angle perception   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Summary In this section it is concluded that velocity is perceived directly and is dynamically conditioned by the structure and general properties of the visual field in which the movement occurs. The visual perception of velocity follows dynamic laws that are not immediately deducible from the velocity of the stimulus as physically defined. No physiological theory is offered but it is pointed out that the theory of physiological Gestalten is essentially correct in its basic assumptions concerning the perception of movement.The investigation has bearing on the problems of movement thresholds, movement after-images and the perception of time.This paper is abridged from a thesis presented to the faculty of the graduate school of Yale University in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. The study was started in the Psychological Institute of the University of Berlin in 1926–1927 and completed at Yale University in 1928–1929. The work at Berlin, which has been already reported [cf. J. F. Brown, Über gesehene Geschwindigkeit. Psychol. Forschg 10, 84–101 (1927)] was largely exploratory in nature; that at Yale was undertaken to fill the gaps in the experimental series and to control more completely the causal factors. For clarity of exposition the previously reported data are included here so far as necessary. The writer is indebted to Professor W. Köhler of the University of Berlin for suggesting the problem, and to Professors R. P. Angier, R. Dodge, and L. T. Spencer of Yale University for many valuable suggestions. He wishes also to express his thanks to the subjects who served in the experiments.  相似文献   

The perception of visual surfaces   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  

The idea that there are two distinct cortical visual pathways, a dorsal action stream and a ventral perception stream, is supported by neuroimaging and neuropsychological evidence. Yet there is an ongoing debate as to whether or not the action system is resistant to pictorial illusions in healthy participants. In the present study, we disentangled the effects of real and illusory object size on action and perception by pitting real size against illusory size. In our task, two objects that differed slightly in length were placed within a version of the Ponzo illusion. Even though participants erroneously perceived the physically longer object as the shorter one (or vice versa), their grasping was remarkably tuned to the real size difference between the objects. These results provide the first demonstration of a double dissociation between action and perception in the context of visual illusions and together with previous findings converge on the idea that visually guided action and visual perception make use of different metrics and frames of reference.  相似文献   

Research on distance perception has focused on environmental sources of information, which have been well documented; in contrast, size perception research has focused on familiarity or has relied on distance information. An analysis of these two parallel bodies of work reveals their lack of equivalence. Furthermore, definitions of familiarity need environmental grounding, specifically concerning the amount of size variation among different tokens of an object. To demonstrate the independence of size and distance perception, subjects in two experiments were asked to estimate the sizes of common objects from memory and then to estimate both the sizes and the distances of a subset of such objects displayed in front of them. The experiments found that token variation was a critical variable in the accuracy of size estimations, whether from memory or with vision, and that distance had no impact at all on size perception. Furthermore, when distance information was good, size had no effect on distance estimation; in contrast, at far distances, the distances to token variable or unknown objects were estimated with less accuracy. The results suggest that size perception has been misconceptualized, so that the relevant research to understand its properties has not been undertaken. The size-distance invariance hypothesis was shown to be inadequate for both areas of research.  相似文献   

The theory of direct perception suggests that observers can accurately judge the mass of a box picked up by a lifter shown in a point-light display. However, accurate perceptual performance may be limited to specific circumstances. The purpose of the present study was to systematically examine the factors that determine perception of mass, including display type, lifting speed, response type, and lifter's strength. In contrast to previous research, a wider range of viewing manipulations of point-light display conditions was investigated. In Experiment 1, we first created a circumstance where observers could accurately judge lifts of five box masses performed by a lifter of average strength. In Experiments 2–5, we manipulated the spatial and temporal aspects of the lift, the judgement type, and lifter's strength, respectively. Results showed that mass judgement gets worse whenever the context deviates from ideal conditions, such as when only the lifted object was shown, when video play speed was changed, or when lifters of different strength performed the same task. In conclusion, observers' perception of kinetic properties is compromised whenever viewing conditions are not ideal.  相似文献   

Two hypotheses implicit in the use of composite measures of attributions in tests of learned helplessness theory (but not implicit in the theory itself) were tested: the hypotheses that relationships between depression and the three types of attributions are equal in magnitude and are linear. To test these hypotheses, data from three published studies of the reformulated learned helplessness theory (Abramson, Seligman, & Teasdale, 1978) were reanalyzed. The hypothesis that internal, stable, and global attributions are equally related to depression was tested and rejected. Increases in internal attributions were related to depression in one sample; increases in global attributions for negative events were related to depression in two samples; stability attributions for negative events were unrelated to depression. The relationship between attributions and depression was nonlinear in one of the three populations studied. Finally, a third hypothesis was tested: the hypothesis that the relationship between attributions and depression is equal across samples. The hypothesis was rejected: attributions for negative events were more highly related to depression in a psychiatric sample than in normal populations. Implications of these findings for learned helplessness theory and for the use of composite measures of attributional style are discussed.  相似文献   

Research on distance perception has focused on environmental sources of information, which have been well documented; in contrast, size perception research has focused on familiarity or has relied on distance information. An analysis of these two parallel bodies of work reveals their lack of equivalence. Furthermore, definitions of familiarity need environmental grounding, specifically concerning the amount of size variation among different tokens of an object. To demonstrate the independence of size and distance perception, subjects in two experiments were asked to estimate the sizes of common objects from memory and then to estimate both the sizes and the distances of a subset of such objects displayed in front of them. The experiments found that token variation was a critical variable in the accuracy of size estimations, whether from memory or with vision, and that distance had no impact at all on size perception. Furthermore, when distance information was good, size had no effect on distance estimation; in contrast, at far distances, the distances to token variable or unknown objects were estimated with less accuracy. The results suggest that size perception has been misconceptualized, so that the relevant research to understand its properties has not been undertaken. The size-distance invariance hypothesis was shown to be inadequate for both areas of research.  相似文献   

Size perception is most often explained by a combination of cues derived from the visual system. However, this traditional cue approach neglects the role of the observer’s body beyond mere visual comparison. In a previous study, we used a full-body illusion to show that objects appear larger and farther away when participants experience a small artificial body as their own and that objects appear smaller and closer when they assume ownership of a large artificial body (“Barbie-doll illusion”; van der Hoort, Guterstam, & Ehrsson, PLoS ONE, 6(5), e20195, 2011). The first aim of the present study was to test the hypothesis that this own-body-size effect is distinct from the role of the seen body as a direct familiar-size cue. To this end, we developed a novel setup that allowed for occlusion of the artificial body during the presentation of test objects. Our results demonstrate that the feeling of ownership of an artificial body can alter the perceived sizes of objects without the need for a visible body. Second, we demonstrate that fixation shifts do not contribute to the own-body-size effect. Third, we show that the effect exists in both peri-personal space and distant extra-personal space. Finally, through a meta-analysis, we demonstrate that the own-body-size effect is independent of and adds to the classical visual familiar-size cue effect. Our results suggest that, by changing body size, the entire spatial layout rescales and new objects are now perceived according to this rescaling, without the need to see the body.  相似文献   

To understand the visual analysis of biological motion, subjects viewed dynamic, stick figure renditions of a walker, car, or scissors through apertures. As a result of the aperture problem, the motion of each visible edge was ambiguous. Subjects readily identified the human figure but were unable to identify the car or scissors through invisible apertures. Recognition was orientation specific and robust across a range of stimulus durations, and it benefited from limb orientation cues. The results support the theory that the visual system performs spatially global analyses to interpret biological motion displays.  相似文献   

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