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The organization of spatial and temporal information relative to memory-movement interactions was studied in a recall task. Stimuli consisted of four different configurations of eight dots, presented sequentially. In two configurations, the stimuli were spatiotemporal congruent, with (constant or variable) inter-stimulus distances corresponding to (constant or variable) inter-stimulus time intervals. In the other two configurations, the stimuli were spatiotemporal incongruent, with (constant or variable) inter-stimulus distances not corresponding to (variable or constant) inter-stimulus time intervals. After a learning phase consisting of 20 presentations of the target configuration, participants performed a series of pointing movements to reproduce both spatial and temporal characteristics of the stimulus 60 times in succession without ever re-examining the target configuration. Classically, in incongruent spatiotemporal conditions, the reproduction of, respectively, constant distances or constant time intervals are strongly disturbed by the simultaneous perception of variable inter-stimulus time intervals (Tau effect) or variable distances (Kappa effect). We assume that these spatiotemporal dependencies, which occur when the response relates to one dimension only, crucially depend on the non-integration of motoric aspects in memory.  相似文献   

Three experiments are reported that test the hypothesis that under certain conditions programming time is a function of the directional accuracy demand of a response, directional accuracy being quantified by the minimal angle subtended at the point of movement initiation by the circular targets within the response. Subjects in three simple reaction time experiments were required to tap a single target or a series of circular targets as rapidly as possible with a hand-held stylus. Experiments 1 and 3 showed that the subtended angle (SA) of a response can have a more powerful effect on programming time, as indexed by reaction time and premotor time, than the number of movement parts in the response. The results of Experiment 2 revealed that the locus of the directional accuracy effect was SA and not target size or movement distance. In all three experiments, response SA was a better predictor of programming time than was number of movement parts, target size, movement distance, movement time, and average movement velocity. The findings support the notion that constraints placed upon movement initiation by the directional accuracy demand of the task can play an important role in determining the length of the programming process.  相似文献   

Four target shapes, a control stimulus (circle) and one each representing geometrical (arrow), representational (car), and symbolic (cross) implied movement were presented to 10 children in each of five age groups of boys and girls (4, 6, 8, 10, 12 yr.) in an autokinetic movement task. While there were no differences in direction of perceived movement with regard to the control stimulus (circle), all other target shapes showed a decrease in the effects of implied movement with increases in age. The minor sex differences were not reported.  相似文献   

BackgroundRecent research has shown that internal (body-related) attention-focus instructions disrupt motor learning and performance, whereas paying attention to the environmental effects of movements (external focus) leads to better performance than an internal focus [see, for reviews, Wulf, G. (2007). Attentional focus and motor learning: a review of 10 years of research. E-Journal Bewegung und Training, 1, 4–14.; Wulf, G., &; Prinz, W. (2001). Directing attention to movement effects enhances learning: a review. Psychonomic Bulletin &; Review, 8, 648–660.]. However, Beilock's studies [Beilock, S. L., Bertenthal, B. I., McCoy, A. M., &; Carr, T. H. (2004). Haste does not always make waste: expertise, direction of attention, and speed versus accuracy in performing sensorimotor skills. Psychonomic Bulletin &; Review, 11, 373–379.] suggest that an internal focus is detrimental in experts but not in novices. Because detrimental effects of consciously attending to movements have generally been measured by performance scores such as accuracy scores or reaction times, it remains unclear how internal and external attentional-focus instructions influence movement kinematics when learning a new skill. To fill this gap, the present study investigated attentional-focus effects on a biomechanical level.MethodsA video of an expert juggler demonstrating a two-ball juggling task was presented to juggling novices. Experimental groups were given either body-related (internal group) or ball-related (external group) verbal instructions or no attention-guiding instructions (control group). In the retention phase without attention-guiding instructions, the body-movement and ball-flight aspects of performance focused on in the verbal instruction were subjected to biomechanical analyses.Results and ConclusionsJuggling performance improved equally in all three groups. However, internally vs. externally instructed acquisition phases had differential effects on the kinematics of the upper body as well as ball trajectories when performing the juggling task. Remarkably, ball trajectories in the control group who received no specific attentional cueing were similar to those in the externally instructed group. This suggests that task-relevant information is picked up independently of instructions, and that external instructions provide redundant information. Internal instructions for object-related tasks, however, may confront novice learners with the need to process additional information. As a result, task difficulty might be unnecessarily enhanced in an observational learning setting.  相似文献   

Selective reaching: evidence for action-centered attention.   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Most studies of selective attention briefly present static 2-dimensional stimuli and require arbitrary responses such as verbal naming or a keypress. Many of our perceptual-motor interactions with the environment, however, require reaching directly toward an object while ignoring other objects in the scene. A series of experiments examines selective attention in the latter reaching situation. Effects previously observed in the traditional experimental procedures were obtained, suggesting that the models developed (which propose inhibitory mechanisms, e.g.) apply to ecologically valid situations. Attention accesses action-centered internal representations during such tasks.  相似文献   

Motion is often thought of as the result of perceptual and higher cognitive processes. Although this idea has been investigated in myriad ways, the understanding of how movements tune cognitive processes is still in its infancy. The present study examined the nonaffective tuning of movements (arm extension and arm flexion) on heuristic and systematic processes. In a departure from recent cognitive tuning models, a model was derived that defines the tuning effect based on the movement goal and not on the movement position. In the experiment, participants moved toward an extension or flexion position with a movement goal which connected the movement with either an avoidance or an approach function. Analysis indicated that cognitive tuning is a product of the movement goal rather than the movement position. Implications for models of motor control as well as for cognitive tuning models are presented.  相似文献   

In a recent study Boulenger et al. (2006) found that processing action verbs assisted reaching movement when the word was processed prior to movement onset and interfered with the movement when the word was processed at movement onset. The present study aimed to further corroborate the existence of such cross-talk between language processes and overt motor behaviour by demonstrating that the reaching movement can be disturbed by action words even when the words are presented delayed with respect to movement onset (50 ms and 200 ms). The results are compared to studies that show language-motor interaction in conditions where the word is presented prior to movement onset and are discussed within the context of embodied theories of language comprehension.  相似文献   

Students participated in 3 experiments investigating the use of environment- and action-centered reference frames in selective reaching. They pointed to a green target appearing either with or without a red distractor. Target-distractor distance was manipulated, and distractor interference (difference between distractor trials and no-distractor trials) was measured in reaction time, movement time, and movement endpoint. Target-distractor distance determined the dominant frame of reference. Small distances evoked an environment-centered framework that encoded targets within an external context. Large distances evoked an action-centered framework that encoded targets relative to the start position of the hand. Results support the hypothesis that the brain represents spatial information in multiple frames of reference, with the dominant frame of reference being dependent on the task demands.  相似文献   

In a number of studies it is assumed that movement units (combinations of an acceleration and a deceleration in the tangential velocity profile) are a reflection of the control process. In this study, we investigated to what extent movement units reflect the oscillatory mechanics of the arm. At the ages of 16 and 20 weeks, the age range in which infants just begin to reach, a toy rattle was presented in three conditions, with varying external forces acting on the arm: sitting, sitting with masses on the forearms, and supine.The tangential velocity profile of the wrist during successful reaching attempts was decomposed to a gravity-dependent (φv), and a gravity-independent component (φh), and movement units were determined in the total velocity profile and in its components. Significant effects of experimental condition, but not age, were found for movement time, number of movement units and duration ofphi;hcomponent units. It was shown that these effects can be accounted for by a simple mechanical model, in which the arm is approximated as a harmonic oscillator governed by, gravity, the moment of inertia of the arm, and the stiffness of the shoulder joint. Stiffness values, derived from fitting the model to the data, were in the order of 1 Nm/rad.From these results we conclude that movement units in an infant's initial attempts at reaching are to a large extent a reflection of the mechanical context.  相似文献   

The question of whether changes seen in simple reaction time (SRT) as a function of response complexity (i.e., number of movement parts) should be considered as differences in the time needed to centrally program a motor response was addressed. Using a large-scale tapping response, 14 subjects contacted from one to five targets positioned in a straight line, while a second group of 14 subjects executed 90 degrees changes in direction in striking the targets. Results revealed that mean SRT and mean premotor time increased linearly as the number of movement parts increased, regardless of whether changes in movement direction had to be programmed, with the greatest increase occurring between one-, and two-part responses. Increases in motor time were not sufficient to account for the sizeable SRT effect. These findings support the position of increased central programming time for more complex responses, and also help establish some of the boundaries of the complexity effect.  相似文献   

Within the area of simulated (imagined) versus actual movement research, investigators have discovered that mentally simulated movements, like real actions, are controlled primarily by the hemispheres contralateral to the simulated limb. Furthermore, evidence points to a left-brain advantage for accuracy of simulated movements. With this information it could be suggested that, compared to left-handers, most right-handers would have an advantage. To test this hypothesis, strong right- and left-handers were compared on judgments of perceived reachability to visual targets lasting 150 ms in multiple locations of midline, right- and left-visual field (RVF/LVF). In reference to within group responses, we found no hemispheric or hand use advantage for right-handers. Although left-handers revealed no hemispheric advantage, there was a significant hand effect, favoring the non-dominant limb, most notably in LVF. This finding is explained in regard to a possible interference effect for left-handers, not shown for right-handers. Overall, left-handers displayed significantly more errors across hemispace. Therefore, it appears that when comparing hand groups, a left-hemisphere advantage favoring right-handers is plausible.  相似文献   

Although the ability to stand from a seated posture is relevant for clinical practice, there are few studies investigating the process of acquisition and refinement of the motor components involved in sit-to-stand movement (STS) in children. Therefore, this longitudinal study aims to describe kinematic characteristics of the STS movement in children from 12 to 18 months, and also to investigate the relationship between changes in STS movement and childrens’ daily-life mobility. Ten healthy children were evaluated at 12,13,14,15 and 18 months of age. A motion analysis system was used to measure total duration of STS movement and angular movements of each joint, and frequencies of successful and unsupported STS were obtained. The Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory was used to assess childrens’ daily-life mobility. Results showed that children tend to increase the frequency of successful trials over the months by reducing the total duration and decreasing peak ankle dorsiflexion and trunk flexion during STS. Children also started to stand up from chair with decreased trunk flexion angle among ages. At the end of the STS, we observed decreases in trunk flexion and knee flexion over age. Furthermore, kinematic characteristics that reflect improvements in STS movement are related to better performance of functional skills and decreased level of assistance provided by the caregiver in daily-life mobility of younger children. However, the strength of these associations decreases from 14 months of age onwards.  相似文献   

In two experiments induced movement of an object was produced to demonstrate that movement of the background influences the perceived localization of the object in space. The Roelofs (asymmetry) effect could be used to explain only part of the shift in localization in Experiment1. The asymmetry effect was excluded from Experiment2 by the procedure employed. It was concluded that the Roelofs effect is a sufficient, but not necessary, condition for the effects of induced movement to occur, and that relative displacement of the target and background plays an important part in the illusion. Furthermore, it was shown that the effects of induced movement can occur even when the border of the background remains stationary.  相似文献   

Adopting an external focus of attention (EF) has been found beneficial over internal focus (IF) for performing motor skills. Previous studies primarily examined focus of attention (FOA) effects on performance outcomes (such as error and accuracy), with relatively less emphasis on movement coordination. Given that human movements are kinematically and kinetically abundant (Gefland & Latash, 1998), FOA instructions may change how motor abundance is utilized by the CNS. This study applied the uncontrolled manifold analysis (UCM) to address this question in a reaching task. Healthy young adults (N = 38; 22 ± 1 yr; 7 men, 31 women) performed planar reaching movements to a target using either the dominant or nondominant arm under two different FOA instructions: EF and IF. Reaching was performed without online visual feedback and at a preferred pace. Joint angles of the clavicle-scapula, shoulder, elbow, and wrist were recorded, and their covariation for controlling dowel endpoint position was analyzed via UCM. As expected, IF led to a higher mean radial error than EF, driven by increases in aiming bias and variability. Consistent with this result, the UCM analysis showed that IF led to higher goal-relevant variance among the joints (VORT) compared to EF starting from the first 20% of the reach to the end. However, the goal-irrelevant variance (VUCM)—index of joint variance that does not affect the end-effector position—did not show FOA effects. The index of stability of joint coordination with respect to endpoint position (ΔV) was also not different between the EF and IF. Consistent with the constrained action hypothesis, these results provide evidence that IF disrupted goal-relevant joint covariation starting in the early phases of the reach without affecting goal-irrelevant coordination.  相似文献   

《Acta psychologica》1987,66(3):237-250
An experiment was performed to test the predictions made by the subprogram retrieval model (Sternberg et al. 1978) for the production of rapid movement sequences, and to search for the maximum number of elements that can be planned in advance of sequence execution. Subjects performed rapid sequences of 1 to 8 finger taps under both simple and choice RT conditions. Increasing sequence length had no effect on choice RT, but caused simple RT to increase nonlinearly, with the greatest effect between 1 and 3 taps. Intertap intervals did not increase as a function of sequence length. The sequences' timing and force patterns suggested that sequences up to 8 taps were organized as single performance units. The results indicate a fundamental difference between activating a plan for a single tap and a sequence plan in which several elements must be coordinated and timed. Increasing the number of elements beyond 3 does not necessarily add processing steps in the selection and activation of the sequence plan, at least for sequences involving the repetition of a simple element.  相似文献   

The autokinetic movement responses of 10 American, 10 Chinese, and 10 Iranian students to religious symbols and control stimuli were measured. The hypothesis of differential direction response as a function of the target shapes was supported. Iranian students did show a pattern of responding significantly different from the American and Chinese.  相似文献   

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