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本研究从直销的特点出发,运用自编“直销人员心理品质测评量表”对183名优秀直销商进行测试,并对测试结果进行因素分析,抽取出优秀直销商必备的五项主要心理品质,即自我控制力、成就动机、社会适应性、推销技巧、职业兴趣。  相似文献   

在当前心理学教学中,教材中关于心理品质的定义、提法存在问题,影响了心理学知识的传授和理解。为此本文就心理品质的定义、心理品质的内容、诸心理品质定义的订正进行了探讨。从内涵上说,心理品质应有两层含义;心理质量和心理指标;从外延上说,心理品质有广义、狭义之分。对心理品质的所有概念,都应当作中性词处理。  相似文献   

现代高科技战争不仅要求作战人员既有较强的体能而且要有较好的心理素质。根据笔者多年的教学训练经验,结合军体训练特点和内容,阐述了军体训练对培养军人作战心理品质的有效作用。  相似文献   

以948名贫困大学生为正式被试,调查其积极心理品质的结构。经过探索性因子分析、结构方程模型及最小空间法验证,结果表明:贫困大学生积极心理品质量表由智慧勇气、仁爱、公正节制、卓越四个因子组成,包含24种积极心理品质。量表α系数为0.95,分半信度为0.88;四个因子方差累积贡献率为61.16%。异化系数为0.19,区域指数为0.96。该量表具有良好的信效度,是调查贫困大学生积极心理品质的良好工具。在智慧勇气、仁爱、公正节制三个因子方面,贫困大学生得分均显著高于非贫困大学生得分。感恩、善良、爱心、虔诚和公平是贫困大学生优势积极心理品质;创造力、审美、领导力、好学和坚持是其弱势积极心理品质。  相似文献   

中外教会历史说明,教会健康发展与教牧同工的素质是密切相关的,中国教会的复兴祈望神兴起大批优秀的教牧同工。现实的近况:1.从数量上看:"庄稼多、作工的人少!"尽管这三十年各地神学院校、培训中心竭尽全力,培养了许多神学人才,但与需要量相比仍有杯水车薪之嫌。近几年不少地方顺利实现新老交替,但也有些地方却是青黄不接。2.教会事工日益繁重,教牧人员往往"上至海陆空、下到阴沟洞",事无巨细包括牧养、行政甚至工程等工作都需要教牧人员兼顾,以致教牧人员所有时间全被教会事务占据,未能有时间好好培育灵命,更没时间顾及家庭需要。休息对教牧人员来说几乎被看为"体贴肉体"的"奢侈品"。  相似文献   

倪光道 《天风》2011,(6):14-15
无论是旧约圣经还是新约圣经,都有关于人们发怨言的记录,与此相关的经文至少有22处之多。我们看看今日教会,信徒发怨言的现象也屡见不鲜。对此,圣职人员应当怎么办?要耐心教导会众"不要发怨言"这是圣职人员起码的职责。因为保罗对提摩太说过:"你要以宣读、劝勉、教导为念,直等到我来。"(提前4:1 3)那么,教导信徒"不要发怨言"为什么要耐心呢?  相似文献   

教师鼓励与学生自我期望心理品质关系的研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
梁宁建  殷芳 《心理科学》1999,22(3):218-221
对662名初中学生和86名教师进行自我期望心理品质测验,探讨中学生和教师在期望与实际具有的心理品质方面存在的差异。结果表明:从总体上看,教师鼓励与学生自我期望心理品质之间差异明显,特别在独创性、好奇与冒险性方面存在显著性差异。  相似文献   

运动员的心理品质会影响运动成绩,不同的运动项目要求不同的心理品质,这一点已为体育界人士所公认。所谓心理品质,既包括心理过程(知、情、意)的动力特点,也包括稳定的个性心理特  相似文献   

目的:编制初中生积极心理品质量表。方法:在广泛阅读国内外相关文献的基础上,参考前人的研究成果构建初中生积极心理品质的结构模型,再通过开放式调查和专家审定的基础上,形成初中生积极心理品质问卷。对预试问卷进行测试,通过项目分析、探索性因素分析和验证性因素分析,形成初中生积极心理品质量表。最后将正式问卷进行测试,统计初中生积极心理品质量表的重测信度。结果:(1)根据前人研究经验,构建初中生积极心理品质结构模型,经过项目分析和探索性因素分析确定量表含有24个一阶因子和6个二阶因子,并进行验证性因素分析,该量表的结构模型拟合较好。(2)信度检验,Cronbach’s Alpha系数、分半信度和重测信度相关系数一阶因素分别为0.71~0.90,0.72~0.90,0.70~0.91;二阶因素分别为0.89~0.92,0.84~0.93,0.86~0.92;总量表分别为0.98,0.97和0.92。结论:(1)在前人研究的基础上建构了初中生积极心理品质的结构模型,并运用验证性因素分析进行验证和修正,证明该结构模型拟合较好。(2)初中生积极心理品质量表的信度和效度经多种方法检验,相关指标达到了心理测量学的要求。(3)初中生积极心理品质结构模型由六大类美德和24项积极心理品质构成,初中生积极心理品质量表由24个一阶因子,6个二阶因子组成,共计176个条目。  相似文献   

驾驶员心理品质检测中的杆型人形图法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在汽车驾驶员心理品质检测研究中,我们根据数学中的多变量图分析方法,并汲取简笔画的优点,用19个人形图变量代表检测所得的17种心理品质数据,来具体、形象地再现每个驾驶员心理品质变量的整体关系。这对于检测结果的分类或进行系统化分析具有重要的实用意义。  相似文献   

The impact of adaptive psychological traits on sales performance is not well understood. In spite of sound theoretical foundations, initial research efforts have yielded inconsistent, inconclusive and generally disappointing results. In this paper, we examine how three adaptiveness traits (self-monitoring, androgyny and intrinsic reward orientation) impact sales performance. We conclude that, when sales performance is viewed as a multidimensional construct, relationships suggested by theory are revealed. In addition, the impacts of these traits are shown to differ somewhat depending on the salesperson's gender. Findings help to clarify the confusion in the literature and reveal a highly focused impact of adaptiveness on performance. Important implications for sales managers and adaptiveness research in marketing are highlighted.  相似文献   

International corporations are increasingly concerned about expatriate executive attrition. There is an urgent need to develop methods for identifying the antecedents to successful expatriate performance. In choosing sales managers for international assignments, special attention should be paid to the candidate’s psychological hardiness and cultural distance between the home and host countries. An empirical study was conducted based on 544 responses from expatriate sales managers originating from 62 countries who are serving in 77 different countries around the globe. Using hierarchical regression, the authors tested main effects of both cultural distance and psychological hardiness on the sales manager’s ability to adapt to a new cultural environment. In addition, psychological hardiness was tested as a moderator of the relationship between cultural distance and sociocultural adaptation. Results suggest that practitioners now include both scales as determinants for justification when selecting expatriate sales assignments. Practically speaking, with both global cultural distance and hardiness scores in hand, companies can better select appropriate personnel who will be able to cope with cultural differences in international placements. Finally, this research provides the first known scholarly study of psychological hardiness in the marketing and sales literature.  相似文献   

人才派遣员工的心理契约管理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王晓庄 《心理科学》2006,29(6):1428-1430
人才派遣新型就业用工形式在我国迅速发展,随着人才派遣员工规模不断扩大,人才派遣员工管理逐渐成为理论和实践领域面临的一个现实课题。本文从人才派遣员工心理契约特征分析入手,提出了派遣员工心理契约管理的意义,以及树立新的组织心理契约管理观念、重视派遣员工心理契约的形成管理和过程管理、重视派遣员工心理契约管理的差异化、探索对派遣员工的有效激励模式和规范人才派遣机构的管理行为和用人单位的使用行为等管理思路。  相似文献   

概化理论是现代心理与教育测量理论之一,可应用在各种人事测评中,如表现性评价、多源评估、心理测验、结构化面试、水平测试、工作分析、评价中心等.与经典测量理论相比,概化理论应用于人事测评,表现出较强的优势,能够同时考察多种因素、确定多个维度权重等,其应用对象主要包括两大类,即企业和机构.概化理论应用于人事测评,存在应用领域、样本数据、测评效度和微观分析等问题.  相似文献   

The training of fighter plane pilots is expensive, yet instruments are rarely used to screen potential pilots prior to flight training. Hence, a measure that can differentiate fighter pilots from other military personnel is needed. This study was an investigation of personality traits that are contributing factors for becoming a pilot in the Air Force, which could serve as screening tools. One hundred and twelve males were recruited from the Air Force university in Taiwan. Follow-up was conducted 2 years later with 73 students who became pilots and 39 who became ground personnel. A further 53 male military personnel of the same age served as controls. Structural equation modeling was used to show that pilots were more extraverted and less neurotic than the ground personnel, and more extraverted than the controls. Paternal overprotection had an indirect association with becoming a pilot through the mediation of the personality traits of extraversion and neuroticism. Mental health was not associated with becoming a pilot. The optimal cut-off point of 4/5 on a scale of extraversion resulted in a high sensitivity (96%) for differentiating between fighter pilots and controls. Independent of psychosocial stressors (mental health), extraversion is associated with the biological mechanisms of an individual, and plays a unique role in the process of becoming a pilot. Therefore, an extraversion index can be used for screening potential military pilots prior to flight training, as a means of reducing costs and managing human resources.  相似文献   

Recent research indicates that managers are not aware of the latest developments in theory regarding the use of personality inventories in personnel selection decisions. This article presents a systematic approach to selecting traits for use in personnel selection that is based on recent developments in hierarchical personality models. Results from a study of real estate sales associates indicate that the new approach does have much to offer the area. Results are discussed along with managerial implications.  相似文献   

Although individual assessment is a thriving area of professional practice in industry, it receives little, if any, attention from textbooks on industrial psychology or personnel management. This article is an attempt to establish individual assessment's place in the history of personnel selection, and to examine why the practice has survived despite receiving little attention in research and graduate training. It is argued that the clinical, holistic approach that has characterized individual-assessment practice has survived primarily because the "elementalistic" testing approach, focusing on traits and abilities, has often been dismissed as inadequate for addressing the complexities of the executive profile. Moreover, public displeasure with standard paper-and-pencil testing in the 1960s and 1970s made the holistic approach to assessment an attractive, alternative. The article contrasts individual assessment practice with the current state of knowledge on psychological assessment and personnel decision making. Like psychotherapy in the 1950s, individual psychological assessment appears to have achieved the status of functional autonomy within psychology.  相似文献   

We studied the predictive effects of psychological hardiness on successful selection in a United States federal tactical law enforcement assessment and selection (A&S) program. Seventy‐one male experienced law enforcement personnel participated in a week‐long, physically and psychologically rigorous A&S course. Dispositional Resilience Scale (DRS‐15) Total Hardiness scores predicted selection in this select sample. Age and cognitive ability moderated the predictive effects of psychological hardiness such that hardiness predicted selection in younger candidates and candidates with higher cognitive ability. Similar findings were obtained for DRS Commitment. DRS‐15 Control facet also differentiated selection in this sample but the predictive effects did not hold when age and cognitive ability were controlled. Findings extend the application of the DRS‐15 to law enforcement personnel selection and highlight the importance of examining moderating effects of psychological hardiness.  相似文献   

为了寻找离退休人员生命质量 (QOL)影响因素 ,指导有限资源投入 ,本研究以问卷形式对该单位 1 4 2名离退休人员、66名在职人员随遇抽样调查。从物质生活状态、躯体功能、心理功能和社会功能四个方面对其QOL进行了多维评估研究。结果显示 :①该单位离退休人员QOL与在职人员有明显差异 ,其中离退休人员QOL总评、躯体、心理、社会功能评分等均低于在职人员 ;②躯体功能与离退休人员年龄呈负相关性趋势 ,其他维度与年龄相关性不显著。因此 ,离退休人员QOL总体上低于在职人员 ,因子、维度及QOL总评之间的相关性也有其特点 ,且年龄不是差异的决定因素 ,应通过改善主导需要的相关因子等手段提高离退休人员QOL ,为全社会的可持续发展服务。  相似文献   

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