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工作倦怠和工作投入的整合   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
工作投入是近期组织心理学家引入的一个新概念,这是一种重视员工职业发展的积极心理学视角的工作追求,它与传统职业健康心理学工作倦怠的整合研究,越来越引起人们的关注。积极心理学研究取向推动了整合研究的实施;能量和认同量表为整合研究提供了测量工具;员工健康的积极和消极双过程模型是整合研究的主要模型;整合研究具有重要的理论和实践价值,更有利于提高员工的身心健康。今后的整合研究应当在研究方法上增加访谈研究、个案研究和追踪研究;在研究内容上多研究积极心理因素;在研究范围上加强跨文化的比较研究;在整合途径上进一步对现有的整合模型进行改进和创新。  相似文献   

选取50名高一学生,选用反义词对和人工词对两种学习材料,赋予学习材料不同的分值,探讨项目难度和分值对学习者集中学习或分散学习选择及其效果的影响,并通过问卷调查被试对不同学习方式的认识。结果发现:(1)只有44%的被试报告分散学习更有效,被试总体上也更多地选择了集中学习;(2)在困难项目上,分散学习比集中学习的效果更好;(3)被试对容易项目更多选择停止学习,对困难项目更少选择停止学习,特别是困难高分项目;对困难项目比对容易项目更多选择分散学习,而在困难与容易项目上,对集中学习的选择不存在显著差异。  相似文献   

学习动机、元认知对学业成就的影响   总被引:24,自引:2,他引:22  
张宏如  沈烈敏 《心理科学》2005,28(1):114-116
以202名大学生为被试,测量研究了学习动机、元认知与学业成就的关系.结果表明,元认知、学习动机与学业成就之间是相关的。认知驱动力、自我提高内驱力与元认知和学业成就呈正相关,而附属内驱力与学业成就呈负相关。认知驱动力和自我提高内驱力对学业成就和元认知存在显著回归效应。  相似文献   

叙事研究有着从客观主义到构成主义(constructivism)的认识论背景,叙事研究的方法分为编码主题分析和意义诠释两大类,最后重点总结了叙事研究的方法论意义。叙事研究是研究人类思想的一条可供选择的道路,而纯粹的客观的量化的研究方法去研究人类思想的某些方面并非是最好的选择。叙事研究中研究者和被试互相影响,叙事研究的平民性,叙事研究打开了研究者的思路,丰富了研究者对问题的理解。  相似文献   

我国少数民族心理研究的文献计量分析2000~2005   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
对2000~2005年发表在国内期刊关于民族心理研究的182篇论文进行文献计量分析。少数民族心理研究论文总体数量较少,以心理学9种期刊为例,不到6年发文总量的1%;研究领域广泛,研究对象几乎包括了所有少数民族;关注群体主要集中于中学生和大学生,研究方法以测量为多,研究思路以少数民族与汉族比较为主,民族、年级和性别成为考察差异的三个纬度。存在的主要问题是:研究方法单一,模仿国外研究和运用国外量表的研究较多,具有创新性的研究较少,对理论问题关注不足;研究人员主要分布在西北和西南地区,6年中发文量在3篇以上的作者不足10人,没有形成稳定的研究群体  相似文献   

Two experiments investigated recall following two study conditions, (1) repeated test: a study trial followed by multiple recall trials, and (2) repeated study: multiple study trials with no tests. At a retention interval of 5 minutes, repeated study produced a higher level of recall than repeated test. When the retention interval was extended, forgetting was much more rapid in the study condition, with the repeated test manipulation leading to higher recall at an interval of 7 days. We conclude that study and test trials have different effects upon memory, with study trials promoting memory acquisition, and test trials enhancing the retrieval process itself, which protects against subsequent forgetting.  相似文献   

Two experiments investigated recall following two study conditions, (1) repeated test: a study trial followed by multiple recall trials, and (2) repeated study: multiple study trials with no tests. At a retention interval of 5 minutes, repeated study produced a higher level of recall than repeated test. When the retention interval was extended, forgetting was much more rapid in the study condition, with the repeated test manipulation leading to higher recall at an interval of 7 days. We conclude that study and test trials have different effects upon memory, with study trials promoting memory acquisition, and test trials enhancing the retrieval process itself, which protects against subsequent forgetting.  相似文献   

采用眼动记录技术,探讨不同学习目标条件下词对位置对学习时间分配的影响。实验结果发现:在高学习目标条件下,词对位置对项目选择存在显著影响,对自定步调学习时间不存在显著影响;在低学习目标下,词对位置对项目选择和自定步调学习时间均不存在显著影响。表明议程驱动和习惯性反应是影响学习时间分配的两种认知机制,学习者会根据学习情境采用议程驱动或习惯性反应来有效地进行学习时间分配,以最小的努力实现学习目标。  相似文献   

人类视空间工作记忆分离的证据与机制   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
视空间工作记忆系统是否可以分离及分离的内在机制是当前工作记忆研究中的一个热点问题,神经心理学、潜变量、双分离、发展以及脑机制的研究所提供的大量实验结果证明,人类的视空间工作记忆存在分离。一些研究进一步揭示,编码方式的不同和注意参与机制的差异可能是导致视空间工作记忆分离的两个主要原因。这篇文章对已往实验结果进行了论述、分析和评价,指出了以往研究尚未解决的问题以及未来研究应该关注的方向  相似文献   

Self-regulation of study activities is a constant in the lives of students—who must decide what to study, when to study, how long to study, and by what method to study. We investigated self-regulation in the context of a common study method: flashcards. In four experiments we examined the basis and effectiveness of a metacognitive strategy adopted almost universally by students: setting aside (dropping) items they think they know. Dropping has a compelling logic—it creates additional opportunities to study undropped items—but it rests on two shaky foundations: students’ metacognitive monitoring and the value they assign to further study. In fact, being allowed to drop flashcards had small but consistently negative effects on learning. The results suggest that the effectiveness of self-regulated study depends on both the accuracy of metacognitive monitoring and the learner's understanding, or lack thereof, of how people learn.  相似文献   

Self-regulation of study activities is a constant in the lives of students - who must decide what to study, when to study, how long to study, and by what method to study. We investigated self-regulation in the context of a common study method: flashcards. In four experiments we examined the basis and effectiveness of a metacognitive strategy adopted almost universally by students: setting aside (dropping) items they think they know. Dropping has a compelling logic - it creates additional opportunities to study undropped items - but it rests on two shaky foundations: students' metacognitive monitoring and the value they assign to further study. In fact, being allowed to drop flashcards had small but consistently negative effects on learning. The results suggest that the effectiveness of self-regulated study depends on both the accuracy of metacognitive monitoring and the learner's understanding, or lack thereof, of how people learn.  相似文献   

学习时间分配中的学习决策及其如何影响后续学习绩效是学习心理研究的重要领域。但对惩罚学习条件下,学习者是如何调整学习策略的,以及这种调整与后续学习绩效之间的关系尚不明确。本研究发现,奖励和惩罚条件下,参与者都会更多地选择高分的项目进行学习。在学习时间分配上,奖励组和惩罚组都倾向于将时间更多地分配到困难和高分的项目。但惩罚条件下参与者对低分项目的选择比例显著低于奖励条件,这表明惩罚影响学习者的学习策略。而且惩罚条件也影响低分且容易项目的学习效率。有趣的是,奖励和惩罚虽然对学习策略产生影响,却对学习绩效影响不显著,这表明在不同的学习条件下,不同的学习策略可以获得相似的学习成绩。  相似文献   

赵沛 《管子学刊》2007,(3):110-116
随着今文经学的复兴,晚清学术在今古文学的激烈冲突中展开。在这一过程中,《左传》研究一直是核心的内容。晚清《左传》研究主要呈现出刘逢禄、康有为为代表的今文学与章太炎为代表的古文学两大学派争论的态势。廖平的《左传》研究,与两派的学术路径既有联系,有呈现出不同的学术特色,在晚清学术研究中独树一帜,值得关注。  相似文献   

Self-regulated study involves many decisions, some of which people make confidently and easily (if not always optimally) and others of which are involved and difficult. Good study decisions rest on accurate monitoring of ongoing learning, a realistic mental model of how learning happens, and appropriate use of study strategies. We review our research on the decisions people make, for better or worse, when deciding what to study, how long to study, and how to study.  相似文献   

The aim of this two-wave questionnaire study with a 4-week interval among 391 Dutch university students was to test a gain cycle of positive emotions, personal resources, and study engagement. As a theoretical basis, this study drew on the broaden-and-build (B&B) theory and the conservation of resources (COR) theory. More specifically, it was hypothesized that the experience of positive emotions predicts students’ future personal resources and study engagement. Moreover, it was expected that there is a longitudinal relationship between personal resources and study engagement. Furthermore, we hypothesized that positive emotions, personal resources, and study engagement are reciprocally related. Results, obtained by means of structural equation modeling, confirmed both causal (except for the positive relationship between positive emotions and study engagement) and reciprocal hypotheses, thereby successfully integrating the B&B theory with the COR theory.  相似文献   

The study behaviours of students can be assessed from several perspectives, such as what study strategies are used, the total number of hours of study, and the distribution of studying over time. Here, we present the results of a survey study that considered each of these perspectives by asking students to report the what, how much, and when of their study behaviours over the course of a semester. As important, to better understand students’ use of study strategies, we also had students report at the beginning of the semester how they intended to study and their beliefs about the effectiveness of a variety of common strategies. Our results indicate that during the semester, students rely on relatively ineffective strategies and mass their studying the day or two before an exam. However, students intended to begin studying earlier and to use a mix of effective and ineffective study habits. Despite their use of some ineffective strategies, they did have a relatively accurate assessment of which strategies were less versus more effective. Taken together, our results suggest that students have some excellent intentions but may falter because massing study the evening before an exam limits their use of more effective study strategies.  相似文献   

采用眼动记录技术,操作三种词对位置,探讨议程与习惯性反应对学习时间分配的影响。实验一设置无时间限制条件,结果发现,20名大学生被试均优先选择左边的项目,项目的自定步调学习时间不存在词对位置效应。结果表明,被试的习惯性反应影响项目选择,不影响自定步调学习时间。实验二设置有时间限制条件,结果发现,20名大学生被试均优先选择容易项目并分配更多的时间学习容易项目,且容易项目的选择存在词对位置效应。结果表明,议程驱动主导被试的项目选择和自定步调学习时间,但不能完全消除习惯性反应对项目选择的影响。  相似文献   

当代大学生学习适应的初步研究   总被引:67,自引:0,他引:67  
调查并分析了影响大学生学习适应的因素,经过因素分析表明:影响大学生学习适应的主要因素有学习动机、学习能力、环境因素、教学模式、社交活动等五个方面。男女生及四类院校之间的学生学习适应状况存在显著差异。  相似文献   

江勇  孔克勤 《心理科学》2006,29(6):1508-1511
日本人格心理学领域近几年的研究表明,对“大五”和“自我”的研究是其主要关注点,同时还重视对人际关系的研究,强调理论研究的应用化取向与研究方法的多元化和整合。但目前日本人格心理学研究仍然存在一定局限,对此加深认识,具有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

目前针灸临床研究存在的问题及对策   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
针对目前针灸临床研究中存在的系列问题,提出用系统工程的理论和方法加以解决。其对策包括:整体考察与多因素研究;探讨有关因素的主次作用及交互关系;攻克优化组合方案;研究的数学化;加强机能状态与疗效关系的研究;综合研究,系统管理;系统开放,联用它法。同时认为,倡导用包括系统科学在内的自然辨证法的观点和方法指导针灸临床的研究,将促进研究的深化和导致研究质的飞跃。  相似文献   

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