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玫瑰花香气对学习记忆的影响一.引言嗅觉刺激常引起人的情绪变化.适宜的嗅觉刺激可使人产生欣快的心理反应,同时,在神经系统对嗅觉信息的整合和分析过程中,与来源于其它感受器的信息也会发生相互作用,从而对脑的机能活动产生有益的影响。因此,香气特质的应用正在逐...  相似文献   

个体情绪加工具有其生物基础,也受到文化因素的影响。社会性和非社会性情绪刺激加工可能存在不同的机制。然而,以往大多数研究主要关注负性情绪的加工差异。因此,本研究选取大学生被试20名采用图片感知范式(Picture Perception Paradigm)探讨个体在加工社会性和非社会性正性情绪刺激的脑电位活动差异。研究发现:(1)在P1成分上,情绪图片诱发的波幅要显著大于中性图片。(2)在N2成分上,正性社会情绪图片诱发的波幅要显著大于正性非社会情绪图片(3)在早期时间窗中,由正性社会情绪图片与非社会情绪图片诱发的LPP波幅差异不显著。在中期时间窗中,正性社会情绪图片与非社会情绪图片的LPP波幅差异显著。晚期时间窗中,正性社会情绪图片诱发的LPP波幅显著大于正性非社会情绪图片。由此,相对于非社会性请刺激来说,正性社会情绪刺激在加工上可能占据优势地位。  相似文献   

嗅觉是人类进化而来解决生存与繁衍问题的“适应器”。大量研究证实嗅觉影响个体的人际知觉与道德判断,影响其亲社会行为、风险行为与消费行为的决策,但尚无文献系统探讨这些影响背后的作用机制。在综述各类研究的基础上,从种系发展、身体、情绪、认知与人际等维度出发,整理与总结了进化假说、生理学假说、情绪诱导假说、具身认知假说和社会建构假说等5种假说,在多个层面对嗅觉影响社会判断与决策的作用机制进行了阐释。当前研究存在着个体对气味的感知存在差异,不同研究对气味的剂量、暴露时间等操纵方式不同,未充分考虑嗅觉的跨通道信息整合等问题,未来应加强嗅觉在跨通道、本土化和跨文化,以及社会生活,比如消费心理等领域的相关研究。  相似文献   

婴儿社会性参照能力发展研究的进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
婴儿的社会性参照能力是个体早期发展中重要的心理能力之一,是个体经验习得的重要方式。目前关于婴儿社会性参照能力的界定有两类:即强调母婴之间以情绪信号为社会性信息进行参照和强调通过情绪、动作等外界信号进行信息参照。自八十年代以来,研究者开始对婴儿社会性参照能力的发展与表现进行研究,从不同角度考察了婴儿参照行为中对情绪信号的感知、辩识和理解及其情绪交往中的行为特点,并初步探讨了婴儿社会性参照的可能机制与过程。婴儿社会性参照能力的研究主要有视崖、陌生人情境和新异玩具三种范式。由于在理论和方法上尚存在一些值得注意的问题,婴儿社会性参照能力的研究还有待进一步深入。  相似文献   

陆芳 《心理科学进展》2017,(7):1162-1171
作为父母情绪社会化的一种重要途径,亲子间有关情绪的谈话对儿童个性和社会性的发展意义重大。研究发现,包括文化、种族、社会经济地位在内的外部社会环境,儿童的年龄、性别和依恋等特点,以及父母的依恋、养育观念和心理健康状况等因素,都会对父母与儿童之间有关情绪的谈话产生影响。未来亲子间有关情绪的谈话研究应更多考虑儿童长远发展的社会文化适应性视角,加强对非言语信息、亲子间交互回应行为的分析,拓展儿童中期和青春期的探讨,并进一步细化各项研究指标的差异水平、考虑中介因素的作用。  相似文献   

婴儿运动经验与母婴社会性情绪互动行为的关系   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
本研究考察了个体早期自主位移运动——爬行经验与母婴社会性情绪互动的关系。对79名8、9个月婴儿的母亲进行访谈,结果发现,在8个月婴儿中,婴儿会爬与否对母婴社会性情绪互动行为有一定作用,但这种作用没有达到显著水平;在9个月时,婴儿是否会爬则对母婴社会性情绪互动行为有显著影响,表明爬行经验对母婴社会性情绪互动行为的影响存在累积效应与年龄特异性。  相似文献   

情绪信息对人类的生存非常重要, 研究者一直在探讨情绪产生的本质问题:情绪的产生是“自动”的吗?已有的大量实验证据表明, 情绪可以被快速识别, 甚至在非注意条件下或者无意识条件下, 情绪信息也可以被大脑(尤其是杏仁核)识别。大量实验结果分析了情绪自动化加工的表现, 并探讨了情绪自动化加工的大脑机制:皮层下通路。视觉信息在视网膜接受后, 经上丘脑与枕核传递至杏仁核, 这条通路被称为皮层下通路, 负责情绪信息的快速化加工。但是新的研究对已有的实验范式与技术手段进行了质疑, 反驳情绪的自动化加工, 并质疑皮层下通路存在的可能性。为了进一步理清情绪加工的本质与大脑机制, 今后的研究应当采用更为严格地控制意识、注意资源的实验范式, 以及采用更精确、更高时间与空间分辨率的技术手段。  相似文献   

采用事件相关电位技术探究不同年龄群体社会与非社会正性情绪刺激加工是否具有差异。研究发现:在P2成分上,成人在情绪刺激下诱发的波幅大于儿童;N2成分上,儿童在三种情绪刺激条件下波幅无显著差异。成人在社会性情绪刺激条件下诱发的脑电波幅大于在中性情绪刺激条件和非社会情绪刺激条件下诱发波幅;在LPP早、中、晚时间窗中,儿童的LPP波幅大于成人。由此,儿童与成人在社会和非社会正性情绪刺激加工上存在明显差异,说明成人比儿童对社会性情绪刺激更加敏感且在情绪加工中耗费较少的认知资源。  相似文献   

采用Jacoby的加工分离程序,对记忆测验中图片的社会性特征与非社会性特征的外显记忆现人隐记忆贡献进行分离,考察了对社会性信息的加工中内隐记忆的贡献是强于对非社会性信息加工的内隐记忆贡献,还是相反。结果表明:对社会性信息的加工中内隐记忆的贡献强于对非社会性信息加工的内隐记忆贡献。另外在本实验研究结果的启发下,提出了内隐和外显记忆的“钢筋水泥”结构性模型的假设。  相似文献   

社会性共同提取诱发遗忘以提取诱发遗忘的研究范式为基础,重点关注在社会情境中说者对听者记忆的影响,是社会性记忆研究的一个新领域。基于对不同材料类型社会性共同提取诱发遗忘研究的梳理,探讨听者参与程度、说者特征及说者与听者之间的社会关系、提取时的搜索策略、情绪效价以及个体差异因素对社会性共同提取诱发遗忘产生的影响。研究表明,社会性共同提取诱发遗忘在群体中对促进群体成员记忆趋同方面的作用以及在连续社会互动中的可传递性对集体记忆的形成有重要贡献。未来研究仍需对社会性共同提取诱发遗忘的影响因素、产生机制及相关脑机制以及应用方面做进一步探索。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT— Olfaction and emotion are distinctively different systems. Nevertheless, there are reasons to suspect that they influence each other on the social level. Functionally, olfactory chemosensory communication is used by a wide range of animals to convey individual and group identity, as well as attraction or repulsion. Anatomically, the olfactory brain overlaps with the socioemotional brain, and is believed to have contributed to the evolution of the latter. Little is known about how the functional and anatomical links are manifested in behavior, however. Using human olfaction as a model, we demonstrate that chemosensory recognition of individuals—one of the most ubiquitous forms of social communication—is interconnected with both the cognitive and the visual processing of emotion. Our results provide the first behavioral evidence for mechanisms being shared by a sensory system and emotion.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT— Integrating emotional cues from different senses is critical for adaptive behavior. Much of the evidence on cross-modal perception of emotions has come from studies of vision and audition. This research has shown that an emotion signaled by one sense modulates how the same emotion is perceived in another sense, especially when the input to the latter sense is ambiguous. We tested whether olfaction causes similar sensory modulation of emotion perception. In two experiments, the chemosignal of fearful sweat biased women toward interpreting ambiguous expressions as more fearful, but had no effect when the facial emotion was more discernible. Our findings provide direct behavioral evidence that social chemosignals can communicate emotions and demonstrate that fear-related chemosignals modulate humans' visual emotion perception in an emotion-specific way—an effect that has been hitherto unsuspected.  相似文献   

The sense of olfaction is often reported to have a special relationship with emotional processing. Memories triggered by olfactory cues often have a very emotional load. On the other hand, basic negative or positive emotional states should be sufficient to cover the most significant functions of the olfactory system including ingestion, hazard avoidance, and social communication. Thus, we investigated whether different basic emotions can be evoked in healthy people through the sense of olfaction. We asked 119 participants which odor evokes one of the six basic emotions (happiness, disgust, anger, anxiety, sadness, and surprise); another 97 participants were asked about pictures evoking those emotions. The results showed that almost every participant could name an olfactory elicitor for happiness or disgust. Olfactory elicitors of anxiety were reported less frequently, but they were still reported by three-quarters of the participants. However, for sadness and anger only about half of the participants reported an olfactory elicitor, whereas significantly more named a visual cue. Olfactory emotion elicitors were mainly related to the classes of culture, plants, and food, and visual emotion elicitors were largely related to humans. This data supports the hypothesis that in the vast majority of people, few differentiated emotions can be elicited through the olfactory channel. These emotions are happiness, disgust, and anxiety.  相似文献   

The Basic-Systems Model of Episodic Memory   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
ABSTRACT— Behavior, neuropsychology, and neuroimaging suggest that episodic memories are constructed from interactions among the following basic systems: vision, audition, olfaction, other senses, spatial imagery, language, emotion, narrative, motor output, explicit memory, and search and retrieval. Each system has its own well-documented functions, neural substrates, processes, structures, and kinds of schemata. However, the systems have not been considered as interacting components of episodic memory, as is proposed here. Autobiographical memory and oral traditions are used to demonstrate the usefulness of the basic-systems model in accounting for existing data and predicting novel findings, and to argue that the model, or one similar to it, is the only way to understand episodic memory for complex stimuli routinely encountered outside the laboratory.  相似文献   

Emotion recognition, the most reliably validated component within the construct of emotional intelligence, is a complicated skill. Although emotion recognition skill is generally valued in the workplace, "eavesdropping," or relatively better recognition ability with emotions expressed through the less controllable "leaky" nonverbal channels, can have detrimental social and workplace consequences. In light of theory regarding positive emotion in organizations, as well as research on the consequences of perceiving negative information, the authors hypothesized and found an interaction between nonverbal channel and emotional valence in predicting workplace ratings from colleagues and supervisors. Ratings were higher for eavesdropping ability with positive emotion and lower for eavesdropping ability with negative emotion. The authors discuss implications for the complexity of interventions associated with emotional intelligence in workplace settings.  相似文献   

This paper suggests that indulgent consumption could be used as an emotion regulation strategy and that it could have positive implications for well‐being. “Emotional fortification,” where the use of one emotion regulation strategy is correlated with the use of another strategy, is confirmed in this study. People who frequently use emotion reappraisal are more likely to use indulgence than people who use this reappraisal strategy infrequently. Study 1 shows the correlation between indulgence and reappraisal. Study 2 examines the implications of indulgence and reappraisal for life satisfaction and personal well‐being. These findings suggest that indulgence is not always harmful for people and society.  相似文献   

Perceptual information is important for the meaning of nouns. We present modality exclusivity norms for 485 Dutch nouns rated on visual, auditory, haptic, gustatory, and olfactory associations. We found these nouns are highly multimodal. They were rated most dominant in vision, and least in olfaction. A factor analysis identified two main dimensions: one loaded strongly on olfaction and gustation (reflecting joint involvement in flavor), and a second loaded strongly on vision and touch (reflecting joint involvement in manipulable objects). In a second study, we validated the ratings with similarity judgments. As expected, words from the same dominant modality were rated more similar than words from different dominant modalities; but – more importantly – this effect was enhanced when word pairs had high modality strength ratings. We further demonstrated the utility of our ratings by investigating whether perceptual modalities are differentially experienced in space, in a third study. Nouns were categorized into their dominant modality and used in a lexical decision experiment where the spatial position of words was either in proximal or distal space. We found words dominant in olfaction were processed faster in proximal than distal space compared to the other modalities, suggesting olfactory information is mentally simulated as “close” to the body. Finally, we collected ratings of emotion (valence, dominance, and arousal) to assess its role in perceptual space simulation, but the valence did not explain the data. So, words are processed differently depending on their perceptual associations, and strength of association is captured by modality exclusivity ratings.  相似文献   

不同情绪调节方式对记忆的影响   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
李静  卢家楣 《心理学报》2007,39(6):1084-1092
个体的情绪调节与其认知的关系是近年来情绪和认知领域中一个重要的前沿研究热点。本研究则通过两个阶段的实验,较系统地探讨了两种情绪调节分类下的四种情绪调节方式(原因调节——评价忽视和评价重视,反应调节——表情抑制和表情宣泄;减弱调节——评价忽视和表情抑制,增强调节——评价重视和表情宣泄)对记忆(视觉和听觉记忆)及记忆评价(即元记忆,视觉和听觉元记忆)的影响。结果表明:(1)评价忽视和评价重视对记忆没有影响;表情抑制和表情宣泄对记忆影响显著(表情抑制影响了听觉记忆,表情宣泄影响了视觉和听觉记忆);(2)评价忽视、评价重视和表情宣泄对元记忆没有影响;而表情抑制影响听觉元记忆;(3)不同情绪调节方式对记忆的影响无性别和专业上的差异,但对元记忆虽无性别差异上的影响,却存在专业上的差异。总之,个体不同的情绪调节方式会对记忆和元记忆产生不同影响  相似文献   

陶新华  朱艳  张卜林 《心理学报》2007,39(6):1074-1083
以苏州市聋生这一特殊群体为研究对象,运用问卷调查和半结构式访谈的方法,探讨其心理健康状况及影响因素。结果发现,聋生的心理健康程度不及正常学生,表现在总分以及躯体症状、焦虑担忧、抑郁三个分量表上的得分均高于正常学生。学业压力、应对方式、内部成就动机和外部成就动机是影响聋生心理健康的重要因素,聋生所感受到的社会支持程度要高于正常学生,聋生的成就动机也高于正常学生,而面对压力,他们的行为应对方式却较多退缩性的。造成这种矛盾的原因是家庭和学校教育中对聋生自强、自立、自理能力培养不到位,助长了聋生因残疾而产生的惰性和依赖性行为,对聋生的心理健康产生了消极影响。社会应提倡更多的正常人学习手语,让聋生有更好的社会交往环境  相似文献   

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