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The effects of irradiation with electrons having energies in the range 0.7–1.7 MeV on the dark conductivity and the network of hydrogenated amorphous silicon (a-Si:H) thin films have been studied. The dark conductivity measurements show that electron irradiation leads to a degradation in the dark conductivity, with the degradation being greater at lower electron energies. The Raman results suggest that the irradiation induces structural defects in the a-Si:H films, with the lower energy electrons producing more disorder in the amorphous network.  相似文献   

The decay of the peak intensity of the electron spin resonance signal associated with light-induced dangling bonds in a-Si(H) has been measured at room temperature as a function of time during very long intervals such as 3400 days after the intense pulsed illumination was turned off. The decay curve is fitted by an exponential function with a decay constant of 393 days and reaches a steady-state value smaller than the value taken before illumination. Such a long-term metastability of light-induced dangling bonds in a-Si:H is discussed in terms of reconstruction of the amorphous network occurring through hydrogen motion.  相似文献   

Helium retention in metals is related to their atomic structure and the type of defects they contain. In order to investigate the dependence of helium retention on structure, amorphous Fe79B16Si5 and crystalline FeBSi alloys were irradiated by helium ions at room temperature. In the crystalline alloy irradiated with 5 keV He+ ions, three types of helium trapping sites were found: surface defects produced by the irradiation, interstitial-type dislocation loops, and voids. Although these defects did not exist in the amorphous FeBSi alloy, we did observe thermal desorption peaks related to all three types. In addition, helium was released during the crystallization of amorphous FeBSi that had been irradiated by He+ ions.  相似文献   

The glass-forming ability (GFA) of metallic alloys is associated with a topological instability criterion combined with a new parameter based on the average electronegativity difference of an element and its surrounding neighbours. In this model, we assume that during solidification the glassy phase competes directly with the supersaturated solid solution having the lowest topological instability factor for a given composition. This criterion is combined with the average electronegativity difference among the elements in the alloy, which reflects the strength of the liquid. The GFA is successfully correlated with this combined criterion in several binary glass-forming systems.  相似文献   

He and H can be produced by nuclear reaction. In addition, energetic particles of He and T and D, which are isotopes of H, in the plasma of fusion reactor induce the damage in the surface of materials, such as erosion, sputtering and blistering. To investigate the interaction of He and D, amorphous and crystalline FeBSi alloys were irradiated by He or D2 or He?+?D2 ions with 5?keV. The results of thermal desorption indicated that more He atoms were trapped in both the amorphous and crystalline alloy irradiated by He ions than D atoms in those alloys irradiated by D2 ions. Although He and D atoms were trapped in FeBSi alloy irradiated by He?+?D2 ions, desorption peaks of D2 and He were separated. Absorption of D in an amorphous alloy was influenced by the presence of He; however, absorption of He was independent of D2 irradiation in both alloys.  相似文献   


The tensile properties of TiNi43.5Fe6.5 alloy samples having different grain sizes (0.16, 0.35, 1.7, 2.3, and 3.9?μm) and fabricated by severe plastic deformation and annealing were investigated. It was observed that both the strength and the elongation of the alloy increase with a decrease in the grain size until the average size reaches 1.7?μm. However, for average grain sizes smaller than 1.7?μm, the elongation decreases continuously with further grain refinement. On the other hand, the strain-hardening rate does not decrease with the decrease in plasticity but instead increases slightly. The poor ductility of the ultrafine-grained TiNi43.5Fe6.5 alloy is accompanied by a high degree of strain hardening. This newly observed ductility behaviour of the ultrafine-grained TiNi43.5Fe6.5 alloy is elucidated by characterising the intragranular and grain boundaries.  相似文献   

The effects of crystallization on the electron work function and corrosion resistance of Zr65Al7.5Cu17.5Ni10 amorphous alloys have been studied. The single-phase amorphous alloy exhibits a better corrosion resistance and has a higher work function than the partially and fully crystallized alloys with the same composition. The close relationship between corrosion resistance and work function indicates that the Kelvin probe technique can be a powerful tool for characterizing the corrosion behaviour of amorphous alloy on an electronic level.  相似文献   


The morphological modification of the W surface induced by specimen irradiation with 5?keV He atoms was studied at the atomic level using low-temperature ?eld ion microscope techniques. The major impact-induced damage mode on W {110} surface was found to be the formation of adatom sets produced by radiation-generated self-interstitial atoms emerging at the surface. The long-range interaction was revealed by evaluating the experimental probability density of finding two radiation-generated adatoms at a given separation in comparison with the probability density corresponding to a random distribution of adatoms. The statistically significant difference of these distributions consists of the absence or severe reduction of observed adatom pairs with separations in the range 5–11?Å. The experimental distribution was characterised by a relatively open arrangement of adatoms with the closest separation of about 11?Å. Our field ion microscope observations also reveal the self-organisation of radiation-generated W adatoms into atomic chains with the lateral interatomic separation substantially larger than the nearest-neighbor distance. These effects indicate the existence of long-range interactions between radiation-generated adatoms and radiation-generated self-interstitial atoms in the subsurface region.  相似文献   

Riek S 《Human movement science》2004,23(3-4):431-445
This experiment investigated whether the stability of rhythmic unimanual movements is primarily a function of perceptual/spatial orientation or neuro-mechanical in nature. Eight participants performed rhythmic flexion and extension movements of the left wrist for 30s at a frequency of 2.25 Hz paced by an auditory metronome. Each participant performed 8 flex-on-the-beat trials and 8 extend-on-the-beat trials in one of two load conditions, loaded and unload. In the loaded condition, a servo-controlled torque motor was used to apply a small viscous load that resisted the flexion phase of the movement only. Both the amplitude and frequency of the movement generated in the loaded and unloaded conditions were statistically equivalent. However, in the loaded condition movements in which participants were required to flex-on-the-beat became less stable (more variable) while extend-on-the-beat movements remained unchanged compared with the unload condition. The small alteration in required muscle force was sufficient to result in reliable changes in movement stability even a situation where the movement kinematics were identical. These findings support the notion that muscular constraints, independent of spatial dependencies, can be sufficiently strong to reliably influence coordination in a simple unimanual task.  相似文献   


Research has shown that lymphocytes of high-distress patients have reduced DNA repair relative to that of low-distress patients and healthy controls. Furthermore, deficits in repair are associated with an increased risk of cancer. Using and academic stress model, we hypothesized that students would exhibit lower levels of Nucleotide Excision Repair (NER) during a stressful exam period when compared to a lower stress period. Participants were 19 healthy graduate level students. NER was measured in lymphocytes using the unscheduled DNA synthesis (UDS) assay with slide autoradiography. Contrary to prediction, mean values for NER significantly increased during the higher stress period relative to the lower stress period controlling for background differences in repair. Furthermore, lymphocytes had significantly increased repair of endogenous damage during the higher stress period. Stress appears to directly increase DNA repair. Additionally, stress may increase DNA repair indirectly by increasing damage to DNA.  相似文献   

We sought to better understand the impact of leader emotional stability on follower burnout. Drawing on conservation of resources theory, we examined the emotional exhaustion consequences of supervisor-subordinate emotional stability congruence. Study 1 consisted of 299 light construction and maintenance workers and their supervisors. Study 2 was comprised of 294 workers at a city permits office and their supervisors. As hypothesized, both samples revealed that the highest levels of subordinate emotional exhaustion occurred when both supervisor and subordinate emotional stability were low. Our polynomial regression results suggest that the effects of leader and follower emotional stability are not simply a matter of similarity; subordinates low in emotional stability are disproportionately and negatively impacted by a low-emotional stability leader.  相似文献   

This study explores tempo stability and accuracy while comparing two subject-response modes: the traditional metronomic pendular adjustment task versus tap-tempo input. Experiment 1 questioned if a single correct tempo measurement consistently emerges from repeated listenings, and if subject-response mode affects tempo stability and accuracy. Experiment 2 assessed incremental improvement between two repeated sessions, and questioned the incidence of self-pacing or congruent effects of potential delays on tempo responses. While single-session studies have shown that listeners find some tempos more enjoyable, can notice discrete differences in pace, and can remember rhythmic speed over prolonged periods of time, the current study employs a multiple-session format focusing on two diametrically opposed subject-response modes. The findings show that tempo responses by listeners without formal music training were consistent across listening sessions, and that responses from tap-tempo input were significantly more stable and accurate than responses from metronomic pendular adjustment tasks.  相似文献   

电子媒体设备日益流行的同时, 睡眠问题也日趋加重, 主客观研究均发现电子媒体使用会对睡眠产生消极影响.背后的加工机制涉及睡眠置换,唤醒,屏幕光和电磁辐射.可以通过睡眠卫生教育,限制电子媒体使用,屏蔽屏幕蓝光等方式进行干预.未来研究需要从理论机制的整合,因果关系的确定,测量方式的客观化和标准化,使用情况细化和本土化研究方面做努力.  相似文献   


The critical current densities of superconducting thin films and their dependence on the film structural characteristics has been a major research interest for more than a decade. Controlling this relationship is crucial if large-scale high-quality YBa 2 Cu 3 O 7 (YBCO) tapes are to be produced. Two major keystones of information have been established in this field. Firstly, there is a direct relationship between the critical current density and the grain-boundary angle in polycrystalline YBCO films. Grain boundaries with a mismatch angle higher than 5° usually result in reduced critical current densities. This detrimental effect of large-angle grain boundaries to the quality of YBCO films has been attributed to strain fields resulting from such grain boundaries. Secondly, the quality of the YBCO film can be enhanced by straining its lattice in specific direction. Here, we report, for the first time, direct experimental results coupling local grain orientation and local strain maps of thin YBCO films deposited on a (001) biaxially textured nickel substrate. These results were correlated to the quality of the film and showed how grain structure in the nickel substrate affects the grain structure in the YBCO films even in the presence of several buffer layers. More importantly, the data show that highquality films with high critical current densities can be produced, in spite of large-angle grain boundaries, if the film is compressed in the range of 0.5% strain normal to the a axis.  相似文献   

This study examined if subcortical stroke was associated with impaired facial emotion recognition. Furthermore, the lateralization of the impairment and the differential profiles of facial emotion recognition deficits with localized thalamic or basal ganglia damage were also studied. Thirty-eight patients with subcortical strokes and 19 matched normal controls volunteered to participate. The participants were individually presented with morphed photographs of facial emotion expressions over multiple trials. They were requested to classify each of these morphed photographs according to Ekman's six basic emotion categories. The findings indicated that the clinical participants had impaired facial emotion recognition, though no clear lateralization pattern of impairment was observed. The patients with localized thalamic damage performed significantly worse in recognizing sadness than the controls. Longitudinal studies on patients with subcortical brain damage should be conducted to examine how cognitive reorganization post-stroke would affect emotion recognition.  相似文献   

Goyon et al. [J. Goyon, A. Colin, G. Ovarlez, A. Ajdari and L. Bocquet, Nature 454 (2008) p. 84] have shown that nonlocal effects in the rheology of foams may be accounted for by a modification of the standard (Herschel–Bulkley) model. Here we consider the effects of this modification on the continuum theory of 2d shear localisation. We compute results for various examples, showing that the localisation length is increased, and explore the limiting cases of zero and infinite nonlocality length ξ. Velocity profiles are shown to take an exponential form in the case where ξ is large. As the formulation of the nonlocal continuum model presented in this article is general, it may also be directly applicable to other complex fluids.  相似文献   

Background/objectives: Intrusions are a type of workplace interruption defined as unexpected interpersonal contact that disrupts workflow. Drawing from the Job Demands-Resources model of work stress, we examined how two personal resources – extraversion and emotional stability – influence relations among intrusions and strain outcomes.

Design/methodology: Self-reported, online questionnaire data were collected from two samples; 323 faculty and staff from a university (sample 1) and 574 full-time employees recruited from an online crowdsourcing forum (sample 2).

Results: In sample 1 extraversion was positively related to intrusions, whereas in sample 2, extraversion and emotional stability were negatively related to intrusions. There were no interactive effects of personality on relations among intrusions and strain outcomes in sample 1. In sample 2, low emotional stability strengthened relations among intrusions and work tension. Additionally, intrusions were negatively associated with stress for individuals high on emotional stability. Finally, introverts experienced less stress in response to intrusions.

Conclusion: Taking a person-situation interactionist approach, we examined personal resources that may mitigate interruption-related strain. Our findings suggest that for employees high in emotional stability, interruptions may be both less detrimental and, in some cases, beneficial. This study has practical implications for the structuring of work environments to mitigate strain and maximize person-environment fit.  相似文献   

We report the study of the effect of strain rate on the compressive behaviour of a Zr56Al10.9Ni4.6Cu27.8Nb0.7 bulk metallic glass. The results indicated that both the strength and plasticity of the glass increase with increasing the strain rate up to 10?5 s?1, above which the strength and plasticity start to decrease. The enhanced mechanical properties under a strain rate of 10?5 s?1 are due to the emission/propagation rate of the shear bands being consistent with the strain rate.  相似文献   

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