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The aim of this research is to compare the types and functions of repetitions in two different corpora, one constituted of verbal interactions between adults and multiply-handicapped adolescents, the other between adults and young children of the same mental age as the adolescents. Our overall aim is to observe whether the communicative (linguistic and pragmatic) behaviour of adults varies according to the interlocutor and, if it does vary, in what ways. The main results show that adults do not use repetition strategy with the same aims according to the interlocutor. When interacting with a child, repetitions form part of a strategy of linguistic ‘tutoring’ which allow the child to take on board progressively more complex linguistic constructions; it also enriches exchanges from a pragmatic point of view. On the other hand, when adults communicate with multiply-handicapped adolescents, their main aim is the maintaining of dialogue.  相似文献   

Previous research has reported that aspects of social cognition such as nonliteral language comprehension are impaired in adults with Tourette’s syndrome (TS), but little is known about social cognition in children and adolescents with TS. The present study aims to evaluate a measure of sarcasm comprehension suitable for use with children and adolescents (Experiment 1), and to examine sarcasm comprehension in children and adolescents with TS-alone or TS and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD; Experiment 2). In Experiment 1, the measure of sarcasm comprehension was found to be sensitive to differences in nonliteral language comprehension for typically-developing children aged 10 to 11 years old compared to children aged 8 to 9 years old; the older group performed significantly better on the comprehension of scenarios ending with either direct or indirect sarcastic remarks, whereas the two age groups did not differ on the comprehension of scenarios ending with sincere remarks. In Experiment 2, both the TS-alone and TS+ADHD groups performed below the level of the control participants on the comprehension of indirect sarcasm items but not on the comprehension of direct sarcasm items and sincere items. Those with TS+ADHD also performed below the level of the control participants on measures of interference control and fluency. The findings are discussed with reference to the possible contribution of executive functioning and mentalizing to the patterns of performance.  相似文献   

Numerous developmental studies assess general cognitive ability, not as the primary variable of interest, but rather as a background variable. Raven’s Progressive Matrices is an easy to administer non-verbal test that is widely used to measure general cognitive ability. However, the relatively long administration time (up to 45 min) is still a drawback for developmental studies as it often leaves little time to assess the primary variable of interest. Therefore, we used a machine learning approach – regularized regression in combination with cross-validation – to develop a short 15-item version. We did so for two age groups, namely 9 to 12 years and 13 to 16 years. The short versions predicted the scores on the standard full 60-item versions to a very high degree r = 0.89 (9–12 years) and r = 0.93 (13–16 years). We, therefore, recommend using the short version to measure general cognitive ability as a background variable in developmental studies.  相似文献   

We aimed to analyze the construct and concurrent validity of the Rapid Visual Information Processing (RVP), Paired Associates Learning (PAL), Reaction Time (RTI), and Spatial Working Memory (SWM) tests from the Cambridge Neuropsychological Test Automated Battery (CANTAB®). Inclusion criteria were checked in a first session. The CANTAB and additional pencil-and-paper tests were administered within 1 week. The participants (aged 69–96 years) were 137 Portuguese adults without neuropsychiatric diagnoses and 37 adults with mild-to-moderate Alzheimer’s disease dementia. Comparisons were made between the CANTAB tests and between these tests and the Rey Complex Figure Test (RCFT), Verbal Fluency (VF) test, and some Wechsler Memory Scale-III and Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-III subtests. Most intra-test correlations were stronger than the CANTAB inter-test correlations. The RVP correlated more with VF animals (.44), the PAL with RCFT immediate recall (–.52), the RTI with RVP mean latency (.42), and the SWM with Spatial Span backward (–.39).  相似文献   

Objectives: To extend the validation of the Profile of Mood States-Adolescents (POMS-A: J. Sports Sci. 17 (1999) 861–872) from adolescent to adult populations.Design: A strategy of assessing the invariance of the POMS-A factor structure among disparate samples and of testing relationships with concurrent measures was used.Methods: The POMS-A was administered to 2549 participants from four samples: adult athletes prior to competition (n=621), adult student athletes in a classroom (n=656), adolescent athletes prior to competition (n=676), and adolescent students in a classroom (n=596). A subset of 382 adult student athletes was used to test the criterion validity of the POMS-A.Results: Confirmatory factor analysis provided support for the factorial validity of a 24-item, six-factor model using both independent and multi-sample analyses. Relationships between POMS-A scores and previously validated measures, that were consistent with theoretical predictions, supported criterion validity.Conclusion: Evidence was found in support of the psychometric integrity of the POMS-A when extended from adolescent to adult populations.  相似文献   


According to interaction ist theory, responses of professionals to potential deviance will vary by characteristics of the event, characteristics of the biography and training of the observer, and characteristics of the organization in which the process occurs. Hypotheses concerning recognition and reporting of child abuse were tested using a factorial survey design. A probability sample of nurses (N = 1,038) judged vignettes, in which case characteristic variables were systematically manipulated, and responded to a questionnaire on their background, professional work, and organization. Case characteristics involving type and level of seriousness of abuse, perpetrator status, and perpetrator psychology had the greatest effects on the average recognition and reporting scores, as shown in the analysis using ordinary least squares regression. Contrary to interaction ist predictions, only a small additional amount of the variance was accounted for when the nurses’ characteristics and organizational characteristics were added to the equation. Implications of the findings for further research and for social policy and practice concerning child abuse are discussed.  相似文献   

PurposeThe aim of the research was to determine: (a) how parents react to their child’s stuttering, (b) what stress coping strategies they utilise, as well as (c) whether stress coping style depends on parents’ reaction to their child’s stuttering.MethodsThe research involved 23 mothers and 23 fathers of children who stutter (CWS) at the age of three to six years old. The Reaction to Speech Disfluency Scale (RSDS), developed by the authors, was used in the research. To determine the parents’ coping the Coping Inventory in Stressful Situations (CISS) by N.S. Endler and D.A Parker was applied.ResultsThe strongest reactions are observed on the cognitive level. Stronger cognitive, emotional and behavioural reactions are observed in the mothers towards their disfluently speaking sons and in the fathers towards their daughters. Having analysed the profiles of coping styles, it can be noticed that the task-oriented coping is most frequently adapted by the fathers. The mothers most often use the avoidance-oriented coping. No relevant correlation was observed between the fathers’ coping style and their reactions to the child’s disfluent speech. As far as the mothers are concerned, it has been proved that an increase in behavioural reactions correlates with the avoidance-oriented coping.ConclusionThe cognitive reactions of the parents’ towards their child’s stuttering were most frequent, while the emotional ones were the least frequent. Confronted with a stressful situation, the fathers most often adapt the task-oriented coping, whereas the mothers use the avoidance-oriented coping. Educational objectives: the reader will be able to (1) learn what the key reactions of parents to their children’s stuttering are, (2) describe stuttering as a stress factor for the parents, (3) describe the factors which influence parents’ reactions to their child’s stuttering and their coping style.  相似文献   

Children and adolescents account for half of all cases of type 1 diabetes, which is one of the most common pediatric chronic diseases. The disease’s effects and the treatment/disease-management protocols patients must follow can lead to a marked deterioration in quality of life, especially for adolescents. Patients’ illness perceptions have been shown to impact their quality of life, but do other people’s illness perceptions also have an effect? The present study addressed this question by investigating possible links between the quality of life of adolescent patients with type 1 diabetes and illness perceptions, measured in terms of the adolescents’ self-perceptions, parents’ self-perceptions, and the adolescents’ evaluations of their parents’ perceptions. We asked 41 adolescents (M = 13.9 years; SD = 1.9) who had been undergoing treatment for type 1 diabetes for at least a year (M = 6.6 years; SD = 3.7) to complete the Diabetes Quality of Life for Youth Questionnaire-Short Form (DQOLY-SF) and the Illness Perception Questionnaire-Revised (IPQ-R). They completed the IPQ-R twice, once to state their own opinions (self-report) and once to give their evaluations of their parents’ perceptions. At the same time, but in a different room, their parents (N = 47) completed the IPQ-R (self-report). Quality of life was predicted by gender (p < .05) and by the parents’ emotional representations (p < .01) and perceptions of consequences (p < .01) as evaluated by the adolescents. This new approach provides new insights into the impact of parents’ perceptions on the quality of life of adolescents with type 1 diabetes.  相似文献   


This investigation examined the relationships among a teacher's creative thinking, playfulness, and degree of sensitivity in their interactions with preschool children during play. These variables were operationally defined as scores on measures of ideational fluency, playful disposition, and quality of self‐reported play interaction. The Multidimensional Stimulus Fluency Measure, the Adult Behavior Inventory, and the Play Interaction Scale were administered to 46 students and 37 teachers of three‐ and four‐year old children. The Play Interaction Scale, developed for this study, was based on environmental components identified in earlier research as facilitative of play. Subjects indicated the frequency with which they might respond in a structured, elaborative, or unstructured manner to 20 vignettes describing the play of children. Results indicated that the expected positive relationships among creativity, playfulness, and an elaborative teaching style were found only for the students. The predicted negative relationships between creativity and a structured interaction style were found only for the experienced teachers.  相似文献   

Fifteen subjects scaled monochromatic lights ranging from 460 to 640 nm by assigning percentages to the names blue, green, yellow, and red, representing the proportion of these hues perceived in the lights. The resulting hue-naming functions were compared to those predicted from the opponent-chromatic response functions of Werner and Wooten’s (1979b) proposed average observer. The agreement between the two sets of functions was reasonably good, which strengthens the validity of their average observer.  相似文献   

Discussions about the effects of television violence often fail to clearly define the nature of the effect and of the televised material. This article reviews the various facets of the issue and of the research that deals with them, focusing on one specific aspect that is often regarded as most crucial in public discussions and among researchers: the effect of actually televised entertainment programs on the aggressive behavior of children and adolescents. There is little research on that aspect of the issue and, in contrast to laboratory experiments on media violence, it does not show significant television effects. However, none of the existing studies reflect the changes in home entertainment available now as a result of cable television and VCRs and their possible effects on viewers.  相似文献   

The ability to monitor and control one’s own cognitive states, metacognition, is crucial for effective learning and problem solving. Although the literature on animal metacognition has grown considerably during last 15 years, there have been few studies examining whether great apes share such introspective abilities with humans. Here, we tested whether four gorillas could meet two criteria of animal metacognition, the increase in escape responses as a function of task difficulty and the chosen-forced performance advantage. During testing, the subjects participated in a series of object choice memory tests in which a preferable reward (two grapes) was placed under one of two or three blue cups. The apes were required to correctly select the baited blue cup in this primary test. Importantly, the subjects also had an escape response (a yellow cup), where they could obtain a secure but smaller reward (one grape) without taking the memory test. Although the gorillas received a relatively small number of trials and thus experienced little training, three gorillas significantly declined the memory tests more often in difficult trials (e.g., when the location of the preferred reward conflicted with side bias) than in easy trials (e.g., when there was no such conflict). Moreover, even when objective cues were eliminated that corresponded to task difficulty, one of the successful gorillas showed evidence suggestive of improved memory performance with the help of escape response by selectively avoiding trials in which he would be likely to err before the memory test actually proceeded. Together, these findings demonstrate that at least some gorillas may be able to make optimal choices on the basis of their own memory trace strength about the location of the preferred reward.  相似文献   

PurposeEffective early intervention is recommended to ameliorate the potential long term negative effects of stuttering. Efficacious treatments are available, but speech-language pathologists (SLPs) report finding implementation to be challenging due to a range of clinician, client and clinical context factors. Previous survey-based research has found that SLPs lack self-efficacy working with CWS, however the reasons contributing to this are not well understood. This study presents the first in-depth analysis of the current practices and perceptions of SLPs working with children who stutter (CWS).MethodsIn this qualitative study 18 Australian SLPs who provide services to CWS were interviewed using a semi-structured interview approach. Data were analysed using reflexive thematic analysis.ResultsThe thematic analysis identified four themes: (1) A stronger sense of self-efficacy is needed in stuttering management compared to other areas of clinical practice; 2) SLPs’ sense of self-efficacy in stuttering management is influenced by early career experiences, client factors and the practice context; 3) Professional development and collaboration strengthen self-efficacy; and 4) Parental involvement and engagement are crucial to treatment success.ConclusionSLP self-efficacy for working with CWS appears a critical factor in the provision of effective management for this population. This study provides an in-depth analysis of the role of SLP self-efficacy and the factors that influence it.  相似文献   

《Cognitive development》2006,21(3):317-331
Thirty-two middle class and 32 lower class southern Brazilian pre-adolescent (M = 12.8 years) and adolescent (M = 15.7 years) participants were individually interviewed regarding their perceptions of who (adolescent or parent) should determine the adolescent's actions in cases where the parents and adolescent disagree over the action choice. Participants were also asked to provide views of how the dispute should be resolved. The issues in the interviews entailed conflicts between the personal privacy and autonomy of the adolescent and potential risks the actions posed. Results indicated that Brazilian adolescents make claims to autonomy and privacy, but are also receptive to the role of parental authority. This assertion of autonomy over personal issues increased with age. Negotiation rather than power assertion were preferred forms of resolution. There were social class and sex differences in responses regarding particular action choices.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine the relationships between cybervictimization and three body-related concerns: body-esteem, self-objectification, and internalization of body ideals. The aim was also to examine these relationships not only to cybervictimization in general but also to appearance-related cybervictimization more specifically. The sample comprised 482 adolescents (233 girls and 247 boys aged 13–15; two participants did not answer the question about gender) from four Swedish schools. The results showed that victims of appearance-related cyberbullying suffered from more body-related concerns: they had a poorer view of their general appearance and of their weight. They also reported more body shame, thin-ideal internalization, and appearance-related pressure from the media. This study shows that cyberbullying that focuses on the victim's appearance is associated with several body-related concerns that have not previously been studied. A novel finding was also that body-related concerns were not related to cyberbullying in general, as has been implied in earlier research, but specifically related to cyberbullying directed at the victim's appearance. The findings suggest that there is a need to include attention to the specific relationships between appearance-related cyberbullying and body-related concerns in future prevention and intervention work.  相似文献   

Objective: Although research studies increasingly use children as primary reporters in dietary assessments, it is unclear how well children’s self-reported intake correlates with independently validated reports of their intake; this meta-analysis assesses that correlation.

Design: Moderators of the correlation between self-reported and independently validated intake were predicted a priori: type of dietary intake assessment (24 h recall, food diary and food frequency questionnaires), validation measures, parental assistance and age. Online databases were searched for articles published from 1990 to 2014 that compared children’s self-reports of dietary intake to validated observations of food intake in children age 4–16.

Main outcome measures: Summary effect size Pearson r between children’s self-reported dietary intake and independently validated dietary intake were calculated.

Results: In k = 32 samples from 23 studies, a statistically significant correlation (r = .48, Z = 7.26, p < .001) was found between children’s self-reported dietary intake and independently validated reports of dietary intake. Validation method (Q = 17.49, df = 2, p < .001) and parental assistance (Z = 2.03, p = .042) were significant moderators of this correlation. Self-report methodology (Q = 3.95, df = 2, p = .139) and age (Q = .02, p = .879) were not significant moderators of the distribution of effect sizes.

Conclusion: Together, these results provide baseline information about children’s recall in dietary intake assessments conducted with children as primary reporters.  相似文献   


Since the time of Freud, psychologists have drawn conclusions about children’s memory on the basis of retrospective research with adults. Here, we turn the tables by examining what prospective studies with children and adolescents can tell us about the retrospective memory accounts provided by adults. Adults were interviewed about recent events and events from different points during their childhood (Age 5, Age 10) and early adolescence (Age 13). Children (5- and 8- to 9-year-olds) and young adolescents (12- to 13-year-olds) were interviewed about recent events. When matched for age at the time of encoding, adults recalled more about the target events than did 5-year-olds, even though the retention interval for adults was substantially longer. We conclude that retrospective studies with adults may lead researchers to overestimate the content of the early childhood memories that survive. We discuss the theoretical implications of these findings for an understanding of memory development and the practical implications for the interpretation of adults’ retrospective accounts in the courtroom.  相似文献   

Evidence suggests between 1% and 6% of women develop post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) after childbirth. ‘Hotspots’ are moments of extreme distress during traumatising events that are implicated in symptoms of PTSD. This cross-sectional internet survey of hotspots examined (1) the content of intrapartum hotspots and (2) whether particular events, cognitions or emotions during hotspots are related to PTSD. Women (N?=?675) who experienced a difficult or traumatic birth completed a questionnaire composed of a validated measure of PTSD, questions concerning the existence of hotspots, and a newly developed measure of emotions and cognitions during hotspots. The majority of women (67.4%) reported at least one hotspot during birth and 52.9% had re-experiencing symptoms of these hotspots. Women were more likely to have PTSD if hotspots involved fear and lack of control (odds ratio (OR) 1.30, 95% CI 1.17–1.43) or intrapartum dissociation (OR 1.12, 95% CI 1.05–1.19). Risk of PTSD was higher if hotspots concerned interpersonal difficulties (OR 4.34, 95% CI 2.15–8.77) or obstetric complications (OR 3.35, 95% CI 1.64–6.87) compared to complications with the baby.  相似文献   

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