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This study examined the mediation effect of career decision self‐efficacy in relation to work values and career decision status. The authors surveyed 308 college students about their own intrinsic (e.g., helping others) and extrinsic (e.g., high income) work values and those of significant others, career decision self‐efficacy, and career decision status. The results indicated that the intrinsic and extrinsic work values of significant others were related to the intrinsic and extrinsic work values of the self and that intrinsic work values were more adaptive than extrinsic work values in career development.  相似文献   

A methodology for examining career preferences is proposed. The method uses perceptual mapping techniques and external preference analysis to assess the attributes individuals believe are important. The results of a study undertaken to test the methodology are reported and it appears that such results can be useful in analyzing reasons for career preferences.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to assess the relationship between a three-stage model of careers (establishment, advancement, and maintenance) and facets of managers' job satisfaction. Four hundred eighty-three managers responded to a questionnaire regarding the length of time they had been in their occupation and their satisfaction with various aspects of work. The results indicated that career stage moderated managers' satisfaction with all facets of work. Specifically, managers in the establishment stage were significantly more satisfied than those in the advancement and maintenance stages with five of the six facets studied. Further analyses indicated that the first year in the occupation accounted for the differences in satisfaction obtained in the three-stage model. The results are discussed in terms of the implications for the study of managerial careers and the need for consistency in the operational definition of career stages.  相似文献   

In an effort to examine whether the previously established relationship between vocational choice and self-ratings on Holland's personality stereotypes among college freshmen would be strengthened with a sample of male college seniors, 109 subjects, sampled on the basis of major field choice, completed a questionnaire to select career stereotypes which described them best. The relationship between self-ratings and academic major was also to be examined. Significant relationships were obtained for four stereotypes (realistic, conventional, enterprising, and artistic) on the basis of both major and vocational choice, although significant stereotypes were not identical in each. Three of these significant relationships based on vocational choice matched those obtained previously. An additional finding suggested that vocational choice was slightly more valid than major field as a basis for utilizing this technique. The more restricted class sample emphasized did not, however, produce a more substantial relationship between self-ratings and occupational choice as expected.  相似文献   

Lack of clear support for Crites' career maturity model in recent research, among other factors, led to this investigation, which involved 142, 114, 112, and 71 students from grades 9, 10, 11, and 12, respectively, of an Ontario high school. The study explored two major questions: (1) Are career-choice attitudes and career-choice competencies different dimensions of Crites' model? (2) Does vocational maturity proceed monotonically by grade levels? The investigators found intercorrelations among the Career Maturity Inventory (CMI) Attitude Scale and five parts of the CMI Competence Test to be more consistent with Crites' model than those reported by others. This study found correlations in the .10s and .20s between the Attitude Scale and the Competence Test and correlations in the .30s and .40s within various parts of the Competence Test. There was also a monotonie increase in CMI scores from grades 9 through 12 with significant grade and sex effects. Since the findings of this study are at odds with the results of other recent studies on the validity of the model, there is a need for further research.  相似文献   

Relationships among women's role factors, self-estimates of competence, and career commitment were investigated. Eighty female business students and 111 business alumnae completed the Attitudes Toward Women Scale, the Performance-Self-Esteem Scale (PSES), and questions regarding home and career choices. As predicted, PSES scores were related to extent of career commitment, and PSES scores mediated the relationship between career commitment and women's role factors. Among high PSES subjects, career commitment was positively related to nontraditional sex-role attitudes and negatively related to family involvement. Among low PSES subjects, the relationship between career commitment and women's role factors was weaker. Implications for women's career development are discussed.  相似文献   

In American industry, job transfer has been a common technique for staffing organizations and cross-training employees. Increasingly, employees have become reluctant to accept job transfers because of the potential for disruptions to their personal and family lives. In response, applied researchers have attempted to identify reliable employee reactions to job transfers. Empirical results have been inconsistent, however. These inconsistencies may be due, in part, to differences in the measurement of transfer and job types studied, and to a general atheoretical orientation. In this study, these two methodological problems were resolved empirically. Although a formal theory was not proposed, the concept of career stage showed promise as a new research direction. Implications are discussed.We thank Marilyn Gist, Terry Mitchell and Craig Pinder for comments on earlier drafts. Partial support for this study was provided by the National Park Service, Cooperative Park Studies Unit, University of Washington.  相似文献   

随着人口快速老龄化, 劳动人口中老年人的比重持续扩大。工作中成功老龄化(successful aging at work)积极看待工作中的老龄化过程, 指出老年员工不仅能很好地适应自身与工作变化, 还能为组织持续创造价值、发挥“余热”, 进而有助于缓解劳动力老龄化和年轻劳动力短缺所带来的难题。工作重塑(job crafting)作为员工的一种主动性行为, 与个体和环境因素的交互作用, 能有效帮助老年员工实现可持续的人-环境匹配和资源有效管理, 适应年龄与工作环境的变化, 在职业生涯晚期带来积极的工作结果, 最终实现工作中成功老龄化。工作中成功老龄化、老年员工工作重塑的概念和测量皆须进一步研究, 进而深入开展老年员工工作重塑对工作中成功老龄化的作用机制及干预方法实证研究。  相似文献   

Research exploring the underlying processes involved in successful mentorships has been lacking. In the present study, the roles of career motivation and career self-efficacy as explanatory factors were examined. Career motivation mediated the relationship between career mentoring and performance effectiveness. Contrary to prediction, only marginal support was received for career self-efficacy as a mediator between mentoring and indicators of career success. This research is unique in that it was the first to reveal linkages between mentoring, career self-efficacy, career motivation and protégé career success. Theoretical and practical implications of results are discussed.  相似文献   

The current study used an mTURK sample to determine if there is a relation between video game preferences and career interests. Previous research has found that individual (e.g., personality) differences influence gaming preferences (Zammitto, 2001) and we sought to extend these findings to the domain of career interests. In addition, we examined the potential moderating role of gender. Since researchers have found that gender disparities in spatial attention can be reduced by playing certain types of video games (Feng, Spence, & Pratt, 2007), and it has been demonstrated that spatial ability is an important predictor of success in careers where women are typically underrepresented (Blickenstaff, 2005), we predicted that women with a preference for these types of games (versus a general preference) may have more interest in these careers. We found that gaming motivations were differentially associated with career interests. In addition, gender was found to significantly moderate a number of these relations, such that the association between gaming tendencies and career interests was stronger for women than for men. Findings from the current study should help guide future research that aims to increase the representation of women in STEM careers.  相似文献   

We surveyed 601 Indonesian high school students (57.6% girls, mean age = 16.4 years) and investigated whether perceived career congruence between adolescents and their parents served as moderator between goal orientation (i.e., mastery-approach, performance-approach, and performance-avoid) and career aspirations. Hierarchical regression analyses showed that perceived congruence moderated the effects of mastery-approach and performance-approach, but not performance-avoid, on career aspirations. Mastery-approach orientation was more strongly related to career aspirations when perceived congruence was higher; whereas, performance-prove orientation was more weakly related when perceived congruence was higher. These findings highlight important roles for approach orientations and perceived career congruence between adolescents and their parents in career aspirations of adolescents in collectivist contexts.  相似文献   

Work–family conflict and enrichment are experiences that occur daily and have substantial consequences for employees, their families, and the organizations that employ them. The aim of the current review is to make a link between life and career stage, work and family conditions, and the work–family interface. The basic proposition is that life stages partly determine career development, and consequently the specific working conditions (job demands and job resources) and family conditions (family demands and family resources) that individuals are exposed to. As a result, the specific demands and resources in the work and family domains determine to what extent individuals experience that work and family are conflicting or enriching life domains. In this review we suggest that individuals in early adulthood will experience high inter‐role conflict and low facilitation due to high demands and low resources in both life domains, while individuals in late adulthood will experience the opposite pattern; that is, low conflict and high facilitation due to low demands and high resources in both domains. Individuals in middle adulthood will experience high work–family conflict but also high family–work facilitation due to the presence of high job demands and resources in both life domains. Integrating life and career stage perspectives and the experience of work–family interface is of notable practical utility because it provides a mechanism to make more informed decisions about the relative need for and corresponding benefits of work–family programs.  相似文献   

The essays of adolescent boys and girls (N = 354) explaining their decisions to save a pet in the event of a fire were examined by content analysis for the adolescents' underlying value orientations. Hedonistic utility, a moral value characteristic of the second of Kohlberg's (1976) moral development stages, was the primary value underlying adolescents' choices.  相似文献   

It is proposed here that the goal of understanding individual satisfaction with work involves the perception of how work fits into a life pattern. This perspective should assist in explaining the occupational patterns and labor force participation of women. Current research on women's experience supports the need for expansion of outcome criteria in studies of effects. In particular, there is a need for outcome measures related to type of role explored (vocational, marital, parental) and decision area (occupation, marriage, and parent). Recently reviews of the effects on students of taking interest inventories and of the effects of career interventions more generally have derived primarily from views of the career development of men. Adding outcome measures in the roles and decision areas should increase the relationship between studies of effects and the experience of women.  相似文献   

This study aimed at identifying and describing occupational career patterns (OCPs) from age 16 to 43 by applying optimal matching techniques to sequence data obtained from a sample of Swedish women. Women’s occupational trajectories were found to be diverse. Upward mobility (3 patterns) and stable careers (4 patterns) were prevalent, but there were also women characterized by downward mobility, fluctuation and being outside the labor market (1 pattern each). Women’s OCPs were related to family of origin, but more strongly to their overall life career (i.e., multiple role constellations over the life course). The study indicates that occupational mobility patterns do matter in terms of job perceptions, work attitudes, and quality of life. The results generally confirm the popular belief of the advantage of upward mobility, followed by stable occupational careers, whereas women with downward or fluctuating careers fared worst.  相似文献   

Over 2000 people completed two validated questionnaires: one measuring “dark side” personality traits and the other a measure of values and preferences that indicates the type of work that an individual would like to do and is best suited for. Dark side variables (and demographics) accounted for between 11% (science) and 46% (affiliation) variance in specific vocation related values. Factor analysis suggested three overall value/vocation factors (enterprising, traditional, and social) and three dark side variables (moving against, away from, and toward others). The three dark side factors predicted around a third of the variance in favoring enterprising and social occupations. Implications for vocational guidance and limitations of the study are considered.  相似文献   

Agency is the meta-concept associated with self-advancement in social hierarchies; communion is the partner concept associated with maintenance of positive relationships. Despite the wealth of data documenting the conceptual utility of agency and communion (A & C) as superordinate metaconcepts, no direct measures of global A & C value dimensions are currently available. The first part of this article presents structural analyses of data from 4 diverse data sets (3 archival and 1 new): Each included a broad inventory of values or life goals. All 4 data sets revealed higher order A & C dimensions that were either apparent or implicit. The second part details the development of the ACV, a 24-item questionnaire measuring global A and C values, and documents its psychometric properties. Four studies support their joint construct validity by positioning the value measures within a nomological network of interpersonal traits, self-favorability biases, ideology dimensions, gender, socio-sexuality, and religious attitudes. Potential applications of the new instrument are discussed.  相似文献   


Teachers in kindergartens and schools also fill an important role of values educators. The study examined teachers’ socialisation values and their links with teachers’ personal values, age, education, and educational setting (kindergarten vs school). A total of 391 teachers in Estonia filled in the Schwartz’s Portrait Values Questionnaire that assessed their personal and socialisation values. Teachers considered self-transcendence values most important personally and in socialisation of children, followed by openness to change values. At the same time, teachers differentiated between their personal and socialisation values: openness to change was rated higher as a socialisation than as a personal value. The variation in teachers’ socialisation values stemmed from their personal values, teachers’ age, and educational setting.  相似文献   

In the context of a longitudinal developmental study, 182 girls and boys (90 from Helsinki, 92 from North Karelia) were asked, at the ages of 15 and 18, about their life values and their beliefs about the values of their peers and of adults. The pattern of their own values, which were mainly concerned with human relations, self-actualization, and economic matters (at 15) or health (at 18), differed from those they believed to be characteristic of their peers and, especially, of adults. At 15, peers were often seen to value social success and to be comparatively tough; adults were considered to be oriented towards economic values. The differences between own values and beliefs about the values of others are discussed with reference to the pattern of communication between adolescents and their peers and adults; experienced expectations of peer groups; and adolescents' motivation to grow up into an adult world the (judged) values of which they only partly share.  相似文献   

This pilot study aimed to explore how physicians understand men's avoidance of mental health counselling services and to elicit physicians’ views on pairing mental health assessment with routine physical examination. Initially, physicians’ views on men's avoidance of mental health counselling services were explored through a focus group. A short survey exploring views on pairing mental health assessment with a routine physical examination was then developed and sent to 125 physicians at a local medical centre. Physicians discussions indicated that male socialisation processes, the stigma of needing help, and ignorance about counselling sessions, all contribute to men's avoidance of mental health counselling services. The survey results suggest that combining a mental health assessment with an annual physical examination was viewed positively by most physicians (80%), that they would encourage this approach (75%), and would appreciate the support of counselling services in this process (80%). However, these survey results were influenced by the age and sex of the physician. The focus group suggestion to pair mental health assessments with routine medical examinations, with support from counselling services, was viewed by most physicians as a positive way to engage men. Preliminary services could be established that utilise this approach and examine its efficacy.  相似文献   

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