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Pattern discrimination was studied in a visual-search task by recordingan O’s eye movements while he determined how many of eight patterns, arranged in a square around a standardpattern, matched the standard pattern. The results demonstrate the role of eye movements in visual search and human pattern discrimination. The mean duration of an eye fixation on a pattern, the probability of fixating it, the probability ofrefixating it, and the sequence in which patterns were fixated were all systematically related to various pattern measures. Multivariateanalyses showed modest correlations between the duration of individual eye fixations and various pattern measures. Relative characteristics of patterns influenced performance more than absolute characteristics of patterns. Patterns that matched a standard were fixated more often and longer than patterns that did not match a standard. The order in which patterns were fixated depended upon their relative characteristics. The results were consistent with a model ofpattern discrimination consistingoftwo stagesin which (1) features of a fixated pattern are abstracted and encoded, and (2) these features are then compared with the features ofanother pattern.  相似文献   

Visual mental imagery resembles visual working memory (VWM). Because both visual mental imagery and VWM involve the representation and manipulation of visual information, it was hypothesized that they would exert similar effects on visual attention. Several previous studies have demonstrated that working-memory representations guide attention toward a memory-matching task-irrelevant stimulus during visual-search tasks. Therefore, mental imagery may also guide attention toward imagery-matching stimuli. In the present study, five experiments were conducted to investigate the effects of visual mental imagery on visual attention during a visual-search task. Participants were instructed to visualize a color or an object clearly associated with a specific color, after which they were asked to detect a colored target in the visual-search task. Reaction times for target detection were shorter when the color of the target matched the imagined color, and when the color of the target was similar to that strongly associated with the imagined object, than when the color of the target did not match that of the mental representation. This effect was not observed when participants were not instructed to imagine a color. These results suggest that similar to VWM, visual mental imagery guides attention toward imagery-matching stimuli.  相似文献   


During visual search, task-relevant representations in visual working memory (VWM), known as attentional templates, are assumed to guide attention. A current debate concerns whether only one (Single-Item-Template hypothesis; SIT) or multiple (Multiple-Item-Template hypothesis; MIT) items can serve as attentional templates simultaneously. The current study was designed to test these two hypotheses. Participants memorized two colors, prior to a visual-search task in which the target and the distractor could match or not match the colors held in VWM. Robust attentional guidance was observed when one of the memory colors was presented as the target (reduced response times (RTs) on target-match trials) or the distractor (increased RTs on distractor-match trials). We constructed two drift-diffusion models that implemented the MIT and SIT hypotheses, which are similar in their predictions about overall RTs, but differ in their predictions about RTs on individual trials. Critically, simulated RT distributions and error rates revealed a better match of the MIT hypothesis to the observed data than the SIT hypothesis. Taken together, our findings provide behavioral and computational evidence for the concurrent guidance of attention by multiple items in VWM.


Previous research has suggested that, in visual-search tasks, the comparison between target and display items does not require attentional capacity. In the present experiment we used a secondary-task paradigm to distinguish the amount and duration of the attentional demands of visual search. The subjects performed visual search (the primary task) and tone detection (the secondary task) concurrently over the course of five experimental sessions (1,440 trials). For each subject, target-response mapping was either consistent or varied for Days 1-5. The results indicate that the amount of attentional demand, as reflected in secondary-task performance, increased as a function of display size in the search task. Switching from consistent to varied mapping in a sixth experimental session increased both the amount and the duration of the attentional demands of the search. The present results support models of visual-search performance in which the comparison of target and display items requires attentional capacity.  相似文献   

黎昂  杨锦绵朱磊 《心理科学》2021,44(6):1282-1289
采用眼动追踪范式,本研究通过两个实验探讨局部注意干扰效应(LAI)的注意分配特点和机制。实验一采用搜索时间有限的范式,目标呈现70毫秒后消失,在行为和眼动指标上均发现LAI效应:当两个目标距离较近时,反应时增加,正确率降低,总注视时长增长、注视点增加和眼跳速度加快。实验二增加目标呈现时间至1500毫秒以鼓励搜索,产生了比实验一更强烈的LAI效应,且眼跳速度的模式也有不同,说明增加搜索时间并不利于减轻LAI,从而推断LAI的竞争发生在判断阶段,而非搜索和识别目标阶段。  相似文献   

The effects of signal modality on duration classification in college students were studied with the duration bisection task. When auditory and visual signals were presented in the same test session and shared common anchor durations, visual signals were classified as shorter than equivalent duration auditory signals. This occurred when auditory and visual signals were presented sequentially in the same test session and when presented simultaneously but asynchronously. Presentation of a single modality signal within a test session, or both modalities but with different anchor durations did not result in classification differences. The authors posit a model in which auditory and visual signals drive an internal clock at different rates. The clock rate difference is due to an attentional effect on the mode switch and is revealed only when the memories for the short and long anchor durations consist of a mix of contributions from accumulations generated by both the fast auditory and slower visual clock rates. When this occurs auditory signals seem longer than visual signals relative to the composite memory representation.  相似文献   

It has been proposed that newborns’ preferential orienting to faces is solely controlled by a subcortically mediated orienting mechanism (i.e. Conspec). In contrast, preferential‐looking tasks show that face preference at birth manifests itself also with measures that index fixation duration. It is possible, however, that orienting and fixation duration are confounded and only orienting matters. The present study used a revised version of the preferential‐looking technique, in which the same stimulus (i.e. a facelike or a non‐facelike pattern) was simultaneously presented to both sides of the visual field. Results showed that longer total fixation times on the facelike stimuli resulted from the sum of a greater number of brief fixations, rather than from the sum of a small number of long fixations. These findings support the hypothesis that, for facelike patterns, the duration of infant’s fixation on the stimulus is determined by the nature of the pattern that impinges on the periphery of the visual field, more than by the nature of the pattern that is being looked at.  相似文献   

When two visual targets, T1 and T2, are presented in rapid succession, detection or identification of T2 is almost universally degraded by the requirement to attend to T1 (the attentional blink, or AB). One interesting exception occurs when T1 is a brief gap in a continuous letter stream and the task is to discriminate its duration. One hypothesized explanation for this exception is that an AB is triggered only by attention to a patterned object. The results reported here eliminate this hypothesis. Duration judgments produced no AB whether the judged duration concerned a short gap in the letter stream (Experiment 1) or a letter presented for slightly longer than others (Experiment 2). When identification of an identical longer letter T1 was required (Experiment 3), rather than a duration judgment, the AB was reestablished. Direct perceptual judgments of letter streams with gaps embedded showed that whereas brief gaps result in the percept of a single, briefly hesitating stream, longer gaps result in the percept of two separate streams with a separating pause. Correspondingly, an AB was produced in Experiment 4, when participants were required to judge the duration of longer T1 gaps. We propose that, like spatially separated objects, temporal events are parsed into discrete, hierarchically organized events. An AB is triggered only when a new attended event is defined, either when a long pause creates a new perceived stream (Experiment 4) or when attention shifts from the stream to the letter level (Experiment 3).  相似文献   

Araragi Y  Kitaoka A 《Perception》2011,40(5):608-620
We quantitatively examined the effect of stimulus duration on the extinction illusion. A white disc was presented or not presented at an intersection of a grey grid (intersection configuration) or on a homogeneous background (background configuration). The extinction illusion was quantified as the subtraction of no-disc responses in the background configuration (ie baseline) from no-disc responses in the intersection configuration, when the disc was presented. Experiment 1 showed a temporal effect: the extinction illusion increased as stimulus duration increased; this temporal effect was observed when the disc was presented at 9 deg from the fixation point and when the stimulus duration was 1000-6000 ms. Experiment 2 showed a visual field anisotropy: the extinction illusion occurred more frequently in the upper visual field than in the lower visual field, when the stimulus duration was 200 ms; the anisotropy was not observed when the stimulus duration was 6000 ms. Experiment 3 showed an alley-length effect: when the grid alley was long, the extinction illusion occurred more frequently in the 6000 ms condition than in the 200 ms condition; the temporal effect was not observed when the grid alley was short. These results suggest that the temporal effect of the extinction illusion might be due to perceptual filling-in of luminance information of the grid alley.  相似文献   

Information held in visual working memory (VWM) influences the allocation of attention during visual search, with targets matching the contents of VWM receiving processing benefits over those that do not. Such an effect could arise from multiple mechanisms: First, it is possible that the contents of working memory enhance the perceptual representation of the target. Alternatively, it is possible that when a target is presented among distractor items, the contents of working memory operate postperceptually to reduce uncertainty about the location of the target. In both cases, a match between the contents of VWM and the target should lead to facilitated processing. However, each effect makes distinct predictions regarding set-size manipulations; whereas perceptual enhancement accounts predict processing benefits regardless of set size, uncertainty reduction accounts predict benefits only with set sizes larger than 1, when there is uncertainty regarding the target location. In the present study, in which briefly presented, masked targets were presented in isolation, there was a negligible effect of the information held in VWM on target discrimination. However, in displays containing multiple masked items, information held in VWM strongly affected target discrimination. These results argue that working memory representations act at a postperceptual level to reduce uncertainty during visual search.  相似文献   

Mitsudo H 《Perception》2003,32(1):53-66
Phenomenal transparency reflects a process which makes it possible to recover the structure and lightness of overlapping objects from a fragmented image. This process was investigated by the visual-search paradigm. In three experiments, observers searched for a target that consisted of gray patches among a variable number of distractors and the search efficiency was assessed. Experiments 1 and 2 showed that the search efficiency was greatly improved when the target was distinctive with regard to structure, based on transparency. Experiment 3 showed that the search efficiency was impaired when a target was not distinctive with regard to lightness (ie perceived reflectance), based on transparency. These results suggest that the shape and reflectance of overlapping objects when accompanied by transparency can be calculated in parallel across the visual field, and can be used as a guide for visual attention.  相似文献   

Pattern redundancy is a key concept for representing the amount of internal mental load (encoding efficiency) needed for pattern perception/recognition. The present study investigated how pattern redundancy influences encoding and memory processes in the visual system using a rapid serial visual presentation (RSVP) paradigm. With RSVP, it is well known that participants often fail to detect repetitions of words (repetition blindness, RB). We used this phenomenon as an index of the encoding and storage of visual patterns. In three experiments, we presented patterns with higher and lower redundancy, as defined by Garner’s equivalent set size (ESS). The results showed that RB occurred more frequently for higher redundancy patterns when the temporal distance between the targets was less than 500 ms; this tendency was reversed with longer temporal distances of over 500 ms. Our results suggest that pattern redundancy modulates both the early encoding and subsequent memory processes of a representation.  相似文献   

Predictions from a model of visual matching were tested in two experiments. The model consists of a wholistic comparison process followed by an element-by-element comparison process. All stimuli are processed by the first stage but only those that permit a decision based on a wholistic comparison produce responses. When discrimination is difficult and a decision cannot be reached by a wholistic comparison, the second stage of processing is initiated. Degree of discriminability and stimulus duration (100 and 1000 msec.) were varied in both experiments. In Exp. 1, the stimulus elements were arranged in a square configuration to facilitate a wholistic comparison. As predicted, the hard-different stimuli took longer to match than the same or easy-different stimuli. The hard-different stimuli presented for 1000 msec. took longer to match than those presented for 100 msec. There was no difference in accuracy between responses to hard-different pairs at the two durations. In Exp. 2, the stimulus elements were arranged in a horizontal row and placed one above the other to facilitate element-by-element comparison. As predicted, these stimuli produced slower and more accurate responses for same and hard-different stimulus pairs only when they were exposed for 1000 msec. Responses to easy-different stimulus pairs were made quickly and accurately.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted on the nature of expert perception in the sport of squash. In the first experiment, ten expert and fifteen novice players attempted to predict the direction and force of squash strokes from either a film display (occluded at variable time periods before and after the opposing player had struck the ball) or a matched point-light display (containing only the basic kinematic features of the opponent's movement pattern). Experts out-performed the novices under both display conditions, and the same basic time windows that characterised expert and novice pick-up of information in the film task also persisted in the point-light task. This suggests that the experts' perceptual advantage is directly related to their superior pick-up of essential kinematic information. In the second experiment, the vision of six expert and six less skilled players was occluded by remotely triggered liquid-crystal spectacles at quasi-random intervals during simulated match play. Players were required to complete their current stroke even when the display was occluded and their prediction performance was assessed with respect to whether they moved to the correct half of the court to match the direction and depth of the opponent's stroke. Consistent with experiment 1, experts were found to be superior in their advance pick-up of both directional and depth information when the display was occluded during the opponent's hitting action. However, experts also remained better than chance, and clearly superior to less skilled players, in their prediction performance under conditions where occlusion occurred before any significant pre-contact preparatory movement by the opposing player was visible. This additional source of expert superiority is attributable to their superior attunement to the information contained in the situational probabilities and sequential dependences within their opponent's pattern of play.  相似文献   

It has been proposed that the perception of very short duration is governed by sensory mechanisms, whereas the perception of longer duration depends on cognitive capacities. Four duration discrimination tasks (modalities: visual, auditory; base duration: 100 ms, 1000 ms) were used to study the relation between time perception, age, sex, and cognitive abilities (alertness, visual and verbal working memory, general fluid reasoning) in 100 subjects aged between 21 and 84 years. Temporal acuity was higher (Weber fractions are lower) for longer stimuli and for the auditory modality. Age was related to the visual 100 ms condition only, with lower temporal acuity in elder participants. Alertness was significantly related to auditory and visual Weber fractions for shorter stimuli only. Additionally, visual working memory was a significant predictor for shorter visual stimuli. These results indicate that alertness, but also working memory, are associated with temporal discrimination of very brief duration.  相似文献   

Recent reports of rapid visual search for some feature conjunctions suggested that preattentive vision might be sensitive to scene-based as well as to image-based features (Enns & Rensink, 1990a, 1990b). This study examined visual search for targets defined by the direction of a luminance gradient, a conjunction of luminance and relative location that often corresponds to object curvature and direction of lighting in naturalistic scenes. Experiment 1 showed that such search is influenced by several factors, including the type of gradient, the shape of the contour enclosing the gradient, and the background luminance. These factors were varied systematically in Experiment 2 in a three-dimensionality rating task and in a visual-search task. The factors combined interactively in the rating task, supporting the presence of an emergent property of three-dimensionality. In contrast, each factor contributed only additively to the speed of the visual-search task. This is inconsistent with the view that search is guided by specialized detectors for surface curvature or direction of lighting. Rather, it is in keeping with the view that search is governed by a number of "quick and dirty" processes that are implemented rapidly and in parallel across the visual field.  相似文献   

The relationship between attentional control and episodic representation was investigated in six experiments that employed a variant of the classic attentional blink paradigm. We introduced a task-irrelevant (unpredictive) color match between the first and second target stimulus in a three-stream rapid serial visual presentation task. When this match was present, the first target reliably elicited a priming benefit to the identification of the second, lateralized target. However, this was only the case when the identities of the targets did not belong to the same category (digits, letters, or symbols). When targets did belong to the same category, interference was observed instead of priming, particularly at Lag 1. Furthermore, when color was the target-defining feature, interference at Lag 1 gave way to priming at longer lags. The interference effect is attributed to partial overlap between competing episodic target representations, which affects the availability of their overlapping features for successive attentional selection in rapid serial visual presentation.  相似文献   

While looking through laterally displacing prisms, subjects pointed sagittally 80 times at an objectively straight-ahead target, completing a reciprocal out-and-back pointing movement ever 1, 3, or 6 s. Visual feedback was available early in the pointing movement or only late at the end of the movement. Aftereffect measures of adaptive shift (obtained after every 10 pointing trials) showed adaptive change only in limb position sense (i.e., proprioceptive adaptation) when movement duration was 1 s, regardless of visual feedback condition; but as movement duration increased, adaptive change in the eye position sense (i.e., visual adaptation) increased while proprioceptive adaptation decreased, especially for the late visual feedback condition. Regardless of visual feedback condition, proprioceptive adaptation showed the maximal rate of growth with the 1-s movement duration, whereas visual adaptation showed maximal growth with the 6-s movement duration. These results provide additional support for a model of adaptive spatial mapping in which the direction of strategically flexible coordination (guidance) between eye and limb (and consequently the locus of adaptive spatial mapping) is jointly determined by movement duration and timing of visual feedback. An additional effect of movement duration is to determine the rate of discordant inputs. Maximal growth of adaptation occurs when the input rate matches the response time of the spatial mapping function.  相似文献   

While looking through laterally displacing prisms, subjects pointed sagittally 80 times at an objectively straight-ahead target, completing a reciprocal out-and-back pointing movement every 1, 3, or 6 s. Visual feedback was available early in the pointing movement or only late at the end of movement. Aftereffect measures of adaptive shift (obtained after every 10 pointing trials) showed adaptive change only in limb position sense (i.e., proprioceptive adaptation) when movement duration was 1 s, regardless of visual feedback condition; but as movement duration increased, adaptive change in the eye position sense (i.e., visual adaptation) increased while proprioceptive adaptation decreased, especially for the late visual feedback condition. Regardless of visual feedback condition, proprioceptive adaptation showed the maximal rate of growth with the 1-s movement duration, whereas visual adaptation showed maximal growth with the 6-s movement duration. These results provide additional support for a model of adaptive spatial mapping in which the direction of strategically flexible coordination (guidance) between eye and limb (and consequently the locus of adaptive spatial mapping) is jointly determined by movement duration and timing of visual feedback. An additional effect of movement duration is to determine the rate of discordant inputs. Maximal growth of adaptation occurs when the input rate matches the response time of the spatial mapping function.  相似文献   

We compare the processing of transitive sentences in young learners of a strict word order language (English) and two languages that allow noun omissions and many variant word orders: Turkish, a case-marked language, and Mandarin Chinese, a non case-marked language. Children aged 1–3 years listened to simple transitive sentences in the typical word order of their language, paired with two visual scenes, only one of which matched the sentence. Multiple measures of comprehension (percent of looking to match, latency to look to match, number of switches of attention) revealed a general pattern of early sensitivity to word order, coupled with language and age effects in children's processing efficiency. In particular, English learners showed temporally speedier processing of transitive sentences than Turkish learners, who also displayed more uncertainty about the matching scene. Mandarin learners behaved like Turkish learners in showing slower processing of sentences, and all language groups displayed faster processing by older than younger children. These results demonstrate that sentence processing is sensitive to crosslinguistic features beginning early in language development.  相似文献   

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