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崔占玲  张积家 《心理学报》2010,42(2):173-184
以汉字义符和英文词后缀为对象,考察了汉-英双语者语码切换的机制及切换代价的来源。结果表明:(1)在亚词汇水平上,汉字义符和英文词后缀影响字词认知的过程,但对语码切换代价的影响不显著,支持语码切换与任务转换的发生机制相同的观点。(2)语言熟练程度是影响语码切换代价及切换代价不对称性的主要原因。整个研究表明,在亚词汇水平上,语码切换与任务转换的实质相同。参考任务转换中切换代价的来源,归纳了语码切换代价的可能来源。  相似文献   

采用改造后的长时重复启动范式,探讨母语为汉语的非熟练中英双语者语言理解转换中非目标语言的激活层面,以及词汇熟悉度的影响。实验1考察学习阶段不同熟悉度的非目标词在测验阶段呈现时能否出现长时重复启动效应,从而检测双语者语言理解转换中非目标语言是否自动激活,实验2探究学习阶段不同熟悉度的非目标词在测验阶段以翻译对等词呈现时能否出现长时重复启动效应,从而检测双语者语言理解转换中非目标语言的语义层面能否激活。结果发现:非熟练中英双语者语言理解转换中非目标语言不管为中文还是英文,都能自动激活,但激活层面会受到词汇熟悉度的影响;当非目标语言为二语时,熟悉度高的二语词能激活到语义层面,熟悉度低的二语词只能激活到词汇层面;当非目标语言为一语时,不管词汇熟悉度高还是低,都能够激活到语义层面。  相似文献   

Error is a pervasive and inescapable aspect of empirical science, and it often plays a causal role in experimental outcomes. But little is known about children's understanding of the causes and consequences of experimental error. In this article, we propose a new framework for characterizing experimental error and we use that framework to guide an empirical assessment of elementary school children's understanding of error, their use of theory and evidence in guiding this understanding, and the role of context in reasoning about error. We found that 2nd- and 4th-grade children could both propose and recognize potential sources of error before they could design unconfounded experiments. They used evidence to guide their reasoning, making predictions and drawing conclusions based on the design of their experiments, and they were sensitive to the context of reasoning: They differentiated the role of error in relative and absolute measurements. Long before children have acquired the formal procedures necessary to control error, they have a surprisingly rich-albeit unsystematic-understanding of its various sources.  相似文献   

介绍了近年来语言和颜色范畴知觉关系研究的新进展, 特别是颜色范畴知觉效应的偏侧化、婴幼儿颜色范畴知觉的特点等。同时指出了今后需要进一步研究的问题, 如颜色范畴知觉效应偏侧化与语言的关系、右脑语言优势者颜色范畴知觉的特点、颜色加工脑区和语言加工脑区之间的关系以及婴幼儿颜色范畴知觉特点的追踪研究等。  相似文献   

语言理解的体验观   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
随着体验哲学和体验认知的蓬勃发展,在语言理解中出现了强调经验作用的新观点,这就是语言理解的体验观。其基本观点是语言根植于知觉和运动,语言理解就是对语言所描述的情境建构心理模拟。这种模拟是以理解者的身体的、情绪的和社会的经验为基础的,因此语言理解实质上是对语言所指代的情境的心理上的经验重演。在语言理解的体验观中,索引假设、浸入式经历者框架和语言的神经理论具有一定的代表性  相似文献   

探讨面孔部件(眼睛和鼻子)在个体和群体注意方向判断中的作用。实验1使用不同数量面孔的图片,要求报告群体或个体的注意方向。结果发现,多面孔条件下对群体注意方向估计的准确性高于单面孔条件。实验2采用眼动技术,探讨眼睛和鼻子在判断其注意方向时注视的空间与时间分布特征。结果发现,基于单张面孔判断时,对鼻子的总注视时间长于眼睛;基于多张面孔判断时,对眼睛和鼻子的总注视时间没有差异。整个研究表明,知觉个体注意主要依赖鼻子,知觉群体注意依赖眼睛和鼻子。  相似文献   

This study provides evidence for implicit learning in syntactic comprehension. By reanalyzing data from a syntactic priming experiment (Thothathiri & Snedeker, 2008), we find that the error signal associated with a syntactic prime influences comprehenders' subsequent syntactic expectations. This follows directly from error‐based implicit learning accounts of syntactic priming, but it is unexpected under accounts that consider syntactic priming a consequence of temporary increases in base‐level activation. More generally, the results raise questions about the principles underlying the maintenance of implicit statistical knowledge relevant to language processing, and about possible functional motivations for syntactic priming.  相似文献   

时间顺序关系对语言理解的影响   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
通过2个实验探讨在语言理解中时间顺序相关性(顺时序、反时序、不相关)和时间间隔(200ms、500ms、1000ms)在日常事件认识中的作用。实验采用关系——认知范式(relarion-recognition paradigm)。结果表明:被试在有明显时间信息影响下,优先对将来取向(顺时序)的事件进行加工处理。对时间上不相关的事件比对顺时序和反时序的事件加工得快而准。但在无明显时间信息影响时,首先受到本身词义的影响,继而受到隐含的时间信息的影响。  相似文献   

高兵  杨玉芳 《心理科学》2007,30(4):807-809,806
该研究考察了语篇理解中整体语境和局部语境对代词理解的影响。向被试呈现语篇,其中包括带有语义偏向的整体语境和局部语境以及代词。要求被试判断代词的所指。结果发现,当代词和整体语境出现时,被试并不立刻判断,等局部语境也出现以后,才判断代词的先行词。这一结果支持“首先建立句子袭征,再把句子表征与语篇表征相整合”的分阶段加工观点。  相似文献   

句子理解是阅读研究中的一个重要部分。研究者采用了不同的手段和任务对这一问题进行了长期的研究,其中,眼动分析技术是一种行之有效的手段。本文从句子理解的三个阶段(视觉信息的提取,句子中的词汇识别和句子整合),探讨了眼动分析技术在句子理解研究中的优势作用。在此基础之上,提出了未来使用眼动分析技术进行句子理解研究需要注意的几个问题。  相似文献   

疼痛的威胁警示与趋近救助冲突近来受到研究者的关注。本研究结合点探测范式与眼动技术,以疼痛面孔和中性面孔为实验材料,探讨共情在疼痛功能冲突中所扮演的角色。我们收集了33名被试的有效眼动数据,结果发现,与中性面孔相比,被试对疼痛面孔图片的早期注意定向更快(首次注视到达时间更短)、晚期注意维持更长(注视次数更多、总注视持续时间更长);与低共情组相比,高共情组被试对面孔的总注视持续时间更长,分组分析显示只有髙共情组对疼痛面孔的总注视持续时间比中性面孔长。结果表明,被试存在疼痛面孔注意偏向,被试的共情水平可能作为一个调节变量影响其在注意维持阶段对疼痛威胁的知觉。  相似文献   

社会同步作为“社会粘合剂”,能够对社会性产生明显的影响。本研究旨在考察社会同步对内隐攻击性弱化作用的认知机制。研究将45名内隐攻击性水平不同的被试随机分配为三组,完成在模棱两可情境下基于SIP模型的对敌意线索和非敌意线索的第一遍注视。研究结果进一步支持了解释优先模型。同时也表明,社会同步能够在一定程度上减弱高内隐攻击性个体的攻击性倾向,而不会对低内隐攻击性水平的个体产生负面影响。  相似文献   

In three experiments, subjects read text as their eye movements were monitored and display changes in the text were made contingent upon the eye movements. In one experiment, a window of text moved in synchrony with the eyes. In one condition, the size of the window was constant from fixation to fixation, while in the other condition the size of the window varied from fixation to fixation. In the other experiments, a visual mask was presented at the end of each saccade which delayed the onset of the text, and the length of the delay was varied. The pattern of eye movements was influenced by both the size of the window and the delay of the onset of the text, even when the window size or text delay was varying from fixation to fixation. However, there was also evidence that saccade length was affected by the size of the window on the prior fixation and that certain decisions to move the eye are programmed either before the fixation begins or are programmed during the fixation but without regard to the text fixated on. The results thus provide support for a mixed control model of eye movements in reading, in which decisions about when and where to move the eyes are based on information from the current fixation, the prior fixations, and possibly, other sources as well.  相似文献   

The study of attention in pictures is mostly limited to individual images. When we ‘read’ a visual narrative (e.g., a comic strip), the pictures have a coherent sequence, but it is not known how this affects attention. In two experiments, we eyetracked participants in order to investigate how disrupting the visual sequence of a comic strip would affect attention. Both when panels were presented one at a time (Experiment 1) and when a sequence was presented all together (Experiment 2), pictures were understood more quickly and with fewer fixations when in their original order. When order was randomised, the same pictures required more attention and additional ‘regressions’. Fixation distributions also differed when the narrative was intact, showing that context affects where we look. This reveals the role of top‐down structures when we attend to pictorial information, as well as providing a springboard for applied research into attention within image sequences.Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

重复是一种非常重要的行为现象。在心理语言学领域, 句法启动是重复的一种非常独特的表现形式, 有助于推进研究者更好地理解语言是如何表征和加工的。在系统梳理文献的基础上, 归纳了句法启动研究使用的句子类型, 详细阐述了句法启动研究的实验范式, 即句子复述-图片描述范式、句子补全范式、句子回忆范式和视觉情境眼动范式, 指出了不同范式的优缺点; 系统探讨了语言理解中句法启动研究的核心争论, 即句子理解中的启动是策略的, 语义的, 还是句法的; 如果存在句法启动效应, 那么该效应是词汇驱动的, 还是词汇独立的。最后, 对语言理解中句法启动效应在未来研究中需解决的问题进行了展望。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT— Proponents of unconscious-thought theory assert that letting the unconscious "mull it over" can enhance decisions. In a series of recent studies, researchers demonstrated that participants whose attention was focused on solving a complex problem (i.e., those using conscious thought) made poorer choices, decisions, and judgments than participants whose attention was distracted from the problem (i.e., those purportedly using unconscious thought). We argue that this finding, rather than establishing the existence of a deliberation-without-attention effect, is explained more compellingly in terms of the well-established distinction between on-line and memory-based judgments. In Experiment 1 , we reversed the recent finding by simply changing participants' on-line processing goal from impression formation to memorization. Experiment 2 provided a replication and further established that some cognitive effort appears necessary to produce both the original pattern of results and its reversal, suggesting that such judgments are ultimately a product of conscious, rather than unconscious, thinking.  相似文献   

鲁忠义  巴晓娜  李兴芬 《心理学报》2012,44(8):995-1003
采用混合实验设计, 句子-图片匹配范式和动态过程再现范式, 以包含静态情绪和动态变化情绪信息的句子为实验材料, 以被试对图片的反应时间为因变量指标, 通过不同时间间隔的设置以及不同的实验程序, 探讨了语言理解中静态情绪和动态情绪的心理模拟及其时间进程。结果表明:(1)被试对情绪的心理模拟与句中的语言描述一致, 情绪语境能够激活被试的经验模拟。(2)被试在句子理解加工的初期就能迅速、即时地模拟静态情绪信息, 且这种模拟具有一定的稳定性和持久性。(3)被试可以对动态变化的情绪进行动态的心理模拟, 不过这种模拟所需的时间要长, 是在句子理解加工的后期完成的。被试对不同情绪变化方向的句子模拟受到原情绪状态的影响, 当阅读由消极情绪向积极情绪变化的句子时, 由于被试固着于原来的消极情绪而发生了模拟积极情绪的困难。  相似文献   

本研究在两个实验中让读者眼睛跟踪了信息提示影响转喻理解的加工过程。实验1探讨了提示信息作为前置背景对转喻词汇理解的影响,结果表明当提示信息位于人工制品概念作为转喻词汇之前时对关键词汇的字面解释没有任何影响,但是对它的转喻解释影响很大,可以加速对转喻词汇的理解。实验2以动物名词作为转喻词汇进一步检验了信息提示影响转喻理解的过程,结果表明动物名词作为转喻词汇不同于人工制品概念作为转喻词汇,前者在无提示信息的情况下会同时出现字面解释与转喻解释,但是当提示信息作为前置背景时可以强化转喻解释。最后我们在平行加工模型、图式理论以及过程启动的框架中讨论了本研究的结果。  相似文献   

语音回路与阅读理解关系的眼动研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
丁锦红  王丽燕 《心理学报》2006,38(5):694-701
语音回路是工作记忆中的一个重要成分。由于工作记忆在言语理解中有重要作用,所以负责加工语音信息的语音回路可能也和阅读理解有密切关系。但是,迄今为止直接研究语音回路影响阅读理解的研究不是很多,而且得出的结论也不太一致。研究使用眼动分析方法探讨语音回路与汉语阅读理解的关系。研究采用抑制发音和错误干扰相结合的范式考查正常条件下和抑制发音条件下的阅读特点的差别性。结果表明:(1)在一般阅读难度情况下,语音回路会延缓阅读速度;(2)两种阅读条件下都出现了同音效应,即同音字的首次注视时间、总注视时间都比非同音字短;(3)语音在汉语阅读的早期就发挥了作用,而且同音字错误比非同音字错误更容易被恢复  相似文献   

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