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健康权是我国公民的一项基本权利,新时代老龄健康权利具有平等性、优先性、发展性。平等性是老龄健康权利的主体特征,它包含健康机会的代际平等和健康结果的代内相对平等,老龄健康权利主体资格及其平等性是由法律赋予并为法律所保护。老龄健康权是基于法权的道德优先权,其优先性主要体现在健康资源分配对老龄弱势群体的适度倾斜,它反映了法律正义和道德正义的有机统一。健康发展不仅指个体生命运动的良性循环状态,而且指一个国家或地区人口健康水平稳步提高的趋势。老龄健康权利的制度伦理保障需要从宏观、中观、微观三个层面协同推进,促进人民健康发展是其价值目标。  相似文献   

正报载,父亲和上高中的儿子拌嘴。父亲嫌儿子不努力,期末没考好,说你这样下去会平庸一辈子。谁知儿子毫不示弱,当即回嘴:平庸咋了?平庸招谁惹谁了?平庸也是人生的权利!我觉着这孩子说得没错,因为我也是一个平庸的人。与那些杰出者相比,也会自惭形秽,但冷静下来想想,我这样活着也挺不错,舒适自然,波澜不惊。平庸是一种权利,平庸的人虽与世无争,不愿拔尖,只要能自食其力,  相似文献   

做错事的权利这一概念初看似乎是一个悖论。本文在排除了各种似是而非的解决方案之后,立足于道德权利的一般性概念对做错事的权利给出了论证。作者认为,道德对行为的评价大体上可分为三类:正确且可被允许的行为、错误且应受批评的行为以及与道德无关的行为。如果排除错误的行为,最终将会使道德权利变得贫乏,从而丧失保护个人选择这一重要功能。而且,做错事的权利也不涉及任何逻辑上的不一致。  相似文献   

病人的权利病人的权利应包括以下各项,但并不仅限于这些:1病人不分性别和文化、经济、教育及宗教方面的背景情况以及支付医疗费用的来源,均可行使这些权利。2病人有权享受周到、得体的医疗服务。3病人有权知道对协调医疗工作负有主要责任的医生的姓名以及将有...  相似文献   

正尺度,一般表示物体的尺寸与尺码,有时也用来表示处事或看待事物的标准,而在许多地方则引生为准则、法度。例如唐李涉《题清溪鬼谷先生旧居》诗:常闻先生教,指示秦仪路。二子才不同,逞词过尺度。把握尺度就是适可而止,效益优先,更好更充分地发挥才能。为什么海尔公司能打进国际市场并不断发展?因为他们始终以效益、质量为本,注意适度、适量而充分地利用各种资源。  相似文献   

孟艳玲 《天风》2001,(6):39
主耶稣之所以在十字架上被举起后吸引众人跟随他,不仅因为他是上帝的儿子,也是因为他是一位身体力行者,是一位真理的行动者。  相似文献   

边沁论权利   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文着重阐述了边沁对权利的诠释 ,以及对自然权利和道德权利的批评 ,并对边沁的观点做了一些评论。  相似文献   

日子没有尺度,譬如日子难熬时,人们会说“度日如年”,其实,这仍然是用时间比拟时间。生活却有尺度。  相似文献   

日子没有尺度,譬如日子难熬时,人们会说"度日如年",其实,这仍然是用时间比拟时间。生活却有尺度。家住潜山北路,在省城也算是有头有脸的一条路了,路过的人觉得光鲜,常住的人感到别扭,就像穿一套不合身的衣服。别扭就别扭在诸事不便,岳西路和陈村路各有一处规模不大的菜场,离我家前者约900米,后者1000  相似文献   

天津社会科学院和天津城市科学研究会联合主办的“天津城市环境美的创造”学术研讨会,于1987年6月10日至13日在天津召开。 会议得到天津市政府和国内知名学者的关怀和支持,天津市长李瑞环、著名美学家李泽厚、建筑和城市规划专家吴良镛担任了会议顾问。参加会议的除本市有关高等院校、科研单位、城建部门的专家、教授、建筑师、工程师和有关部、委、局的领导外,还有中国城市规划设计院、中国艺术研究院。中央工艺美术学院、清华大学、南京工学院、中国科学院、北京文物局、中国民航设计院以及重庆,哈尔滨等地的专家学者,共80余  相似文献   

This article describes the construction of a short-form of the Sex Role Behavior Scale (SRBS). The SRBS is a self-report inventory that samples the interest/behavior domain of sex roles comprehensively. It consists of male-valued (M), female-valued (F), and sex-specific (MF) interests and behaviors in four areas: leisure activity preferences; vocational interests; social interaction; and marital, or primary relationship, behaviors. We administered the SRBS to 411 college men and women along with measures of sex role personality traits and attitudes. Items were selected from the SRBS for inclusion in the short form. We examined male-female differences on the short-form scales, internal consistency, intercorrelations among the scales, and relations of the short-form scales with the long form and with measures of sex role traits and attitudes. The results indicate that the short-form SRBS is a satisfactory substitute for the lengthy inventory from which it was drawn. However, limited internal consistency for some of the separate behavior area subscales suggests that the short form is most suitable for global assessments of sex role interests/behaviors, whereas the long form is more appropriate when more specific assessments are required in the separate interest/behavior areas represented on the SRBS.  相似文献   

This article describes the construction of a short-form of the Sex Role Behavior Scale (SRBS). The SRBS is a self-report inventory that samples the interest/behavior domain of sex roles comprehensively. It consists of male-valued (M), female-valued (F), and sex-specific (MF) interests and behaviors in four areas: leisure activity preferences; vocational interests; social interaction; and marital, or primary relationship, behaviors. We administered the SRBS to 411 college men and women along with measures of sex role personality traits and attitudes. Items were selected from the SRBS for inclusion in the short form. We examined male-female differences on the short-form scales, internal consistency, intercorrelations among the scales, and relations of the short-form scales with the long form and with measures of sex role traits and attitudes. The results indicate that the short-form SRBS is a satisfactory substitute for the lengthy inventory from which it was drawn. However, limited internal consistency for some of the separate behavior area subscales suggests that the short form is most suitable for global assessments of sex role interests/behaviors, whereas the long form is more appropriate when more specific assessments are required in the separate interest/behavior areas represented on the SRBS.  相似文献   

By revisiting Hegel's Philosophy of Right, I mount a Hegelian defense of same‐sex marriage rights. I first argue that Hegel's account of the Idea of freedom articulates both the necessity of popular shifts in the determinations of the institutions of right, as well as the duty to struggle to progressively actualize freedom through them. I then contend that Hegel, by grounding marriage in free consent, clears the path for expanding this ethical institution to include all monogamous couples. Lastly, I close by sketching the specifically Hegelian reasons we ought to actively struggle to expand the institution of marriage.  相似文献   

McCreary  Donald R.  Rhodes  Nancy D.  Saucier  Deborah M. 《Sex roles》2002,47(3-4):169-177
The Sex Role Behavior Scale (SRBS; Orlofsky & O'Heron, 1987; Orlofsky, Ramsden, & Cohen, 1982) is the only measure of the extent to which people engage in male- and female-valued behaviors, as well as sex-specific behaviors. Because of this, researchers must be assured of its reliability and validity. Although the SRBS has demonstrated good reliability, validity tests have been limited to examinations of scale intercorrelations, correlations with other gender role measures, and tests of gender differences. Tests of the SRBS's construct validity have not been performed. Thus, a scale-based confirmatory factor analysis of the short form SRBS was undertaken to determine the validity of its proposed 12-factor, lower-order and 3-factor, higher-order factor structures. In this sample of undergraduates, both lower-order and higher-order models failed to provide a good fit to the data, which suggests that a new version of the SRBS may be required. Discussion focussed on possible directions for a revision, potential limitations, as well as the need for more measures like the SRBS.  相似文献   

The Bem Sex Role inventory and the PRF ANDRO Scales were administered to 158 (59 males, 99 females) undergraduates enrolled in an introductory psychology course. Data analysis was carried out by examining the amount of agreement between the BSRI and the PRF ANDRO Scale in terms of assignment of sex-role outcome. When both sexes are combined, only 66 of 158 (42%) subjects fell in the same sex-role category.  相似文献   

The Bem Sex Role Inventory and the PRF ANDRO Scales were administered to 158 (59 males, 99 females) undergraduates enrolled in an introductory psychology course. Data analysis was carried out by examining the amount of agreement between the BSRI and the PRF ANDRO Scale in terms of assignment of sex-role outcome. When both sexes are combined, only 66 of 158 (42%) subjects fell in the same sex-role category.  相似文献   

自改革开放以来,在宗教信仰自由和宽松的社会环境下,农村信教人数增长很快,信教活动有正规合法的,也有非正规不合法的。正如任何事情都有两面性一样,信教现象也不例外。对此现象,我们必须加以重视,对青少年加强科学和无神论世界观的教育与引导,培养出具有共产主义远大理想的社会主义建设人才,促进社会主义精神文明的健康发展。  相似文献   

Males and females, subdivided into contrasting groups on the Rorschach Index of Repressive Style (RIRS), completed semantic differentials using themselves and their own art productions as the objects rated. Analysis was made of the relationship between sex and verbal style, and a scale checking style (use of end points versus use of intermediate points) believed to reflect a dimension of rapid, extreme decisions versus careful consideration of nuances. Results showed that males characterized by rich and fluid verbal processes tended toward cautious ratings (use of intermediate points) while females who were verbally free exhibited more extreme ratings (use of end points). It is concluded that a test variable may have different predictive significance in males and females, even though there is no sex difference in the magnitudes of the variables involved. There may be sex differences in the organization of cognitive processes.  相似文献   

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