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转基因水稻能够提高产量、改善品质、满足不断增长的人口对粮食的需求、增加农民收入,代表了杂交水稻育种的方向.从转基因水稻的研究到转基因大米摆上我们的餐桌,中间必然要经过转基因大米人体试验的环节.目前,转基因大米的人体试验之所以引发全世界舆论的轩然大波在于两点:一是以现在的技术生产出来的转基因水稻,还具有安全的不确定性;二是转基因大米安全的不确定性引发的人体试验的伦理争议.转基因大米人体试验要得到伦理上的辩护,首先,要用新的转基因策略,如创制智能不育系等,使得转基因大米的安全性大大提高之后,再进行转基因大米的人体试验;第二,必需遵循转基因大米人体试验的伦理原则:个人知情同意原则、不伤害原则、公平分配利益与承担风险原则;最后,人体试验要严格依照相关管理程序提交申请,由特设的伦理审查委员会审议批准后才能进行.  相似文献   

转基因食品安全隐忧与公众知情选择权   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
转基因食品具有巨大的社会价值和广阔的市场前景,但同时也存在一些安全隐忧,其潜在的对人体和环境的危险性引起国际社会的广泛讨论.因此,对转基因食品应持审慎的态度,并努力建立长期安全监测机制.此外,在转基因食品的安全性还没有定论之前,应充分尊重消费者的信仰和消费习惯,尊重公众的知情选择权.  相似文献   

农业转基因研究和应用过程中预防原则及其伦理学解读   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
转基因食物作为转基因技术的产物,其安全性存在许多不确定的因素,引起了世人的广泛关注和担忧。通过对转基因技术在研究和应用过程中实施安全预防并进行伦理评价、规范和指导,可以防止转基因食物可能造成的危害,使转基因食物更好地造福于人类。  相似文献   

转基因食品的伦理问题研究综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1983年,美国利用转基因技术获得第一例转基因作物--转基因烟草.1994年,美国实现第一例转基因植物--延迟成熟转基因番茄的商业化种植.随后,转基因作物在一些国家像美国、阿根廷等逐渐推广,中国也种植少量的转基因作物.目前,上市的转基因食品已达几千种.转基因食品将给我们带来巨大的利益,但也有许多风险和负面影响.由此,对转基因食品伦理问题的研究成为学术界关注的一个热点.  相似文献   

随着转基因食品不断地进入市场,学者和公众对转基因食品是否危害人类健康展开了激烈的争论.介绍转基因食品安全性评价的科学指标,运用伦理学的基本原则对两种观点进行了分析,并提出对转基因食品采取"有罪推定"的战略.  相似文献   

转基因食品安全不确定性决策的伦理思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《科学时报》最近报道了两则有关转基因食品的科技新闻再次引起人们对转基因食品安全性的关注.转基因食品对人类健康和生态环境的危害具有科学上的不确定性,导致政府对转基因食品安全发展决策的不确定性.本文认为转基因食品安全发展决策的不确定性是长期存在的,但在转基因食品发展不确定性决策中应该有确定性的伦理准则,那就是“尊重生命健康,避免遗传物质跨物种感染”和“不伤害其他生命,保持生物多样性”.政府要建立起符合伦理道德的管理机制来规避转基因食品发展中的风险,即建立道德责任追踪制度、完善效益与风险评估检测制度、尊重知情选择的合理标识管理制度和健全公平公正的利益分配制度.  相似文献   

转基因技术安全性的生态伦理浅析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
以转基因技术为基础的生物技术是本世纪最具影响力的高新技术产业带。转基因技术在农业、食品、医药、环保等方面有广泛应用,它给人类社会的发展带来巨大的经济效益和社会效益的同时,也存在着潜在危险,即有可能影响生态环境,危害人类健康。本文试图从生态伦理的角度来思考转基因技术的安全性问题。  相似文献   

随着生物医学的不断发展,精子介导转基因技术正成为有希望的转基因方法.与其他基因转移方法相比,精子介导具有简单、高效、低廉、安全的特点.我们探讨精子结合外源DNA和DNA内化的分子模型,介绍精子介导转基因技术的改进方法,并指出存在的问题和伦理学争论,旨在推动该技术在生物技术领域的进一步发展.  相似文献   

随着转基因食品不断地进入市场,学者和公众对转基因食品是否危害人类健康展开了激烈的争论。介绍转基因食品安全性评价的科学指标,运用伦理学的基本原则对两种观点进行了分析,并提出对转基因食品采取“有罪推定”的战略。  相似文献   

药物的安全性是药物评价的首要标准.《欧盟传统药品法案》对中药的技术壁垒和我国对某些中药的毒副作用的披露,使得中药的安全性问题日益突出,使得中药产业面临前所未有的危机.对中药安全性的理性认识是扩大其国内市场占有率、走向国际市场所必须突破的瓶颈,也是中药产业危机管理的必由通道.这是一场深刻的文化革命.  相似文献   

Farmers have local knowledge relevant to the prospective assessment of biopharming—the farming of transgenic plants and animals genetically modified to produce pharmaceutical substances for use in humans or animals. However, biopharming regulatory regimes are being constructed in ways that render farmers' knowledge irrelevant. The exclusion of farmer knowledge is traceable to what we call its politico-epistemic unworkability as regulatory knowledge in regulatory regimes characterised not only by a focus on risk but also by pre-commitments to market-driven innovation and individual freedom of choice. Such innovation requires predictability in the regulatory environment, which is supplied in part through regulatory authorities' adoption of risk-assessment methodologies that both assume predictability (of natural and social worlds) and generate predictable decision outcomes. These regulatory approaches are co-constituted with scientific knowledge of gene flow developed through studies that can demonstrate a reliable and readily modellable decline of undesirable effect across space or time and therefore make possible the setting of clear and workable parameters for risk management. The farmers' knowledge discussed here highlights the extent to which this is a process of co-production. Moreover, it suggests that the claimed economic advantages of outdoor biopharming, achieved through the substitution of agronomic practice for laboratory infrastructure, depend both on natural processes that always also threaten to undermine confinement and on the habitus of successful farmers, which may in fact be incompatible with the kind of risk management that biopharming requires.  相似文献   

合理或不合理用药是相对的,在临床工作中不能绝对化。首先,合理用药的目的是相对的,安全、有效、经济很难完全满足。其次,合理用药要求的内容是相对的,对于一个具体患者,药物治疗要符合病情、患者和药学的全部特点并非易事。再者,判断合理用药与否的主要依据(如临床资料、临床试验结果等)的可靠性或可信性也不是绝对的。最后必须指出,合理用药的结果受到诸多因素的影响,不一定理想,不一定令人满意。在临床工作中,应尽可能避免不合理用药,若无法避免,可先评估得失和权衡利弊,然后做出科学决策,并加强药学监护和医患沟通。  相似文献   

In ‘Moral Enhancement, Freedom, and the God Machine’, Savulescu and Persson argue that recent scientific findings suggest that there is a realistic prospect of achieving ‘moral enhancement’ and respond to Harris's criticism that this would threaten individual freedom and autonomy. I argue that although some pharmaceutical and neuro‐scientific interventions may influence behaviour and emotions in ways that we may be inclined to evaluate positively, describing this as ‘moral enhancement’ presupposes a particular, contested account, of what it is to act morally and implies that entirely familiar drugs such as alcohol, ecstasy, and marijuana are also capable of making people ‘more moral’. Moreover, while Savulescu and Persson establish the theoretical possibility of using drugs to promote autonomy, the real threat posed to freedom by ‘moral bioenhancement’ is that the ‘enhancers’ will be wielding power over the ‘enhanced’. Drawing on Pettit's notion of ‘freedom as non‐domination’, I argue that individuals may be rendered unfree even by a hypothetical technology such as Savulescu and Persson's ‘God machine’, which would only intervene if they chose to act immorally. While it is impossible to rule out the theoretical possibility that moral enhancement might be all‐things‐considered justified even where it did threaten freedom and autonomy, I argue that any technology for biomedical shaping of behaviour and dispositions is much more likely to be used for ill rather than good.  相似文献   

Since it is now broadly acknowledged that ethics should receive early consideration in discourse on emerging technologies, ethical debates tend to flourish even while new fields of technology are still in their infancy. Such debates often liberally mix existing applications with technologies in the pipeline and far-reaching visions. This paper analyses the problems associated with this use of ethics as “preparatory” research, taking discourse on human enhancement in general and on pharmaceutical cognitive enhancement in particular as an example. The paper will outline and discuss the gap between the scientific and technological state of the art and the ethical debates, pointing out epistemic problems in this context. Furthermore, it will discuss the future role of genuine ethical reflection in discourse on human enhancement, arguing also that such discourse needs to include a technology assessment—in the broad sense of the term—which encompasses, inter alia, anthropological perspectives and aspects of social theory.  相似文献   

从哲学眼界看,医学与健康都是多元的概念,是许多相互交叉、渗透、影响、制约的因素互相作用的结果。医学、健康保健应适应经济水平,即我们应向患者及社会提供一个安全的、科学的、用的起的、可持续的医疗与健康保健服务。较多贪婪的、不安全的医学时代,最好的计划是不断进行几元钱的预防医学投入和适当的姑息医学。  相似文献   

The nano-medical field is seen, by governments as well as the business sector as a very promising one. The process of converting basic research in nanomedecine into commercially viable products has already begun, even if it might be long and difficult. Part of the difficulties that could occur comes from regulatory and safety issues. Some of them are also coming from patent uncertainty in the global nanotechnology field. Indeed, the rush towards patents in the nanotechnology arena has already begun. Nanopatents are about to alter the legal landscape of the innovation economy, of research and development, and of industry--no doubt to an unprecedented extent because of the scope covered by these technologies. From a global point of view, the very delineation of the scope of nanotechnologies confronts patent law with complex problems of definition. The emergence and characteristics of this technology are also giving rise to a reassessment of the criteria for patentability that could be prejudicial to innovation. In the medical environment, this issue is even exacerbated in the real challenges which pharmaceutical companies are running up against.  相似文献   

精子介导转基因技术的进展与争论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着生物医学的不断发展,精子介导转基因技术正成为有希望的转基因方法。与其他基因转移方法相比,精子介导具有简单、高效、低廉、安全的特点。我们探讨精子结合外源DNA和DNA内化的分子模型,介绍精子介导转基因技术的改进方法,并指出存在的问题和伦理学争论,旨在推动该技术在生物技术领域的进一步发展。  相似文献   

The main objectives of the present study are to (a) map interventions that can be used to develop good safety culture in transport companies within road, sea, air and rail transport, (b) assess expected effects of interventions on safety culture and safety outcomes and (c) identify factors influencing safety culture change. By systematically reviewing the scientific literature, we identify 20 studies that describe and evaluate interventions to improve safety culture in road, rail, sea and air transport organizations. The review is reported according to PRISMA guidelines. The interventions studied vary widely in their comprehensiveness, but a lack of both standardized outcome measures and controlled evaluations means that it is difficult to compare different interventions, either within or across sectors. Most studies, however, report improvements in safety culture where this is measured. We find that attempts to understand the mechanisms of cultural change leading to behavioural change and improved safety performance are lacking. Although safety culture is an organizational measure, we only found one peer-reviewed study of an attempt to improve safety culture in a single air transport organization and no studies of this in the maritime sector. We conclude that on the whole the reviewed safety culture interventions seem to be effective, but comprehensive and resource demanding. We suggest that future research should develop simpler interventions by focusing on the basic requirements of safety culture change. We contribute to this by identifying four key activities (content) which seem to be common in all the reviewed interventions, and eight key factors (process) influencing the success of efforts to influence safety culture. The basic requirements of safety culture change seem to be to institutionalize joint discussions of work place hazards facilitated by manager commitment and employee involvement.  相似文献   

面对越来越多的最普遍的一种医疗错误—药物治疗错误,以及由此带给患者的身体损害和经济损失,必须对药疗错误进行科学定位和对患者安全保障体系与措施的革新。本文不在于详尽地论述药疗错误和安保的革新,而是通过对药疗错误的科学定位,提出对药疗错误的预防优先和以医者与患者为中心的药疗安全保障,强调重在研究和应用与药疗安全问题相关的健康信息技术和改变认知与处理药。总的认为:关于药疗安全与药疗错误,执行安全措施的障碍和改善药疗管理的当前和可能的机制以及我们应当知道什么和可以怎样做为好。  相似文献   

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