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应对风格问卷的初步编制   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
本研究提出一种关于应对风格的理论构想。根据此构想编制的应对风格问卷可将个体分为灵活应对、问题应对、情绪应对和异常应对四种应对风格。初步研究表明,此问卷具有较好的信度和效度。用此问卷对1115名被试进行了初步调查,发现灵活应对风格160人,问题应对风格420人,情绪应对风格394人,异常应对风格的141人。此量表的建立为我们今后进行压力与应对的研究提供了一个有效工具。  相似文献   

通过实验的方法来考察应对风格、应激情境对焦虑水平、任务完成效率的影响。结果表明:应对风格和应激情境对焦虑水平和任务完成效率影响的主效应和交互效应都非常显著。在实验中,控制型应对风格的个体总体上表现出较低的焦虑水平和较高的任务完成效率。在低任务难度情境下,灵活应对风格和控制型应对风格的个体比非控制型应对风格和反常应对风格的个体表现出更低的焦虑水平和更高的任务完成效率,而且不同应对风格被试在焦虑水平和获胜率上的差异显著。  相似文献   

为探索幼儿教师职业压力、心理资本、应对方式和文化对职业幸福感的影响,选取中国成渝两地和新西兰汉密尔顿市的幼儿教师共501名,用幼儿教师职业幸福感量表(KTOWBS)、幼儿教师职业压力问卷(KTOSQ)、教师心理资本问卷(TPCQ)、简易应对方式量表(SSWC)进行调查。结果表明:(1)控制学校性质和教师教龄影响后,幼儿教师积极应对中介心理资本对职业幸福感的影响,消极应对中介职业压力对职业幸福感的影响。(2)幼儿教师心理资本对积极应对、职业压力对消极应对以及消极应对对职业幸福感的影响皆受文化调节。以上研究结果有助于认识文化这种情景因素的重要性,从而有针对性地提高幼儿教师职业幸福感。  相似文献   

目的:了解高中生应对活动的特点。方法:采用中学生应对方式问卷、自编的两个具体应激情境下(考试失败与人际关系紧张应激情境)的应对问卷KC与RC为调查工具,对河南省三所中学的466名高中生进行调查。结果:(1)自编的应对问卷KC、RC具有较好的信效度。(2)高中生在面临应激情境时,较多地采取问题解决这一积极主动的应对方式。(3)同一个体在不同应激情境下的具体的应对活动表现出较大的差异性,同时又表现出一定的一致性。结论:应对是个体与具体应激情境相互作用的结果。  相似文献   

桑标  陆洋 《心理科学》2006,29(5):1053-1057
本研究采用问卷调查和实验室任务相结合的方法,对59名高一学生进行一个月的跟踪调查,对结果进行聚类分析,旨在探寻高一学生在应对灵活性方面表现出的不同风格,同时从自我效能感、社会支持两方面探讨影响高一学生应对灵活性的主观和客观因素。研究结果表明:(1)聚类分析得到高一学生应对灵活性的四种类型:应对灵活型,积极不灵活型,消极不灵活型和积极不一致型;(2)应对灵活型和积极不灵活型被试的控制感显著高于消极不灵活型和积极不一致型;策略选择方面,积极不灵活型、积极不一致型倾向于使用问题焦点应对,应对灵活型、消极不灵活型倾向于使用情绪焦点应对;(3)自我效能感和社会支持在一定程度上可对应对灵活性类型产生预测作用,应对灵活型学生的自我效能感和对社会支持的利用度明显高于其他三类学生。研究结果有助于我们深入了解高中学生的适应问题。  相似文献   

目的探讨大学生应对方式与主观幸福感的关系。方法用《总体幸福感量表》和《简易应对方式问卷》对小学教育专业大学生进行问卷调查,并用spss17.0进行数据整理和相关分析。结果积极应对与总体幸福感的3个维度存在显著性差异(p<0.05);消极应对与总体幸福感的4个维度存在显著性差异(p<0.05),应对方式对幸福感的回归效应显著。结论应对方式是影响大学生幸福感的重要心理因素。  相似文献   

关于青少年应对风格的调查研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
该文采用天津师大编制的应对风格量表对江西省4072名从小学五年级到大学三年级的学生进行了调查,目的是了解青少年应对风格现状及其发展特点,以及性别、独生子女、城乡等因素对应对风格的影响。结果发现:总体而言,青少年应对风格倾向“注重问题的应对策略”,较少采用“注重情绪表达的策略”;在初一年级前后,个体采用的应对方式最为多样化;男女生的应对风格差异在高中后较为明显,男生更倾向于采用“注重问题的应对策略”,女生更倾向于采用“针对情绪的身体策略”;城镇学生的应对方式比农村学生更为多样化,并且更倾向于针对问题本身的策略;家庭收入只对“针对情绪的行为策略”产生影响,高、低两端收入家庭的学生更倾向于采用“针对情绪的行为策略”;是否独生子女在应对风格上不存在显著差异。  相似文献   

采用文化疏离感量表、应对方式问卷、文化智力量表和幸福感问卷对670名汉区高校少数民族大学生进行调查,分析了文化疏离感、应对方式、文化智力和汉区高校少数民族大学生幸福感之间关系。结果显示:(1)应对方式部分中介了文化疏离感与汉区高校少数民族大学生幸福感间的关系;(2)文化智力调节了文化疏离感通过应对方式影响汉区高校少数民族大学生幸福感这一中介过程的前半路径和直接路径。  相似文献   

中学生人格特质、主观应激与应对风格之间的关系   总被引:19,自引:1,他引:18  
旨在构建中学生的人格特质、主观应激与应对风格之间的关系模型。采用问卷的方法,被试来自成都的四所中学,共607人。探索性因素分析和路径分析结果表明:中学生的应对风格可以分为主动应对和被动应对;不同类型的主观应激之间可能存在潜在关系;主动的应对风格只受到人格特质(外向/内向性、责任心)直接作用;被动的应对风格除了受人格特质的直接和间接作用外,还受到主观应激的影响。  相似文献   

大学生应对方式、应对效能与心理健康的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨大学生应对方式、应对效能与心理健康之间的关系。方法:以简易应对方式问卷、应对效能量表、症状自评量表(SCL-90)对300名大学生进行测量。结果:积极应对方式与应对效能总分存在显著的正相关关系;应对方式、应对效能与心理健康存在显著的相关关系;消极应对方式对SCL-90的总症状指数有正向预测作用,自信程度、积极应对方式对总症状指数有负向预测作用。结论:大学生的应对方式和应对效能对心理健康有比较好的预测作用。  相似文献   

In this study, we examined coping from a developmental perspective, including its relation to age and social cognitive maturity. The 60 participants, who ranged from adolescents to mature adults, were given Lazarus' Ways of Coping Scale. This consists of both an emotion-focused and problem-focused coping score and two measures of social reasoning performance. Social reasoning was the best predictor of emotion-focused coping, above and beyond years of education and age. None of the developmental variables predicted problem-focused coping. Analyses examining the effect of perceived controllability of the stressful situation on coping demonstrated that it differentially mediated choice of coping strategy across age groups. Whereas older participants endorsed more problem-focused strategies in perceived controllable situations and emotion-focused strategies in perceived uncontrollable situations, adolescents endorsed emotion-focused and defensive coping styles, irrespective of perceived controllability. Implications for the study of development of coping styles in affectively salient contexts is discussed.  相似文献   

This study examined coping with stress from an organizational perspective by positing a relationship between Psychological Capital (PsyCap) and coping strategies (defined as change, accepting, or withdrawal). It was hypothesized that coping strategies would mediate the relationship between PsyCap and people’s well-being and performance. Questionnaire findings from a five hundred and fifty four employees showed a significant relationship between PsyCap and coping. Coping strategy in terms of change partially mediated the relationship between PsyCap and the outcomes of well-being and performance. Coping strategy in terms of withdrawal partially mediated the relationship between PsyCap and performance. PsyCap was found to have a strong, positive, and direct correlation with well-being and performance. Well-being was not found to associate significantly with performance. These findings suggest that the central variable in the model is not coping but PsyCap. PsyCap appears to have a strong, direct, and significant effect on the dependent variables. The theoretical implications are examined and future research avenues suggested.  相似文献   

The impact of the deaths of 19 children from malignancy on subsequent patterns of maternal and paternal coping styles was evaluated in a retrospective study of Dutch parents. The parents had been bereaved on average for 19 months. Parental coping was measured by the Utrecht Coping List which has comparable male and female norm groups. Coping styles differed significantly between the bereaved parents and their respective norm groups, particularly for parents bereaved for 18 months or less. The impact of the loss of a child, in terms of their parents' capacity to cope with everyday problems and events, would appear to affect mothers and fathers rather differently. But fathers and mothers who had been bereaved for more than 18 months were both closer to their comparable coping style norm groups than those bereaved for less than that time.  相似文献   

农村中学生应对方式研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文使用应对方式问卷对350名农村中学生进行调查,以探讨农村中学生应对方式状况.为实际教育提供依据。结果表明,中学生整体上趋向于成熟的应对方式如解决问题、求助等,但还存在不成熟的应对如幻想、退避等,因此需要引导和帮助;具体在各应对因子上不存在显著年级差异,解决问题和合理化因子上性别差异显著,不同类型学校学生和不同科目中学生等存在一定的显著差异。  相似文献   

为探究近15年来我国大学生应对方式的年代特点,对2001至2015年67篇采用肖计划等人编制的应付方式问卷测量我国大学生(涉及35332名被试)应对方式的研究报告进行了横断历史的元分析。结果表明:(1)近15年来,我国大学生应对方式在“解决问题”“求助”这2个因子上的得分随年代显著上升,总体来说我国大学生愈益倾向于采取积极的应对方式。(2)男生除“解决问题”、女生除“求助”因子没有显著变化外,其余因子都显著升高,而且应对方式各因子得分的性别差异不明显。  相似文献   

The present study describes the construction and validation of a new scale for measuring coping strategies entitled the Coping Styles Questionnaire (CSQ). Earlier studies had suggested that there were three primary coping components: task, emotion, and avoidance. In part, the validation of the CSQ confirmed these results, extracting factors concerned with problem-solving (Rational Coping, RATCOP), emotion (Emotional Coping, EMCOP) and avoidance (Avoidance Coping, AVCOP). However, a new factor was uncovered which tapped distancing or detachment (Detached Coping, DETCOP). Subsequent analyses suggested a grouping of two adaptive (RATCOP and DETCOP) and two maladaptive (EMCOP and AVCOP) coping styles, which was confirmed by the concurrent validation of the scale using the Emotional Control Questionnaire.  相似文献   

As part of a larger cross-cultural project, the present study analyses the coping styles of Finnish adolescents. A sample of 548 adolescents aged 15 to 17 years was investigated. Coping styles were defined by a matrix of 20 coping strategies applied across eight different developmental areas. Factor analysis revealed a three-dimensional structure of coping styles. The first dimension involves activities such as seeking support or taking advice (Active Coping), the second emphasizes the adolescent's appraisal of the situation and the search for a compromise (Internal Coping/Compromising) and the third includes defenses like denial and withdrawal (Withdrawal) and may be regarded as dysfunctional. The Finnish adolescents most frequently employed functional forms of coping like Active Coping and Internal Coping/Compromising: dysfunctional coping style such as Withdrawal was used less often. In addition, significant main effects for age and gender were found. Girls favored more Active Coping and support seeking behavior, as compared to boys. Both functional coping modes showed an increase with age. A comparison of coping styles across eight different problem areas revealed situation specific influences, too. The discussion compares the coping styles of Finnish adolescents with results of two parallel studies focussing on German and Israeli adolescents, using the same instrument. In spite of the considerable impact of environmental and historical conditions in the three countries, the similarities in coping behavior were impressive.  相似文献   

Marital quality in connection to its demographical and psychological correlates has been studied extensively in the West. In India also, it has been given considerable attention, but adequate exploration of relevant psychological variables is still wanting. The present study was conceptualized in this context to explore differences in the Personality factors, Attachment styles and Coping strategies in couples with good and poor marital quality. Data were collected from 90 couples for initial screening. Finally 20 couples with good marital quality and 20 couples with poor marital quality were selected based on scores of Marital Quality Scale. The tools used for screening were Marital Quality Scale and General Health Questionnaire-28. Other tools consisted of Neo Five Factor Inventory, Attachment style Questionnaire, and Coping Check list. Analysis revealed that the husbands with poor marital quality had higher neuroticism, less extraversion, less secure attachment style, less problem focused coping and acceptance, and greater denial than those with good marital quality. Wives with poor marital quality differed significantly from the wives with good marital quality in terms of less religious coping, acceptance and social support. The findings of the study may be utilized for advising maritally distressed couples by enhancing their coping resources and utilizing attachment potentials for furtherance of quality of married life.  相似文献   

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