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This paper replicates and extends a survey research tradition concerning correlates of life satisfaction. The focus is on sex roles, marital status, and labor force participation as predictors of life satisfaction. The data were obtained from a 1973 nationwide, probability-sample survey of the United States population. Cross-tabulations were used as the mode of statistical analysis. Several significant associations were observed between the independent and dependent variables. One of the findings showed that the impact of employment status on the life satisfaction of women varies with level of education.  相似文献   


Attachment insecurity (i.e., attachment anxiety and attachment avoidance) has been found to contribute to PTSD symptom severity in Veterans. However, little is known of the unique contribution of attachment insecurity on individual PTSD symptom clusters. In a community sample of 106 combat-deployed Veterans, active duty service members, and reservists, this study examined: (1) the relationships between childhood family experience, combat experience, attachment insecurity, and PTSD symptom clusters, and (2) the influence of attachment insecurity on PTSD symptom clusters. Results revealed significant correlations between attachment anxiety and all PTSD symptom clusters (rs = .22 –.43) and attachment avoidance and PTSD symptom clusters, except the avoidance cluster (rs = .21 ?.36). Four multiple regression analyses were employed to address the second study aim. Childhood family experiences predicted negative alterations in cognitions and mood (β = –.30) and alterations in arousal and reactivity (β = –.20). Further, combat experience significantly predicted each symptom cluster of PTSD (βs = .03 –.44). In the second step, attachment anxiety and attachment avoidance were added to each model. Attachment anxiety and attachment avoidance predicted negative alterations in cognitions and mood (βs = .22 and .35) and alterations in arousal and reactivity (βs = .27 and .17). Inconsistent with previous research, attachment insecurity did not predict symptoms of avoidance. These results highlight the impact of attachment among a diverse sample of trauma exposed individuals and may provide insights for clinical implications and therapeutic approaches when working with Veterans and military personnel high in attachment insecurity.  相似文献   

Growing research links Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) with greater posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms. Much of this research has focused on the influence of the presence or severity of a single TBI while neglecting the potential cumulative effects of multiple TBIs incurred across an individual’s lifetime on combat-related PTSD. The present study addressed this gap using a sample of 157 military service members and 4 civilian contractors who underwent structured TBI interviews at a military hospital in Iraq and completed the Combat Experiences Scale (CES) and Posttraumatic Checklist – Military (PCL-M). Results indicated that a greater number of lifetime TBIs were associated with greater PTSD symptoms when accounting for the presence and severity of a recent, deployment-related TBI. Additionally, a significant interaction of number of lifetime TBIs and combat exposure emerged, indicating that exposure to combat yielded greater PTSD symptoms among those with multiple lifetime TBIs compared to those with one or zero lifetime TBIs. These data suggest that incurring multiple TBIs may amplify the link between combat exposure and PTSD and underscore the need to screen for lifetime TBI history.  相似文献   

Ninety-six female and 96 male college students evaluated a briefly described adult female stimulus person on 24 7-point bipolar scales that described personality traits and professional performance characteristics. Each subject rated 1 of 8 mothers, who was described as either employed or nonemployed, either divorced or married, and as having either a 1-year-old or 11-year-old child. Employed mothers were viewed as less family oriented, but as more instrumental than nonemployed mothers. Divorced mothers were perceived as less well adjusted but more instrumental than married mothers. Employed mothers with a 1-year-old child were rated as most professionally competent, while employed mothers with an 11-year-old child were rated as most instrumental.Portions of this paper were presented at the meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, May 1987.  相似文献   


Military occupational designations are standardized classifications that help define and convey a service member’s expected duties and responsibilities. The present study examined how occupational designation was related to adverse combat-reactions, specifically posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). It was hypothesized that at comparable levels of combat, non-combat units would display greater symptomology than combat units. The study sample consisted of 785 combat-deployed, active-duty enlisted US Army personnel. Participants were administered self-report questionnaires, including the Combat Experiences Scale and PTSD Checklist for DSM-5. Occupation was coded using the three-branch system (i.e., Operations, Support, & Force Sustainment). Hierarchical multiple linear regression (MLR) was run to examine the effect of occupation, combat, and unit cohesion on PTSD symptoms. Operations units reported the highest frequency of combat exposure; however, Force Sustainment units displayed the highest PTSD symptoms. In MLR analysis, there was a significant interaction between Force Sustainment units and combat exposure (β = 0.10, p = .019), that was not observed in Operations or Support units. These findings demonstrate that PTSD symptom intensity is not solely a function of combat exposure, and that non-combat units may react differently when exposed to elevated levels of combat.  相似文献   

The interpersonal-psychological theory of suicide posits that the interaction of three elements is required for lethal suicidal behaviors: the perception that one is a burden on others, the perception that one does not belong, and fearlessness about death combined with high pain tolerance (termed “acquired capability” for suicide). Although an ever expanding research base supports the theory, very limited data exist supporting the theory among military personnel, a group that has experienced a rapid increase in suicides during the past several years. The current study tests the interpersonal-psychological theory in two clinical samples of military personnel while deployed to Iraq: those seeking treatment for mild traumatic brain injury, and those seeking outpatient mental health treatment. In both samples, perceived burdensomeness and acquired capability were significantly associated with suicidality, as was their interaction term. Results partially support the interpersonal-psychological theory of suicide, and indicate that perceptions of burdensomeness combined with fearlessness about death are associated with increased suicidality among deployed military personnel.  相似文献   

The Youn Scale was used to assess aging Koreans' perceived conflicts in relationships with their adult offspring. The sample consisted of 623 elderly Koreans between the ages of 55 and 84 years. Results indicated that aging Koreans experienced significantly more conflicts in their relationships as they grew older. There were also differences in the perceptions of problems in relationships with their offspring between those who lived together with their adult children and the those who did not, and also between those who were married and those who were single. The findings imply that aging Koreans want to have qualitatively better (i.e., warmer and closer) relationships with their offspring, regardless of their bereavement status and cohabitation status.  相似文献   

The questionnaire "Things I Talk About, How Frequently, and to Whom" measured the frequency with which people discussed 27 topics in everyday conversation. Twenty-three topics were subdivided into the topic in which content concerned a spectator perspective or a participant perspective. Factor analyses of 515 people yielded 5 factors for each perspective. Among the topic factors were beauty, worldly issues, everyday issues, hobbies, and sports and partying. Gender and age differences were observed not only in frequency of talk but also with whom people conversed. A detailed analysis of the kinds of spectator sports people talk about was included.  相似文献   

This study examined mechanisms of strain crossover within couples and the moderating role of gender. Data were collected at a time of military downsizing from a sample of 1,250 Russian army officers and their spouses. The authors tested a model that incorporated 3 mechanisms for the crossover of marital dissatisfaction among dual-earner couples. The model provided support for 2 suggested crossover mechanisms: direct reactions of crossover and indirect mediated effects through social undermining. Strong evidence was also provided for gender asymmetry in the crossover process. Marital dissatisfaction crossed over from husbands to wives but not vice versa, and social undermining behavior played a role in the process of crossover of marital dissatisfaction for husbands but not for wives.  相似文献   

This study examined the association between posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptomatology and aggressive behavior among a sample of male Vietnam veterans (N = 1,328). Results indicated that the hyperarousal PTSD symptom cluster evidenced the strongest positive association with aggression at the bivariate level when compared with the other PTSD symptom clusters. When the PTSD symptom clusters were examined together as predictors, hyperarousal symptoms evidenced a significant positive relationship with aggression, and avoidance/numbing symptoms were negatively associated with aggression. Examination of potential mediators indicated that hyperarousal symptoms were directly associated with aggression and indirectly related to aggression via alcohol problems. Reexperiencing symptoms were associated with aggression only indirectly and through their positive association with physiological reactivity and negative association with alcohol problems. Study results highlight the complexity of the relationship between PTSD symptoms and aggression, and suggest possible mechanisms explaining this association.  相似文献   

The Job Stress Survey (JSS) was administered to large samples of university and corporate employees and senior military personnel. Differences in the perceived severity, frequency of occurrence, and overall level of occupational stress were evaluated for individuals working in these settings. Gender differences in job stress and the factor structure of the JSS were also evaluated. Two occupational stress factors were identified, Job Pressure and Organizational Support, which were remarkably stable for males and females and for individuals working in university, corporate, and military settings. Corporate employees reported higher levels of perceived severity of job stress than the other groups, whereas military personnel reported that they more frequently experienced almost all of the job stress events. No overall differences were found for the three groups in the JSS Job Stress Index.  相似文献   

The impact of gender and marital status on migration decision making and satisfaction with the relocation decision six months following the move, are examined. Previous research in the literature concerning gender role, quality of life, and environmental sociology provides the conceptual framework for the following hypotheses: (a) women are more likely to migrate for quality-of-life, rather than economic, reasons; (b) single migrants are more likely to experience satisfaction with the move than are couples; (c) among couples, satisfaction with the move will be greatest when the decision to move is an egalitarian one; and (d) migrants who relocate for economic reasons will be dissatisfied with the move if their economic aspirations are not satisfied. Data are from the first interview with a random probability sample of 390 recent migrants into the Gallatin Valley of Montana. The sample was identified through new telephone listings, and a combined questionnaire/interview format was employed. Log-linear analyses were utilized to test the hypothesized relationships between marital status, the migration decision-making process, subsequent satisfaction with the decision to move, and income change as a result of the move. Hypotheses (a) and (b) above were supported. The data did not support the hypothesized relationship between egalitarian decision making and subsequent family satisfaction with the move. There also was no support for the expectation that migrants seeking economic goals would experience lower levels of satisfaction if these economic aspirations were unmet. The implications of these findings are discussed and alternative hypotheses are suggested.  相似文献   

Non-married people have generally been found to be less healthy than the married. It has been suggested that this difference may be brought about by the greater lack of social integration of those living alone. This hypothesis was tested by comparing the health of those living alone with those living with another person in the four non-married categories of never married, separated, divorced and widowed for women and men separately, initially controlling for age, education and income and subsequently adding five proximate indices of social integration. The person lived with was further categorized as an adult, cohabitee, child aged 4 or under, child aged 5 to 17, adult child, parent, relative or non-relative. The three indices of health were the 30-item General Health Questionnaire of psychological distress. a 15-item checklist of common physical symptoms and alcohol intake. The main differences obtained were that women living alone drank more alcohol than those cohabiting or living with a child aged 4 or under, and that widowers living alone were more psychologically distressed than those living with an adult child, even when social integration was controlled. The results suggested that living alone was not generally associated with poor health and so could not account for the difference between the married and non-married.  相似文献   

Lateral visual field as related to age and sex   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

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