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In studies of simple and conditional discrimination, procedures are needed to measure those aspects of stimuli that control behavior. The blank comparison procedure is one such procedure. It was designed explicitly for assessing S+ and S- functions when discriminative stimuli are presented simultaneously. In this procedure, a neutral stimulus serves sometimes as S+ and sometimes as S-. Its discriminative function is defined in relation to other stimuli in the display. The present study aimed to prepare 2 infant female capuchin monkeys for the effective use of the blank comparison procedure in a simple discrimination task. First, simple discrimination training was applied up to a stable accuracy criterion of ≥90%. This training was followed by the replacement of S+ and then of S- stimuli with new stimuli. Ultimately, trials with the blank comparison were introduced. Following this sequence, both monkeys immediately displayed highly accurate blank-comparison performances without the need for stimulus control shaping or other preparatory discrimination training. Thus, this procedure sequence may be an efficient, effective method for establishing blank-comparison baselines for experimental analyses of S+/S- discriminative functions and perhaps for other applications in teaching simple and conditional discrimination performances to this species and others.  相似文献   

Before and after learning-set training, 12 rhesus monkeys were tested on the acquisition and retention of tasks consisting of eight concurrent object discrimination problems. Training on the concurrent discrimination was administered unitil a fairly stringent acquisition criterion was met. Under these procedures, retention, unlike acquisition, was little influenced by initial object preferences. Excellent retention was observed both before and after learning-set training. In a second experiment, these same monkeys were tested on a series of concurrent tasks which provided different numbers of objects as the sets of correct and incorrect discriminanda. Task solutions depended largely upon acquiring and retaining a list of correct objects despite designation of the large or small sets as the correct one. The animals seemed not to use “exclusion” strategies even when this might have provided an efficient task solution. It was considered that the monkeys' performances were based on stimulus sampling characteristics like those seen in other discrimination testing situations.  相似文献   

Selective stimulus control occurs when behavior fails to come under control of all characteristics of a compound stimulus after discrimination training. Two different assessment procedures, one used in prior research and the other incorporating incorrect stimuli (S - 's) which differed minimally from the correct stimulus (S+), were used to detect stimulus control deficits characteristic of selective stimulus control. The efficacy of two training procedures in eliminating selective stimulus control observed with three trainable mentally retarded children was evaluated in Experiment 1. A training procedure using S - 's that were minimally different from the S+ was designed to reduce the probability that stimulus discriminations could be based on stimulus characteristics other than experimenter-specified characteristics defining the S+. This procedure proved more effective in preventing and eliminating selective stimulus control as measured by both assessment procedures than an alternate discrimination training procedure that failed to impact the more stringent measures of selective stimulus control. Experiment 2 indicated that these improvements in stimulus control were not a function of varying degrees of difficulty between stimulus sets or of a prior history of discrimination training with the less effective training procedure. The need for better assessment procedures to detect selective stimulus control and suggestions for further improvements in discrimination training procedures are discussed.  相似文献   

A primacy effect in monkeys when list position is relevant   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In Experiment 1 (1a and 1b), Rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) learned lists of two-choice visual discriminations in which list position was relevant to discrimination performance. For example, Stimulus A was the rewarded stimulus if it was presented at List Position 1, but was not rewarded if it was presented at any other position in the list; similarly, Stimulus B was rewarded only at List Position 2, and so on. In learning these lists, all animals showed a marked primacy effect. In Experiment 2 (2a and 2b), Rhesus monkeys and Cynomolgus monkeys (M. fascicularis) learned lists of visual discriminations in which each visual stimulus occupied a fixed position in a list, but list position was not relevant to discrimination performance. For example, Stimulus E was always rewarded, and was always presented at List Position 1. To increase the salience of list beginning as a distinctive event, successive presentations of the list were separated by 24-hr intervals. In Experiment 2 there was no primacy effect, however. These results show for the first time that a primacy effect can be obtained in visual discrimination learning by monkeys. Furthermore, they suggest that it is obtained only when list position is relevant to the discrimination learning task.  相似文献   

Saccadic chronostasis refers to the subjective temporal lengthening of the first visual stimulus perceived after an eye movement. It has been quantified using a duration discrimination task. Most models of human duration discrimination hypothesise an internal clock. These models could explain chronostasis as a transient increase in internal clock speed due to arousal following a saccade, leading to temporal overestimation. Two experiments are described which addressed this hypothesis by parametrically varying the duration of the stimuli that are being judged. Changes in internal clock speed predict chronostasis effects proportional to stimulus duration. No evidence for proportionality was found. Two further experiments assessed the appropriateness of the control conditions employed. Results indicated that the chronostasis effect is constant across a wide range of stimulus durations and does not reflect the pattern of visual stimulation experienced during a saccade, suggesting that arousal is not critical. Instead, alternative processes, such as one affecting the onset of timing (i.e., the time of internal clock switch closure) are implicated. Further research is required to select between these alternatives.  相似文献   

Studies on the operant conditioning of central nervous system activity have produced results interpreted as demonstrating that responses, certain properties of responses, or response-produced stimuli can function as discriminative stimuli. It is assumed that the feedback stimulus in biofeedback makes the subject aware of the internal response and that by becoming aware of the response, the subject can acquire voluntary control over it. In this context, awareness is operationally defined as the ability to use the response as a discriminative stimulus. Since direct evidence for the assumed relationship between control and discrimination is lacking, an attempt was made to test the hypothesis that discrimination of a response automatically leads to control over that response. The discriminative stimuli were the presence and absence of occipital alpha electroencephalograph (EEG) activity. Data from two experiments are reported. The first study, employing naive subjects, was designed to answer the following questions: (a) Since pilot data indicated that subjects seemed to match their responses to the more probable type of trial, would increases in the probability of a correct response result when the probabilities of alpha and nonalpha trials were held near .50? (b) If correct responding does increase, would performance of these subjects in an alpha feedback task be enhanced relative to that of subjects not previously given discrimination training? and (c) If subjects could not learn the discrimination task, would feedback training enhance their performance in a subsequent discrimination task? Results from this study indicate that holding the probabilities of alpha and nonalpha discrimination trials near .50 results in an absence of learning curves, but leaves open the possibility that sophisticated subjects are capable of discriminating alpha and nonalpha activity. The second study deals with two questions: (a) Can sophisticated subjects learn to discriminate occipital alpha activity from nonalpha activity? and (b) Does the procedure of providing subjects with salient stimuli, contingent on the presence and absence of alpha activity, establish stimulus control of the presence and absence of alpha activity? Results indicate that it is not possible to conclude that subjects can learn to discriminate alpha and nonalpha activity. However, learning to increase percent-time nonalpha or decrease percent-time alpha with respect to baseline levels by means of EEG-contingent stimulation provides subjects with the ability to suppress percent-time alpha in the absence of feedback. Information gained in both studies through subject interviews indicates that subjects most often acquired their control of alpha activity during feedback by a specific strategy and then used the strategy during the stimulus-control tests.  相似文献   

In Experiment 1, groups were given a trial sequence in differential conditioning in which all S+ trials preceded all S? trials (+? schedule) or one in which some S+ trials followed S? trials (+?+ schedule) and either a 1- or a 30-min intertrial interval (ITI). ITI affected discrimination learning only in the +? schedule condition; schedule affected discrimination only at massed trials. In Experiment.2, all groups received a +?+ schedule. In two groups, given a 1- or 15-min ITI between all trials, discrimination learning was independent of ITI. Discrimination learning was facilitated in two other groups given a 1-min ITI between all trials except between S? and the subsequent S+ trial, when the ITI was either 15 or 60 min. The results were discussed in terms of their implications for internal reward-related stimulus control of behavior in differential conditioning.  相似文献   

The present studies assessed the degree of stimulus control exerted by S+ and S? without confoundings of stimulus novelty and stimulus ambiguity. In Experiment 1, rats were trained on two intercurrent simultaneous discrimination problems with nine times more training given on one than the other. Then the animals were given transfer tests with re-paired stimuli. The results showed that S? exerts greater stimulus control than S+ in a two-choice simultaneous discrimination. Experiment 2 provided a test of the possibility that the relative degree of control by S? varies with different amounts of training. Three groups were trained on two intercurrent simultaneous discrimination problems; each group was given 7, 11, or 15 times more training on one problem than the other. Then transfer tests were given with re-paired stimuli. Again the results showed that S? exerts greater stimulus control than S+ in a two-choice simultaneous discrimination.  相似文献   

Across two experiments, decision priming was examined for conjunctions composed of first-order or first- and second-order stimulus features. Observers indicated the presence or absence of one or two features in a Gabor stimulus. When a pair of stimulus features differed in their speed of discrimination, responses indicating the presence of a conjunction were faster than those for the single feature for which discrimination was slowest (conjunction benefits). Also, responses indicating the absence of a conjunction were delayed if one of the features was present (conjunction costs). These results show that first- and second-order features can prime decisions about the presence of a conjunction and suggest that the two kinds of signals can be combined at a decision stage after the discrimination of stimulus properties has begun for each system.  相似文献   

In one experiment, pigeons were taught to discriminate airflow by having availability of reinforcement signalled by its presence and extinction signalled by its absence. After they reached criterion, some were trained on a discrimination reversal. Others were trained on an intradimensional discrimination with a low airflow velocity associated with reinforcement and a higher airflow velocity associated with extinction. All discriminations were learned rapidly, indicating that airflow velocity can function as a discriminative stimulus. In the second and third experiments, naive pigeons were trained to discriminate the presence of a compound stimulus (one of three tonal intensities paired with one of three airflow velocities) from its absence. These pigeons were subsequently given a component stimulus test during extinction on four stimulus values; the two training values, the tone alone, and the airflow alone. High or moderate velocity airflow controlled more responding than any of the three tone intensities. However, low velocity airflow controlled more responding only when a low intensity tone was employed.  相似文献   

Monkeys (Macaca mulatta) were trained to discriminate between sets of artificial stimuli such as those used by Jitsumori (1993) for pigeons and humans. The stimuli were arrays of symbols differing along three two-valued (positive or negative) dimensions. The discrimination required was between polymorphous categories in which a positive stimulus was defined by possession of any 2 out of 3 positive features. Of the 5 monkeys, 3 learned the discrimination much faster than did pigeons, but transfer to novel stimuli was less impressive than had been shown in pigeons. The 3 monkeys showed high levels of transfer to the stimuli that contained either all 3 positive or all 3 negative features, but 2 of the 3 monkeys failed to show transfer to stimuli that had 1 of the 3 features replaced with a novel one. Analysis of the monkeys' performance raised doubts on the additive integration of features but supported learning of feature combinations as a basis for the discrimination of polymorphous categories by this species.  相似文献   

In Experiment I, two monkeys solved a successive visual discrimination in which the four positive stimuli were the visual arrays RIM, LID, RAD and LAM while the four negative stimuli were RID, LIM, RAM and LAD. In Experiment II the same monkeys first learned a discrimination where the positive stimuli were pairs of letters (e.g. OB and AK) while the negative stimulus was the letter I; in a subsequent generalization test with all four possible pairings of the stimulus elements that had been positive during training (i.e. with OB, AK, OK and AB) the monkeys responded more strongly to the pairs that had been present in initial training. These results were discussed in relation to the theoretical analysis of configurational cues in animal discrimination learning and to the mechanism underlying visual discrimination of words by people.  相似文献   

Classical discrimination conditioning of the nictitating membrane/eyelid response was performed on seven rabbits using stimulation of the pontine nuclei or middle cerebellar peduncle as the conditioned stimulus (CS) and an air puff as the unconditioned stimulus (US). The rabbits learned to discriminate between a CS paired with a US and delivered to one pontine nucleus (the CS+) and a CS presented alone and delivered to the contralateral pontine nucleus (the CS-). Subsequent reversal of the discrimination was also achieved when the CS+ and CS- stimulation sites were interchanged. The results are interpreted as support for the idea that essential plasticity for classical eyelid conditioning occurs efferent to the pontine nuclei, possibly in regions of the cerebellum.  相似文献   

Two monkeys were trained on a three-component multiple schedule using discrete trials. In one component (food), a response terminated a red stimulus and produced food and S(Delta). In the second component (avoidance), a response terminated a green stimulus and avoided shock. In the third component (optional), a response terminated a blue stimulus and produced S(Delta). The consequence of not responding in the blue stimulus, however, was the production of either a food or an avoidance trial. Manipulation of these consequences showed that when food trials were available only a small percent of the time after optional trials, the subjects tended not to respond in the blue, even though this led to an increase in the total number of avoidance trials per day. If only avoidance trials followed as a consequence of not responding in the optional component, the animals terminated the blue stimulus and avoided the avoidance trials. Throughout the experiment both subjects maintained consistently low shock rates (about 10 per day) and these were not affected by the various manipulations. The data suggest that a stimulus associated with avoidance can be a conditioned aversive stimulus and will maintain a more remote avoidance response under certain conditions.  相似文献   

The use of discrimination learning paradigms in the study of attentional transfer is discussed. The technique of go/no-go discrimination learning followed by stimulus generalization testing is contrasted with the more familiar simultaneous learning paradigm followed by a shift in the relevant cues. In the former paradigm the effect of training a discrimination on one dimension on the slope of the stimulus generalization gradient on an independent gradient dimension (extra-dimensional training) is assessed. A steepening of the gradient relative to appropriate control procedures is taken as evidence of positive attentional transfer. The relevance of the technique to the detailed study of attentional transfer in educationally subnormal (severely) (ESN(S)) children is considered. In Expt. I nine ESN(S) children were trained in a go/no-go discrimination involving stimuli differing in orientation, and were generalization tested on a dimension that was orthogonal, namely hue. Of the six subjects who learnt the discrimination five showed clear decremental gradients on the hue dimension. In contrast a Pseudo-Discrimination group (PD) of eight subjects matched to those in the TD group showed no gradients. These subjects were not trained in the orientation discrimination, but were reinforced for responding on 50 per cent of each of the S+ and S- stimulus presentations. They thus received equal exposure to, but no differential training on, the orientation dimension. An S+ only group of four subjects who received no exposure to the orientation stimuli showed no gradients when stimulus generalization testing on the hue continuum was carried out. The result is discussed in terms of transfer deriving from stimulus control by relational aspects of the stimuli; in terms of control by constant irrelevant stimuli; and in terms of the study of stimulus control in ESN(S) children. In Expt. II the influence of the codability of the colours on the location of the peak of the stimulus generalization gradients in the TD group is investigated.  相似文献   

Rats were trained in an operant discrimination involving two panel lights, A and B. Group CI (Conditioned Inhibition) was trained to lever press in the presence of A (S+), and not in the presence of the compound AB (S?). The opposite contingencies held in Group CE (Conditioned Excitation). Response rates were higher in Group CE than in Group CI, especially to the positive stimulus. However, the groups acquired the discrimination at comparable rates. In a separate phase of the experiment, a tone (C) was separately trained in the absence of the lights to control responding. All seven possible combinations of A, B, and C were then presented randomly during extinction. The inhibitory effect of B on C in Group CI was comparable in magnitude to the excitatory effect of B on C in Group CE. B's effect on C was not altered by the presence or absence of A, regardless of whether A was inhibitory or excitatory. The symmetry between CI and CE revealed by the stimulus-compounding test may be partly artifactual.  相似文献   

Two monkeys were trained to press and hold a response key in the presence of a light and to release it at the onset of a pure tone. Initially, all responses with latencies shorter than 1 sec were reinforced without regard to the frequency of the pure tone, and the intensity of the pure tone that resulted in equal latencies at each frequency was determined. The second stage of the experiment consisted of discrimination training, during which releases to one pure-tone frequency (positive stimulus) were reinforced and releases to a second frequency (negative stimulus) were extinguished. Median latencies to the negative stimulus slowly increased as did the variability of the latency distribution for the negative stimulus. There was no evidence of a concurrent decrease in latencies to the positive stimulus indicative of behavioral contrast. The third part of the experiment consisted of determining maintained generalization gradients by increasing the number of nonreinforcement stimuli. The gradients that eventually resulted showed approximately equal latencies to all frequencies of the negative stimulus and shorter latencies to the positive stimulus frequency.  相似文献   

Fechnerian scaling is a theory of how a certain (Fechnerian) metric can be computed in a continuous stimulus space of arbitrary dimensionality from the shapes of psychometric (discrimination probability) functions taken in small vicinities of stimuli at which these functions reach their minima. This theory is rigorously derived in this paper from three assumptions about psychometric functions: (1) that they are continuous and have single minima around which they increase in all directions; (2) that any two stimulus differences from these minimum points that correspond to equal rises in discrimination probabilities are comeasurable in the small (i.e., asymptotically proportional), with a continuous coefficient of proportionality; and (3) that oppositely directed stimulus differences from a minimum point that correspond to equal rises in discrimination probabilities are equal in the small. A Fechnerian metric derived from these assumptions is an internal (or generalized Finsler) metric whose indicatrices are asymptotically similar to the horizontal cross-sections of the psychometric functions made just above their minima. Copyright 2001 Academic Press.  相似文献   

Motor learning in the vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR) and eyeblink conditioning use similar neural circuitry, and they may use similar cellular plasticity mechanisms. Classically conditioned eyeblink responses undergo extinction after prolonged exposure to the conditioned stimulus in the absence of the unconditioned stimulus. We investigated the possibility that a process similar to extinction may reverse learned changes in the VOR. We induced a learned alteration of the VOR response in rhesus monkeys using magnifying or miniaturizing goggles, which caused head movements to be accompanied by visual image motion. After learning, head movements in the absence of visual stimulation caused a loss of the learned eye movement response. When the learned gain was low, this reversal of learning occurred only when head movements were delivered, and not when the head was held stationary in the absence of visual input, suggesting that this reversal is mediated by an active, extinction-like process.  相似文献   

In each of four experiments the acquisition of discriminative stimulus control by brightness cues (black vs white runway) in a successive go/no-go instrumental discrimination was blocked in groups given prior discrimination training with internal (reward-produced and intertrial interval-related) cues as relevant discriminanda and brightness cues irrelevant. The blocking effects obtained here in instrumental conditioning were substantial and in most cases complete. Blocking occurred whether brightness in Phase I varied across trials but was uncorrelated with reinforcement (varied-irrelevant, V-I, condition) or whether all Phase 1 trials occurred to a single value on the brightness dimension (constant-irrelevant, C-I, condition) which then served as a redundant S+ cue in Phase 2 while the previously unexperienced brightness cue was added to the S- stimulus compound, or vice versa. Blocking in the V-I condition was shown not to be due simply to nondifferential reinforcement of brightness in Phase 1, but to depend on the prior acquisition of discriminative stimulus control by internal cues. As in Pavlovian conditioning, blocking here was an increasing function of amount of prior conditioning to the blocking stimulus. The results encourage the prospect that the procedures used here can be developed into a viable instrumental conditioning companion to the Pavlovian procedures now used almost exclusively to study blocking.  相似文献   

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