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Examples are presented in which it is either desirable or necessary to transform two sets of orthogonal axes to simple structure positions by means of the same transformation matrix. A solution is then outlined which represents a two-matrix extension of the general orthomax orthogonal rotation criterion. In certain circumstances, oblique two-matrix solutions are possible using the procedure outlined and the Harris-Kaiser [1964] logic. Finally, an illustrative example is presented in which the preceding technique is applied in the context of an inter-battery factor analysis.The work reported herein was supported by Grant S72-1886 from the Canada Council. The author acknowledges the helpful contributions of Nancy Reid and Lawrence Ward to parts of this paper.  相似文献   

In three-mode Principal Components Analysis, theP ×Q ×R core matrixG can be transformed to simple structure before it is interpreted. It is well-known that, whenP=QR,G can be transformed to the identity matrix, which implies that all elements become equal to values specified a priori. In the present paper it is shown that, whenP=QR − 1,G can be transformed to have nearly all elements equal to values spectified a priori. A cllsed-form solution for this transformation is offered. Theoretical and practical implications of this simple structure transformation ofG are discussed. Constructive comments from anonymous reviewers are gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

Factor analysis and principal components analysis (PCA) are often followed by an orthomax rotation to rotate a loading matrix to simple structure. The simple structure is usually defined in terms of the simplicity of the columns of the loading matrix. In Three-mode PCA, rotational freedom of the so called core (a three-way array relating components for the three different modes) can be used similarly to find a simple structure of the core. Simple structure of the core can be defined with respect to all three modes simultaneously, possibly with different emphases on the different modes. The present paper provides a fully flexible approach for orthomax rotation of the core to simple structure with respect to three modes simultaneously. Computationally, this approach relies on repeated (two-way) orthomax applied to supermatrices containing the frontal, lateral or horizontal slabs, respectively. The procedure is illustrated by means of a number of exemplary analyses. As a by-product, application of the Three-mode Orthomax procedures to two-way arrays is shown to reveal interesting relations with and interpretations of existing two-way simple structure rotation techniques.This research has been made possible by a fellowship from the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences to the author. The author is obliged to Jos ten Berge and two anonymous reviewers for useful comments on an earlier version of this paper.  相似文献   

因子分析的元分析技术及其应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
因子分析的元分析指对采用因子分析的原始研究进行分析, 是知识生产和更新的重要一环, 但尚未引起研究者的注意。主要有5种主要技术, 即因子配对旋转法、多组验证性因子分析、基于汇总相关矩阵的因子分析、基于估计的总体相关矩阵的验证性因子分析、基于显著负荷共生矩阵的探索性因子分析等。每种技术的介绍都包括其基本思想、适用范围、优缺点以及典型应用等。因子分析的元分析可分成7个基本步骤; 资料整理、数据合成和数据分析三步与其它类型的元分析有所不同。未来研究应注意因子分析的元分析在方法发展和应用方面的一系列问题。  相似文献   

Varimax rotation consists of iteratively rotating pairs of columns of a matrix to a maximal sum (over columns) of variances of squared elements of the matrix. Without loss of optimality, the two rotated columns can be permuted and/or reflected. Although permutations and reflections are harmless for each planar rotation per se, they can be harmful in Varimax rotation. Specifically, they often give rise to the phenomenon that certain pairs of columns are consistently skipped in the iterative process, whence Varimax will be terminated at a nonstationary point. The skipping phenomenon is demonstrated, and it is shown how to prevent it.The author is obliged to Henk Kiers for commenting on a previous draft.  相似文献   

A simple modification substantially simplifies the use of the gradient projection (GP) rotation algorithms of Jennrich (2001, 2002). These algorithms require subroutines to compute the value and gradient of any specific rotation criterion of interest. The gradient can be difficult to derive and program. It is shown that using numerical gradients gives almost precisely the same results as using exact gradients. The resulting algorithm is very easy to use because the only problem specific code required is that needed to define the rotation criterion. The computing time is increased when using numerical gradients, but it is still very modest for most purposes. While used extensively elsewhere, numerical derivatives seem to be underutilized in statistics.  相似文献   

In exploratory factor analysis, latent factors and factor loadings are seldom interpretable until analytic rotation is performed. Typically, the rotation problem is solved by numerically searching for an element in the manifold of orthogonal or oblique rotation matrices such that the rotated factor loadings minimize a pre-specified complexity function. The widely used gradient projection (GP) algorithm, although simple to program and able to deal with both orthogonal and oblique rotation, is found to suffer from slow convergence when the number of manifest variables and/or the number of latent factors is large. The present work examines the effectiveness of two Riemannian second-order algorithms, which respectively generalize the well-established truncated Newton and trust-region strategies for unconstrained optimization in Euclidean spaces, in solving the rotation problem. When approaching a local minimum, the second-order algorithms usually converge superlinearly or even quadratically, better than first-order algorithms that only converge linearly. It is further observed in Monte Carlo studies that, compared to the GP algorithm, the Riemannian truncated Newton and trust-region algorithms require not only much fewer iterations but also much less processing time to meet the same convergence criterion, especially in the case of oblique rotation.  相似文献   

Some relationships between factors and components   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The asymptotic correlations between the estimates of factor and component loadings are obtained for the exploratory factor analysis model with the assumption of a multivariate normal distribution for manifest variables. The asymptotic correlations are derived for the cases of unstandardized and standardized manifest variables with orthogonal and oblique rotations. Based on the above results, the asymptotic standard errors for estimated correlations between factors and components are derived. Further, the asymptotic standard error of the mean squared canonical correlation for factors and components, which is an overall index for the closeness of factors and components, is derived. The results of a Monte Carlo simulation are presented to show the usefulness of the asymptotic results in the data with a finite sample size.The author is indebted to anonymous referees for their comments, corrections and suggestions which have led to the improvement of this article.  相似文献   

The aim of the current study was to reexamine previous findings in which the magnitude of the male advantage in mental rotation abilities increased when participants mentally rotated occluded versus nonoccluded items and decreased when participants mentally rotated human figures versus blocks. Mainly, the study aimed to address methodological issues noted on previous human figure mental rotations tests as the items composed of blocks and human body were probably not equivalent in terms of their cognitive requirements. Our results did not support previous research on embodied cognition as mental rotation performance decreased among both men and women when mentally rotating human figures compared to block items. However, for women, the effect of occlusion was decreased when mentally rotating human figures. Results are discussed in terms of task difficulty and gender differences in confidence and guessing behaviour.  相似文献   

We propose an index for assessing the degree of factor simplicity in the context of principal components and exploratory factor analysis. The new index, which is called Loading Simplicity, is based on the idea that the communality of each variable should be related to few components, or factors, so that the loadings in each variable are either zero or as far from zero as possible. This index does not depend on the scale of the factors, and its maximum and minimum are only related to the degree of simplicity in the loading matrix. The aim of the index is to enable the degree of simplicity in loading matrices to be compared.The author would like to thank the review team for their insights and recommendations. This work was supported by a grant SEC2001-3821-C05-C02 from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology.  相似文献   

A loading matrix has perfect simple structure if each row has at most one nonzero element. It is shown that if there is an orthogonal rotation of an initial loading matrix that has perfect simple structure, then orthomax rotation with 0 1 of the initial loading matrix will produce the perfect simple structure. In particular, varimax and quartimax will produce rotations with perfect simple structure whenever they exist.  相似文献   

This article proposes a procedure for fitting a pure exploratory bifactor solution in which the general factor is orthogonal to the group factors, but the loadings on the group factors can satisfy any orthogonal or oblique rotation criterion. The proposal combines orthogonal Procrustes rotations with analytical rotations and consists of a sequence of four steps. The basic input is a semispecified target matrix that can be (a) defined by the user, (b) obtained by using Schmid-Leiman orthogonalization, or (c) automatically built from a conventional unrestricted solution based on a prescribed number of factors. The relevance of the proposal and its advantages over existing procedures is discussed and assessed via simulation. Its feasibility in practice is illustrated with two empirical examples in the personality domain.  相似文献   

While a rotation procedure currently exists to maximize simultaneously Tucker's coefficient of congruence between corresponding factors of two factor matrices under orthogonal rotation of one factor matrix, only approximate solutions are known for the generalized case where two or more matrices are rotated. A generalization and modification of the existing rotation procedure to simultaneously maximize the congruence is described. An example using four data matrices, comparing the generalized congruence maximization procedure with alternative rotation procedures, is presented. The results show a marked improvement of the obtained congruence using the generalized congruence maximization procedure compared to other procedures, without a significant loss of success with respect to the least squares criterion. A computer program written by the author to perform the rotations is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Factor analysis and principal component analysis are usually followed by simple structure rotations of the loadings. These rotations optimize a certain criterion (e.g., varimax, oblimin), designed to measure the degree of simple structure of the pattern matrix. Simple structure can be considered optimal if a (usually large) number of pattern elements is exactly zero. In the present paper, a class of oblique rotation procedures is proposed to rotate a pattern matrix such that it optimally resembles a matrix which has an exact simple pattern. It is demonstrated that this method can recover relatively complex simple structures where other well-known simple structure rotation techniques fail.This research has been made possible by a fellowship from the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences. The author is obliged to Jos ten Berge for helpful comments on an earlier version.  相似文献   

Cureton & Mulaik (1975) proposed the Weighted Varimax rotation so that Varimax (Kaiser, 1958) could reach simple solutions when the complexities of the variables in the solution are larger than one. In the present paper the weighting procedure proposed by Cureton & Mulaik (1975) is applied to Direct Oblimin (Clarkson & Jennrich, 1988), and the rotation method obtained is called Weighted Oblimin. It has been tested on artificial complex data and real data, and the results seem to indicate that, even though Direct Oblimin rotation fails when applied to complex data, Weighted Oblimin gives good results if a variable with complexity one can be found for each factor in the pattern. Although the weighting procedure proposed by Cureton & Mulaik is based on Landahl's (1938) expression for orthogonal factors, Weighted Oblimin seems to be adequate even with highly oblique factors. The new rotation method was compared to other rotation methods based on the same weighting procedure and, whenever a variable with complexity one could be found for each factor in the pattern, Weighted Oblimin gave the best results. When rotating a simple empirical loading matrix, Weighted Oblimin seemed to slightly increase the performance of Direct Oblimin.The author is obliged to Henk A. L. Kiers and three anonymous reviewers for helpful comments on an earlier version of this paper.  相似文献   

EM algorithms for ML factor analysis   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
The details of EM algorithms for maximum likelihood factor analysis are presented for both the exploratory and confirmatory models. The algorithm is essentially the same for both cases and involves only simple least squares regression operations; the largest matrix inversion required is for aq ×q symmetric matrix whereq is the matrix of factors. The example that is used demonstrates that the likelihood for the factor analysis model may have multiple modes that are not simply rotations of each other; such behavior should concern users of maximum likelihood factor analysis and certainly should cast doubt on the general utility of second derivatives of the log likelihood as measures of precision of estimation.  相似文献   

Ab Mooijaart 《Psychometrika》1985,50(3):323-342
Factor analysis for nonnormally distributed variables is discussed in this paper. The main difference between our approach and more traditional approaches is that not only second order cross-products (like covariances) are utilized, but also higher order cross-products. It turns out that under some conditions the parameters (factor loadings) can be uniquely determined. Two estimation procedures will be discussed. One method gives Best Generalized Least Squares (BGLS) estimates, but is computationally very heavy, in particular for large data sets. The other method is a least squares method which is computationally less heavy. In one example the two methods will be compared by using the bootstrap method. In another example real life data are analyzed.This paper has partly been written while the author was a visiting scholar at the Department of Psychology, University of California, Los Angeles. He wants to thank Peter Bentler who made this stay at UCLA possible and for his valuable contributions to this paper. This research was supported by the Netherlands Organization for the Advancement of Pure Research (Z.W.O) under number R56-150 and by USPHS Grant DA01070.  相似文献   

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