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ObjectiveThe current study evaluated the efficacy of an Internet-based parent-training program for children with conduct problems. Dose–response ratio and costs for the program were also considered.MethodParents of 104 children (aged 3–12 years) were randomly allocated to either parent training or a waitlist control condition. Diagnostic assessment was conducted at baseline and parent ratings of child externalizing behaviors and parent strategies were completed before and after treatment and at 6-month follow-up.ResultsAt post-treatment assessment, children whose parent(s) had received the intervention showed a greater reduction in conduct problems compared to the waitlist children. Between group intent-to-treat effect sizes (Cohen’s d) on the Eyberg Intensity and Problem scales were .42 and .72, respectively (study completers .66 and 1.08). In addition, parents in the intervention group reported less use of harsh and inconsistent discipline after the treatment, as well as more positive praise. Effects on behavior problems were maintained at 6-month follow-up.ConclusionsThe results support the efficacy of parent training, administered through Internet, with outcomes comparable to many of the group-based parent training programs. The efficacy, low cost, and higher accessibility make this intervention a fitting part in a stepped-care model.  相似文献   

Background: Adjustment disorder is among the most often diagnosed mental health disorders. Still, there is a lack of specific interventions available for adjustment disorder.

Objectives: The aim of this study was to test if an internet-based self-help intervention for adjustment disorder could be effective without therapist involvement.

Design: A parallel group randomized controlled trial design was used to test the effectiveness of the Brief Adjustment Disorder Intervention (BADI) – an internet-based intervention for adjustment disorder.

Methods: In total 1077 participants were randomized into two conditions: BADI intervention and BADI intervention with therapist support. The main outcome measures were symptoms of adjustment disorder and well-being.

Results: Pre-intervention to post-intervention adjustment disorder effect size for the BADI intervention group was d?=?0.64, and for the BADI with therapist support group the effect size was d?=?0.53.

Conclusions: The present study supported the effectiveness of the BADI intervention. Our findings also indicated that adding therapist support to the standard BADI intervention did not significantly improve the outcomes.  相似文献   

This study examined the individual and combined effects of two nonpharmacological treatments for attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD): Cogmed working memory training (CWMT) for adolescents and behavioral parent training (BPT) for mothers. Ninety-one adolescents (ages 11–15) and their mothers were randomized to one of four CWMT and BPT treatment and active control (placebo) group combinations of 5-week interventions. At pre- and posttest, mothers and teachers completed rating forms, and adolescents completed neuropsychological measures of working memory (WM). Individual intervention effects showed that treatment CWMT significantly improved WM spans, whereas there were no significant differences for treatment or control BPT on reports of parent-related outcomes. Combined treatment effects indicated an overall pattern of greatest improvements for the control CWMT/treatment BPT group, as compared to the other three groups, on adolescent WM deficit, behavioral regulation problems, and global executive deficit. Most significant effects for outcomes were main effects of improvements over time. A combination of CWMT and BPT did not result in increased treatment gains. However, potential effects of combined treatment may have been masked by greater perceived benefits arising from lack of struggle in the nonadaptive, CWMT active control condition. Future combined intervention research should focus on specific, theoretically driven WM deficits among individuals with ADHD, should include possible adaptations to the standard CWMT program, should examine effectiveness of cognitive treatments combined with contextual interventions and should utilize appropriate control groups to fully understand the unique and combined effects of interventions.  相似文献   

With the component selection measure developed by Hale and Morgan (1973), children's use of selective attention was assessed at six levels of learning, ranging from undertraining to overtraining, and this function was examined at each of ages 4, 8, and 12. It was found that, as the children learned the task, they maintained a relatively wide focus of attention, acquiring information about both features of the stimuli, color and shape. Thus, contrary to the model under investigation, the children did not exercise a high degree of selectivity as they approached mastery of the task; nor did overtraining produce the expected “broadening” of attention, as the children acquired little stimulus information beyond the point at which criterion had been reached. The data were interpreted to be more consistent with a model that assumes the bulk of stimulus learning to occur prior to task mastery.  相似文献   

Loneliness has been found to predict a wide range of physical and mental health problems. It is suggested that China's One‐Child Policy places young Chinese people at a particularly high risk for loneliness. Although loneliness is most prevalent in late adolescence and early adulthood, interventions have primarily targeted children or older adults with limited success. The current study examines a pilot randomized controlled trial of a mindfulness training program among Chinese college students. Participants with elevated loneliness (N = 50, ages 17–25) were randomized into either an 8‐week mindfulness training or a control group. Self‐reported measures of loneliness and mindfulness were administered at baseline and posttest. The training group also completed a program evaluation form and a 3‐month follow‐up assessment. Results provided preliminary evidence indicating that the intervention was feasible and effective at reducing loneliness among Chinese college students. Limitations and future directions were discussed.  相似文献   

Two different self-help training programs (multimodal cognitive-behavioral training (CBT) and applied relaxation (AR)) presented via the Internet were compared with an educational intervention (EDU) in an RCT. Sixty-five children and adolescents (mean age: 12.7 years) with recurrent headache (at least 2 attacks per month) were each assigned to one of the three treatment conditions. The main outcome variables related to changes in headache frequency, intensity and duration as well as the responder rate (50% reduction of headache frequency) and NNTs. Secondary outcome variables were pain catastrophizing and general well-being (depression, psychopathological symptoms and health-related quality of life). All groups showed significant reduction in headache frequency, duration and pain catastrophizing, but not in headache intensity, depression, psychopathological symptoms or health-related quality of life at post-assessment. NNTs were 2.0 for the comparison CBT and EDU; 5.2 for the comparison of AR and EDU at post-treatment. The highest responder rates at post were from CBT (63%), significantly different compared to AR (32%) and EDU (19%), whereas at follow-up no significant differences were found (CBT: 63%, AR: 56%, EDU: 55%) reflecting in the NNTs.The effects remain stable in headache frequency, pain catastrophizing and psychopathological symptoms across all groups at follow-up assessment. CBT showed the highest within-effect size in headache frequency, duration and pain catastrophizing. The results support the use of Internet programs for pediatric recurrent headache, especially given their accessibility and suitability for children and adolescents. Further studies are needed to improve their quality and efficacy.  相似文献   

This study tested Rachman's cognitive behavioral method for treating obsessions not accompanied by prominent overt compulsions. The cognitive behavioral treatment was compared to waitlist control and an active and credible comparison of stress management training (SMT). Of the 73 adults who were randomized, 67 completed treatment, and 58 were available for one-year follow-up. The active treatments, compared to waitlist, resulted in substantially lower YBOCS scores, OCD-related cognitions and depression as well as improved social functioning. Overall, CBT and SMT showed large and similar reductions in symptoms. Pre-post effect sizes on YBOCS Obsessions for CBT and SMT completers was d = 2.34 and 1.90, respectively. Although CBT showed small advantages over SMT on some symptom measures immediately after treatment, these differences were no longer apparent in the follow-up period. CBT resulted in larger changes on most OCD-related cognitions compared to SMT. The cognitive changes were stable at 12 months follow-up, but the differences in the cognitive measures faded. The robust and enduring effects of both treatments contradict the long-standing belief that obsessions are resistant to treatment.  相似文献   

Adaptive training of working memory (WM) using the Cogmed-RM intervention has recently shown some efficacy as an alternative treatment for ADHD, but this intervention may not be optimally designed. A recent component analysis of WM has suggested that maintenance in primary memory (PM) appears to be largely intact whereas recall from secondary memory (SM) appears to be deficient in ADHD relative to age-matched controls. However, extrapolating from basic research, there is reason to believe that Cogmed-RM may target the PM component more than the SM component; though training with spatial exercises may target the SM component more than training with verbal exercises. To investigate, participants diagnosed with ADHD were randomly assigned to either a verbal training condition (n?=?24) or a spatial training condition (n?=?23) using a randomized, controlled design, and both groups were instructed to complete at least 20 days of training. The PM and SM components of WM were assessed immediately before and after training using both verbal and spatial free recall tasks. The main findings showed that both versions of the intervention enhanced the maintenance of information in PM regardless of test modality, but not the recall of information from SM. Therefore, the component of WM that is improved by Cogmed-RM is not the same component of WM that is deficient in ADHD.  相似文献   

This study was designed to test the effectiveness of a short bladder training procedure to increase bladder capacity and to improve enuresis. Eighteen enuretic children, aged 5–13 years, were randomly assigned to either an experimental or control group. Pre- and post-treatment measures of bladder capacity and frequency of bedwetting were obtained from subjects in both groups. The experimental group received 35 days of bladder training administered at first by the experimenter and then by the parents. The training consisted of required drinking, practice in holding and rewards for retaining progressively larger volumes of fluid before voiding. The control group received no training during the duration of the experiment. The results showed that the mean bladder capacity of the experimental subjects increased significantly with bladder training compared to controls. However, the frequency of bedwetting of the experimental subjects did not decrease significantly with training. Consequently, the efficacy of a bladder training procedure in the treatment of enuresis is questioned  相似文献   

Background/ObjectiveContingency management (CM) is one of the most effective interventions for smokers with substance use disorder (SUD), and no empirical assessment of its long-term efficacy has been conducted so far in a real-world context. The objectives were: (1) examine the additive effectiveness of CM on cognitive-behavioral treatment (CBT) for smoking cessation, and (2) examine the relationship between smoking cessation and substance use abstinence.MethodA total of 80 participants (75.8% males; Mage = 45.31; SD = 9.64) were assigned to two smoking cessation treatments: CBT or CBT+CM. A set of generalized estimating equations were conducted to examine the effect of treatment condition on smoking outcomes, as well as the effect of smoking status on substance abstinence.ResultsAdding CM to CBT for smoking cessation improved tobacco abstinence rates at the end-of-treatment (p = .049). Tobacco abstinence rates declined over time (p = .012), but no significant effects of treatment condition were observed across follow-ups (p = .260). Smoking cessation was not significantly related to substance abstinence (p ≥ .488).ConclusionsCM facilitates early abstinence in smokers with SUD, although effects subside after treatment termination. The lack of association between smoking abstinence and substance use suggests no jeopardizing effects as a result of quitting smoking.  相似文献   

The results of a randomized controlled trial of repetition-lag training in older adults with amnestic mild cognitive impairment (aMCI) are reported. A modified repetition-lag training procedure with extended encoding time and strategy choice was used. The training required discriminating studied words from non-studied lures that were repeated at varying intervals during the test phase. Participants were assessed pre/post using untrained measures of cognition and self-report questionnaires. Primary outcome measures were recall of unrelated word pairs both immediately following presentation and following a delay. Secondary outcomes were a measure of attention, cognitive flexibility, and visual working memory. Participants were also asked to report on the frequency of cognitive failures and mood before and after training. Participants (N = 31) were randomized into either the treatment or a no-contact control group and attended the clinic twice per week over a four week period. Twenty-four participants completed the study (twelve in each group). Results indicated that the training group improved at recalling unrelated word pairs after a delay. There were no significant effects of training on other outcomes, self-reported cognitive failures or mood. The results are discussed along with suggestions for future research.  相似文献   

Depression is among the most prevalent disorders worldwide. In view of numerous treatment barriers, internet-based interventions are increasingly adopted to “treat the untreated”. The present trial (registered as NCT01401296) was conducted over the internet and aimed to assess the efficacy of an online self-help program for depression (Deprexis). In random order, participants with elevated depression symptoms received program access or were allocated to a wait-list control condition. After eight weeks, participants were invited to take part in an online re-assessment. To compensate for common problems of online studies, such as low completion rates and unclear diagnostic status, reminders and incentives were used, and clinical diagnoses were externally confirmed in a subgroup of 29% of participants. Relative to the wait-list group, program users experienced significant symptom decline on the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI; primary outcome), the Dysfunctional Attitudes Scale (DAS), the Quality of Life scale (WHOQOL-BREF) and the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSE). Compared to wait-list participants, symptom decline was especially pronounced among those with moderate symptoms at baseline as well as those not currently consulting a therapist. Completion (82%) and re-test reliability of the instruments (r = .72–.87) were good. The results of this trial suggest that online treatment can be beneficial for people with depression, particularly for those with moderate symptoms.  相似文献   

The prevention of major depression is an important research goal which deserves increased attention. Depressive symptoms and disorders are particularly common in primary care patients and have a negative impact on functioning and well-being comparable with other major chronic medical conditions. The San Francisco Depression Prevention Research project conducted a randomized, controlled, prevention trial to demonstrate the feasibility of implementing such research in a public sector setting serving low-income, predominantly minority individuals: 150 primary care patients free from depression or other major mental disorders were randomized to an experimental cognitive-behavioral intervention or to a control condition. The experimental intervention group reported a significantly greater reduction in depressive levels. Decline in depressive levels was significantly mediated by decline in the frequency of negative conditions. Group differences in the number of new episodes (incidence) of major depression did not reach significance during the 1-year trial. We conclude that depression prevention trials in public sector primary care settings are feasbile, and that depressive symptoms can be reduced even in low-income, minority populations. To conduct randomized prevention trials that can test effects on incidence with sufficient statistical power, subgroups at greater imminent risk have to be identified.  相似文献   

Internet-delivered treatment is effective for insomnia, but little is known about the beneficial effects of support. The aim of the current study was to investigate the additional effects of low-intensity support to an internet-delivered treatment for insomnia. Two hundred and sixty-two participants were randomized to an internet-delivered intervention for insomnia with (n = 129) or without support (n = 133). All participants received an internet-delivered cognitive behavioral treatment for insomnia. In addition, the participants in the support condition received weekly emails. Assessments were at baseline, post-treatment, and 6-month follow-up. Both groups effectively ameliorated insomnia complaints. Adding support led to significantly higher effects on most sleep measures (d = 0.3–0.5; p < 0.05), self-reported insomnia severity (d = 0.4; p < 0.001), anxiety, and depressive symptoms (d = 0.4; p < 0.01). At the 6-month follow-up, these effects remained significant for sleep efficiency, sleep onset latency, insomnia symptoms, and depressive symptoms (d = 0.3–0.5; p < 0.05). Providing support significantly enhances the benefits of internet-delivered treatment for insomnia on several variables. It appears that motivational feedback increases the effect of the intervention and encourages more participants to complete the intervention, which in turn improves its effectiveness.  相似文献   

ObjectivesThe present study was into whether or not mindfulness training, based on the mindfulness-acceptance-commitment approach (MAC), can improve beginners' skill acquisition of dart throwing.DesignRandomised controlled trial.MethodsA total of 43 first-year college students who had not played darts professionally prior to the study were randomly assigned to either an attention control group (n = 21) or a mindfulness training group (n = 22) during an eight-week dart training program. Dart throwing and psychological variables were assessed at pre-intervention, post-intervention, and two-week follow-up.ResultsTwo-way repeated measures ANOVA revealed that the mindfulness group, but not the attention control group had significant improvements in mindfulness, experiential acceptance, and flow at post-intervention and follow-up. Although both groups improved dart throwing performance after the intervention, the improvement of the mindfulness group was statistically higher in comparison to that of the attention control group.ConclusionsIt was concluded that the MAC approach could improve the performance and adaptive sport experience of beginners in dart throwing.  相似文献   

Parents of 43 conduct-problem children, aged 3-8 years, were randomly assigned to one of two treatments: an individually self-administered video-tape modeling treatment (IVM) and IVM treatment plus therapist consultation (IVMC). Randomization also included a waiting-list control group (CON). Compared with the control group, both treatment groups of mothers reported significantly fewer child behavior problems, reduced stress levels, and less use of spanking. Home visit data indicated that both treatment groups exhibited significant behavioral changes. There were relatively few differences between the two treatment conditions. However, the IVMC children were significantly less deviant than the IVM children, suggesting that the IVMC (with therapist consultation) treatment was superior to self-administered treatment with no therapist involvement. The added benefits of therapist involvement are discussed.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the interactive effects of dispositional mindfulness and visualized PETTLEP imagery training on basketball mid-range shooting performance and retention. Seventy-three participants (M age = 20.32 ± 1.09) with high/low dispositional mindfulness (high n = 35; low n = 38) selected out of 302 college students were randomly assigned into the following six groups: (a) high mindfulness internal imagery (H-II, n = 13); (b) high mindfulness external imagery (H-EI, n = 11); (c) high mindfulness control (H–CO, n = 11); (d) low mindfulness internal imagery (L-II, n = 13); (e) low mindfulness external imagery (L-EI, n = 12); and (f) low mindfulness control (L-CO, n = 13). Participants engaged in a pretest to measure their basketball shooting performance, then participated in a 6-week (3 times/per-week) intervention, plus a posttest and retention test. A three-way 2 (high/low mindfulness) X 3 (treatments: internal-, external imagery, and control) X 3 (measurement time: pretest, posttest, and retention) mixed ANOVA statistical analysis found dispositional mindfulness interacted with treatments and measurement time. The main effects showed high dispositional mindfulness performed better than low dispositional mindfulness, and internal imagery training performed better than external imagery training on mid-range basketball performance at retention. The 3–way interaction indicated that when using either internal or external imagery, high dispositional mindfulness performed better than low mindfulness on retention but not posttest. For 2-way interaction, high dispositional mindfulness performed better than low dispositional mindfulness on retention but not posttest. Our results extended current knowledge on sport imagery and dispositional mindfulness and gained several theoretical implications for researchers. The limitations, future research directions, and practical implications were also discussed.  相似文献   

Compassion is a positive orientation towards suffering that may be enhanced through compassion training and is thought to influence psychological functioning. However, the effects of compassion training on mindfulness, affect, and emotion regulation are not known. We conducted a randomized controlled trial in which 100 adults from the community were randomly assigned to either a 9-week compassion cultivation training (CCT) or a waitlist (WL) control condition. Participants completed self-report inventories that measured mindfulness, positive and negative affect, and emotion regulation. Compared to WL, CCT resulted in increased mindfulness and happiness, as well as decreased worry and emotional suppression. Within CCT, the amount of formal meditation practiced was related to reductions in worry and emotional suppression. These findings suggest that compassion cultivation training effects cognitive and emotion factors that support psychological flexible and adaptive functioning.  相似文献   

Although several studies show symptomatic improvements in patients with personality disorders after short-term inpatient psychotherapy, reintegration remains difficult. In this study the effectiveness of a specifically designed reintegration training program is investigated. One hundred twenty-eight patients were randomized to either a reintegration training program aimed at improving general functioning and work resumption, or booster sessions. Outcome measures used were symptom level, work status, absence from and impediments at work. The results showed that compliance in the booster session group was significantly better than in the reintegration training program. The percentage of persons with a paid job increased during the booster sessions from 64 to 87%, but not during the reintegration training (76%). There were no differences in the other outcome measures. We concluded that reintegration training was not more (cost)-effective than booster sessions. Our hypothesis is that continuity of care (same therapists and program) explains the favorable results of the booster sessions.  相似文献   

Objective: Breast cancer survivors who develop lymphedema report poorer quality of life (QoL) than those without lymphedema. Expressive writing is a potential intervention to address QoL.

Design: Adult women (N = 107) with breast cancer and chronic Stage II lymphedema were randomised to writing about thoughts and feelings specific to lymphedema and its treatment (intervention) or about daily activities (control) for four, 20-min sessions.

Main Outcome Measures: Outcome measures were several indicators of QoL assessed at baseline, one, three, and six months post-intervention (total scores and subscales of Upper Limb Lymphedema 27 and Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy–Breast). Hypothesised moderators of change in QoL were dispositional optimism, avoidant behaviours, and time since lymphedema diagnosis.

Results: There was no statistically significant intent-to-treat main effects of expressive writing on QoL. Statistically significant moderating effects on change in different indicators of QoL were observed for all three moderators. Expressive writing was more effective for improving QoL in women who were higher on optimism, lower on avoidance and had less time since a lymphedema diagnosis.

Conclusion: These results provide further evidence that there are subsets of individuals for whom expressive writing is more effective. Future research may investigate targeting expressive writing based on identified moderators.  相似文献   

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