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IRA GLICK 《Family process》1966,5(2):274-277
Eight papers which were "working papers presented at a Seminar on Mental Health and the Family held by the WHO Regional Office for Europe at Athens in 1962" and specially commissioned chapters. These include "The Mother and the Family", "The Child in the Family", "Working Women and the Family", "Marriage Problems and their Implications for the Family", "Family Psychotherapy", "Mental Health and the Older Generation", "School for Parents," and "The Hampstead Child-Therapy Clinic."  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Eddy Street and Windy Dryden, Family Therapy in Britain
E. Imber-Black, J. Roberts and R. Whiting, Rituals in Families and Family Therapy
Arnon Bentovim, Anne Elton, Judy Hildebrand, Marianne Tranter, and Eileen Vizard. Child Sexual Abuse Within The Family; Assessment and Treatment
David Campbell, Ros Draper and Clare Huffington, Teaching Systemic Thinking
R. Hinde and J. Stcvenson-Hinde, Relationships within Families: Mutual Influences
Sue Walrond-Skinner, Family Matters: The Pastoral Care of Personal Relationships
Thelma Jean Goodrich, Cheryl Rampage, Barbara Ellman and Kris Halstead, Feminist Family Therapy: A Casebook
Lyman, C. Wynne, The State of the Art in Family Therapy: Controversies and Recommendations
J. Carpenter and A. Treacher, Problems and Solutions in Marital and Family Therapy
David Howe, The Consumer's View of Family Therapy
Marion F. Solomon, Narcissism and Intimacy: Love and Marriage in an Age of Confusion
W. H. O'Hanlon and M. Weiner-Davis, In Search of Solutions  相似文献   

Re: Views     
Book reviewed in this article: All in the Family: Divorce. American Personnel and Guidance Association, 1975. All in the Family: Talking about Divorce: A Dialogue Between Parent and Child. Earl A. Grollman. All in the Family: Families: Applications of Social Learning to Family Life (Revised Edition). Gerald R. Patterson. All in the Family: Creating Closer Families: Principles of Positive Family Interaction. William G. Dyer. All in the Family: On the Level with Self, Family, Society. G. Hugh Allred All in the Family: Counseling Parents of Exceptional Children: Principles, Problems and Procedures. Jack C. Stewart. All in the Family: Systematic Parent Training: Procedures, Cases and Issues. William Hansford Miller. All in the Family: Your Child's Self-Esteem. Dorothy Corkille Briggs. All in the Family: The Needs of Children. Mia Kellmer Pringle.  相似文献   

This study used a community sample of 192 intact families to examine two issues related to conceptualization and measurement of family functioning. First, a confirmatory factor model supported the adequacy of using dyadic-level self-report measures (e.g., mother-child, child-father) to identify three family level constructs of Family Affect, Family Control, and Family Shared Activity. Second, data derived from behavioral observations during dyadic interactions identified two factors, Family Positivity and Family Negativity. Correlations among the self-report and behavioral observation factors indicated high Family Positivity was significantly associated with higher Family Affect and lower Family Control, and Family Negativity was significantly associated with lower Family Affect and with lower Family Shared Activity. Findings are discussed in terms of limitations and directions for research.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
David Campbell and Rosalind Draper (Eds), Applications of Systemic Family Therapy. The Milan Approach
Bryan Lask, Children's Problems
Bretherton, Inge and Waters, Everett (Eds), Growing Points of Attachment Theory and Research
Christine Sandford and Wyn Beardsley, Making Relationships Work
Elaine Campbell, The Childless Marriage: An Exploratory Study of Couples Who Do Not Want Children
Kayla F. Bernheim and Anthony F. Lehman, Working with Families of the Mentally III
Geoffrey Barlow and Alison Hill (Eds), Video Violence and Children
David H. Olson and Roxanne Markoff (Eds), Inventory of Marriage and Family Literature , Vol. XI 1984
Steve de Shazer, Keys to Solution in Brief Therapy
Fortune Ann E. and contributors, Task-Centered Practice with Families and Groups
Adrian L. James and Kate Wilson, Couples, Conflict and Change
Sue Walrond-Skinner, A Dictionary of Psychotherapy
Nossrat Peseschkian, Positive Family Therapy–The Family as Therapist
Joan J. Zilbah, Young Children in Family Therapy
Tesse and Moshe Lang, Corrupting the Young and Other Stories of a Family Therapist
S. Slipp, Object Relations: A Dynamic Bridge Between Individual and Family Treatment
Philip Barker, Basic Family Therapy
J. Tunnard (Ed.), Promoting Links: Keeping Children and Families in Touch  相似文献   

Duhl, F.J. The Use of the Chronological Chart in General Systems Family Therapy. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 1981, 7, 361–373. Resnikoff, R.R. Teaching Family Therapy: Ten Key Questions for Understanding the Family as Patient. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 1981, 7, 135–142.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Jay Haley, Ordeal Therapy: Unusual Way to Change Behaviour
S. Murgatroyd and R. Woolfe, Helping Families in Distress: An Introduction to Family Focussed Helping
Emilia Dowling and Elsie Osborne (Eds), The Family and the School—A Joint Systems Approach to Problems with Children
C. J. Brown et al. Treating the Remarried Family
Jean Campion, The Child in Context—Family Systems in Educational Psychology
I. R. H. Falloon et al., Family Management of Schizophrenia: A Study of Clinical, Social, Family and Economic Benefits
Linda Scotson, Doran, Child of Courage  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Larry L. Constantine, Family Paradigms. The Practice of Theory in Family Therapy
Arnon Bentovim, Gill Gorell Barnes and Alan Cooklin (Eds) Family Therapy: Complementary Frameworks of Theory and Practice
Jean Shapiro, A Child: Tour Choice
William C. Nichols and Craig A. Everett. Systemic Family Therapy–An Integrative Approach
W. H. O'Hanlon and J. Wilk, Shifting Contexts: The Generation of Effective Psychotherapy
R. Julian Hafner, Marriage and Mental Illness: A Sex Role Perspective
Penny Jaques, Understanding Children's Problems, Helping Families to Help Themselves
Edward M. Waring, Enhancing Marital Intimacy through Facilitating Cognitive Self-disclosure
David E. Scharff and Jill Savege Scharff, Object Relations Family Therapy
C. Whitaker and W. Bumberry, Dancing with the Family, A Symbolic Experiential Approach  相似文献   

Book reviews     
M. Andolfi, A. Claudio, M. Paolo and N.-C. Anna Maria, Behind the Family Mask — Therapeutic Change in Rigid Family Systems
R. Levant, Family Therapy-A Comprehensive Overview
Mark Karpel and Eric Strauss, Family Evaluation
A. Treacher and J. Carpenter (Eds), Using Family Therapy  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Books reviewed in this article:
Lynn Hoffman, Family Therapy: An Intimate History
Ned L. Gaylin, Family, Self and Psychotherapy: A Person–centred Perspective
Roy Resnikoff, Bridges for Healing. Integrating Family Therapy and Psychopharmacology
John Sharry, Solution–Focused Groupwork
S.H. McDaniel, D.D. Lusterman and C. Philpot (eds), Casebook for Integrating Family Therapy: An Ecosystemic Approach
Carole Kayrooz, A Systemic Treatment of Bulimia Nervosa
George W. Burns, 101 Healing Stories. Using Metaphors in Therapy
Marcia Sheinberg and Peter Frankel, The Relational Trauma of Incest: A Family Based Approach to Treatment  相似文献   

C arpenter , L. J. and M erkel , W. T. (1988) The effects of three methods of observation on couples in interactional research. American Journal of Family Therapy
C hasin , R., R oth , S. and B ograd , M. (1989) Action methods in systemic therapy: Dramatizing ideal futures and reformed pasts with couples. Family Process
T homas , E. J. and Y oshioka , M. R. (1989) Spouse interventive confrontations in unilateral Family Therapy for alcohol abuse. Social
S tarr , A. C. (1989) Recovery for the alcoholic family: Family systems treatment model. Social Casework: The Journal of Contemporary Social Work
B linnikka , L-M. and S eitamaa , M. (1989) Spatiality of the family's inner structure: Choice of seat in Family Therapy. Family Process  相似文献   

A systematic review of self‐report family assessment measures was conducted with reference to their psychometric properties, clinical utility and theoretical underpinnings. Eight instruments were reviewed: The McMaster Family Assessment Device (FAD); Circumplex Model Family Adaptability and Cohesion Evaluation Scales (FACES); Beavers Systems Model Self‐Report Family Inventory (SFI); Family Assessment Measure III (FAM III); Family Environment Scale (FES); Family Relations Scale (FRS); and Systemic Therapy Inventory of Change (STIC); and the Systemic Clinical Outcome Routine Evaluation (SCORE). Results indicated that five family assessment measures are suitable for clinical use (FAD, FACES‐IV, SFI, FAM III, SCORE), two are not (FES, FRS), and one is a new system currently under‐going validation (STIC).  相似文献   

Book Review     

Over the past 20 years, the clinical evaluation of family systems has been spearheaded by Robert Beavers and his colleagues at the Southwest Family Institute in Dallas, Texas. Out of their research and clinical work has evolved the Beavers System Model for Family Assessment (BSM). The BSM is a collection of three instruments the first of which was the Beavers-Timberlawn Family Evaluation Scale (1972) featured in the widely popular book, No Single Thread (Lewis et al, 1976). The Centripetal/Centrifugal Family Style Scale shortly followed (1974), and more recently (1983) the Self-Report Family Instrument was added to the BSM. Although the focus of the following critique is on the Beavers-Timberlawn Family Evaluation Scale (BT), the measure is designed to be used in conjunction with the other scales to more fully identify the health/competence of a particular family.  相似文献   

This article explores the pattern of relationships between family World View and adult Health in a community-based sample of 225 families. Family World View refers to the beliefs, appraisals, and values that define a family's orientation to the world. The interrelationships among eight self-reported family World View variables are described, using principal components analyses (PCA) and multidimensional scaling analyses (MDS). Derived, joint-spouse World Views also are examined using inter-battery factor analysis. The World View variables then are analyzed as a set with 14 self-reported health variables for husbands and wives separately, using canonical correlation. The PCAs for family World View yielded poor solutions for both husbands and wives. The MDS displayed the eight variables in a circular pattern for husbands and for wives, indicating the absence of a single broad dimension, or subgroupings of separate dimensions, that could be used to "describe" the domain. In the canonical analyses, family World View was a strong correlate of Health, with approximately 50% of the variance accounted for by the respective canonical variates. For husbands, what we called Family Coherence, Family Religiousness, Family Life Engagement, and Family Optimism, were correlated with Health. For wives, Family Coherence, Family Religiousness, and Family Optimism, were correlated with Health. Different patterns of health scores emerged by gender, with behavioral indicators, such as Smoking and Drinking, more salient for husbands, and mood indicators, such as Anxiety and Depression, more salient for wives.  相似文献   

This article introduces the Family Cycle, a therapeutic activity informed by attachment theory, family systems theory, and current literature on reflective functioning. The Family Cycle helps clinicians and families create a narrative about a child’s psychopathology that considers complex trauma and/or adverse childhood experiences. It reframes observable dysfunctional phenomena as behavioral sequelae of more deeply rooted emotional loss. After the theoretical underpinnings of the Family Cycle are laid out, we describe the implementation of the Family Cycle within the context of an intensive home-based, family-focused intervention created at the Yale Child Study Center, the Intensive In-Home Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Service (IICAPS). The Family Cycle provides a teachable clinical framework to facilitate the treatment of families with complex, multigenerational trauma.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
S. Walrond-Skinner (Ed.), Developments in Family Therapy, Theories and Applications since 1948
S. Box, E. Copley, J. Magagna and E. Moustaki (Eds). Psychotherapy with Families—an Analytic Approach
Judith Lask and Bryan Lask, Child Psychiatry and Social Work
A. Gurman and D. Kniskern (Eds), Handbook of Family Therapy
Kalman Flomenhaft and Adolph E. Christ (Eds), The Challenge of Family Therapy. A Dialogue for Child Psychiatric Educators
Alan S. Gurman (Ed.), Questions and Answers in the Practice of Family Therapy  相似文献   

F riedman , S. (1987) Technical considerations in the behaviour-marital treatment of agoraphobia. American Journal of Family Therapy,
P arker , T., H ill , J. W. and M iller , G. (1987) Multiple family therapy: evaluating a group experience for mentally retarded adolescents and their families. Family Therapy
B erger , M. and J urkovic , G. J. (1987) Family context in therapy. Journal of Family Psychology
L ebow , J. L. (1987) Training psychologists in family therapy in family institute settings. Journal of Family Pgcholosy
S loman , L., P erry , A. and F rankenburg , F. (1987) Family therapy with deaf member families. American Journal of Family Therapy
H oopes , M. H. (1987) Multigenerational systems: basic assumptions. American Journal of Family Therapy
M unton , A. G. and A ntaki , C. (1988) Causal beliefs amongst families in therapy: attributions at the group level. British Journal of Clinical Psychology  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Jeffrey K. Zeig, Experiencing Erickson: An Introduction to the Man and his Work David Will and Robert M. Wrate, Integrated Family Therapy, a Problem-centred Psycho-dynamic Approach Sandra B. Coleman (Ed.), Failures in Family Therapy John B. Burnham, Family Therapy: First Steps Towards a Systemic Approach Stephen R. Lankton and Carol H. Lankton, Enchantment and Intervention in Family Therapy. Training in Eriksonian Approaches Rochdale Health Visitors, Child Abuse: Are You Safe? Colin Murray Parkes and Dora Black (Journal Eds), Bereavement Care John Howard and Graham Shepherd (Eds), Conciliation, Children and Divorce. A Family Systems Approach P. Watchtel and E. Watchtel, Family Dynamics in Individual Psychotherapy Joy K. Rice and David G. Rice, Living Through Divorce: A Developmental Approach to Divorce Therapy Larry L. Constantine, Family Paradigms. The Practice of Theory in Family Therapy Robert N. Rapoport (Ed.), Children, Youth, and Families: The Action-Research Relationship  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Helen B. Landgarten, Family Art Psychotherapy: A Clinical Guide and Casebook
David Greenwald and Steven J. Zeitlin, No Reason to Talk About It. Families Confront the Nuclear Taboo
Ammy van Heusden and ElseMarie van den Eerenbeemt, Balance in Motion. Ivan Boszormenyi-Nagy and His Vision of Individual and Family Therapy
Wilf Fox, Parental Participation in Child Care Planning. Social Work Monographs
Peter Steinglass, Linda Bennet, Steven Wolin and David Reiss. The Alcoholic Family
Robin Skynner (edited by John R. Schlapobersky), Explorations with Families: Group Analysis and Family Therapy
John D. Friesen, Structural-Strategic Marriage and Family Therapy
Jurgen Ruesch and Gregory Bateson, Communication: The Social Matrix of Psychiatry
Joyce C. Mills and Richard J.Crowley, Therapeutic Metaphors for Children and the Child Within
Peter Riches (Ed.), Children and Society
Michael P. Nichols, The Self in the System: Expanding the Limits of Family Therapy
Cyril Greenland, Preventing 'CAN' Deaths: An International Study of Deaths due to Child Abuse and Neglect
Judith Lowe, Social Work and Angry Parents
John Corden and Michael Preston-Shoot, Contracts in Social Work
Arlene Vetere and Anthony Gale, Ecological Studies of Family Life  相似文献   

This paper describes the application of family psychology to the primary care setting—in service, education and training, and scholarship. Primary care family psychology integrates family systems with biopsychosocial theory, yielding an approach that is uniquely suited to the generalist demands of primary care. This approach attends especially to the effects of relationships on health and healthcare, using the family as a potential resource to the patient just as the healthcare team is a resource to the clinician. Training opportunities in primary care family psychology are growing. The University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry fellowship is described as an example, with core primary care family psychology training in four different clinical sites: Family Medicine, Internal Medicine, Pediatrics, and Obstetrics/Gynecology. Susan H. McDaniel is Professor of Psychiatry & Family Medicine, Director of Family Programs & the Wynne Center for Family Research in Psychiatry, and Associate Chair of Family Medicine, University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry, Rochester, New York. Dr McDaniel also directs the Primary Care Family Psychology Fellowship. Picter LeRoux is Associate Professor of Psychiatry & Pediatrics, and Director of the Family Therapy Training Program in Psychiatry, University of Rochester School Medicine and Dentistry, Rochester, New York. Dr. LeRoux also heads the Pediatric Track of the Primary Care Family Psychology Fellowship.  相似文献   

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