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This series of experiments examined the involvement of the dopamine D1 receptor antagonist, SCH23390, on memory reconsolidation following reminder-activated retrieval. Day-old male New HampshirexWhite Leghorn chicks were trained on a single trial passive avoidance task. A dose of 0.5 mg/kg of SCH23390 was administered subcutaneously 5 min before reminder trials, which were presented at 30, 60, and 90 min following training. Memory deficits were observed when reminder trials were presented at 30 and 60 min following training, but not when a reminder was presented at 90 min. No effect on memory retention was observed when reminder trials were not presented, suggesting that reconsolidation mechanisms were both contingent on the presentation of the reminder and independent of the consolidation process. Following a reminder presented at 60 min post-training, deficits in memory retention emerged between 45 and 60 min. The deficit was prolonged, lasting for up until 48 h after reminder presentation. The results indicate an important role for the D1 receptor in reconsolidation processes.  相似文献   

Two groups of rats were trained under a 45-sec variable-interval schedule. The magnitude of reinforcement used in each test session alternated daily between one and four 45-mg food pellets, the magnitude of reinforcement available at any time being signalled by lights in the operant chamber. Testing took place over two consecutive 11-day phases. During the first phase one group of rats was injected with 0.06 mg/kg of cis(Z)-flupentixol prior to testing; the other group received vehicle injections. In the second phase drug conditions were reversed. The change in drug conditions between phases produced both positive and negative successive contrast effects, consistent with the hypothesis that dopamine blockade attenuated the hedonic impact of reinforcement. Embedded within each session were two short signalled probe periods during which the reinforcement magnitude was switched to that used on the alternate days. No contrast effects were found during these brief daily probe periods.  相似文献   

Dopamine has been demonstrated to be involved in the modulation of long-term potentiation (LTP) in the CA1 region of the hippocampus. As monoamine transporter blockade will increase the actions of endogenous monoamine neurotransmitters, the effect of a dopamine transporter (DAT) antagonist on LTP was assessed using field excitatory postsynaptic potentials recorded in the CA1 region of the rat hippocampal slice preparation. Application of the DAT-specific blocker GBR 12,935 produced a significant enhancement in LTP of Schaffer collateral synapses in the CA1 at concentrations as low as 100 nM. A selective D1/D5 dopamine receptor antagonist (SCH 23,390, 1 microM) did not affect the ability of GBR 12,935 to enhance LTP, whereas application of the D3 dopamine receptor antagonist U 99,194 (1 microM) blocked the GBR 12,935-induced enhancement in LTP. In addition, a D3 dopamine receptor agonist (7-OH-DPAT, 1 microM) caused a significant increase in LTP, an effect that was also blocked by U 99,194 (3 microM). These results suggest that either endogenously released dopamine (facilitated by DAT blockade) or exogenously applied dopamine agonist can act to increase LTP in the CA1 of the hippocampus via activation of the D3 subtype of dopamine receptor.  相似文献   

Considerable evidence shows that post-training administration of dopamine agonists can enhance memory through actions on consolidation processes, but relatively little is known regarding the effects of dopamine antagonists on consolidation. These experiments investigated the effects of post-training systemic administration of the D2 receptor antagonist sulpiride on consolidation of memory for two versions of the Morris water maze task. Rats trained in either the hidden (spatial) or visible (cued) platform version received a subcutaneous injection of sulpiride or vehicle immediately following training. Retention testing 48 hr later revealed that relative to vehicle controls, sulpiride reduced platform latencies in both task versions, suggesting that like dopamine agonists, sulpiride can also have memory-enhancing effects.  相似文献   

Dose-dependent changes in sensitivity to reinforcement were found when rats were treated with low, moderate, and high doses of the partial dopamine D1-type receptor agonist SKF38393 and with the nonselective dopamine agonist apomorphine, but did not change when rats were treated with similar doses of the selective dopamine D2-type receptor agonist quinpirole. Estimates of bias did not differ significantly across exposure to SKF38393 or quinpirole, but did change significantly at the high dose of apomorphine. Estimates of goodness of fit (r2) did not change significantly during quinpirole exposure. Poor goodness of fit was obtained for the high doses of SKF38393 and apomorphine. Decrements in absolute rates of responding were observed at the high dose of quinpirole and at the moderate and high doses of SKF38393 and apomorphine. Changes in r2 and absolute responding may be due to increases in stereotyped behavior during SKF38393 and apomorphine exposure that, in contrast to quinpirole, were distant from the response lever. The present data provide evidence that sensitivity to reward is affected more strongly by dopamine D1-like receptors rather than D2-like receptors, consistent with evidence from other studies investigating consummatory dopamine behavior and the tonic/phasic dopamine hypothesis.  相似文献   

The present study examines the effects of SKF 81297, a selective D1 agonist, on information retrieval in recognition and temporal order memory for objects, using three different tasks. Separate groups of rats were trained in each task and then given an intraperitoneal injection of saline or the D1 agonist (0.03, 0.3 mg/kg), before the memory testing trial in an object recognition, object location, and object temporal order memory tasks. We show that SKF 81297, at high dose (0.3 mg/kg), facilitates information retrieval after a long delay (4 h) in the three memory tasks whereas both high and low doses of D1 agonist impair recognition memory after a short delay (15 min). These results indicate a significant role of dopamine D1 receptors in recognition memory for both familiarity and place of objects in addition to object temporal order memory.  相似文献   

There is evidence that blocking beta-noradrenergic receptors will cause deficits in some forms of learning. We investigated the effects of systemic injections of 1, 5, and 10 mg/kg doses of propranolol on acquisition of delay eyeblink conditioning in 3-month-old Fischer 344 rats. We presented a 3-kHz, 90-dB tone as a conditioning stimulus and a 6 psi airpuff as our unconditioned stimulus to freely moving rats. We monitored eyelid activity using EMG signals. The treatment subjects were injected with either propranolol or saline 0.5 h prior to daily training sessions. Two groups of control subjects, one receiving injections of saline and one receiving injections of 5 mg/kg propranolol, received daily training sessions with unpaired and randomized presentation of the tone and airpuff. Each daily training session for the treatment groups consisted of 27 paired training trials and 3 conditioned stimulus-alone training trials. Rats injected with saline vehicle or with 1 mg/kg propranolol achieved a 60% or better learned response rate within two training sessions. Rats injected with 5 or 10 mg/kg propranolol never achieved a response rate significantly different from animals that received unpaired, random presentations of the tone and airpuff stimuli. These results agree with prior studies from our lab that have shown a dose-dependent effect of beta-noradrenergic receptor blockade on learning in rabbit eyeblink conditioning as well as in a runway, motor learning paradigm. We believe that the beta-noradrenergic system plays an important role in learning and memory in more than one cerebellar-dependent learning paradigm.  相似文献   

In a randomized controlled trial we tested the role of genetic differences in explaining variability in intervention effects on child externalizing behavior. One hundred fifty-seven families with 1- to 3-year-old children screened for their relatively high levels of externalizing behavior participated in a study implementing Video-feedback Intervention to promote Positive Parenting and Sensitive Discipline (VIPP-SD), with six 1.5-hr intervention sessions focusing on maternal sensitivity and discipline. A moderating role of the dopamine D4 receptor (DRD4) variable-number tandem repeat (VNTR) exon III polymorphism was found: VIPP-SD proved to be effective in decreasing externalizing behavior in children with the DRD4 7-repeat allele, a polymorphism that is associated with motivational and reward mechanisms and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in children. VIPP-SD effects were largest in children with the DRD4 7-repeat allele whose parents showed the largest increase in the use of positive discipline. The findings of this first experimental test of (measured) gene by (observed) environment interaction in human development indicate that children may be differentially susceptible to intervention effects depending on genetic differences.  相似文献   

Extinction of conditioned fear in animals is the explicit model of behavior therapy for human anxiety disorders, including panic disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and post-traumatic stress disorder. Based on previous data indicating that fear extinction in rats is blocked by quinpirole, an agonist of dopamine D2 receptors, we hypothesized that blockade of D2 receptors might facilitate extinction in mice, while agonists should block extinction, as they do in rats. One day after fear conditioning mice with three pairings of a white noise conditional stimulus (CS) with moderate footshock, we injected the D2 antagonist, sulpiride, the D2 agonist, quinpirole, or vehicle, just before repeated CS presentations to generate extinction. We assayed fear by measuring behavioral freezing during extinction presentations and then drug-free during CS presentations 1 d later. We found that sulpiride injections before extinction training facilitated extinction memory 24 h later, while quinpirole partially blocked extinction memory compared with vehicle-injected controls. Notably, sulpiride treatment yielded significant extinction after spaced CS presentations, which yield no extinction at all in vehicle-treated mice. These findings suggest that dopamine D2-mediated signaling contributes physiological inhibition of extinction, and that D2 antagonists may be useful adjuncts to behavior therapy of human anxiety disorders.  相似文献   

Temperamental effortful control has important implications for children's development. Although genetic factors and parenting may influence effortful control, few studies have examined interplay between the two in predicting its development. The current study investigated associations between parenting and a facet of children's effortful control, inhibitory control (IC), and whether these associations were moderated by whether children had a 7‐repeat variant of the DRD4 exon III VNTR. A community sample of 409 3‐year‐olds completed behavioural tasks to assess IC, and observational measures of parenting were also collected. Negative parenting was associated with lower child IC. The association between children's IC and positive parenting was moderated by children's DRD4 7‐repeat status, such that children with at least one 7‐repeat allele displayed lower IC than children without this allele when positive parenting was lower. These effects appeared to be primarily influenced by parent support and engagement. Results extend recent findings suggesting that some genetic polymorphisms may increase vulnerability to contextual influences.  相似文献   

Contexts and discrete cues associated with drug-taking are often responsible for relapse among addicts. Animal models have shown that interference with the reconsolidation of drug-cue memories can reduce seeking of drugs or drug-paired stimuli. One such model is conditioned place preference (CPP) in which an animal is trained to associate a particular environment with the rewarding effects of a drug. Previous work from this laboratory has shown that intra-nucleus accumbens core infusions of a MEK inhibitor can interfere with reconsolidation of these drug-cue memories. A question that remains is whether post-retrieval drug effects on subsequent memories represent an interference with reconsolidation processes or rather a facilitation of extinction. In this experiment, we explore the effect of post-retrieval injections of propranolol, a beta-adrenergic receptor antagonist, on reconsolidation and extinction of cocaine CPP. After acquisition of cocaine CPP, animals were given post-retrieval propranolol injections once or each day during a protocol of unreinforced preference tests, until the animals showed no preference for the previously cocaine-paired environment. Following a cocaine priming injection, the animals that received daily post-test propranolol injections did not reinstate their preference for the drug-paired side. In contrast, a single post-retrieval propranolol injection followed by multiple days of unreinforced preference tests failed to blunt subsequent cocaine reinstatement of the memory. These data suggest that daily post-retrieval systemic injections of propranolol decrease the conditioned preference by interfering with reconsolidation of the memory for the association between the drug-paired side and the reinforcing effects of the drug, rather than facilitating new extinction learning.  相似文献   

本研究运用问卷法与DNA分型技术,对1063名青少年(初次测评年龄为12.32±0.47岁,50.3%女生)进行间隔2年的追踪调查,考察DRD2基因TaqIA多态性与同伴身体侵害和关系侵害对青少年早期抑郁的交互作用及其性别差异。结果发现,TaqIA多态性与身体侵害、关系侵害均对男青少年抑郁存在显著的交互作用。在携带A2A2基因型的男生中,身体侵害和关系侵害可以显著正向预测其抑郁水平,而在携带A1等位基因的男生中,同伴侵害对抑郁无预测作用。此外,TaqIA多态性与身体侵害、关系侵害对女生抑郁均无显著交互作用。研究结果提示,同伴侵害是一种重要的候选环境指标,与TaqIA多态性交互影响青少年早期抑郁,并且性别在这一基因×环境交互作用中起到重要的调节效应。  相似文献   

Post-training administration of the selective D1 or D2 agonists SKF 38393 and LY 171555 dose dependently impairs retention of an inhibitory avoidance response in DBA/2 mice. In agreement, the selective D1 or D2 antagonists SCH 23390 and (-)-sulpiride improve retention. These effects are opposite to those observed in the C57BL/6 strain, as previously reported. Moreover, B6D2F1 hybrids present a response to SKF 38393, LY 171555, SCH 23390, and (-)-sulpiride that parallels that of the C57BL/6 strain, thus suggesting that the neural mechanisms underlying the effects of DA agonists or antagonists on memory processes may be inherited through a dominant mode of inheritance.  相似文献   

Background and objectives: Mindfulness meditation (MM) training promotes health and well-being. One potential mechanistic link between MM and health may be coping flexibility, (e.g., the ability to monitor and modify coping strategies based on situational needs and strategy effectiveness). We hypothesized that MM training would increase coping flexibility and also explored whether gains in coping flexibility continued to increase after training, or whether they were maintained or lost with time.

Methods and design: One hundred thirteen students (71 female, Mage?=?18.97) were randomly assigned to a waitlist control or MM condition. Participants in the MM condition were trained by a certified MM instructor and given guided recordings for one-week of at-home practice. Participants provided reports of coping flexibility over a three-week span.

Results: Results from multilevel modeling indicated that MM increased coping flexibility among those in the MM condition and among those who spent relatively more time meditating. Results further suggested that the gains in coping flexibility that were evident at post-test were not only maintained but increased in the two weeks after the intervention.

Conclusions: This study provides preliminary support for the assertion that MM increases the ability to monitor and modify coping strategies during times of stress.  相似文献   

Behavior-analytic approaches to occupational safety are often effective for improving safety in organizations, and have been successful in a wide variety of settings. The effects of these safety processes are thought to arise primarily from the behavioral observation process and the delivery of feedback. Typically, supervisors or employee observers involved in behavioral safety implementations conduct observations. The present study was an attempt to assess the effects of conducting observations on an observer's safety performance. An ABC multiple baseline counterbalanced across two sets of behaviors was conducted in a simulated office. The target behaviors involved knee and back positions during lifts; back, shoulder, and feet positions while sitting; neck and wrist positions while typing; and neck position during phone use. Substantial improvements in safety performance occurred after participants conducted observations on a videotape of a confederate's performance. The possible behavioral functions responsible for this change, and the implications of these findings for applied settings, are discussed.  相似文献   

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