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In two experiments, using memory sets of up to 10 letters, the response competition paradigm was employed to investigate the extent to which extraneous visual stimuli interfere with or affect the process of memory search. It was assumed that if selective attention could exclude the effect of noise letters from a Sternberg-type memory comparison process, then there would be an increase in intercept for the reaction time-set size functions but no increase in slope. This result was obtained. However, a large difference in response times to both positive and negative set targets was found when the accompanying noise letters indicated a competing response, as opposed to when they indicated the same response as the target. This implies rapid identification of the nature of both target and noise, independent of a serial comparison process. A modification of a dual process model (Juola, Fischler, Wood, & Atkinson, 1971) in which stimuli activate a familiarity value independent of memory search was suggested to account for these results.  相似文献   

Twenty families are observed during the first interview for family therapy. In families where suicidal behaviour occurs there are three variables which distinguish them from families where no such behaviour occurs. These variables are;
  • the threat of immediate break up of the family relationship i.e. someone is about to leave,

  • a situation of mutual negative connotation where no matter what anyone tries to do it is seen as being 'wrong',

  • a tradition of symptoms being used at times of crisis to keep the family together.

Suicidal behaviour is seen as a strategic move to keep the family together in the face of developmental change.  相似文献   

This review considers recent findings on motor-response programming which indicate that there is a temporary mode of storage for response commands. This storage, which is distinct from long-term memory, is required for emission of a programmed response even when there are no explicit requirements for memory. Although this system is considered to be primarily a stage in response control rather than a memory system, it may mediate verbal short-term memory when encoded in articulatory form. The implications of this perspective on short-term memory are considered.  相似文献   

In the first of two item recognition experiments, a study by Egeth, Marcus, and Bevan (1972) was duplicated, but using a within-Ss design. Consistent with their findings, analogous differences obtained between mean RTs to positive set sizes of one and three were found to be significantly greater when Ss pressed two different keys to indicate whether or not a test letter was a member of the positive set (two-response condition) than when Ss pressed a single key to indicate only that a test letter was a positive set member (one-response condition). The number of set sizes used and results obtained for the two-response condition, which were inconsistent with characterization of the search process as either serial and exhaustive or serial and self-terminating, both limited and complicated interpretation of the obtained interaction. Further, these results suggested that the procedures used differed in important ways from those known to consistently produce linear and parallel item recognition functions for both positive and negative trials for the two-response condition. In Experiment II, those item recognition procedures which are known to allow serial exhaustive search to occur were used, and data were collected for four positive set sizes. Reaction time was a linear function of set size for both response conditions, the slopes of the functions did not differ significantly, and absolute slope values were consistent with previously reported findings for the two-response condition and letter stimuli. It is concluded that response requirements sometimes have effects on memory scanning (the slope of the item recognition function). Such an effect was observed when the experimental conditions were such as to allow neither serial and exhaustive nor serial and self-terminating memory search to occur. But, response requirements do not always have effects on memory scanning, and this was found to be the case when the experimental conditions were such as to allow serial and exhaustive memory search to occur and it was shown to occur.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to examine the relationship between visual attention and saccade programming. Participants had to saccade to a letter string and detect a letter change presented briefly before the saccade onset. Hit probability (i.e., correct detection of a letter change in different positions) was taken as a measure of visual attention focus. The first experiment shows that hit probability depends on the actual landing position. These findings argue for a spatial coupling between saccade programming and the orienting of attention. Also, an unfamiliar letter cluster at the beginning captures attention and prevails over the influence of the saccade in preparation. Experiment 2, in which the letter change occurred at different times during the saccade latency, shows that attention shifts and focuses on the saccade target at the expense of the other parts of the stimulus when the motor program is ready to be executed. The theoretical implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

In two experiments coupling between dorsal attentional selection for action and ventral attentional selection for perception during preparation of prehension movements was examined. In a dual-task paradigm subjects had to grasp an X-shaped object with either the left or the right hand's thumb and index finger. Simultaneously a discrimination task was used to measure visual attention prior to the execution of the prehension movements: Mask items transiently changed into distractors or discrimination targets. There was exactly one discrimination target per trial, which appeared at one of the four branch ends of the object. In Experiment 1 target position varied randomly while in Experiment 2 it was constant and known to subjects in each block of trials. In both experiments discrimination performance was significantly better for discrimination target positions at to-be-grasped branch ends than for not-to-be-grasped branch ends. We conclude that during preparation of prehension movements visual attention is largely confined to those parts of an object that will be grasped.  相似文献   

Withholding an action plan in memory for later execution can delay execution of another action if the actions share a similar (compatible) action feature (e.g., response hand). We investigated whether this phenomenon, termed compatibility interference (CI), occurs for responses associated with a target as well as responses associated with distractors in a visual selection task. Participants planned and withheld a sequence of keypress responses (with their right or left hand), according to the identity of a stimulus (A), and then immediately executed a keypress response (with their right or left hand) to a second stimulus (B), according to the identity of a target letter appearing alone or among distractor letters. Distractor letters were either response compatible or incompatible with the target and appeared either simultaneously with the target (Experiments 1A and 2) or 100 msec before the target (Experiment 1B). Also, stimulus-response mapping was either 1:1 (Experiment 1) or 2:1 (Experiment 2). Results showed that the response to the Stimulus B target was delayed when it required the same response hand as Stimulus A, as opposed to a different hand. Also, the target reaction time for Stimulus B was greater when the target was flanked by incompatible distractors than when it was flanked by compatible distractors. Moreover, the degree of CI was consistent across the compatible-, incompatible-, and no-distractor conditions, indicating that CI generalizes to responses associated with a target, but not to those associated with distractors. Thus, CI occurs at a response selection, not at a response activation stage. Implications for the code occupation account for CI (e.g., Stoet & Hommel, 1999, 2002) and an alternative account for CI are discussed.  相似文献   

What distinguishes the recall of real-life experiences from that of self-created, fictitious emotionally laden information? Both kinds of information belong to the episodic memory system. Autobiographic memories constitute that part of the episodic memory system that is composed of significant life episodes, primarily of the distant past. Functional imaging was used to study the neural networks engaged in retrieving autobiographic and fictitious information of closely similar content. The principally activated brain regions overlapped considerably and constituted temporal and inferior prefrontal regions plus the cerebellum. Selective activations of the right amygdala and the right ventral prefrontal cortex (at the level of the uncinate fascicle interconnnecting prefrontal and temporopolar areas) were found when subtracting fictitious from autobiographic retrieval. Furthermore, distinct foci in the left temporal lobe were engaged. These data demonstrate that autobiographic memory retrieval uses (at least in non-brain damaged individuals) a network of right hemispheric ventral prefrontal and temporopolar regions and left hemispheric lateral temporal regions. It is concluded that it is the experiential character, its special emotional infiltration and its arousal which distinguishes memory of real-life from that of fictitious episodes. Consequently, our results point to the engagement of a bi-hemispheric network in which the right temporo-prefrontal hemisphere is likely to be responsible for the affective/arousal side of information retrieval and the left-hemispheric temporal gyrus for its engram-like representation. Portions of the neural activation found during retrieval might, however, reflect re-encoding processes as well.  相似文献   

Simultaneous reaching movements made with the two hands can show a considerable increase in reaction time (RT) when they differ in terms of direction or extent, compared to when the movements involve the same direction and extent. This cost has been attributed to cross-talk in the specification of the motor parameters for the two hands. However, a recent study [Diedrichsen, Hazeltine, Kennerley, & Ivry, (2001). Psychological Science, 12, 493-498] indicates that when reaching movements are cued by the onset of the target endpoint, no compatibility effects are observed. To determine why directly cued movements are immune from interference, we varied the stimulus onset asynchrony for the two movements and used different combinations of directly cued and symbolically cued movements. In two experiments, compatibility effects were only observed when both movements were symbolically cued. No difference was found between compatible and incompatible movements when both movements were directly cued or when one was directly cued and the other was symbolically cued. These results indicate that interference is not related to the specification of movement parameters but instead emerges from processes associated with response selection. Moreover, the data suggest that cross-talk, when present, primarily shortens the RT of the second movement on compatible trials rather than lengthening this RT on incompatible trials.  相似文献   

Rats with cannulae implanted in the junction between the central and the basolateral nuclei of the amygdala were trained in one-trial step-down inhibitory avoidance and tested at 3 s for working memory (WM) or 1.5 or 24 h later for short-term memory (STM) and long-term memory (LTM), respectively. Several drugs were infused 6 min prior to training in the animals in which WM was measured or 0 min posttraining in those in which STM and LTM were measured: the glutamate receptor antagonists CNQX (0.5 microg) and AP5 (5.0 microg), the indirect GABA A receptor antagonist picrotoxin (0.08 microg), the cholinergic muscarinic receptor blocker scopolamine (2. 0 microg), norepinephrine (0.3 microg), the protein kinase C inhibitor staurosporin (1.0 microg), or the calcium/calmodulin dependent protein kinase II inhibitor Kn-62 (3.5 ng). None of the drugs had any effect on either WM or STM. All had, as previously shown, strong effects on LTM: picrotoxin and norepinephrine enhanced it, and CNQX, AP5, scopolamine, Kn-62, and staurosporin inhibited it. The results do not support the idea that memory of this task is formed in the amygdala; they indicate that the amygdala is not involved in WM or STM processing and support the idea that the amygdala modulates LTM storage processes carried out elsewhere.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a special issue on animal memory and discusses progress made as a result of the present upsurge of interest in the topic, an upsurge that owes much to developments in human cognitive psychology and neuropsychology. Work reported over the last decade has shown that the memory capacity of (at least some) animals is larger—in terms both of number of items stored and of duration of retention—than might previously have been expected. Recent physiological investigations appear to have succeeded in reconciling the effect on memory of hippocampal lesions in humans and non-humans, and further work on the hippocampus may help establish the physical nature of the changes involved in setting up memories. Theoretical accounts of animal memory rely on concepts drawn from cognitive psychology, and various experimental approaches to one particular notion, that animals may rehearse recent information, are discussed. Finally, the research papers of this issue are introduced to show their place in the broad context of memory research.  相似文献   

Stress can enhance or impair memory performance. Both cortisol release and sympathetic nervous system responses have been implicated in these differential effects. Here we investigated how memory retrieval might be affected by stress-induced cortisol release, independently of sympathetic nervous system stress responses. Thirty-two healthy participants (16 women) learned emotionally arousing and neutral words. One hour later, half of the participants underwent a stressor (cold pressor test) and the other half, a control warm water exposure, both followed by a delayed free recall task. The stressed participants were split into those who did (responders, N = 8) and those who did not (nonresponders, N = 6) show a cortisol response. Both responders and nonresponders showed comparable sympathetic nervous system activity (skin conductance level) during the cold pressor. The cortisol responders recalled significantly fewer words compared to nonresponders, and compared to control participants; this effect was most pronounced for moderately arousing words (compared to highly arousing and neutral words). These results suggest that individual differences in cortisol reactivity affect memory retrieval performance, and help to explain the differential effects of stress on memory.  相似文献   

Search, memory, and strategy constraints on change detection were analyzed in terms of oculomotor variables. Observers viewed a repeating sequence of three displays (Scene 1-->Mask-->Scene 2-->Mask...) and indicated the presence-absence of a changing object between Scenes 1 and 2. Scenes depicted real-world objects arranged on a surface. Manipulations included set size (one, three, or nine items) and the orientation of the changing objects (similar or different). Eye movements increased with the number of potentially changing objects in the scene, with this set size effect suggesting a relationship between change detection and search. A preferential fixation analysis determined that memory constraints are better described by the operation comparing the pre- and postchange objects than as a capacity limitation, and a scanpath analysis revealed a change detection strategy relying on the peripheral encoding and comparison of display items. These findings support a signal-in-noise interpretation of change detection in which the signal varies with the similarity of the changing objects and the noise is determined by the distractor objects and scene background.  相似文献   

Mental rotation, memory scanning, and the central bottleneck   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Two reaction-time experiments using the psychological refractory period paradigm examined whether two prominent tasks, i.e., mental rotation and memory scanning, require access to a single-channel mechanism and must therefore be performed sequentially with other operations requiring the same mechanism. On each trial, subjects made speeded responses to a tone (Exp. 1) or a character (Exp. 2, with symbolic SR-compatibility of the character manipulated) as Task 1 and to a letter (for blocks with mental rotation) or a digit (for blocks with memory scanning) as Task 2. The set-size effect was constant across SOAs, suggesting that memory scanning cannot be performed in parallel with response selection of Task 1. The effect of orientation, however, decreased with decreasing SOA. The decrease was even intensified if Task 1 bottleneck processes were prolonged by symbolic SR-compatibility. The exact pattern of underadditivity, however, was not predicted by current theories of dual-task performance. The results contradict a central bottleneck model but are in line with extensions of the model proposed by Meyer and Kieras. Received: 21 January 1998 / Accepted: 15 June 1998  相似文献   

How does temporal selection work, and along what dimensions does it vary from one instance to the next? We explored these questions using a phenomenon in which temporal selection goes awry. In the attentional blink, subjects fail to report the second of a pair of targets (T1 and T2) when they are presented at stimulus onset asynchronies (SOAs) of roughly 200 to 500 ms. We directly tested the properties of temporal selection during the blink by analyzing distractor intrusions at a fast rate of item presentation. Our analysis shows that attentional selection is (a) suppressed, (b) delayed, and (c) diffused in time during the attentional blink. These effects are dissociated by their time course: The measure of each effect returns to the baseline value at a different SOA. Our results constrain theories of the attentional blink and indicate that temporal selection varies along at least three dissociable dimensions: efficacy, latency, and precision.  相似文献   

Although the role of memory in visual search is debatable, most researchers agree with a limited-capacity model of memory in visual search. The authors demonstrate the role of memory by replicating previous findings showing that visual search is biased away from old items (previously examined items) and toward new items (nonexamined items). Furthermore, the authors examined the type of memory representations used to bias search by changing an item's individuating feature or location during search. Changing the individuating feature of an item did not disrupt normal search biases. However, when the location of an item changed, normal search biases were disrupted. These results suggest that memory used in visual search is based on items' locations rather than their identity.  相似文献   

A current controversy in memory research concerns whether recognition is supported by distinct processes of familiarity and recollection, or instead by a single process wherein familiarity and recollection reflect weak and strong memories, respectively. Recent studies using receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analyses in an animal model have shown that manipulations of the memory demands can eliminate the contribution of familiarity while sparing recollection. Here it is shown that a different manipulation, specifically the addition of a response deadline in recognition testing, results in the opposite performance pattern, eliminating the contribution of recollection while sparing that of familiarity. This dissociation, combined with the earlier findings, demonstrates that familiarity and recollection are differentially sensitive to specific memory demands, strongly supporting the dual process view.Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis holds the promise of dissecting the contributions to recognition memory of episodic recollection and familiarity (Yonelinas 2001), and this method can be applied equally well to examine these memory processes in animals as well as humans (Fortin et al. 2004; Sauvage et al. 2008). According to the dual process model, recollection is indexed by the asymmetry of the ROC function whereas familiarity is measured by the degree of curvilinearity of that function, and correspondingly, these two parameters can vary independently (Yonelinas 2001). However, there is controversy about this interpretation of ROC components. Some have argued that the asymmetry and curvilinearity of the ROC function both reflect the strength of memories mediated by a single process (Wixted 2007), and correspondingly, these components of the ROC increase or decrease together in stronger or weaker memories, respectively (Squire et al. 2007).A resolution of this controversy can be advanced by examining whether the ROC asymmetry and curvilinearity are independently influenced by task manipulations that favor either recollection or familiarity, consistent with dual process theory, or instead are similarly influenced by conditions that affect memory strength. Recent data from an animal model of recognition have shown that adding a demand for remembering associations between independent stimuli eliminates the ROC curvilinearity without affecting the asymmetry, consistent with the dual process view (Sauvage et al. 2008; for discussion of associative recognition, see Mayes et al. 2007). However, in order to provide compelling evidence of independence of the two ROC components, it is also critical to show that other memory demands that favor familiarity produce the opposite pattern, elimination of the ROC asymmetry while sparing its curvilinearity. Together these findings would constitute a double dissociation between the two parameters of the ROC function that cannot be explained by a single process theory.As originally conceived in models proposed in the 1970s, familiarity is characterized as a perceptually driven, pattern matching process that is completed rapidly, whereas recollection is characterized as a conceptually driven, organizational process that requires more time (Mandler 1972; Atkinson and Juola 1973, 1974; for reviews, see Yonelinas 2002; Mandler 2008). Consistent with this view, the results of several studies that employ response deadlines in the test phase report that familiarity is more rapid than recollection. For example, forcing people to make speeded recognition responses has little effect on simple yes–no recognition but strikingly reduces performance when subjects must remember where or when an item was studied (Yonelinas and Jacoby 1994; Gronlund et al. 1997; Hintzman et al. 1998). Other studies that require subjects to oppose familiarity and recollection reveal a two-component temporal function that includes a rapidly available familiarity process and a slower recollective process (Dosher 1984; Gronlund and Ratcliff 1989; Hintzman and Curran 1994; McElree et al. 1999). In addition, studies that measure brain evoked response potentials (ERPs) have revealed two distinct ERP modulations commonly observed during recognition: a mid-frontal negativity onsetting about 400 msec after stimulus onset that is associated with familiarity, and a parietally distributed positivity beginning about 500 msec after stimulus onset that is associated with recollection (Smith 1993; Duzel et al. 1997; Curran 2004; Duarte et al. 2006; Woodruff et al. 2006; but see Voss and Paller 2009).Dual process theory predicts that applying an appropriate early response deadline should allow sufficient time for contribution of familiarity but not that of recollection, and so should reduce the ROC asymmetry while sparing its curvilinearity, opposite to the already observed effects of associative memory demands that favor recollection (Sauvage et al. 2008). Confirmation of this prediction combined with the previous findings of the opposite effects in associative recognition would constitute a double dissociation between the features of recollection and familiarity. This result would therefore strongly support the conclusion that the asymmetry and curvilinearity are independent parameters of the ROC function that are differentially linked to features of recollection and familiarity, respectively.  相似文献   

Joy S  Fein D  Kaplan E 《Assessment》2003,10(1):56-65
The authors evaluated the relative contributions of speed, memory, and visual scanning to Digit Symbol score in a sample of young adults (N = 87). Speed (Symbol Copy) explained 35% of Digit Symbol variance; only half of this was attributable to graphomotor speed (Name Printing), implying a role for perceptual speed. Visual-scanning tests (e.g., Symbol Scan) explained (on average) 34% of Digit Symbol variance, much of which was independent of perceptual-motor speed, establishing an important role for visual-scanning efficiency in Digit Symbol performance. By contrast, memory tests (on average) explained only 4% to 5% of Digit Symbol variance: statistically significant but clearly subsidiary, although a visual memory composite correlated more strongly with Digit Symbol. The Digit Symbol incidental learning procedures did, however, correlate moderately with other memory measures, suggesting that they are valid memory screening devices.  相似文献   

A classic question in cognitive psychology concerns the nature of memory search in short-term recognition. Despite its long history of investigation, however, there is still no consensus on whether memory search takes place serially or in parallel or is based on global access. In the present investigation, we formalize a variety of models designed to account for detailed response time distribution data in the classic Sternberg (Science 153: 652-654, 1966) memory-scanning task. The models vary in their mental architectures (serial exhaustive, parallel self-terminating, and global access). Furthermore, the component processes within the architectures that make match/mismatch decisions are formalized as linear ballistic accumulators (LBAs). In fast presentation rate conditions, the parallel and global access models provide far better accounts of the data than does the serial model. LBA drift rates are found to depend almost solely on the lag between study items and test probes, whereas response thresholds change with memory set size. Under slow presentation rate conditions, even simple versions of the serial-exhaustive model provide accounts of the data that are as good as those of the parallel and global access models. We provide alternative interpretations of the results in our General Discussion.  相似文献   

Neuroimaging studies have shown the involvement of prefrontal and posterior parietal cortexes in regulating information processing. We conducted behavioral and fMRI experiments to investigate the relationship between memory selection and proactive interference (PI), using a delayed recognition task with a selection cue presented during the delay indicating which two of the four studied digits were relevant to the present test. PI was indexed by the response time differences between rejecting probes matching and not matching the no longer relevant digits. By varying the delay intervals, we found that the effect of PI did not diminish, even for cases in which the postcue interval was extended to 9 sec, but was stronger when the precue interval was lengthened to 5 sec. By examining the correlation between PI index and neural correlates of memory selection, we found that stronger PI is predicted by lower selection-related activity in the left inferior parietal lobe, the precuneus, and the dorsal middle frontal gyrus. Our results suggest that activity in the prefrontal-parietal network may contribute to one’s ability to focus on the task-relevant information and may proactively reduce PI in working memory.  相似文献   

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