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This contribution is a sermon on the New Testament readings, Ephesians 4:1–13 and the Gospel of Luke 24:46–53, preached at the festive celebration of the vigil of Blutfreitag on the evening of the feast of the Ascension of our Lord in the Basilica of St Martin in Weingarten on 14 May 2015. It establishes a theological link between the solemnity of the Ascension of Christ and Blutfreitag (Friday of the Precious Blood), a local feast which has been celebrated for centuries on the day after Ascension Day.  相似文献   

The relic of the Precious Blood of the Passion of Christ is kept in the crypt of the Basilica of Sant’Andrea in Mantua. Venerated over the centuries by popes and emperors, it was, according to tradition, transferred from Calvary to Mantua by the Roman centurion (later saint) Longinus, who had pierced the side of Jesus to verify his death (John 19.34). This devotional tradition was corroborated by historical testimonials and miraculous facts. The soil soaked with the Precious Blood was hidden underground, for fear of desecration, and then found again in two subsequent retrievals (in 804 and 1048 A.D.). Due to its donation to the Holy Roman Emperor, Henry III, a part of the relic finally arrived, through various vicissitudes, in Weingarten, a town now twinned with Mantua. Guardianship of the prestigious Christian relic rests in Mantua, with the Confraternity of the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ.  相似文献   

This contribution reflects on the indissoluble connection between Christ and the Church which becomes tangible in his redeeming blood. It gives an overview of the papal teaching on the veneration of the Precious Blood and explores what the connections, parallelisms and differences are that exist between Mantua and Weingarten regarding the devotion to parts of the same relic.  相似文献   

This article explores the main meanings given to the presence of the relic of the Precious Blood of Christ in the city of Mantua, and also highlights the links with the Altdorf-Weingarten relic of the same, which derives from it. For centuries the presence of this relic has intertwined in several ways with events in Mantua and has shaped some of their most significant religious and cultural expressions. Above all, during the Middle Ages, the Precious Blood had a widespread impact, destined to expand all over Europe. However, we possess vague and scarcely defined evidence of this, as much of the evidence was removed, mostly in the name of rationalist critique, and diminished with the passing of time. Within a long-term perspective, the text which follows here aims to tackle some relevant problematic issues, from a historical and historico-anthropological viewpoint. It attempts both to strengthen understanding of the local and wider intertwining which characterised the development of such a relevant religious experience of our culture, and also to enter into contact with essential aspects of it.  相似文献   

Hartmut Lehmann 《Dialog》2016,55(1):79-87
In the last days of October 1517 Martin Luther finished a series of theological theses in which he argued that selling indulgences was theologically wrong; in fact, untenable. Protestants consider Luther's initiative the beginning of the Reformation. But how should we celebrate the memory of these events that took place 500 years ago? What is the lasting value of Luther's message in our time, in an age of secularization and religious pluralism?  相似文献   

Guillermo Hansen 《Dialog》2012,51(1):31-42
Abstract : What does the church mean when it confesses through the Creeds its oneness? My aim is to reflect on how and why theology needs to bring to the fore a hidden dimension in the discourse on the unity of the church, that is, its tendency to fall into a “solid” and “totalizing” disciplinary technology, i.e., an ideology. I will approach the theme following these basic theological pointers: (a) a biblical primary symbol as it emerges to unveil a new existence and practice—Paul's metaphor of the body in 1 Corinthians 12; (b) a secondary symbol through which the church understood itself to be lodged—the trinitarian understanding of being as a communicative relationship; (c) the regulative principle of law and promise as guiding a discursive practice that supports different levels of decentering and centering that signals a breakthrough of the eschaton—Luther's understanding of law and gospel. These overlapping theological dimensions allow a different metaphorization of the oneness and unity of the church.  相似文献   

Alex Gath 《文化与宗教》2013,14(2):171-187
The paper explores some reasons for changes affecting a popular Orthodox Christian pilgrim centre in Kerala, South India. These changes have become apparent both in the style of conducting the pilgrimage and in the organisation of the site itself. They have occurred in the context of an ongoing ecclesiastical dispute which has divided Christians in Kerala throughout this century, creating a division which itself follows schisms and disputes in previous centuries. As a result there is rivalry between pilgrim centres of varying allegiance and also between different styles of worship, especially since the rise of charismatic movements. All of this has occurred against a background of increased politicisation of pilgrimage, and religion in general, in India. This has led to some concern that Christianity can be considered a ‘foreign’ religion, with attempts by Orthodox Christians to refute such a claim.  相似文献   

One of the most common phrases heard in testimony, preaching, and song during the East African Revival (EAR) was the phrase ‘The Blood of Jesus Christ’. Taken from a rich biblical heritage, this phrase encapsulates a wide range of ideas concerning the work of the cross and the power of forgiveness in a believer's life. Whilst, as will be noted, the use of The Blood has been common to many revivals, this article examines especially the theology behind this phrase by looking at the most prominent of the EAR authors – Roy Hession. It investigates seven different applications of The Blood in a believer's life: The Blood as a testament that sin is forgiven, The Blood as cleansing the conscience, The Blood as victory over despair, The Blood as the remover of shame, The Blood as washing away sin, The Blood as the gateway of the Holy Spirit, and finally The Blood as the source of true fellowship. The theology of The Blood has a long history of use in the Church but it also comes with difficulties. To this end the article will investigate the legitimacy of the practice often found in Africa and some Pentecostal circles of invoking The Blood as protection against the demonic. The article closes by considering the reasons why speaking of The Blood in church can be uncomfortable yet is paradoxically of vital importance to revival.  相似文献   

We examine how culture and structure intersect in mediating competing claims to authority during the routinization of charisma. Using archival data, we trace the mechanisms of routinization in the early Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints during the succession crisis that followed the death of the prophet Joseph Smith in 1844, which resulted in the ascension of a new leader and shaped the institutional development of the religion. Combining in‐depth historical analysis and social network analysis, we identify key processes that led to the ultimate resolution of the crisis. These processes show that the way church members interpreted and enacted prophecies and theological teachings directly affected social networks within the community. In turn, this increased the importance of these particular teachings within the community and in the religious organization in a cycle that shaped the social mechanisms of the crisis resolution. Generalizing our findings, we introduce the concept of mutual selection cycles as a framework for explaining how prophecy and practice interact in institutionalizing charismatic authority.  相似文献   

The Church as sacrament has been a recurring theme for some time in modern ecumenical conversations and in debates among theologians. When this idea re-emerged in the Western churches during the twentieth century it did not initially arise primarily from the results of patristic scholarship or under the influence of the Eastern churches. It seemed rather to emerge from two different problems: Roman Catholic institutionalism and the Protestant individualism born during the nineteenth century. It was also a reaction against what was perceived – in the context of an emerging ecclesial and socio-cultural diversification – to be too narrow a conceptualisation of sacrament. This article briefly introduces the idea of the Church as sacrament in the writings of Yngve Brilioth (1889–1959); it examines the background which allowed a Swedish theologian to describe the Church as sacrament. It notes that, during the 1940s, the sacramentality of the Church became a relatively common view among other leading Swedish theologians and suggests how this historical occurrence might provide some perspectives on current ecclesial deliberations.  相似文献   

王晓华 《管子学刊》2007,(4):99-102
人与自然关系是文学表现的重要母题。透过文学的发展,可以窥视出人类社会在社会实践推动下所走过的历史道路。本文意在通过中西文学发展中人与自然关系的描写,揭示人与自然关系的变化过程,并在历史的视野中审视生态批判的当代意义。  相似文献   

Satoko Fujiwara 《Religion》2017,47(4):591-615

In Japan, Rudolf Otto is commonly identified as a precursor of the phenomenology of religion, claiming the sui generis nature of religion. However, the first Japanese translation of Das Heilige was published in 1927, far before the reception of the phenomenology of religion. This article divides the history of the reception of Das Heilige into three periods: before, during and after the heyday of the phenomenology of religion. It also examines both academic and lay receptions of Otto’s work, considering that its paperback version has sold over 53,000 copies. Its major findings are scholars of religion in the pre-war period framed Das Heilige according to a hierarchical dichotomy of the East and the West; post-war, phenomenological scholars empathetically interpreted the work, rejecting this ideological dichotomy; younger scholars have recently attempted more history-conscious, critical analyses; and, largely ‘non-religious’ general readers viewed it as a classic of Western thought, without being disturbed by its claim of Christian superiority.  相似文献   

卫生法伦理学是由医学、法学和伦理学三大学科相互交融、渗透而结合的产物。卫生法伦理学作为一门独立的学科有着独特的研究对象。法律的道德审视,不仅是法伦理学研究的基础途径,更是当代中国卫生法伦理学研究的使命。  相似文献   

联合采用联想匹配任务和内隐联想测验(IAT)任务,考察了自我—他人分类中的他人重要性对自我—高奖赏相似性的影响。研究将中性的几何图形与自我、不同重要性的他人(实验一为陌生人,实验二为朋友)建立联结,并将自我(暂时建立联结的图形)高奖赏联合任务与自我低奖赏联合任务下的反应差异(即IAT值)作为自我—高奖赏相似性的指标,结果表明:(1)联想匹配任务中自我和朋友以及自我和陌生人之间都存在显著的自我优势效应;(2)IAT任务中,自我和高奖赏只在他人为朋友的自我—他人分类判断时才具有相似性,而他人为陌生人时二者不具有相似性。这说明他人重要性改变了自我的心理表征。  相似文献   


The word ‘hägring’ (in English. ‘mirage’) can be understood in different ways: as an unrealistic hope or wish that cannot be achieved (wishful thinking); as an image in a mirror of something that is not there, but in another place, and as a sign of something that has not yet become visible, for instance, the first rays of sunlight on the horizon before the sun has risen. These meanings represent different ways in which presence and absence interplay, and are all illustrated in Kjell Westö’s impressive novel from 2013 for which he received the Nordic Literature Prize in 2014.

The action of the novel takes place during eight months in Helsinki from March to November 1938 and unravels how the past and present are woven together on a historical, societal and individual level. The present article will try to illustrate this.  相似文献   

目前,在非洲等地进行的HIV药品临床试验已成为国际上最有争议的话题之一.药品临床试验促进了医学科技的进步和发展,但同时带来了一些突出而复杂的伦理问题.面对这一难题,我们应正确看待医学科技进步与伦理之间的关系,以"尊重、公正、不伤害、受益"这一伦理基本原则指导HIV药品临床试验,促进医学和伦理道德的共同进步、协调发展.  相似文献   

当代医学道德发展的走向理应是健康道德,后医学伦理学时代理应是健康伦理学。建设健康伦理学需要搭成一个基本理论架构。其组成至少应该有“九大理论”,即生命神圣论、生命质量论、生命价值论,医学人本论、医学功利论、医学公正论,医者美德论、医者义务(患者权利)论、医患和谐论。其间,按顺序由每三论构成一个“统一论”,将第一个“统一论”作为立论前提,将第二个“统一论”作为直接依据,将第三个“统一论”作为应用指南,如此,才能由三个“统一论”共同地更好地阐释全部健康伦理学问题。  相似文献   




中和思想与可持续发展的普遍和谐观   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中和思想博大精深,作为中国古人调节人与自然、人与社会、人与他人及自身内部各种矛盾关系的高级哲理,与可持续发展有共同的哲学根据,与可持续发展所揭示的动态平衡与协调发展不谋而合。  相似文献   

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