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李艳玮  李燕芳 《心理科学进展》2010,18(11):1700-1706
自发展认知神经科学兴起以来, 研究者就开始借助MRI等脑成像技术探讨儿童青少年认知能力发展与大脑结构发育和功能特点等之间的关系, 这为揭示行为发展与生理成熟之间的关系、儿童认知发展的神经活动规律、正常和障碍群体的独特大脑神经结构及活动特点等提供了重要启示。通过对有关儿童青少年智力、工作记忆、反应抑制等认知能力发展与大脑结构发育、大脑功能发育之间关系, 以及认知能力训练与大脑可塑性等研究的介绍, 指出发展认知神经科学的未来研究应重视采用纵向设计, 关注自然成熟和经验对正常或障碍儿童青少年认知发展与脑发育关系的交互影响, 同时从练习和训练的角度对大脑可塑性的特点进行探讨。  相似文献   

青少年时期是一个转折期,也是冒险行为多发的时期。以往有关青少年冒险行为的研究大多集中在心理学视角与社会关系学视角,双系统竞争理论从生物学视角对青少年高冒险行为作出解释。该理论认为青少年高冒险行为的产生主要是由于大脑中的社会情绪系统与认知控制系统相互竞争作用的结果。社会情绪系统对奖赏寻求起作用,而认知控制系统对执行功能起作用。较早发展的社会情绪系统与较晚才成熟的认知控制系统间的竞争是青少年冒险行为产生的原因。  相似文献   

张颖  冯廷勇 《心理科学进展》2014,22(7):1139-1148
随着认知神经科学技术的发展, 青少年风险决策的发展认知神经机制成为了新近的一个热点课题。从双系统理论模型(社会情感神经网络系统、认知控制神经网络系统)出发, 对与青少年风险决策相关的大脑结构、功能的变化进行了阐述, 重点分析了新近的大脑功能连接、脑网络的研究; 阐述了青少年风险决策认知神经机制的主要理论模型:双系统模型和三角模型。未来研究还应加强对认知神经机制理论模型的检验、整合和创新, 从社会认知神经科学的角度深入研究社会参照系统(同伴关系、亚文化等)在青少年风险决策中的作用及机制, 以及从认知神经层面如何预防和干预青少年高风险行为。  相似文献   

老年人大脑结构和功能衰退是其认知功能下降的重要原因。然而,老年人的大脑仍然保持了一定的可塑性。随着神经影像技术的发展,大量研究发现认知训练能够对老年人的大脑结构和功能产生积极影响:(1)在脑结构方面,表现为大脑皮层灰质体积增加、白质神经纤维连接增强;(2)在进行认知任务时,表现为脑功能网络发生重组;(3)在静息态脑功能方面,表现为脑自发活动功能性重组以及功能连接增强。未来的认知训练研究需要考察老年人大脑可塑性存在个体差异的多种影响因素,并通过纵向追踪研究来探讨大脑可塑性的保持性和迁移效应。  相似文献   

脑可塑性研究综述   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
郭瑞芳  彭聃龄 《心理科学》2005,28(2):409-411
本文简要总结了脑可塑性实验研究的三个方面:(1)脑损伤的研究,(2)学习和训练的脑可塑研究,(3)双语习得的研究。目前研究脑可塑的一个重要方向是通过学习和训练,考察认知成分的获得与大脑皮层活动状态变化之间的关系。这些研究说明大脑的成熟是一个动态发展的过程,它的结构和功能在一定程度上具有可塑性。  相似文献   

青少年时期是创造性发展的关键阶段,探明青少年创造性发展规律及其神经机制对于培养和激发个体的创新潜能具有重要意义。本文综述了青少年创造性发展及其脑机制的研究进展,分别对青少年创造性思维发展趋势、影响因素及其相应的脑机制展开综述,并在此基础上进行了展望。总体而言,青少年时期创造性思维发展呈现出两个波峰(11~13岁,15~16岁)的发展趋势;青少年创造性发展受外部原生家庭教养方式和学校教师激励以及内部情绪动机和自我管理能力的影响较大;前额叶对青少年创造性发展具有重要作用,这可能与该脑区涉及执行控制功能有关。针对青少年创造性发展的教育干预以及大脑可塑性可能成为该领域的研究热点;而大样本纵向跟踪多模态脑影像数据库的建立可为相关研究提供重要支持。  相似文献   

人类社会认知的神经机制:来自社会脑研究的证据   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
社会认知是指从环境互动的过程中推测他人意图、情感和思想等内部状态的心理加工过程。社会脑假说认为,包括人类在内的灵长类大脑内肯定存在着一个旨在认识和理解他人表情的神经机制,在社会交往中通过该中枢迅速处理与他人相互作用的各种信息。本文通过回顾社会脑的构成与基本功能,镜像神经元的发现及功能,以及社会脑、镜像神经元对社会认知影响的相关研究,提出了人类社会认知不同于其他物种的三个主要区别。  相似文献   

儿童执行功能与情绪调节   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
大脑执行功能是一种调节、控制、综合、分析个体心理过程和外显行为的认知神经机制。儿童的高级认知活动、社会性行为(同伴交往、攻击性行为)都受到执行功能发展水平的制约。研究者希望通过儿童执行功能的发展,了解整个执行系统的发展成熟过程,揭示执行控制机能的内在机制。同时,有研究者把执行控制这种认知神经机制和儿童的社会性行为包括自我控制、情绪调控等方面的发展结合起来研究,从中发现二者的联系。该文就这方面的核心问题以及研究成果进行了综述。  相似文献   

新生儿自娩出起便开始利用臻于成熟的听觉系统对语音的各要素进行大脑表征和学习记忆。考察新生儿语音加工特点,不仅能揭示语言功能在人类发展最初阶段的认知神经机制,还能对自闭症等神经发育性疾病的早期预警和临床诊断提供有价值的线索。我们回顾并总结了新生儿对语音的感知、辨别和学习以及语言发展对自闭症的预测作用,发现新生儿对特定语音存在感知偏好;新生儿具备独特的音素辨别能力;婴儿期语言加工的脑功能或结构指标对自闭症具有一定的预测价值。我们建议未来研究从三个方面开展工作。在基础研究方面:第一,严格控制语音材料的韵律因素,重新审查新生儿语言加工特征及大脑偏侧化问题;第二,揭示新生儿语音学习的认知神经机制以及睡眠的记忆巩固作用。在临床转化研究方面,以高风险自闭症新生儿为追踪对象,基于纵向多模态脑观测数据,建立疾病风险评估系统,揭示出生早期语言发展脑指标对自闭症的预测价值。  相似文献   

创造力的认知神经机制是近年来心理学研究领域的前沿和热点问题。通过融合创造力整体宏观视角和创造性产生过程的微观视角,对创造力的认知神经机制进行了综述。宏观视角下,创造力主要涉及α波和大脑前额叶、内外侧颞叶以及外侧顶叶; 微观视角下,在创造力产生过程中主要涉及α波序列位置效应以及默认网络和执行控制网络的功能耦合。未来研究方向应该结合多模态脑成像数据库,利用机器算法来探究创造力的本质; 关注青少年群体创造力的纵向发展趋势; 结合分子遗传学研究,探究与创造力有关的基因问题。  相似文献   

Edward James Dale 《Sophia》2014,53(3):349-361
This article considers the psychology of meditation and other introverted forms of mystical development from a neo-Piagetian perspective, which has commonalities with biogenetic structuralist and neurotheological approaches. Evidence is found that lines of meditative development unfold through Patañjali’s stages at different rates in an echo of the unfolding of lines of cognitive development through Piaget’s stages at different rates. Similar factors predicting the degree of independence of development apply to both conventional cognitive and meditative contents. As the same brain and the same nervous system are involved in both cognitive developmental psychology and meditation there are likely to be commonalities between conventional psychological and transpersonal development. Neo-Piagetian transpersonal psychology predicts a variable landscape of spiritual development across traditions and individuals, in line with variability in the cultural learning environment.  相似文献   

李亮  李红 《心理科学进展》2022,30(5):1038-1049
羞怯指个体在社交情境下的抑制, 是个体参与社交的阻碍。近年来, 关于羞怯的认知神经科学研究增多, 学者基于元认知模型、社会适应模型、侧化脑-体情绪模型等理论, 探讨了大脑结构和功能以及几种与感知觉和注意相关的ERP成分与羞怯的关系。但当前关于羞怯认知神经科学的理论和实证研究尚处于起步阶段。基于上述提出羞怯的心理发展模型; 未来应从人格和情绪双角度研究羞怯, 并在开发研究范式的基础上, 加大羞怯认知神经机制的探讨。  相似文献   


An underlying bias of contemporary cognitive science is that the brain and nervous system are in the business of carrying out computations and building representations. Gibson’s ecological approach, in contrast, is decidedly noncomputational and nonrepresentational. How, then, are we to construe the role of brain and nervous system? We consider this question against the backdrop of evidence for rich achievements in perception and action by agents without brains or nervous systems. If fundamental coordination of perception and action does not require a neural substrate, then what value is added in having one? And if the neural substrate is not in the representational–computational business, then what business is it in? We pursue answers grounded in the constraints of macroscopic, multicellular life and thermodynamics.  相似文献   

概念转变是认知发展与教育领域的热点话题之一,但关于小学生对于热概念的转变研究仍处于萌芽阶段。本研究抽取了某小学一、三、六年级学生共104名,采用三种任务情境考察了他们在热概念方面的认识水平。研究发现:一年级学生主要将热看作是一种物质,用物质模型理解热作为一个过程概念具有的速度属性。三年级学生热的物质概念和过程概念的认识并存,能够正确认识过程概念的速度和方向两个重要属性。六年级学生对于热作为一个过程概念所应具有属性的认知较为稳固,但未发生进一步的转变,他们还不能将热作为一个自发过程概念来理解。此研究结果部分  相似文献   

类别学习的神经心理学研究是检验类别学习理论的一种有效研究范式,它有助于我们对类别学习理论的深入理解,以及对认知活动过程和脑机制的认识。作者对基底神经节功能障碍患者、遗忘症患者和其他类型的神经症患者的类别学习研究进行了回顾,对这些研究可能存在的单系统理论和多系统理论解释进行了讨论,并指出了研究中可能存在的取样偏差问题和未来研究中需要在研究手段、研究设计、被试取样等方面加以改进的建议  相似文献   

During the course of normal aging, biological changes occur in the brain that are associated with changes in cognitive ability. This review presents data from neuroimaging studies of primarily “normal” or healthy brain aging. As such, we focus on research in unimpaired or nondemented older adults, but also include findings from lifespan studies that include younger and middle aged individuals as well as from populations with prodromal or clinically symptomatic disease such as cerebrovascular or Alzheimer’s disease. This review predominantly addresses structural MRI biomarkers, such as volumetric or thickness measures from anatomical images, and measures of white matter injury and integrity respectively from FLAIR or DTI, and includes complementary data from PET and cognitive or clinical testing as appropriate. The findings reveal highly consistent age-related differences in brain structure, particularly frontal lobe and medial temporal regions that are also accompanied by age-related differences in frontal and medial temporal lobe mediated cognitive abilities. Newer findings also suggest that degeneration of specific white matter tracts such as those passing through the genu and splenium of the corpus callosum may also be related to age-related differences in cognitive performance. Interpretation of these findings, however, must be tempered by the fact that comorbid diseases such as cerebrovascular and Alzheimer’s disease also increase in prevalence with advancing age. As such, this review discusses challenges related to interpretation of current theories of cognitive aging in light of the common occurrence of these later-life diseases. Understanding the differences between “Normal” and “Healthy” brain aging and identifying potential modifiable risk factors for brain aging is critical to inform potential treatments to stall or reverse the effects of brain aging and possibly extend cognitive health for our aging society.  相似文献   

Previous volumetric developmental MRI studies of the brain have shown white matter development continuing through adolescence and into adulthood. This review presents current findings regarding white matter development and organization from diffusion MRI studies. The general trend during adolescence (age 12–18 years) is towards increasing fractional anisotropy (FA) with age and decreasing mean diffusivity (MD) with age, findings primarily due to decreasing radial diffusivity with age. However, results of studies vary as to the regional specificity of such age-related changes, likely due in part to methodological issues. Another general trend is for FA to positively correlate and MD to negatively correlate with cognitive function. This trend is however region-specific, task-specific, and population-specific; some studies have in fact found negative correlations of FA and positive correlations of MD in specific regions with specific measures of cognitive performance. There are also published reports of sexual dimorphism in white matter development, indicating differing developmental trajectories between males and females as well as differing relationships developmentally between white matter architecture and cognitive function. There is a need for more research to further elucidate the development of white matter and its relation to cognitive function during this critical developmental period.  相似文献   

孟维杰 《心理科学》2015,(3):757-761
认知科学的发展历程经历了符号范式、联结主范式和具身认知范式的演变。认知心理学范式演变折射出认知心理学研究方式转变和对人的心智探索的深化,同时也反映出关于身心关系实现了从传统的身心二元对立到当下身心一体论的超越;对其文化反思是引领心理学从离身认知到具身认知进程更趋合理化的基础。  相似文献   


This article reviews evidence for the importance of play in children’s social and emotional development. Play is an essential pathway toward social maturity in young children. Children experience interactive play with admired adults as a form of affirming responsiveness, a basic nutrient of emotional health that all children want and need. Children learn through interactive play how to make accommodations and cooperate with others, how to cope with frustration and disappointment, and to develop self-restraint. Improved problem solving, creativity, and cognitive flexibility are also intrinsic to children’s play. All of these aspects of emotional maturity come together, synergistically, when we play with children. They are not learned, however, in front of a screen. The many benefits of play to children’s social maturity leads to a first clinical implication: As child therapists, we should help parents understand the importance of play and regularly encourage both mothers and fathers to play, frequently and enthusiastically, with their children.  相似文献   

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