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An attempt was made to induce polydipsia in rats whose lever pressing was reinforced with food pellets or electrical brain stimulation. Nine food-deprived, water-sated rats drank water excessively during sessions in which food pellets were delivered. When brain stimulation was substituted for food, drinking immediately ceased. Delivering brain stimulation according to a variety of schedules, pairing brain stimulation with food reinforcement, and substituting an air stream for water, each failed to produce polydipsic licking. These results show that polydipsia is not induced by all reinforcers.  相似文献   

In Part 1 of the experiment, rats responded under a variable-interval (VI) 30-s schedule and a VI 120-s schedule, with each in effect for a block of consecutive sessions. That is, the two VI schedules were presented in successive conditions. In Part 2 the VI schedules alternated each day, and in Part 3 the schedules alternated within the session as a multiple schedule. For half of the rats in Parts 1 and 2, the VI schedule alternated every few minutes within the session with a stimulus that signaled extinction. For each part, once response rates had stabilized, resistance to change was measured by prefeeding and extinction. When the schedules were examined in successive conditions (Part 1), resistance to extinction was greater under the VI 120-s schedule of reinforcement than under the VI 30-s schedule, but no consistent differences in resistance to prefeeding were observed between the two VI schedules. When the VI schedules alternated each day (Part 2), resistance to extinction was greater under the VI 120-s schedule. However, no consistent differences in resistance to prefeeding were observed between the VI schedules without extinction in Group A, but resistance to prefeeding was greater under the VI 30-s schedule for rats with the added extinction component in Group B. When the VI schedules alternated within the session as a multiple schedule (Part 3), resistance to extinction and resistance to prefeeding were greater under the VI 30-s schedule. The data suggest that different rates of reinforcement, and their accompanying discriminative stimuli, must be compared within the same session (or at least on alternate days) to produce data consistent with the behavioral momentum model.  相似文献   

Two fixed-consecutive-number-like procedures were used to examine effects of acute d-amphetamine administration on control over response number. In both procedures, rats were required to press the left lever at least once and then press the right lever to complete a trial. The consecutive left-lever presses on each trial comprised a "run." Under the targeted percentile schedule, reinforcement was provided if the current run length was closer to the target length (16) than half of the most recent 24 runs. This differentially reinforced run length while holding reinforcement probability constant at .5. A second group acquired the differentiation under the targeted percentile schedule, but were then shifted to a procedure that yoked reinforcement probability by subject and run length to that obtained under the targeted percentile schedule. The two procedures generated practically identical control run lengths, response rates, reinforcement probabilities, and reinforcement rates. Administration of d-amphetamine disrupted percentile responding to a greater degree than yoked control responding. This disruption decreased reinforcement frequency less in the former than the latter procedure. The similar baseline responding under these two procedures suggests that this difference in sensitivity was due to behavioral adjustments to drug prompted by reduction of reinforcement density in the yoked control but not the percentile schedule. These adjustments attenuate the drug's effects under the former, but not the latter, procedure.  相似文献   

Previous experiments examining the effects of adding a tandem fixed-ratio response requirement on fixed-interval schedule performance have reported inconsistent results. One variable that may account for such inconsistencies is the baseline response rate in the fixed-interval condition. This possibility was investigated in the present study. Rats were given histories with either interresponse times greater than 11 s or fixed-ratio 40 schedules of reinforcement, which engendered either relatively low or high rates of responding, respectively, in the subsequent fixed-interval condition. A tandem ratio response requirement (fixed-ratio 9) was then introduced. The effects of adding this tandem response requirement were inversely related to the baseline fixed-interval response rates; low rates of responding in the fixed-interval condition were markedly increased, whereas high rates of responding were relatively unaffected. This inverse relationship appears to be similar to the rate-dependent relations observed in behavioral pharmacology. These results may provide an explanation for the inconsistent findings reported in previous studies on tandem fixed-interval fixed-ratio schedules and suggest that principles of behavioral pharmacology research may be applicable to the study of the effects of nonpharmacological variables on schedule-controlled behavior.  相似文献   

Three rats, lever pressing for food delivered on a fixed-interval 128-s schedule, were presented with a 16-s opportunity to drink from a retractable water source. The temporal placement of the water probe within the reinforcement cycle was varied sequentially, in steps of 16 s. Although the lever-pressing pattern was modulated by the intercalated water probe, water consumption during the probe itself was a decreasing function of time from the following reinforcer. These results were interpreted as evidence against the notion that schedule-induced drinking is a "ubiquitous" phenomenon and are congruent with results from other "intruded stimulus" experiments.  相似文献   

Three rats were exposed to a second-order schedule in which fixed-interval components ended either with food or with a brief stimulus that was never paired with food. Food and the brief stimulus occurred in a random sequence (variable-ratio 2 overall schedule). Another three rats were exposed to a similar second-order schedule, the only difference being that the food or the stimulus was presented independently of operant behavior (fixed-time components). The three rats exposed to the fixed-interval components licked at a water spout after each food presentation. These rats also licked in the intervals after the brief stimulus. Although the discriminative properties of food and of the brief stimulus were identical in relation to subsequent reinforcement, licking after the stimulus was less than after food. The three rats exposed to the second-order schedules with fixed-time components also licked at the water spout after food, but these rats did not lick consistently after brief stimulus presentations.  相似文献   

Rats were trained on concurrent fixed-ratio variable-ratio or concurrent fixed-ratio mixed-ratio schedules of food reinforcement. The variable-ratio schedule was composed of an arithmetic sequence of 11 ratios that averaged 50; the mixed-ratio schedule consisted of equiprobable ratios of 1 and 99. Fixed-ratio values, varied over experimental conditions, included 25, 35, 50, 60, and 99. The proportion of responses and time allocated to the variable- or mixed-ratio schedule increased as the size of the fixed ratio increased. For most subjects, higher proportions of responses and time were maintained on the fixed-ratio schedule at fixed-ratio values of 25 and 35; higher proportions of responses and time were maintained on the variable- or mixed-ratio schedule at fixed-ratio values of 50 or higher. On concurrent variable-ratio fixed-ratio schedules, the tendency for responding to be maintained exclusively by one schedule was related to the difference in local reinforcement rates obtained from those schedules. Exclusive responding was approximated when the difference in local reinforcement rates obtained from those schedules was large; responding was more evenly distributed between the schedules as the difference in the rates at which reinforcement was obtained from each decreased.  相似文献   

The effect of variations in interreinforcement interval on the temporal and distributional relation between feeding and drinking was continuously monitored. Rats were housed continuously in an operant chamber in which water was freely available, but lever pressing was required to obtain food (45-mg pellets). Initially, pellets were delivered on a fixed-ratio 1 schedule of reinforcement, which was followed by testing on response-initiated fixed-interval 15-, 30-, and 60-second schedules. The total number of discrete, daily meals (a period in which several pellets were earned in succession) was slightly higher during the fixed-interval schedules than during the fixed-ratio 1, but there was no systematic effect of fixed-interval length on meal frequency. Total water consumption, in contrast, increased dramatically as the interval was lengthened: both subjects consumed two to three times as much water on the fixed-interval 60-second schedule as on the fixed-ratio 1. The increased water consumption was the result of an alteration in the distribution of drinking relative to eating. During the fixed-ratio 1 condition, drinking occurred infrequently following individual food pellets and represented the smallest percentage of total drinking; drinking occurred predominantly just before or after a meal. As the fixed interval was lengthened, however, the frequency of postpellet drinking gradually increased and eventually comprised the largest proportion of daily drinking.  相似文献   

Undergraduates were exposed to a mixed fixed-ratio differential-reinforcement-of-low-rate schedule. Values of the schedule components were adjusted so that interreinforcer intervals in one component were longer than those in another component. Following this, a mixed fixed-interval 5-s fixed-interval 20-s schedule (Experiment 1) or six fixed-interval schedules in which the values ranged from 5 to 40 s (Experiment 2) were in effect. In both experiments, response rates under the fixed-interval schedules were higher when the interreinforcer intervals approximated those produced under the fixed-ratio schedule, whereas the rates were lower when the interreinforcer intervals approximated those produced under the different-reinforcement-of-low-rate schedule. The present results demonstrate that the effects of behavioral history were under control of the interreinforcer intervals as discriminative stimuli.  相似文献   

Two studies evaluated the effects of response-independent water deliveries on the location (on the floor of the experimental chamber) and position (height) of rats' behavior. In both experiments, fixed-time schedules delivered water in two dispensers that were located at opposite ends of the chamber. In Experiment 1, the two schedules provided complementary frequencies of water deliveries while the overall number of deliveries stayed constant. In Experiment 2, one of the schedules delivered water twice as frequently as the other; this proportion was kept constant while the overall density of water deliveries changed systematically. In both experiments, a single position (height) of behavior was dominant. Also, the percentage of time allocated to each dispenser was roughly proportional to the percentage of water deliveries associated with the dispensers. These data and additional considerations support the importance of examining the spatial properties and patterning of behavior.  相似文献   

Pigeons trained on cyclic-interval schedules adjust their postfood pause from interval to interval within each experimental session. But on regular fixed-interval schedules, many sessions at a given parameter value are usually necessary before the typical fixed-interval "scallop" appears. In the first case, temporal control appears to act from one interfood interval to the next; in the second, it appears to act over hundreds of interfood intervals. The present experiments look at the intermediate case: daily variation in schedule parameters. In Experiments 1 and 2 we show that pauses proportional to interfood interval develop on short-valued response-initiated-delay schedules when parameters are changed daily, that additional experience under this regimen leads to little further improvement, and that pauses usually change as soon as the schedule parameter is changed. Experiment 3 demonstrates identical waiting behavior on fixed-interval and response-initiated-delay schedules when the food delays are short (less than 20 s) and conditions are changed daily. In Experiment 4 we show that daily intercalation prevents temporal control when interfood intervals are longer (25 to 60 s). The results of Experiment 5 suggest that downshifts in interfood interval produce more rapid waiting-time adjustments than upshifts. These and other results suggest that the effects of short interfood intervals seem to be more persistent than those of long intervals.  相似文献   

Various theories of temporal control and schedule induction imply that periodic schedules temporally modulate an organism's motivational states within interreinforcement intervals. This speculation has been fueled by frequently observed multimodal activity distributions created by averaging across interreinforcement intervals. We tested this hypothesis by manipulating the cost associated with schedule-induced activities and the availability of other activities to determine the degree to which (a) the temporal distributions of activities within the interreinforcement interval are fixed or can be temporally displaced, (b) rats can reallocate activities across different interreinforcement intervals, and (c) noninduced activities can substitute for schedule-induced activities. Obtained multimodal activity distributions created by averaging across interreinforcement intervals were not representative of the transitions occurring within individual intervals, so the averaged multimodal distributions should not be assumed to represent changes in the subject's motivational states within the interval. Rather, the multimodal distributions often result from averaging across interreinforcement intervals in which only a single activity occurs. A direct influence of the periodic schedule on the motivational states implies that drinking and running should occur at different periods within the interval, but in three experiments the starting times of drinking and running within interreinforcement intervals were equal. Thus, the sequential pattern of drinking and running on periodic schedules does not result from temporal modulation of motivational states within interreinforcement intervals.  相似文献   

In each of four experiments, schedule-induced water intake in the rat was studied under fixed-time 40-sec food delivery. Experiments I and II studied the temporal relationship between response-independent electric-shock delivery and licking. Shock was delivered under a variable-time 60-sec schedule. A lick-dependent delay was imposed so that licking and shock delivery were systematically separated in time by a minimum of 1 to 15 sec. Over a wide range of shock intensities the data failed to reveal a consistent delay-of-shock effect. Similar shock intensities led to similar reduction of water intake at each delay of shock interval. Experiments III and IV studied the effects of body-weight loss on water intake during independent shock delivery. In Experiment III, shock was delivered under variable-time 60-sec with a minimum separation between shock and licking of 5 sec. In Experiment IV, shock was delivered under variable-time 180-sec. The minimum separation between shock and licking was 10 sec. In each study, the resistance of water intake to suppression by shock delivery increased as the degree of body-weight loss increased. Schedule-induced water intake was affected more by shock when the animal was maintained at 90% of free-feeding weight than at 70%.  相似文献   

In dose-related amounts, the drug haloperidol attenuated schedule-induced drinking by rats prefed with 0.01-mg drug added to 0, 25, 50, 75 or all of 100 Noyes 45-mg pellets. Drug pellets also induced less drinking than did regular Noyes pellets by rats that obtained these pellets at 1-min intervals by bar pressing. Haloperidol also reduced bar pressing and, temporarily, rate of reinforcement. The results appeared not to be due to a general sedative effect of haloperidol but to its selective power to reduce angiotensin-induced drinking. Thus, schedule-induced drinking, which is abnormal in not causing satiation, is controllable by a drug that interferes with the renin-angiotensin hormone system thought to regulate normal drinking.  相似文献   

Species differences in temporal control of behavior   总被引:10,自引:10,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Temporal control of rats' and pigeons' responding was analyzed and compared in detail on fixed-interval and fixed-time schedules with parameters of 30, 60, and 120 seconds. On fixed-time schedules, rats' responding decreased greatly or ceased, whereas pigeons continued to respond, especially on low schedule values. The running rate of responses (calculated by excluding the postreinforcement pause) was related to the duration of the preceding postreinforcement pause for rats but not for pigeons. Changes in response rate in successive segments of the interval were best described by normal curves. The relationship between midpoints of the normal curves and schedule value was a power function, with an exponent of less than one for pigeons but greater than one for rats. These differences could be explained in terms of a basic difference between the key-peck and lever-press responses, the two being differently affected by the response-eliciting properties of food.  相似文献   

A study of misbehavior: token reinforcement in the rat   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
The purpose of this research was to investigate the phenomenon of misbehavior described by Breland and Breland (1961). Rats were trained to obtain ball-bearings and drop them in a hole for food or water reinforcers. In confirmation of the Brelands' observation, many subjects were slow to deliver the balls, and frequently attempted to chew them before they were dropped. A series of four experiments, in which the same rats were used throughout, showed that delivery times tended to be longer with food than with water, and that these times increased when nylon balls were substituted. The effect of motivational level was investigated by varying both deprivation and amount of prefeeding; no effect on delivery time was detected, although other measures of performance were affected by motivational factors. Similar results were obtained in a final experiment that employed a new set of naive subjects. The studies demonstrated that misbehavior can be studied in an experimental situation, and the results supported an analysis in terms of competition between stimulus-reinforcer and response-reinforcer contingencies. The question of why such effects have not been reported in previous token reinforcer studies was unanswered.  相似文献   

Seven rats responding under fixed-ratio or variable-ratio schedules of food reinforcement had continuous access to a drinking tube inserted into the operant chamber. Under different conditions they could drink either tap water or one of two saccharin solutions. In a baseline condition, the drinking bottle was empty. Preratio pausing was observed with both schedules, more so with the fixed-ratio than the variable-ratio schedule, and increasing the concentration of the saccharin solution increased the duration of pausing. Comparisons with baseline performances revealed that the additional pausing was largely, but not entirely, spent drinking. The results support the view that pausing under ratio schedules is a consequence of competition between the scheduled reinforcer and alternative reinforcers that also are available within the experimental environment.  相似文献   

In Experiment I, 24 rats were trained on a multiple variable-interval variable-interval schedule with a doorlight and white noise serving as component cues. Two groups were then shifted to a multiple extinction variable-interval schedule, and a third group was maintained on the multiple variable-interval variable-interval schedule. The multiple extinction variable-interval condition produced positive contrast when either the light or noise signalled extinction, and both of these cues acquired inhibitory stimulus control as measured by a combined cue test. In Experiment II, the multiple variable-interval variable-interval condition was shifted to multiple extinction variable-interval for one group, to multiple variable-time variable-interval for a second group, and was unchanged for the third group. The two experimental conditions produced identical patterns of response-rate reduction in the altered component, but the multiple extinction variable-interval condition produced positive contrast, whereas the multiple variable-time variable-interval condition did not. Subsequent combined cue and resistance to reinforcement tests revealed that the cue signalling extinction acquired stronger inhibitory stimulus control than the cue signalling variable time.  相似文献   

Effects of chlorpromazine (1 to 100 mg/kg) were assessed on two pigeons' responding under various modifications of a multiple schedule of food delivery. During a fixed-interval component, the first response after 5 min produced food; during the subsequent, fixed-ratio component, the 30th response produced food. Modifications of the schedule entailed changes in stimulus conditions imposed during the fixed-ratio component that did not systematically alter characteristics of performance under non-drug conditions. In the first phase of the experiment, distinctive visual stimuli were correlated with each schedule component (conventional multiple schedule); chlorpromazine produced small decreases in fixed-ratio responding (20% at 30 mg/kg). When each response during the fixed-ratio component produced the stimulus correlated with the fixed-interval schedule (fixed-interval discriminative stimulus) for 1.2 s, effects of chlorpromazine were not different from those under the conventional multiple schedule. Chlorpromazine produced greater decreases in fixed-ratio responding (55% at 30 mg/kg) when either the first response of each fixed ratio changed the stimulus correlated with the fixed-ratio schedule to the fixed-interval discriminative stimulus for the remainder of the fixed-ratio component, or when the fixed-interval discriminative stimulus was presented independently of responding according to a matched temporal sequence. When the fixed-interval discriminative stimulus was present continuously during the fixed-ratio component (mixed schedule), chlorpromazine produced even more substantial decreases in fixed-ratio responding (greater than 80% at 30 mg/kg). Effects of chlorpromazine on fixed-interval responding were also modified by the schedules of fixed-interval discriminative stimulus presentation. The effects of chlorpromazine were a joint function of the stimuli prevailing during the multiple schedule and the degree to which responding influenced these stimuli.  相似文献   

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