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The study examined the influence of adolescents’ secure attachment to both versus one parent on their psychosocial adjustment in terms of self and parent evaluations of internalizing and externalizing behaviour problems. The sample consisting of 8th grade adolescents (n?=?406; 178 girls) aged 12–14 years were classified into four subgroups based on their attachment security to their father and mother. The study aimed to test the differences in internalizing and externalizing problems among the four subgroups- of adolescents with secure attachment to both parents, to only mother, to only father and insecure attachment to father and mother. The results showed that more number of adolescents were classified as securely attached to mothers than to fathers. The group of adolescents who felt securely attached to both parents was psychosocially most well adjusted, while those with insecure attachment to both parents were most vulnerable to maladjustment. In addition, secure attachment only to one’s mother and not to one’s father was a protective factor against maladjustment, while secure attachment to father alone was not. The study helps to understand how parent-adolescent secure attachment contributed to differences in psychosocial adjustment among these subgroups of normal adolescents.  相似文献   

Research suggests that children of single parents are at heightened risk of precocious sexual behavior, STDs, and other risky sexual outcomes. However, few such studies have addressed the type of single-parent family (single mother or single father), or differences across other-sex parent–child dyads. While gender essentialist models assume differences among youth living only with mothers or with fathers, constructivist models propose more flexible modes of parenting that lead to more similar outcomes. Using data from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health (n?=?2570) on youth between the ages of 15 and 19, we compared sexually-related outcomes among adolescents, both boys and girls, who lived with a single mother or a single father. These outcomes include sexual intercourse and knowledge, use of contraception, attitudes toward intimacy and pregnancy, and diagnosis of sexually-transmitted diseases. The results from linear and logistic regression models indicated few differences between single-mother and single-father families, or between same-sex and opposite-sex parent–child matches, using p values of .05 or smaller. Our results called into question essentialist models that posit higher risks for adolescents living with a particular parent or with an opposite-sex parent.  相似文献   

This study focused on the effects of family type, family relationships and socialization on alcohol consumption and delinquent behaviour among Flemish adolescents. Data came from the second round of the Leuven Adolescents and Families Study and were collected in 2010 by paper-and-pencil questionnaires in 10 different secondary schools (N = 1,688). The results show that children living in non-intact families are more likely to be delinquent and to drink alcohol at an age it is not legally allowed (below 16 years old). High delinquent behaviour is found among boys in single parent families and among girls in stepfamilies. For alcohol use the reverse is true. A good relationship with the same-sex parent is negatively associated with delinquency. High interparental conflict increases delinquency for boys and alcohol use for girls. Parental role models are highly important, since drinking behaviour of parents, and especially the same-sex parent, are positively associated with externalising problems of children.  相似文献   

The effects of legal custody arrangement and quality of the co-parental relationship on the adjustment of adolescents in remarried families was examined. Joint custody was associated with better relationships with step-parents and more family cohesion. Girls in sole custody families and boys in joint custody families reported high anxiety. Girls in sole custody families reported the remarriage to have a negative effect on their relationships with their custodial biological parents. Hostility in the co-parental relationship was associated with more loyalty conflicts and more increase in psychosomatic and psychosocial problems around the time of the remarriage.  相似文献   

王争艳  赵冬艳  雷雳 《心理学报》2007,39(6):1063-1073
采用问卷法探讨了亲子间性话题沟通风格与青少年性行为、性态度的关系,并考查了亲子依恋的调节效应。结果发现:(1)两个关于性别、父母职业和受教育程度的多元方差分析表明:男生与女生在与父亲和母亲的性话题沟通开放性上均没有显著差异,与父亲和母亲性话题沟通的舒适感上有显著差异。男生与父亲的性话题沟通风格好于与母亲的,而女生与母亲的性话题沟通风格好于与父亲的。父母的职业和受教育程度以及青少年性别、父母职业、受教育程度的交互作用不显著;(2)进一步的结构方程模型分析表明:青少年与父母性话题沟通开放性对性行为具有显著的负向预测作用,对不赞同同伴性行为的态度具有显著的正向预测作用;而青少年与父母性话题沟通舒适感对不赞同同伴性行为的态度具有显著的负向预测作用;(3)依恋对性话题沟通和青少年的性行为的关系有显著的调节作用,与完全安全依恋的家庭相比,在与父母依恋都不安全的家庭中,青少年与父母性话题沟通的开放性对青少年的性行为有更强的预测力  相似文献   

The main aim of this study was to provide a detailed examination of the nature of the messages that adolescent boys and girls receive about their bodies. Forty adolescent boys and 40 adolescent girls participated in an in-depth interview to gain an understanding of the range of potential ‘sources’ of body-related messages. Messages were organized around the source of these messages (self, mother, father, brother, sister, female friends, male friends, media). There were consistent gender differences in the way that adolescents received and interpreted messages about their bodies. Overall girls received more positive and more negative messages than boys did. Boys reported having received virtually no negative messages from most people. The content of internal dialogue among adolescents revealed that messages about the body could be interpreted, distorted, and deflected. The implications of these findings for preventing body image-related problems and disordered eating among adolescents are discussed.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between pubertal timing and self-esteem, and the mediating role of body-image, parent–adolescent interaction and peer support within this relationship. The sample comprised 526 adolescents, aged 10–13. Two measures of pubertal timing were used: perceived pubertal timing and pubertal timing based on Pubertal Development Scale (PDS). There were no differences in self-esteem between groups of adolescents with different pubertal timing based on PDS. Perceived early maturation was related to lower self-esteem in girls, and higher self-esteem in boys. We found evidence that the relationship between girls' perceived pubertal timing and self-esteem is mediated through the following variables: closeness to mother and father, and conflict with mother. In boys, mediators of the relationship between perceived pubertal timing and self-esteem are body-image and excessive control by mother. The results imply that interventions aiming to improve early maturing girls' self-esteem should focus on the interaction with their parents.  相似文献   

Within the theoretical framework of attachment theory, this study examined associations between adolescents’ attachment relationships with both mother and father and their academic adjustment, and explored the potential mediation role of self-worth in the associations. Participants were 384 Chinese adolescents (49.6% male, average age?=?15.13 years) from public schools in Shanghai, China. They completed self-report measures of mother–adolescent attachment, father–adolescent attachment, general self-worth, academic engagement and school grades. The results indicated that adolescents’ attachments to both parents were associated with higher levels of academic engagement. There was partial support of the mediating role of self-worth, as adolescents who had high levels of parent–adolescent attachment were more likely to have high levels of self-worth, which in turn enhanced their academic engagement and then improved high school grades. The findings highlighted the importance of parental attachment-based intervention strategies to promote and maintain academic adjustment among adolescents.  相似文献   

Both parents and teachers assessed the psychosocial health of 228 4-year-old children at the start of elementary school in the Netherlands. Assessments were conducted using the Child Behaviour Checklist (CBCL; ages 1 ½–5) and the Caregiver–Teacher Report Form (C-TRF; ages 1½–5). Results were compared to epidemiological studies with respect to informants, instruments, gender and age of the children. Most children in this study were thriving. The percentage of children without problems varied from 88 to 98%. The difference depended on the informant (parent or teacher) and the gender. Teachers recognized significantly more externalizing problems among girls and anxious/depressed problems among boys and girls. Parents reported more somatic complaints among girls. The problems identified by parents and teachers did not predominantly concern the same children. This has to be taken into account in the case of screening on psychosocial problems.  相似文献   

Daniel T. L. Shek 《Sex roles》2005,53(9-10):635-646
Chinese secondary school students (N = 3,017) were asked to respond to instruments that measure subjective evaluation of parental behavioral control (indexed by parental knowledge, expectation, monitoring, discipline, and demandingness, as well as Chinese parental control attributes), parental psychological control, and parent–child relational qualities (satisfaction with parental control, child's readiness to communicate with the parents, and perceived mutual trust). Results showed that Chinese adolescents perceived their fathers and mothers to be different in terms of the above indicators, and they suggest that the notion of “strict father, kind mother” in traditional Chinese culture has changed to “strict mother, kind father” in contemporary Chinese culture. Results also showed significant main effects of the child (boys vs. girls) and interaction effects of parents and gender of the child. Finally, parental educational levels were positively related to perceived parental control processes and parent–child relational qualities.  相似文献   

There is a paucity of studies aimed at comparing how parents and children in different family structures cope with the challenges posed by the adolescence transition; in particular, there are few studies aimed at comparing adoptive and foster families. In order to partially fill this gap, the principal aims of the present study were to verify whether there are differences in parent–child communication among foster, intercountry adoptive, and biological families according to the adolescents' gender, and to compare the perceptions of parents and adolescents concerning parent–child communication. Data were elaborated on two levels: a generational level (adolescent's and his/her parents' perceptions among the three family groups) and a dyadic level (mother–child and father–child perceptions). The sample was composed of 276 Italian families with adolescents aged between 11 and 17 (81 foster, 98 international adoptive, and 97 biological families). Subjects (mothers, fathers, and children) filled out a questionnaire including the Parent–Adolescent Communication Scale (Barnes & Olson, 1985 ). Results highlighted that in foster families, parent–child communication showed more difficulties from both the adolescent's and the parents' point of view. Adoptive adolescents, however, reported a more positive communication with both their parents than did their peers living in biological and foster families. At a dyadic level, some differences emerged among the three groups. In biological families, a more pronounced distance emerged between parents and children. In adoptive families, father and adolescent shared more similar perceptions, whereas a significant discrepancy emerged between mother and child. A higher level of perceptual congruence between adolescents and parents was found in foster families. Gender differences were also seen: Mothers experienced a more open communication with their children than did fathers, and adolescents, and above all females, communicated better with their mothers than with their fathers in all three family groups.  相似文献   

We investigated the influence of effective parenting behaviors (father and mother reports) and deviant peer association (adolescent reports) on subsequent young adolescent conduct problems (teacher reports) during grades 7–9, using structural equation modeling. Data were from a sample of 226 rural adolescents (n?=?112 boys; n?=?107 girls; n?=?7 gender unknown), their parents, and teachers. Both effective parenting and association with deviant peers influenced later conduct problems; however, the pattern of influence varied across time and between fathers and mothers, with complex patterns of interactions between effective parenting and peer deviance. From seventh to eighth grade, effective parenting by both mothers and fathers buffered the effect of higher levels of peer deviance on conduct problems across adolescent gender. From eighth to ninth grade (i.e., transition into high school), fathers’ effective parenting buffered the effects of deviant peer association on their daughters’ conduct problems, whereas both fathers’ and mothers’ influence was stronger for sons when deviant peer associations were lower. Analyses also evaluated bi-directional longitudinal effects among adolescents, parents, and peers. Although varying by parent and adolescent gender or adolescent age, results generally supported the protective effects of parenting on their children’s conduct problems during early to mid adolescence.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to explore the consequences of parental deployment for adolescents and to identify the risk and protective factors which may affect their well- being. The study being exploratory in nature, focus group was chosen for data collection. Three focus groups were held with boys and girls in the age group 12–18 years who were experiencing the deployment of their father for more than six months. Each group consisted of 6–8 participants. A semi structured interview schedule was prepared for the focus group interviews. Each focus group was audio taped and then transcribed for further analysis. Response themes indicate relocation in the absence of the father, changes in roles and responsibilities, routine changes, not having the parent to help with the homework, participate in activities and provide guidance as major sources of stress. While the relaxation in family rules and discipline is cherished by all, there are reintegration problems when the parent returns. Some adolescents expressed concern about the health and worries of the at-home parent, for most of them the mother or the at home parent is the central figure who helps steer through the multiple deployments.  相似文献   

This research analyzes, for the first time using a Spanish sample, the behavioral problems of adolescents in the custody of their grandparents. The sample consisted of 68 adolescents (31 boys and 37 girls, with a mean age of 13.7 years) in the custody of 54 grandparents with an average age of 65.9 years for the grandfathers, and 63.6 years for the grandmothers. The instrument employed was the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL; Achenbach, 2001). The results indicate that the majority of both boys and girls can be classified within the normal range on scales of internal behavior, external behavior and total behavioral problems. When gender and age differences were analyzed, it was found that boys had more behavioral problems than girls on scales of incompliance with rules and external behavior. Meanwhile, it was shown that older adolescents had more somatic problems, as well as more behavioral problems, as measured by both the internal scale and total scale of the CBCL, than the younger participants.  相似文献   

青少年父母监控现状研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本研究从北京市两所普通中学的初一到高二年级中选取了1090名中学生为被试,采用问卷调查的方式,要求他们分别报告父亲和母亲的主、客观监控水平和监控手段(控制、沟通和搜寻),以探讨我国青少年父母监控的现状。经过(2)卡方检验、相关分析t、检验和方差分析,结果表明:(1)总体来讲,母亲在家庭里是青少年的主要监控者:母亲监控的客观水平高于父亲,并且母亲使用三种监控手段的情况均多于父亲;(2)女孩受到的父母监控超过男孩:母亲对女孩的客观监控水平高于男孩,并且母亲对女孩更多使用沟通手段;父母对女孩使用控制手段的情况超过男孩;(3)父母监控的年级差异并不明显,只有父母对初一学生会更多使用沟通手段;(4)父母对沟通手段和控制手段的使用都与客观监控水平呈正相关,但与主观监控水平呈负相关,而搜寻手段使用与监控水平之间的关系则跟沟通、控制手段相反;沟通手段对客观监控水平的正向预测力最强,搜寻手段对主观监控水平的正向预测力最强。  相似文献   

广西中小学儿童受欺负现象调查研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
运用自编问卷在广西5所中小学选取792名中小学儿童进行调查,考察中小学儿童在学校和家庭中受同学、老师和家长欺负的比率及受欺负方式的特点。结果发现:1、中小学中存在普遍的受欺负现象,随着年龄的增长,儿童受欺负的比率呈下降趋势;但受教师和家长欺负到初中后反而呈上升趋势。2、儿童易受同伴的直接言语欺负;男生比女生易受同学直接身体欺负。3、儿童易受家长的直接言语欺负;小学阶段男生比女生易受家长的间接欺负;初中阶段女生比男生易受家长的直接身体欺负。4、教师对儿童较多使用间接欺负和直接身体欺负。小学阶段男生比女生易受教师的直接言语欺负;初中阶段男生比女生易受教师的直接身体欺负。  相似文献   

李彩娜  邹泓 《心理科学》2007,30(4):810-813,819
采用家庭功能评价量表(FAI),青少年孤独感问卷,对北京和两安的1325名初高中生及其父母进行调查。结果发现:(1)在家庭功能问卷的所有维度,亲子间知觉差异显著,青少年的知觉更消极;(2)在家庭功能的所有维度,男孩与父母的知觉差异均大于女孩与父母的差异;沟通维度父子间的差异大于母予差异,冲突与和谐维度母女间的差异大于父女间的差异;(3)不同知觉差异纽青少年的孤独感差异显著,知觉差异水平与孤独感间呈线性关系;亲子阃在冲突与和谐及父母关注维度的知觉差异可以显著预测青少年的孤独感。  相似文献   

This research examined the developmental trends in the contribution of evaluations by significant others (mother, father, teacher, and friend) to the self-esteem of adolescents. The sample consisted of 399 adolescents divided into three age groups (mean age: 13.4, 15.5, and 17.5 years). Semantic-differential scales were used. An analysis of variance revealed that adolescents differed in their self-esteem with regard to sex and age: girls evaluated themselves more positively than did boys and younger adolescents more positively than the older ones. The hypothesis that the contribution of significant others becomes less important with increased age was not completely confirmed. The relative contribution of significant others' evaluations differed depending on age and sex of adolescent.  相似文献   

Shek DT 《Adolescence》2008,43(169):153-164
Over three consecutive years, 2,559 Chinese adolescents (mean age = 12.65 years at Wave 1) responded to instruments assessing their trust of parents, perceived parental trust of the children, readiness to communicate with the parents, and satisfaction with parental control. Results showed that mutual trust between the parents and their adolescent children and the children's readiness to communicate with the parents were related to perceived satisfaction with parental control at Time 1, Time 2, and Time 3. Although readiness to communicate with the parents and mutual trust between the parents and their adolescent children predicted perceived satisfaction with parental behavioral control and its change over time, trust of the parent was the strongest predictor. While the influence of trust of the father on satisfaction with paternal control was stronger for adolescent girls than for adolescent boys, influence of paternal trust on satisfaction with paternal control was stronger for adolescent boys than for adolescent girls.  相似文献   

An attempt was made to trace the source of discrepancy in adolescents’ mindset to the discrepancy in the mindset of their parents. Ninety three respondents, 31 adolescents (girls 17, boys 14) and both their parents living together in an urban area were interviewed with the help of the separately developed questionnaires that were designed to assess the extent of discrepancy in their mindset. Some background information about the family was also collected. Discrepancy in the parents’ mindset was the average of converged discrepancies rated by each parent, his or her spouse, and their adolescent son or daughter on the items that were separately developed for the father and the mother. Coefficients of correlation among and between the ratings of discrepancy in the father’s and the mother’s mindset indicated the convergent and discriminant validity of the measures. Mothers manifested greater discrepancy in their thoughts and behaviour than fathers. Regression analysis showed that the magnitude of discrepancy only in father’s mindset and convergence of discrepancy in mostly mother’s mindset contributed significantly to the discrepancy in adolescents’ thoughts and behaviour. Daughters’ discrepancy was a function of their father’s magnitude and mother’s convergence of discrepancy scores.  相似文献   

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