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Recent findings in the impression formation literature suggest that individuals seek evidence to confirm initial hypotheses, or preconceptions, which they form about other people prior to interaction, and that seeking confirmatory evidence makes it likely that a hypothesis will be confirmed (Snyder and Swann, 1978). Snyder and Swann suggest that the employment interview is one context in which this process can be expected to operate. Four studies are reported which examine the generalizability of these findings to the employment interview. Consistent use of confirmatory hypothesis testing strategies was not found when experienced interviewers, rather than college students, were used as subjects, nor when the study was set specifically in an employment interview setting, nor when hypotheses about characteristics other than those examined by Snyder and Swann were studied.  相似文献   

Six male and six female personnel professionals were presented with resumes in which sex, age, marital status, and academic achievement were systematically varied. The study examined the hypothesis that resume determinateness is positively related to the evaluation given to the resume by prospective employers. The provision of ambiguous information was found to distort the evaluation process but not in a consistent manner. Married males and females were evaluated more positively than were those who were single. Also married females with high academic status were evaluated more positively than were married males with high academic status, although there were no differences for single males and females. Female raters showed a tendency to be more stringent than males in their evaluations, and this effect was pronounced for older, married applicants. The study examines the implications of these results and makes suggestions for future research.  相似文献   

This study investigated whether interviewers can assess Big Five personality traits during a job interview. Four raters (self, interviewer, friend, and stranger) assessed the applicant's personality. Results from ratings for 73 applicants demonstrated that interviewer ratings of applicant personality correlate higher with self-ratings ( = .28) than do stranger ratings ( = .09) but less than ratings from close friends ( = .39). However, correlations between interviewer ratings and self-ratings were smaller for the two job-relevant personality traits, Conscientiousness ( = .16, n.s.) and Emotional Stability ( = .17, n.s.) than for the other three personality traits. Variance in ratings suggested the applicants managed their self-presentation on these two traits during the interview. Thus, although interviewers can and do assess personality during the interview, they are not able to assess those traits that would best predict later job success. Finally, the moderating effect of interview design (i.e., structure and content) was assessed. The results revealed that job-relevant interviews, situational interviews, and behavioral interviews did not affect an interviewer's ability to assess personality. Although there was a small (positive) effect for more structured interviews, this affect was modest. The results of this study suggest that future research should examine whether the interview can be designed to assess personality directly, and what the gains to predictive validity are by doing so.  相似文献   

Previous research on the factors which affect applicant decisions concerning jobs has focused on the effects of either job attributes or recruiting practices. The present study examined the simultaneous impact of job attributes and recruiting practices on the likelihood of job acceptance by actual job applicants. Path analysis revealed that job attributes but not recruiting practices influenced the likelihood of job acceptance by graduating college students (N= 200). Given that college students might be expected to be the job applicants most swayed by recruiting practices because of their lack of work experience, the results suggest that the emphasis placed on recruiting practices as determinants of applicant decisions may be overstated in the literature.  相似文献   

Impression formation research (Snyder & Swann, 1978) suggests that people engage in information seeking strategies designed to confirm their impressions of others. In an extension of this work to the selection interview, Sackett (1982) found, however, that subjects did not consistently adopt a confirmatory information seeking strategy. This study is a further examination of Snyder and Swann's theory. In simulated interviews 170 subjects (1) read resumes of hypothetical applicants, (2) selected ten questions to ask each applicant, (3) received written responses to each question immediately on its selection, and (4) rated each applicant's suitability. An interaction accounting for 73% of variance indicated that applicant ratings were based primarily on the content of applicants' responses, but initial impressions also played a part. No clear-cut, confirmatory information seeking strategy was observed.  相似文献   

Abstract— Artificial social categories were created in a laboratory context in order to test predictions regarding the relative importance of group size and status as determinants of in-group favoritism. Subjects were assigned to categories of "overestimator" or "underestimator" and were told that one category included a majority of college students while the other represented a minority. Prior to category assignment, half of the subjects had been given confidentiality instructions designed to make them feel highly depersonalized. Based on feedback about test performance, status differentials between the two estimation categories were introduced.
Consistent with predictions, there was a three-way interaction between depersonalization, in-group size, and in-group status as determinants of evaluative in-group bias on social trait ratings. Under control conditions (no depersonalization), group status and majority size both contributed to positive valuations of the in-group. Under the depersonalization condition, however, subjects valued minority group membership more than majority categorization, and the effect of status was eliminated.  相似文献   

Since the first published Situational Interview (SI) study (Latham, Saari, Pursell, & Campion, 1980), research has shown practical and psychometric support for the usefulness of this behavioral interview method. However, such studies have often failed to distinguish the effects of "interview context" factors, such as the SI's behaviorally anchored scale and the use of job expert interviewers on SI ratings. To aid HR managers interested in adopting a behavioral interview system, this study examined the contributions of the SI's behaviorally anchored scale and the interviewer's job expertise to the interrater agreement and accuracy of ratings of situational questions. Two police samples (job content experts) and a student sample (naive raters) showed that ratings of videotaped interviews for police sergeant/lieutenant positions based on the SI scale were significantly superior to those gained using a more traditional rating format, and that job experts did not produce better ratings than naive raters.  相似文献   

This study examined the effect of high and low communication apprehension in conjunction with social and personal settings upon verbal behavior. Step wise multiple discriminant analysis of the data indicated a linear combination of language indices (number of syllables, Noun-Verb/Adjective-Adverb ratio, and phrase repetitions) which discriminated between the high apprehensive-personal setting group and the remaining three groups. Results are discussed relative to theoretical projections and the potential for sensitivity toward communication behavior being operative within the communication apprehension framework.  相似文献   

Two research questions pertaining to the applicant age bias effect were addressed in this study: the effect of age-related information exposure on selection decisions and the issue of between-sample generalizability with reference to the age bias effect. Manager and student selectors made selection decisions after viewing one videotape of a simulated selection interview of either an old or a young job applicant. Before viewing the interview tape, half of each subject group was given an item of age-related information and the other half was given neutral information. The results showed that, under the neutral information condition, managers preferred hiring the young applicant for the low-status job, and students favored the old candidate for the high-status position. Under the age-related information condition, managers shifted to favoring the old candidate for the low-status job, and students preferred the young applicant for both the low- and high-status positions. Age discrimination in selection decisions and the lack of external validity of student results in selection research are then discussed.  相似文献   

Milgram's “small world” method was modified to trace interpersonal bonds among members of a university International House containing 154 male and female, graduate and undergraduate, and Australian and Overseas students. Sixteen residents, balanced for race, academic status and sex, served as starters for chain booklets circulating through the House from friend to friend. Social networks were inferred from the circulation pattern of the booklets. It was predicted that both race similarity and academic status congruence would contribute to affiliation, but that academic status would be a more salient determinant in the undergraduate condition, whereas race would be more salient in the graduate group. Fifteen chains progressed beyond their respective starters, and 111 transactions generated by 77 different individuals (or 50% of all the residents) were recorded. The data were in accord with all theoretical expectations.  相似文献   

Two schedules of feedback were examined to determine their relative effects on the acquisition and maintenance of three health-care routines: feeding, positioning, and transferring physically disabled patients. Four direct service providers' performances in the natural environment were measured weekly. Concurrent schedules and multiple baselines across subjects and response classes were used to evaluate the effects of written instructions combined with either continuous, intermittent, or no-feedback schedules. Results showed that instructions alone led to slight and usually brief changes. Marked improvements were noted after feedback was introduced, with the continuous schedule producing more rapid acquisition. Follow-up measures indicated performance maintenance for both schedules. Subjects rated the feedback programs favorably and recommended provision of this service to co-workers. Cost estimates indicated that, although considerable time was spent developing the observational system, the feedback procedure was relatively inexpensive, easy to use, and did not interfere with patient care.  相似文献   

Les AA. examinent la relation entre anxiété et conditionnement verbal d'une part, anxiété et conscience du renforcement d'autre part, dans une épreuve de construction de phrases. L'analyse des résultats non concordants apparus dans les études antérieures et qui concernent la relation entre anxiété et conditionnement verbal suggère L'hypothèse que la direction de cette relation dépend de la conscience des sujets au cours du conditionnement. Les résultats présents montrent que les sujets conscients à forte anxiété se conditionnent mieux que les sujets conscients à faible anxiété. Mais les sujets non conscients à faible anxiété donnent significativement plus de réponses “Je-Nous” que les sujets non conscients à forte anxiété. La non-concordance avec les résultats antérieurs est sans doute due à des différences de population (sujets malades ou normaux).  相似文献   

B rehmer B. Policy conflict as a function of policy similarity and policy complexity. Scand. J. Psychol ., 1972, 13 , 208–221.—The experiment tests the hypotheses, derived from the results of earlier studies on policy conflict, that subjects with similar policies will decrease their agreement in a policy conflict situation, and that subjects with cognitively complex policies will decrease their agreement more than subjects with cognitively simple policies. The results support the hypotheses, and show that the decrease in agreement is due to the decrease in policy consistency which, in turn, is due to the manner in which the subjects change their policies in the conflict situation.  相似文献   

Tustin (1994) recently observed that an individual's preference for one of two concurrently available reinforcers under low schedule requirements (concurrent fixed-ratio [FR] 1) switched to the other reinforcer when the schedule requirements were high (concurrent FR 10). We extended this line of research by examining preference for similar and dissimilar reinforcers (i.e., those affecting the same sensory modality and those affecting different sensory modalities). Two individuals with developmental disabilities were exposed to an arrangement in which pressing two different panels produced two different reinforcers according to progressively increasing, concurrent-ratio schedules. When two dissimilar stimuli were concurrently available (food and a leisure item), no clear preference for one item over the other was observed, regardless of the FR schedules in effect (FR 1, 2, 5, 10, and 20). By contrast, when two similar stimuli were concurrently available (two food items), a clear preference for one item emerged as the schedule requirements were increased from FR 1 to FR 5 or FR 10. These results are discussed in terms of implications for conducting preference assessments and for selecting reinforcers to be used under training conditions in which response requirements are relatively high or effortful.  相似文献   

S tabbll , B. & S tabell , U. Chromatic rod and cone activities as a function of the photochromatic interval. Scand. J. Psychol ., 1969, 10,215– 219.—The Sco topic contrast color dominated for longer periods and at higher intensities the larger the magnitude of the photochromatic interval, indicating that the relative responsiveness of the chromatic rod to the chromatic cone activity increases as a function of the photochromatic interval.  相似文献   

The adolescent's understanding of procedural justice and its possible relationships with age, formal thought and sex were investigated. Based on social cognition literature, four predictions were tested: (1) juridical understanding develops along a number of levels; (2) it is fully, partially, or not dependent on formal thought; (3) its dependence, if any, is limited to some of the abilities composing formal thought, i.e., the experimental abilities; (4) no sex differences exist. A battery of formal tasks and a questionnaire tapping juridical understanding were addressed to 120 adolescents, equally sampled from grades 8, 10, and 12, in order to test these predictions. Qualitative analysis showed the understanding of justice developed on four levels: naive realism, integrated realism, inquisitive thinking, intersystemic thinking. ANOVA applied on justice scores and the regression of justice on the formal scores validated predictions 2(b), 3, and 4. The kind of formal and postformal thought contributions to social cognition and the relationships among various social cognition domains were discussed.  相似文献   

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