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伊文 《天风》2002,(1):15-16
经文:太25:14-30 这段经文是主特别对门徒所讲的,对于我们这些事奉神的人来讲,这段经文尤为重要。三个关键词第一个词是“才干”。它的希腊原文含义是指“能力”。在这段经文中我想它突出的是一个人事奉神的能力、对事奉机会的把握能力,可以笼统地概括为我们所说的恩赐。从经文中我们可以发现,每个人都有他的才干,才干只有大小之分,而无“有无”之  相似文献   

宁望 《天风》2006,(19):14-15
叫我们有属灵的度量,有属灵的智慧与人相处,才可为主作美好的见证,好好事奉神。经文:路:27、28;雅5:20;林前1:10、11;太5:21,6:33主的工人要以基督耶稣的心为心,让圣灵更新我们原有的心意、情感和心志,开广我们的心,有属灵的度量,才能好好事奉神。  相似文献   

读经:创25:29—34;路21:34—36 我们从第一处经文之中,看到以扫因饥饿累昏之时,为了一碗红豆汤,把长子的名分卖给弟弟雅各,轻看了神赐的位分。 第二处经文是主耶稣警戒当时所有听道的人,不要因贪吃、醉酒累住己心。  相似文献   

陈大治 《天风》2006,(15):6-7
什么是爱?从使徒约翰的教训中我们不难得出一个言简意赅的答案:经文:约壹3:18一、爱是真实我们所信奉的上帝是一位真实的上帝(赛56:16)。正如诗人大卫在祷告中所说:“主耶和华啊,惟有你是神。你的话是真实的,……”(撒下7:28)大卫在他的事奉经历中,面对自我启示的神,深切地体认到:神是真实的,是实实在在的,是完全可信靠的。并且,不仅是合神心意的大卫王所承认和确信的,就连  相似文献   

王宗泽 《天风》2008,(7):6-7
我们基督徒常常藉着祷告向我们在天上的父祈求--因我们的父是全能的神,万有的神. 但以上三处经文所讲的内容却是:"神差先知向人要饼"; "神向人要水"; "神向人要独生子".  相似文献   

季剑虹 《天风》2002,(11):6-8
经文徒20:19 "服事主,凡事谦卑"是使徒保罗一生的写照.谦卑事奉主、谦卑敬畏神、谦卑为教会、谦卑为众人的美德,始终贯穿在保罗事主的每一个细节上.谦卑是事奉的基础,是事奉的条件,没有真实的谦卑,也就不可能有打动神心意的事奉.  相似文献   

黄招萍 《天风》2009,(7):8-9
<正>太阳一出来,天下阳光灿烂,无比美好!当我们有积极的思想和态度时,我们就能够活出美好。一、在事奉中活出美好圣经说:"所以,我们既得了不能震动的国,就当感恩,照神所喜悦的,用虔诚、敬畏的心侍奉神。"(来12:28)  相似文献   

<正>经文:腓2:5-11"所以神将他升为至高,又赐给他那超乎万名之上的名。"根据教会年历,每年11月底就进入了圣诞的预备期(降临节),我们作为神的儿女年年过圣诞,如果只是原地踏步同义反复,那么还有什么价值呢?著名的基督虚己论经文段落《腓立比书》2章5节至11节开始提到"你们当以基督耶稣的心为心",结尾论及"无不  相似文献   

赵元灏 《天风》2005,(10):16-17
经文:可I:35;11∶22-26我们传福音不仅需要有造就人的道理和高尚的道德标准,更需要大能的祷告,要从神那里支取能力,把我们从神所受的感动,化为改变生命的大能力,我们祈求神赐给我们这样的能力来改变我们自己。一、专心的祷告我们需要在祷告中经历神的大能!并带着与弟兄姊妹畅通无阻的心来向神祷告,以专心来向神祷告。解经家曾形容马可福音如同一连串的幻灯  相似文献   

经文:提前1:5,18—19;弗4:17—24 在这几处经文中,我们注意到有多处提到了“心”字,有“清洁的心”,“无亏的良心”,“无伪的信心”;还有“虚妄的心”,“心地昏昧”,“心里刚硬”等等。基督教是一个心灵的宗教,我们的信仰是非常讲求心性的信仰。作为一个基督徒则更应当注意一个人的良心。良心是一种看不见的东西,但确确实实是存在着的,是神从起  相似文献   

The present studies investigate the hypothesis that individuals who frequently report experiencing episodes of mind wandering do so because they under-invest attentional/executive resources in the external environment. Here we examined whether self-reported instances of mind wandering predict the magnitude of the “attentional blink” (AB) in a rapid serial visual presentation (RSVP) task, since a prominent view is that the AB derives from an over-investment of attention in the information stream. Study 1 demonstrates that subjective reports of mind wandering in a sustained attention task have a negative predictive relation with respect to the magnitude of the AB measured in a subsequent RSVP task. In addition, using the Spontaneous and Deliberate Mind Wandering Questionnaire in Study 2, we were again able to show that trait-level mind wandering in everyday life negatively predicts AB magnitude. We suggest that mind wandering may be the behavioural outcome of an adaptive cognitive style intended to maximize the efficient processing of dynamic and temporally unpredictable events.  相似文献   

Philosophical Studies - The many-property problem has traditionally been taken to show that the adverbial theory of perception is untenable. This paper first shows that several widely accepted...  相似文献   

In four experiments on the identification of familiar faces we reassessed a robust performance pattern—namely, the temporal advantage for retrieving biographical facts as compared to recalling proper names, which has been interpreted as reflecting a serial ordering of the access to semantic and name information. Evidence for recent parallel accounts had been provided by Scanlan and Johnston (1997) who reported an advantage for name retrieval in children. Here we replicated the findings of Scanlan and Johnston but also showed that the naming advantage disappears, and performance is very similar to that of adults when stimuli and tasks are used that are familiar to children. Conversely, we also demonstrated an advantage for name retrieval in adults when highly unfamiliar semantic facts were associated with the faces. Together these findings suggest that there is no fundamental difference in the cognitive architectures of children and adults. The experiments indicate that the relative speed of naming and semantic fact retrieval depends on the expertise with the semantic facts to be retrieved. Implications for models of face identification and naming are discussed.  相似文献   

Born to adapt, but not in your dreams   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The brain adapts to changes that take place in the body. Deprivation of input results in size reduction of cortical representations, whereas an increase in input results in an increase of representational space. Amputation forms one of the most dramatic disturbances of the integrity of the body. The brain adapts in many ways to this breakdown of the afferent–efferent equilibrium. However, almost all studies focus on the sensorimotor consequences. It is not known whether adaptation takes place also at other “levels” in the system. The present study addresses the question whether amputees dream about their intact body, as before the amputation, or about the body after the amputation and whether the dream content was a function of time since the amputation and type of amputation. The results show that the majority of the dreamers reported dreams about their intact body although the mean time that elapsed since the amputation was twelve years. There is no clear relation with the type of amputation. The results give modest evidence for the existence of a basic neural representation of the body that is, at least, partly genetically determined and by this relatively insensitive for changes in the sensory input.  相似文献   

When individuals detect an inconsistency in a set of propositions, they tend to change their minds about at least one proposition to resolve the inconsistency. The orthodox view from William James (1907) onward has been that a rational change should be minimal. We propose an alternative hypothesis according to which individuals seek to resolve inconsistencies by explaining their origins. We report four experiments corroborating the explanatory hypothesis. Experiment 1 showed that participants’ explanations revised general conditional claims rather than specific categorical propositions. Experiment 2 showed that, when explanations did revise the categorical proposition, participants also tended to deny the consequences of a second generalization. Experiment 3 showed that this tendency persists when participants previously affirmed these consequences explicitly. Experiment 4 showed that, when participants could easily explain an inconsistency by revising a generalization, they were more likely to accept the consequences of a second generalization. All four results contravene minimalism but support the explanatory hypothesis.  相似文献   

We present 2 studies on being envied. Study 1 used an emotional narrative methodology. We asked 44 Spanish (23 women, 21 men) and 48 European American (36 women, 12 men) participants to tell us about a recent experience in which others envied them. We classified the antecedents, relationship context, markers of envy, coping strategies, and positive and negative implications of being envied. In Study 2, 174 Spanish (88 women, 86 men) and 205 European American (106 women, 99 men) participants responded to a situation in which they had something someone else wanted. We manipulated the object of desire (academic achievement or having "a better life"). We measured individual differences in orientation to achievement (i.e., vertical individualism), cooperation and interpersonal harmony (i.e., horizontal collectivism), a zero-sum view of success, beliefs that success begets hostile coveting, fear of success, and dispositional envy. We also measured participants' appraisals, positive and negative emotions, and coping strategies. The findings from both studies indicate that being envied has both positive (e.g., increased self-confidence) and negative consequences (e.g., fear of ill will from others). Being envied had more positive and more negative psychological and relational consequences among those participants who were achievement oriented (European Americans) than among participants who were oriented to cooperation and interpersonal harmony (Spanish).  相似文献   

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