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This study tested a motivational model of daily hassles, physical symptoms, and future work intentions with a sample of 122 police officers. In agreement with self‐determination theory (Deci & Ryan, 1985, 2002), path analyses showed that police officers who perceived their immediate supervisor as highly supportive of their autonomy were found to report higher levels of self‐determined motivation toward work. In turn, higher levels of self‐determined motivation were found to be associated with higher future work intentions and lower levels of reported daily hassles. Finally, daily hassles were found to be positively associated with reported physical symptoms. Contrary to our hypotheses, perception of competence support from supervisors was not found to be significantly associated with self‐determined motivation. Instead, competence support was found to be negatively associated with daily hassles.  相似文献   

In accordance with appraisal theory, relationships among four psychological constructs within an individual are examined: work-specific locus of control, motivational regulation, work passion, and work intentions. A survey was administered electronically to a database of working professionals, and 2654 responses were analyzed using structural equation modeling. Locus of control variables were significantly related to all three forms of motivational regulation in employees. Three of the five possible relationships between forms of motivational regulation and work passion variables were found to be significant, in part supporting the importance of autonomous regulation to both harmonious passion and obsessive passion in the employee appraisal process. Partial mediation testing indicated that internal locus of control directly contributed somewhat to harmonious passion, and the same was found to be true for external locus of control and obsessive passion. Both work passion variables predicted work intentions, but stronger relationships were found between harmonious passion and work intentions. Findings and practical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

The current study investigates antecedents and outcomes of motivation to learn across nine Web-based courses. The results supported a cyclical model of motivational processes across courses in a training curriculum. Trainees' course expectations had a positive effect on motivation to learn, motivation to learn had a positive effect on trainee reactions, and trainee reactions predicted expectations for subsequent courses in the curriculum. In addition, motivation to learn decreased across the nine courses such that the average level of motivation was 0.30 points lower (on a 5-point scale) for the ninth than the first course. Agreeableness predicted changes in motivation to learn such that motivation decreased at a steeper rate for highly agreeable trainees across courses. The results suggest that there is a dynamic interplay among motivational constructs over time, and motivation should be examined from a systems perspective to understand carryover effects across training courses.  相似文献   

目的:考察工作伦理与工作满意度、离职意向的关系。方法:对252名企业员工进行工作伦理问卷调查,并建立结构方程模型考察工作伦理、工作满意度与离职意向的关系。结果:员工的工作伦理能显著预测离职意向(反向),工作满意在工作伦理对离职意向的影响中起着完全中介的作用。结论:企业在招聘员工的过程中要重视员工的工作伦理。  相似文献   

We describe and test a collective security model of authoritarianism. This model sees Right Wing Authoritarianism (RWA) as directly caused by collective security motivation (CSM), which is in turn influenced jointly by personality (with its effects mediated through group identification and dangerous world beliefs) and social threat (with its effects mediated through dangerous world beliefs). Two studies tested this model using student samples—one was correlational ( N =  218), while the other included an experimental manipulation of threat using future scenarios ( N =  136). Structural equation analyses partially supported the model suggesting that CSM fully mediated the effects of threat and group identification on RWA, but only partially mediated the effect of personality, which also had important direct effects.  相似文献   

This study of voluntary turnover was conducted on Canadian Forces (CF) recruits (N = 459) undergoing basic military training. In response to growing voluntary attrition concerns, a model of early voluntary turnover was tested. The model included pre-entry individual characteristics (pre-entry normative commitment, desire for military career, and mental toughness), postentry work attitudes and intentions (normative CF commitment, affective commitment, and turnover intentions), and actual turnover behavior. Ten of the 13 specified paths were supported, and the model yielded an overall good fit, providing empirical evidence for the influence of pre-entry characteristics on the development of commitment and subsequent turnover.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Earned Income and work accomplishment were determined at age 41 for 89 adults whose mothers had been interviewed for their child-rearing practices when the adults were 5 years old. At age 31, in spontaneous thought but not self-report, n Achievement predicted earned income and socialized power motivation predicted work accomplishment at age 41. Hardships (or "bad breaks") during childhood and adolescence predicted work outcomes for both men and women, as did education for men. Parenting achievement pressure in the first 2 years of life was associated with adult n Achievement and earned income, while moderate encouragement of assertiveness by mothers who were warm to boys and cool to girls was associated with adult socialized power motivation and work accomplishment. Controls for social class of origin, IQ, temperament, and education did not explain the relations between parenting, motivation, and work outcomes, although education played a larger role for men than women who worked both inside and outside the home.  相似文献   

This study tested the influence of personal characteristics on a pattern of specific relationships between work characteristics and psychological outcomes. The study hypotheses were: (1) Growth Need Strength has a direct effect on intrinsic work motivation and moderates the relationship between task characteristics and intrinsic work motivation; (2) Negative Affectivity has a direct effect on emotional exhaustion and moderates the relationships between workload and social support on the one hand and emotional exhaustion on the other; and (3) Upward Striving has a direct effect on turnover intention and moderates the relationship between unmet career expectations and turnover intention. These hypotheses were tested in two samples (bank employees and teachers) using Multi-Sample Analysis. The results showed that, generally, personal characteristics had a direct effect on the outcomes as hypothesized. We only found one moderating effect: Upward Striving moderated the relationship between unmet career expectations and turnover intention.  相似文献   

Philosophical Studies -  相似文献   

Trainers reported that motivational interviewing (MI)–inconsistent behaviors were frequently perceived during training and believed to create barriers to learning. More barriers were perceived in corrections than in mental health training audiences. Strategies to facilitate unlearning MI‐inconsistent behaviors may accelerate acquisition of MI.  相似文献   

动机过程对青少年网络游戏行为意向的影响模型   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
张红霞  谢毅 《心理学报》2008,40(12):1275-1286
从行为动机的角度探讨影响青少年网络游戏玩家游戏意向的主要因素。通过对北京市中学生进行抽样调查并采用结构方程模型的方法对模型进行检验。结果显示,青少年网络游戏玩家的游戏意向受多种内在动机和外在动机共同影响。青少年玩网络游戏的基本内在动机(如,社会交际、超越现实、自我效能和享受乐趣)促进沉浸动机的形成。同时,沉浸是提高游戏意向的内在动机,主观规范和游戏涉入度是分别降低和提高游戏意向的外在动机。此外,内部动机和外部动机对游戏意向的影响存在交互作用  相似文献   

Empirical research on both meaningful work and organizational commitment has been criticized because research in both fields is largely unsystematic. By integrating the cognitive appraisal theory and identity theory into the meaningful work and affective commitment literatures, we examined the mediating role of positive work reflection (study 1 and study 2) and the moderating role of work centrality (study 2) in the relation between meaningful work and affective commitment. We conducted two independent studies with two-wave data to examine our hypotheses through mediation and moderated mediation bootstrapping procedures. Both study 1 and study 2 found that positive work reflection mediated the relationship between meaningful work and affective commitment. In addition, study 2 revealed that the positive relationship between meaningful work and affective commitment was stronger for those who place less importance on work (i.e., low work centrality). The meaningful nature of one’s work may motivate those who view work as peripheral to recall positive moments of their work, which, in turn, impacts their affective commitment to the organization. Thus, in order to increase affective commitment, promoting meaningful work might be particularly important for those with low work centrality. This is one of the first studies to examine positive work reflection as a cognitive pathway linking meaningful work to affective commitment and identify a boundary condition where meaningful work may not be associated with affective commitment for those who are high in work centrality.  相似文献   

Studies in 2 work organizations tested a self‐determination theory based model in which employees' autonomous causality orientation and their perceptions of their managers' autonomy support independently predicted satisfaction of the employees' intrinsic needs for competence, autonomy, and relatedness, which in turn predicted their performance evaluations and psychological adjustment. Path analysis indicated that the self‐determination theory model fit the data very well and that alternative models did not provide any advantage.  相似文献   

This research was designed to examine the effects of social motivational training (SMT) on coworker interactions following perceived and actual workplace transgressions. Study 1 participants were assigned to an SMT condition or a control condition (Job Satisfaction Training; JST). Their responses to a scenario‐based transgression were measured before and immediately after training. Study 2 examined the effects of multiple exposure of SMT 1 week after initial training. In Study 3, workers recounted a negative event at work, received SMT or JST, and an actual behavior was assessed. Study 4 involved face‐to‐face intervention. After recounting the negative event, participants were given one‐on‐one SMT or JST. Results indicate that SMT facilitated a prosocial motivational profile immediately after and 1 week following training.  相似文献   

In recent years, there have been several confirmatory tests of turnover models, based almost exclusively on subject self-reports for all but the measurement of turnover itself. A test of a subset of the Mobley, Griffeth, Hand, and Meglino (1979) model was conducted using data from three sources. It was proposed that autonomy, workload, constraints, role ambiguity, and interper- sonal conflict (assessed by supervisor reports) would lead to job satisfaction (assessed by subject reports), which would lead to intention of quitting (as- sessed by subject reports), which would lead to turnover (from organization records). A trimmed version of the model (with role ambiguity and interper- sonal conflict deleted) yielded good overall fit, but job conditions accounted for a very small amount of job satisfaction variance, and workload related in a direction opposite to predictions.  相似文献   

The motivational systems underlying the behavior of recalcitrant and verbally uncommunicative patients are viewed and discussed in terms of emerging self with other. The painful sensations and misperceptions of bodily experience in infancy can reoccur during treatment or have become a habitual way of being in the world. They must be understood and worked through in order to facilitate symbolization and sufficient distance from bodily sensations to allow renewed psychological growth. Five motivational systems are said to aid and express needs such as help in sustaining physiologic requirements, need for attachment, assertion of preferences, development of healthy assertion, and the need for sensual enjoyment. Affective experiences associated with each system in infancy set the pattern for later behavior. It becomes clear that during treatment patients reclaim and begin to understand such “sensation” language. The therapist is then called upon to translate the arising metaphors.

Ten “principles of psychoanalytic technique” are then offered. Every effort is made to comprehend the patient's affective experience, either during recall of experiences or in the present. Of particular interest is the stance of the therapist during such therapeutic encounters. Rather than adopting the traditional position of interpreting the present in terms of the past, empathic attention is given to affect and emotion in the here and now.  相似文献   

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