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A method is described for identifying and scoring average evoked response (AER) components. The method uses background EEG activity as a guide for visual identification of AER components. This procedure provides an advantage in objectivity and precision over most other methods, thus producing an increase in reliability and greater likelihood for interlaboratory agreement in experiments employing measures based upon the AER components.  相似文献   

A microcomputer-based technique to evaluate the scalp topography of event-related potentials is described. This technique uses only four electrode locations and produces a 24 × 24 element color matrix of the topography of scalp electrical activity across time. The program also displays the coordinates, latency, and value of the maximum point within the matrix. The program is implemented on an Apple II+/IIe computer and is adaptable to other computers with graphic capabilities.  相似文献   

Simultaneous recording from scalp and cortical electrodes in unanesthetized and unrestrained cats revealed essentially no differences between the superficial and deep recordings of the auditory evoked responses. Human recordings taken under two conditions of muscular contraction contained no major differences from 30 to 300 msec after stimulus onset.  相似文献   

Somatosensory potentials evoked by brief low-intensity electrical pulses delivered separately to the left and right index fingers were recorded from the scalp over the posterior half of the contralateral hemisphere in normal human subjects. In two experiments it was found that the scalp areas enclosed by 75 and 90% of maximum-amplitude isopotential contour lines of the early cortically generated complexes were more restricted over the left hemisphere. This asymmetrical evoked potential distribution supports the proposal by Semmes from her observations of brain-damaged patients that elementary somatosensory representation is focal in the left hemisphere and diffuse in the right.  相似文献   

This study examined covert shifts of attention in infants aged 14, 20, and 26 weeks of age with scalp-recorded event-related potentials (ERPs). The infants were tested in a spatial cuing procedure. The reaction time to localize the target showed covert attention shifts (e.g., response facilitation or inhibition of return depending on cue-target stimulus onset asynchrony). There was a larger P1 ERP component on the valid trials than on the invalid trials or on the no-cue control trials. Presaccadic ERP potentials in response to the target were larger when it was in the cued location than when it was in uncued locations. There were increases from 14 to 26 weeks of age in the amount of inhibition of return, in the post-target-onset P1 effect, and in the presaccadic ERP potentials. These results suggest that cortical development parallels the development of covert orienting of attention and saccade planning in infants in this age range.  相似文献   

Lateral preferences for the use of eye, hand, and foot were assessed in 17 male and female albino subjects, aged 15 to 52 yr. Visual evoked potential (VEP) recordings suggested that optic fibres were abnormally decussated in these subjects, as others have shown. Fewer albino subjects showed the lateral preference for the use of hand/eye and foot/eye similar to that of normals. It is postulated that the abnormal decussation of optic fibres may underlie the reduced preference for the use of the same hand and eye, and foot and eye, in albinos.  相似文献   

The standard methods for decomposition and analysis of evoked potentials are bandpass filtering, identification of peak amplitudes and latencies, and principal component analysis (PCA). We discuss the limitations of these and other approaches and introduce wavelet packet analysis. Then we propose the "single-channel wavelet packet model," a new approach in which a unique decomposition is achieved using prior time-frequency information and differences in the responses of the components to changes in experimental conditions. Orthogonal sets of wavelet packets allow a parsimonious time-frequency representation of the components. The method allows energy in some wavelet packets to be shared among two or more components, so the components are not necessarily orthogonal. The single-channel wavelet packet model and PCA both require constraints to achieve a unique decomposition. In PCA, however, the constraints are defined by mathematical convenience and may be unrealistic. In the single-channel wavelet packet model, the constraints are based on prior scientific knowledge. We give an application of the method to auditory evoked potentials recorded from cats. The good frequency resolution of wavelet packets allows us to separate superimposed components in these data. Our present approach yields estimates of component waveforms and the effects of experiment conditions on the amplitude of the components. We discuss future extensions that will provide confidence intervals and p values, allow for latency changes, and represent multichannel data.  相似文献   

Two outlined geometric figures, an equilateral triangle and a circle, of equal contour length, were randomly presented at a fixed position in the lower or upper part of the visual field (LVF and UVF). Transient visual evoked potentials (VEPs) were recorded monopolarly from the inion (I), 5, 10, 15 cm above it (I5, I10, I15) and Fz, for 12 subjects. Grand-averaged VEPs were computed. A negative (N) wave (averaged peak latency 155 ms) was identified in the LVF and a positive (P) wave (130 ms) in the UVF. In the LVF, the N amplitude of the triangle was significantly larger than that of the circle at I5 and I. Regarding the P wave in the UVF, the triangle was of a significantly longer latency than the circle at I15, I10 and I5. The enhancement of the N amplitude for the triangle in the LVF is not attributable to the arousal caused by the preparatory state for the figure, since the subject could not predict the figure to be presented next or its position.  相似文献   

Acoustically evoked brain stem potentials (HSP) are employed as an additional neurological investigation in child patients. A standardisation of the conditions of derivation would be desirable for the application of the method. In a pilot study, the influence of the excitation frequency on the latency of the HSP of 25 organically and neurologically healthy children was studied. Results show that absolute latencies are prolonged by increase of stimulus frequency, with the peripheral, cochleo-encephalic, and central traveling times remaining virtually unaffected.  相似文献   

It has been hypothesized that receptive developmental language disorder (RDLD) may be explained by an auditory processing deficit. The neuroanatomical locus of this deficit is unknown. Brainstem auditory evoked potentials (BAEPs) reflect the functioning of the auditory nerve and auditory brainstem pathways to high-frequency acoustical stimulation in humans and reflect the first stages of auditory processing. These were studied in 12 subjects with RDLD (four females and eight males, ages 12 to 19) and twelve control subjects (three females and nine males, ages 14 to 24). Click intensity and rate of stimulation were varied. The BAEPs for the RDLD group were comparable to the control group as well as to hospital norms across intensity levels and stimulation rates. The evidence obtained suggests that a disorder in the neurophysiological systems underlying the BAEPs and reflecting initial stages of auditory processing is not essential for RDLD.  相似文献   

The cortical evoked response to drifting patterns (motion visual evoked potentials) was investigated. When the direction of motion of the stimulus pattern was reversed upward or downward at intervals, the cortical evoked response was triggered at the moment when the pattern changed direction. The polarity reversal of the main negative component occurred between upper and lower visual field stimulations as seen in pattern reversal visual evoked potentials. Our study indicates these potentials have a compound property reflecting the visual field.  相似文献   

Auditory evoked potentials (AEPs) were obtained to probe tones which were delivered during the presentation of complex verbal and nonverbal auditory stimulation to 3-month-old infants. Significant sex-dependent AEP amplitude asymmetries were found. Females produced higher-amplitude responses from the left hemisphere and males produced higher-amplitude responses from the right hemisphere during both the verbal and nonverbal presentations. No significant AEP asymmetries were obtained in an independent group of infants that received only the probe tones. These findings are consistent with theories and behavioral data suggesting differences between males and females in the development of language and spatial functions.  相似文献   

Under the acute influence of alcohol with blood alcohol concentrations (BAK) ranging between 0.62 to 2.04%, the IPL prolongations of our subjects were within standard deviations compared with normal data. Depending on the BAK, these minor IPL alterations hint at a special vulnerability in the pontomesodiencephal area. The increase in BAK significantly correlates with the reduction of body temperature. The BAEP proves to be suitable for defining undear states of coma different origin.  相似文献   

In the present study of middle latency auditory evoked potentials during Brahmakumaris Raja Yoga meditation there was a decrease in the peak latency of the Na wave (a negative wave between 14 and 19 msec.) during meditation. Since the neural generator of this wave lies at the midbrain-thalamic level, from the results one can infer that the meditation reduces conduction time at this level.  相似文献   

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