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公共行政的本质是相关主体基于其意向而生成的行动网络,是为实现美好生活、建设美好社会而采取的行动总体。强调行动意义的公共行政最初酝酿于20世纪社会科学领域再次用实践理念思考人类社会,对社会生活机构与运转进行反思的实践转向,在反思传统理性主义秩序基础上审视行动逻辑的重要性。其次,因为建构主义的本体论及知识观在公共行政领域的运用,公共行政是一定社会历史背景下行动经验的建构过程,需要关注互动性的结构化实践过程。最后也是最重要的,立足于中国社会—历史语境及当下全面深化改革的背景,公共行政行动主义指向非竞争性、非排他性的公共生活,需要在行动理论既有的知识体系中"前进—逆溯",找寻构建本土化公共行政行动主义的可能。  相似文献   

客观性问题一直是知识论研究的基本问题。女性主义知识论者把客观性问题看作是一个必须探讨的问题,她们把主流知识论中的客观性诊断为价值中立性,并对价值中立的客观性进行了批判,在此基础上,重建了价值负载的客观性。由于探讨女性主义知识论是全面了解女权运动和知识论最新发展  相似文献   

沈顺福 《现代哲学》2006,(4):102-107
先秦名家通过辨析概念与事物的关系,揭示了一、概念是主观的;二、概念作为实在存在的条件;三、概念的真实意义在于运用;四、事物作为现象存在,其空间性、时间性是主观的;五、作为现象的事物是不确定的;六、现象是主体先验感知模式与外在尘缘的作为;七、现象是静止的;八、理性思维只能关注经验现象,对事物的真正无效。  相似文献   

苏联历史理论视野中的价值及其问题的生成、发展和终结经历了20世纪60年代的价值立论、70年代的价值定论和80年代的价值嬗变三个阶段。价值问题自身发展的脉络与苏联社会的发展演进同向共生,见证了社会主义苏联向资本主义俄罗斯的转变。  相似文献   

价值规范既是社会生活意义与秩序的表现形式,又是社会资源控制和利益分配的约束条件。当它从古代习俗走向现代国家意识形态时,它自身不仅成为了公共利益的抽象符号,而且还成为了个体自我认识的知识形式。作为一种社会化的公共实践话语,它日益同国家权力和技术系统相结合,并渗透在系统整合的诸多方面,由此便引出值得思考的问题。  相似文献   

世界本身无意义,人却反向创造之。人的价值创造活动沿着观念旨趣和物质旨趣两个方向展开,体现为"个人的价值取向维度"与社会化的"价值域"两个维度。个人的价值选择自古就有,现代性的"去魅"使其日常化与显明化,我们因而进入了"价值多元主义"时代。"价值域"的形成则表现为社会组织化、制度化与机制化,表现为"规范空间"的形成与人类生活形式的形成。在"价值域"的形成过程中,存在着人们在价值选择上严重的"人际不均等"现象。这种现象的存在,将挑战韦伯自己对于"价值多元主义"基本特征的判定。  相似文献   

知识资本是知识经济的灵魂,在知识资本化的条件下,伦理价值也会随着知识的功能扩张而扩张,伦理“知识”也会物化为资本。人力资本理论的诞生为伦理价值的资本化提供了条件和途径,使伦理价值资本化成为现实。伦理资本除了具有人力资本的一般特征外,还有自己的特殊性。  相似文献   

徐竹 《世界哲学》2017,(3):73-80
德性知识论是当代知识论领域的重要进展,"理解"是被德性知识论重新关注的课题。德性知识论主张知识规范性应从法则学和道义论的意义转变为以理智德性为核心的概念。这对于科学理解的研究具有重要意义。基于这一转变,有关科学理解是否需满足事实性条件、是否排除认知运气以及作为能力知识的意义等讨论,都得到了新的深化与拓展,展现出丰富的德性知识论意蕴。  相似文献   

研究目的:探讨救援决策者与被救援者的关系密切程度以及思维方式与决策风格对风险偏好的影响。研究方法:实验一采用3(关系密切程度:高、中、低)×2(思维方式:直觉性、分析性)两因素混合实验设计,被试68名;实验二采用3(关系密切程度:高、中、低)×2(思维方式:直觉性、分析性)×2(决策风格:直觉型、分析型)三因素混合实验设计,被试93名。研究结果:(1)救援决策者与被救援者的关系密切程度越高,风险偏好越高;(2)直觉性和分析性思维方式之间的风险偏好无显著差异;(3)直觉型决策风格的风险偏好显著高于分析型;(4)关系密切程度与思维方式的交互作用显著,具体而言,采用直觉性思维方式时,关系密切程度的效应显著,关系密切程度越高,风险偏好越高;采用分析性思维方式时,关系密切程度的效应不显著。结论:直觉与风险偏好的关系更密切。面对关系亲密的被救援者,决策者采用直觉性思维方式时的风险偏好较高。  相似文献   

目前,我们大致上有一个感觉,就是整个学术的发展跟思想文化的发展到了一个非常关键的时期,出现了很多的问题,而对这些问题已有的理论模式基本上不能解释.理论典范和生活典范同时转移的时代,这在人类历史中是极为罕见的.我们现在就活在这样一个重要的历史时刻,各种各样的问题和各种各样创新的可能性都是前所未有,重要的是看我们怎么走,怎么来认识我们未来的方向,怎么来调整,换言之,这是决定人类命运的历史时刻!  相似文献   

Might there be knowledge of non‐instrumental values? Arguments are give for two principal claims. One is that if there is such knowledge, it typically will have features that do not entirely match those of other kinds of knowledge. It will have a closer relation to the kind of person one is or becomes, and in the way it combines features of knowing‐how with knowing‐that. There also are problems of indeterminacy of non‐instrumental value which are not commonly found in other things that we can know about. The second claim is that there is a strong prima‐facie case for holding that there is such knowledge, and that the usual arguments against this are all faulty.  相似文献   

求真性价值论是戈德曼分析性认识论的核心理论.求真性价值分为基本性求真价值和工具性求真价值.对应于基本求真性价值有相信、拒绝和不作判断三种立场,对应于工具性求真性价值则是信念程度图式.戈德曼的求真性价值论在三个方面受到质疑与批判:真理定位与兴趣定位的相互冲突,求真性价值分析模式与明证性原则的对立,求真性价值与信念程度的关系问题.批评者认为应纳入标准化价值模式与其配合使用.戈德曼对此做出不同程度地回应.本文最后探讨了走出戈德曼理论困境的可能出路.  相似文献   

Barry Stroud 《Erkenntnis》2011,75(3):495-503
A brief discussion of the ways in which awareness of and sensitivity to the history of philosophy can contribute to epistemology even if epistemology is understood as a distinctively philosophical and not primarily historical enterprise.  相似文献   

Participants in our study worked on an anagram task to win a prize while aversive noise played in the background. They were instructed to deal with the noise either by "opposing" it as an interference or by "coping" with the unpleasant feelings it created. The strength of attention to the opposing or coping response to adversity was measured by poorer recognition of the content of the background noise. For the "opposing" participants, it was predicted that the more they attended to opposing the interference, they stronger they would engage in solving the anagrams to win the prize, which would increase the prize's value. For the "coping" participants, it was predicted that the more they attended to coping with their unpleasant feelings, the weaker they would engage in solving the anagrams to win the prize, which would decrease the prize's value. The results supported both predictions.  相似文献   

Character in Epistemology   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper examines the claim made by certain virtue epistemologists that intellectual character virtues like fair-mindedness, open-mindedness and intellectual courage merit an important and fundamental role in epistemology. I begin by considering whether these traits merit an important role in the analysis of knowledge. I argue that they do not and that in fact they are unlikely to be of much relevance to any of the traditional problems in epistemology. This presents a serious challenge for virtue epistemology. I go on to examine the work of two other virtue epistemologists in light of this challenge and then sketch an alternative approach that reveals how the intellectual virtues might merit a substantial role in epistemology even if not a role in connection with more traditional epistemological projects.  相似文献   

《Philosophical Papers》2012,41(1):65-82

Ernest Sosa has argued that the relevant alternatives theory of knowledge has yet to overcome serious difficulties. The most serious difficulty is that of providing criteria for when a rival alternative to a claim is relevant. Without such criteria, the theory is ad hoc. I argue that most other externalist theories of knowledge, including Sosa's own, fall victim to this criticism. At the end of the paper I make a suggestion as to why Sosa's objection might not be as damaging as it at first seems.  相似文献   

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