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Geoffrey F. Chew 《Zygon》1985,20(2):159-164
Abstract. It is proposed that multiple emission and absorption of soft photons in a discrete quantum world (implicate order) generates the continuous Cartesian-Newtonian-Einsteinian space-time world of localizable objects and conscious observers with measuring rods and clocks (explicate order).  相似文献   

David Bohm 《Zygon》1985,20(2):111-124
Abstract. This paper explains how my ideas of hidden variables tie up to those in the implicate order, and how all these notions are related to my views on religion. Beginning with my work on the quantum theory, it traces how I was led to question the usual interpretation, and goes on to show how both the notion of hidden variables and that of the implicate order were implicit in my thought more than thirty years ago. The further development through quantum field theory brings all the various threads together. Finally, the general world view that comes out of this development is seen to be compatible with a religious approach to life.  相似文献   

The ethicist's role in the clinical context is not presently well defined. Ethicists can be thought of as moralists, technicians, Sophists, or as teachers and learners. Each of these roles is examined in turn. An argument is made for the ethicist as a teacher who must also learn a great deal about the clinical setting in order to encourage an effective critical examination of basic values. Four specific tasks of this teaching role are discussed: describing moral experience, eliciting assumptions, considering multiple alternatives and justifying choices.  相似文献   

The goal of this article are three-fold. The first is to explore the relations between the properties designated by the terms "human", "post-human," "Transhuman", and to clarify the corresponding "isms". The second is to scrutinize the current techniques for cognitive enhancement in order to assess their relations with the three categories just mentioned, and, with the specific ethical issues that they are raising. The third is to examine whether general ethical principles could be invoked either in favor of or against, the normative proposals of post- and trans-humanism, and to consider how compatible the types of enhancement presently developed are with respect to these principles.  相似文献   

Ted Dace 《Axiomathes》2018,28(5):507-519
Prerequisite to memory is a past distinct from present. Because wave evolution is both continuous and time-reversible, the undisturbed quantum system lacks a distinct past and therefore the possibility of memory. With the quantum transition, a reversibly evolving superposition of values yields to an irreversible emergence of definite values in a distinct and transient moment of time. The succession of such moments generates an irretrievable past and thus the possibility of memory. Bohm’s notion of implicate and explicate order provides a conceptual basis for memory as a general feature of nature akin to gravity and electromagnetism. I propose that natural memory is an outcome of the continuity of implicate time in the context of discontinuous explicate time. Among the ramifications of natural memory are that laws of nature can propagate through time much like habits and that personal memory does not require neural information storage.  相似文献   

Congenital hypothyroidism (CH) is a neonatal disorder that is caused by a prolonged loss of thyroid hormone, which is essential for early brain development. While CH was once the leading cause of mental retardation, newborn screening for CH now allows for early identification and treatment. As a result, affected children now show normal physical and psychological development. Nevertheless, because they still undergo a brief but circumscribed period of thyroid hormone insufficiency, they are at risk for subtle selective impairments. This paper examines several of the persisting deficits observed in children with CH that was identified early in life by newborn screening as well as the relevant disease- and treatment-related factors contributing to such deficits. Highlighted will be (a) a weakness in visuospatial processing, which is associated with prenatal thyroid hormone insufficiency, (b) selective memory deficits associated with postnatal thyroid hormone insufficiencies, (c) a weakness in sensorimotor abilities also reflecting postnatal thyroid hormone insufficiencies, and (d) attention deficits, which are due to abnormal thyroid hormone levels at time of testing. Because these four disabilities implicate different neural substrates, the findings described presently will provide insights as to the specific time windows when different brain structures in the human critically need thyroid hormone.  相似文献   

Congenital hypothyroidism (CH) is a neonatal disorder that is caused by a prolonged loss of thyroid hormone, which is essential for early brain development. While CH was once the leading cause of mental retardation, newborn screening for CH now allows for early identification and treatment. As a result, affected children now show normal physical and psychological development. Nevertheless, because they still undergo a brief but circumscribed period of thyroid hormone insufficiency, they are at risk for subtle selective impairments. This paper examines several of the persisting deficits observed in children with CH that was identified early in life by newborn screening as well as the relevant disease- and treatment-related factors contributing to such deficits. Highlighted will be (a) a weakness in visuospatial processing, which is associated with prenatal thyroid hormone insufficiency, (b) selective memory deficits associated with postnatal thyroid hormone insufficiencies, (c) a weakness in sensorimotor abilities also reflecting postnatal thyroid hormone insufficiencies, and (d) attention deficits, which are due to abnormal thyroid hormone levels at time of testing. Because these four disabilities implicate different neural substrates, the findings described presently will provide insights as to the specific time windows when different brain structures in the human critically need thyroid hormone.  相似文献   

A consistently reported finding in functional neuroimaging studies which compare processing of new information to processing of old information is a reduction in blood flow, and hence neural activity, associated with the old condition. This deactivation has been labeled neural priming. Some investigators have hypothesized that neural priming is the physiological mechanism underlying conceptual priming—a facilitation in the semantic processing of repeated information. Others, however, have hypothesized that neural priming reflects novelty assessment—a mechanism which minimizes the probability that redundant information will be stored in long‐term memory. In this paper, the conceptual priming and novelty assessment hypotheses are compared and contrasted in order to ask, and tentatively answer, the question: Are conceptual priming and novelty assessment cognitively and neurophysiologically distinct? Based on a review of the literature, it is suggested that whereas novelty assessment and conceptual priming are distinct cognitive entities, they cannot be presently separated neurophysiologically. That is, some novelty assessment deactivations may in fact reflect priming, and some priming deactivations may in fact reflect novelty assessment.  相似文献   

The articles included within this special issue of the Journal of Personality all conceptualize psychopathology as the result of problems in human selfhood. As such, they implicate a wide assortment of self-related constructs, from self-objectification to self-esteem, in the etiology and maintenance of psychopathology, and they point to interventions designed to alter these self-processes in order to alleviate suffering. In this commentary, I reinterpret and reorganize many of the ideas presented in the articles from the standpoint of a tripartite perspective on the reflexive human self. The self is first and foremost an inherent duality of I and Me. Psychologically speaking, the I/Me dynamic plays out in three different guises—the self as (1) social actor, (2) motivated agent, and (3) autobiographical author. Problems in human selfhood as they pertain to psychopathology may be profitably reconceived in terms of the corresponding performative styles expressed by social actors, the motivational agendas of values and goals that energize human striving and determine self-esteem, and the internalized life stories that human beings, as authors of the self, fashion and narrate to make sense of the reconstructed past and imagined future.  相似文献   

Phil Corkum 《Synthese》2014,191(14):3427-3446
Presentists face a challenge from truthmaker theory: if you hold that the only existing objects are presently existing objects and, moreover, you agree that truth supervenes on being, then you will be hard pressed to identify some existent on which a given true but traceless claim about the past supervenes. Cameron (Philos Books 49:292–301, 2008, Oxford Studies in Metaphysics, In: D Zimmerman (ed), 2011) aims to meet this challenge by appeal to distributional properties. So, to give a simple example, the truth that you were once a child supervenes on you presently instantiating the property of being initially a child and then an adult, a property distributed over time. I argue that a presentist ought to deny that distributional properties can serve as truthmakers.  相似文献   

In a separate-phase runway experiment with rats, four schedules involving partial (P) and consistent (C) reward (CC, CP, PC, and PP) were crossed with three reward magnitude shift conditions (upshift, nonshift, and downshift). The data revealed three major findings: (a) Reward magnitude downshift generally led to rapid extinction; (b) consistent reward prior to partial reward (CP) resulted in slower extinction than the reverse order (PC) under conditions of reward magnitude shift (particularly downshift); and (c) the relative performance of PC and CP under conditions of reward magnitude shift was reversed from postshift to extinction. On the basis of these data it was suggested that processes not presently identified by reinforcement level theory and stimulus analyzer theory influence extinction following separate-phase acquisition. A modification of reward level theory was presented to provide an account of extinction performance following separate-phase reward reduction.  相似文献   

Intentionally forgotten information remains in memory at essentially full strength, as measured by recognition and priming, but access to that information is impaired, as measured by recall. Given that pattern, it seemed plausible that intentionally forgotten information might have a greater impact on certain subsequent judgments than would intentionally remembered information. In 2 experiments, participants cued to forget nonfamous names were subsequently more likely to make false attributions of fame to those names than were participants instructed to remember them. These findings implicate retrieval inhibition as a potent factor in the interplay of recollection and priming in memory and judgment. They also point to possible unintended consequences of instructions to forget, suppress, or disregard in legal or social settings.  相似文献   

An archetype of rhythms is set forth which tries to explain, simply and coherently, the quantum discontinuities which take place both in the evolutionary dynamics of the Macrocosmos—universal history—and in the Microcosmos—individual development.

The stationary waves and musical theory give us the key to understand those quantum leaps in the vibrating processes of unfurling and furling between the Nothing and the Whole: the successive 2nd harmonics (1/3) are generating sonorous novelties. This simple scheme fits, with surprising accuracy, all the basic bifurcations that paleontologists, anthropologists, historians and psychologists speak to us about.

It seems to be confirmed then that an emerging hierarchy of order could characterize the processes of the universe. Evolution would then be the temporal unfurling (‘explicate order“) of those intrinsic levels of potential stability of the non‐dual reality (‘implicate order“).  相似文献   

Joshua Schooping 《Zygon》2015,50(3):583-603
This paper seeks to examine the nature of matter from an Orthodox Christian patristic perspective, specifically that of St. Gregory of Nyssa, and compare this with David Bohm's concept of wholeness and the implicate order. By examining the ramifications of the doctrine of creation ex nihilo, the basic nature of matter as being rooted in the mind of God reveals itself, and furthermore shows that certain conceptions of quantum physics can provide language with which to give voice to this ancient view.  相似文献   

Previous studies have found that priming a target like cerr-o ("hill") with an unmasked stem-homograph (e.g., cerr-ar, "to close") or with an unmasked allomorph of a stem-homograph (e.g., cierr-a, "he/she/it closes") has an inhibitory effect on target recognition. We report evidence from stem-homograph priming studies that implicate both morphological parsing and lexical selection processes at the lemma level. We argue that stem-homograph inhibition is the product of lexical selection mechanisms that are engaged just when a fully ambiguous stimulus (here, an inflectional stem) must be assigned one of its viable interpretations in order to afford conscious perception of lexical identity.  相似文献   

Several factors related to fetal risk render it more or less acceptable in justifying constraints on the behavior of pregnant women. Risk is an unavoidable part of pregnancy and childbirth, one that women must balance against other vital personal and family interests. Two particular issues relate to the fairness of claims that pregnant women are never entitled to put their fetuses at risk: relative risks and relatives' risks. The former have been used—often spuriously—to advance arguments against activities, such as home birth, that may incur risk; the latter implicate the nature of relationships in determining the acceptability of coercing or precluding activities. Motivated reasoning by clinicians and judges leads to inaccurate risk assessments, and judgments based on false claims to objectivity. Such judgments undermine the moral and legal standing of pregnant women and do not advance the interests of fetuses, pregnant women, families, or states.  相似文献   

As the literature indicates, no method is presently available which takes explicitly into account that the parameters of Lazarsfeld's latent class analysis are defined as probabilities and are therefore restricted to the interval [0, 1]. In the present paper an appropriate transform on the parameters is performed in order to satisfy this constraint, and the estimation of the transformed parameters according to the maximum likelihood principle is outlined. In the sequel, a numerical example is given for which the basis solution and the usual maximum likelihood method failed. The different results are compared and the advantages of the proposed method discussed.  相似文献   

Many theorists have suggested that sexual deviates adopt impersonal outlets because of difficulties in social interaction, particularly with adult members of the opposite sex. In order to investigate the personality and mental health of non-clinical fetishists, transvestites and sadomasochists, the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire was distributed to the members of clubs catering to these predilections. Completed questionnaires were obtained from 125 fetishists (mainly rubber and leather), 285 transvestites and transsexuals, and 133 sadomasochists. Comparison of personality scores with male controls revealed that these groups of men are relatively introverted, neurotic and slightly higher on psychoticism. However, their levels of neuroticism and psychoticism were not so high as to be comparable with clinical samples of neurotics, psychotics or even patients with sex problems. Analysis of individual items in the EPQ showed that the deviant groups were more shy, lonely, sensitive and depressed than controls and were less likely to enjoy telling jokes, all of which suggests some difficulty with social skills. Other questions concerning their social background and upbringing revealed that the deviant groups were more likely to be without a steady partner, to have perceived their upbringing as restrictive and to have disliked their mother. However, it was not possible to implicate the experience of corporal punishment in childhood with any of these sexual preferences.  相似文献   

Procedures for generating arbitrary matching-to-sample performances may generate only conditional discriminations. Rational grounds for this distinction are proposed, based on the properties that any equivalence relation must possess. Empirical tests are described for determining whether subjects trained on conditional discriminations are also engaged in true matching to sample. A series of studies than leads to the conclusion that proof of true matching to sample by monkeys, pigeons, or baboons is yet to be provided. Whether the absence of such proof reflects experiential factors or species-defined limitations is not presently clear.  相似文献   

Whether the US Constitution guarantees a right to conduct scientific research is a question that has never been squarely addressed by the United States Supreme Court. Similarly, the extent to which the First Amendment protects the right to communicate the results of scientific research is an issue about which there is scant judicial authority. This article suggests that a crucial guidepost for exploring both these uncharted areas of constitutional law should be whether restrictions on scientific research or communication truly implicate fundamental individual rights or instead primarily concern issues of general social welfare—issues that in a democracy are properly decided by the representative branches of government or their delegates, not by the judiciary.  相似文献   

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