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Anxiety disorders are among the more common psychological disorders and show a high level of comorbity with other psychiatric disorders. The lifetime prevalence is 15%; women are twice as likely to be effected twice as men. There is a tight correlation between patient age and the type of anxiety disorder. Social phobias arise as early as puberty. Panic disorders are viewed as disorders of late adolescence and early adulthood. It is not uncommon for generalized anxiety disorders to first arise beyond the age of 40. Many patients don’t just have one, but often also an additional phobia. Withdrawal and avoidant behavior play important roles in the chronification of anxiety disorders and reduction in the level of psychosocial functioning. These dysfunctional coping strategies only help patients to reduce their anxiety in the short term; avoidant behavior and the consequent psychological problems serve to increase the level of anxiety in the long term. Outpatient therapy is often inadequate in the case of severe anxiety disorders. However, a hospital stay can be avoided in the therapeutic setting of a day care clinic. The special aspect of a day care clinic is the combination of treatment and everyday life situations. The patient is able to perceive himself in the most divergent therapeutic situations, while simultaneously maintaining contact with family, his social environment, his problems and the demands of life.  相似文献   

Die promotionen und habilitationen bei Wolfgang Stegmüller  相似文献   

It has been noted before in the history of logic that some of Frege's logical and semantic views were anticipated in Stoicism. In particular, there seems to be a parallel between Frege's Gedanke (thought) and Stoic lekton; and the distinction between complete and incomplete lekta has an equivalent in Frege's logic. However, nobody has so far claimed that Frege was actually influenced by Stoic logic; and there has until now been no indication of such a causal connection. In this essay, we attempt, for the first time, to provide detailed evidence for the existence of this connection. In the course of our argumentation, further analogies between the positions of Frege and the Stoics will be revealed. The classical philologist Rudolf Hirzel will be brought into play as the one who links Frege with Stoicism. The renowned expert on Stoic philosophy was Frege's tenant and lived in the same house as the logician for many years.

In der Geschichte der Logik ist häufig bemerkt worden, dass einige der logischen und semantischen Auffassungen Freges in der Stoa antizipiert worden sind. Genannt wurden insbesondere die Parallelen zwischen dem Fregeschen Gedanken und dem stoischen Lekton sowie die Unterscheidung zwischen vollständigen und unvollständigen Lekta, die bei Frege ihre Entsprechung hat. Ein Wirkungszusammenhang ist allerdings nicht behauptet worden. Dazu gab es bislang auch keinen Anlass. Der vorliegende Beitrag versucht erstmalig, einen detaillierten Indizienbeweis für das Bestehen eines solchen Zusammenhangs vorzulegen. Dabei werden weitere charakteristische Übereinstimmungen zwischen Frege und der Stoa aufgewiesen. Als Mittelsmann wird der Altphilologe Rudolf Hirzel vorgestellt. Er wohnte lange Jahre als Mieter zusammen mit Frege im selben Haus und war ein anerkannter Experte der stoischen Philosophie.  相似文献   

Ohne ZusammenfassungDieser Aufsatz ist Fortsetzung der Arbeit Marxist Theory and the Development of Physics. I., veröffentlicht inStudies in Soviet Thought 34 (1988) 73–78.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung. Der Autor begründet in seiner Arbeit eine „?kologisch-psychoanalytische” Theorieperspektive, in der er die innere Verwandtschaft zwischen dem modernen ?kologiekritischen Denken und den Menschenbildannahmen der freudianischen Psychoanalyse aufzeigt. Die „kritische ?kologie” befasst sich mit der Frage nach einer sinnvollen, „nachhaltigen” Gestaltung der Kultur-Natur-Beziehung, die Psychoanalyse erforscht und behandelt die innere Selbstbeziehung des Menschen zwischen dem kulturgepr?gt-kulturproduktiven „Ich” und den eigengesetzlichen, natural fundierten motivationalen Seiten der Psyche, die bei Freud als „Es” gefasst werden. Auch die modernen objektbeziehungstheoretischen und selbstpsychologischen Weiterentwicklungen der Psychoanalyse k?nnen vor einem ?kologisch-psychoanalytischen Hintergrund so aufgefasst werden, dass Freuds Fragestellung nach der ge- oder misslingenden Balance bzw. Integration zwischen den motivationalen (Interaktions-) Strebungen der „inneren Natur” einerseits und den Anforderungen der „kulturellen Selbsterzeugung” des Menschen andererseits rahmengebendes Grundthema bleibt. Der Autor macht in seinem Artikel deutlich, dass Psychoanalyse und „kritische ?kologie” gegenseitig voneinander profitieren k?nnen.
The ecological dimension of psychoanalysis and the concept of inner sustainability
Summary. The author develops an ”ecological-psychoanalytical” perspective of theory that shows the inner relationship between the modern eco-critical thinking and the anthropology of Freudian psychoanalysis. ”Critical ecology” engages in the search for a ”sustainable” organisation of the culture-nature-relationship. Psychoanalysis explores and treats the inner self-relation of man among the culture-imprinted/culture-producing ”Ego” and the nature-founded motivational aspects of psychic, that Freud called the ”Id.” The modern developments of object-relation theory and self psychology can be interpreted as reaffirming Freuds thesis of a well balanced or neurotising integration of motivational (interaction-) drives of ”inner nature” at one hand, and the demands of the ”cultural autogenesis” of man on the other. The author suggests that psychoanalysis and human ecology theory can each profit from the other.

Ohne ZusammenfassungGekürzte Fassung eines Vortrages an der Universität Bonn am 19.XI.1963.  相似文献   

Recent years have seen the development of a range of concepts throughout Germany addressing how the police should deal with persistent offenders in order to reduce the amount of offending. The State Office of Criminal Investigations in North Rhine-Westphalia commissioned an evaluation of the concepts applied in four different district police authorities in the state. The offence records of almost 300 young persistent offenders from the year they entered until the year they left the program were compared with those of a matched control group with a similarly high rate of offending who were not included in the measures. The summative evaluation showed a higher reduction in crime in the treatment group compared to controls by a factor of 1.31 with an effect size ofd?=?0.26. Further analyses indicated the effect of the program was independent of the persistent offenders?? age, gender or migration status. The discussion on this positive outcome focuses on the methodological problems in the study and also on the very low intensity of the measures compared to other offender treatment programs.  相似文献   

Depending on definition and sample, a minority of varying size of women with eating disorders report to be victims of sexual and/or physical abuse. These stressful experiences are risk factors for mental disorders in general and not specifically for eating disorders. Parental high expectations and pre-morbid negative self-evaluation seem to be specific risk factors for anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa. Probably, patients with bulimia nervosa suffered more childhood adversity than those with restrictive anorexia nervosa. Patients with a history of sexual and/or physical abuse may be more severely ill and more difficult to treat than other patients with eating disorders. Careful questioning about childhood adversity seems advisable. In therapy, maintaining factors—like problems of self-esteem—are more important than predisposing or precipitating factors. For prevention, it is recommended to provide for the safety of children when treating their parents with mental illness—particularly substance use disorders—and to avoid parental high expectations.  相似文献   

Psychiatric assessment of culpability is conducted in two steps: firstly, the psychiatric diagnosis is to be made and attributed to one of the legal terms that entail the requirements for diminished or lack of legal responsibility. Secondly, one has to assess from a psychiatric perspective whether the mentally disturbed suspect who was aware of the unlawfulness of the actions was also able to act in accordance with awareness and to refrain from unlawful actions. The latter is called the capacity for self-control. The ultimately legal normative term of capacity for self-control corresponds to psychobiological concepts of executive and motivational self-control as well as to the psychological models of intentional control of actions (Goschke) and ”disactualization” (Janzarik). These concepts and models are outlined and discussed, particularly with regards to paraphilia and behavioral disorders. In the context of these conditions we sometimes find free-floating considerations about the capacity for self-control without even addressing the question whether the severity of the disorder has crossed the threshold for diminished legal responsibility. The author argues the case for an overall view of the suspect’s personality and abilities, weaknesses and decisions as displayed in the history of the criminal act.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Eine Gruppe von Wörtern mit höherer Ich-Bezogenheit und eine von Wörtern mit niedrigerer Ich-Bezogenheit war einmal absichtlich, einmal beiläufig einzuprägen. Als abhängige Variablen dienten die Zahl der behaltenen Glieder und — zur Bestimmung des Aktiviertheitsgrades während des Einprägens — die Höhe des elektrischen Hautwiderstands. Sowohl einzeln als auch in Wechselwirkung verursachten die genannten unabhängigen Variablen bedeutsame Unterschiede hinsichtlich des Behaltens und der Aktivisierung. Der Deutung der Ergebnisse wurde die Annahme zugrunde gelegt, daß Aktivierungsvorgänge zu den Geschehnissen gehören, die für das Behalten von Bedeutung sind.
Summary Two series of nouns with high and low emotional tone had to be memorized both intentionally and incidentally. During learning the amount of electrodermal skin resistance was registered as a measure of organismic activation, thereafter the Ss had to recall the words presented previously. The independent variables mentioned led to significant main and interaction effects in regard to both retention and activation data. The interpretation of the results is based on the assumption that retention is affected by activational processes.

Despite its low quantitative importance compared to total crime, the development of homicide is a fundamental indicator for crime-policy efficiency. A low crime rate has a significant positive effect on the quality of life. This article analyses the development of homicide on the basis of its registration by the Polizeiliche Kriminalstatistik (Police Crime Statistics) from 1953 to 2006. The development is not consistent. There are five phases where moderate increase, strong increase, stabilisation and decrease have to be differentiated. At present there is a phase of obvious decrease so that the current percentage of homicide corresponds to that at the end of the 1960ies. There is also a striking difference between attempted and accomplished offences. While the percentage of accomplished homicide was almost constant in the period mentioned, the percentage of attempted offences has meanwhile almost tripled and is twice as high compared to the situation in 1953.  相似文献   

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