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A preference method probed infants' perception of object motion on an inclined plane. Infants viewed videotaped events in which a ball rolled downward (or upward) while speeding up (or slowing down). Then infants were tested with events in which the ball moved in the opposite direction with appropriate or inappropriate acceleration. Infants aged 7 months, but not 5 months, looked longer at the test event with inappropriate acceleration, suggesting emerging sensitivity to gravity. A further study tested whether infants appreciate that a stationary object released on an incline moves downward rather than upward; findings again were positive at 7 months and negative at 5 months. A final study provided evidence, nevertheless, that 5-month-old infants discriminate downward from upward motion and relate downward motion in videotaped events to downward motion in live events. Sensitivity to certain effects of gravity appears to develop in infancy.  相似文献   

Perception of animacy from the motion of a single object   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Tremoulet PD  Feldman J 《Perception》2000,29(8):943-951
We demonstrate that a single moving object can create the subjective impression that it is alive, based solely on its pattern of movement. Our displays differ from conventional biological motion displays (which normally involve multiple moving points, usually integrated to suggest a human form) in that they contain only a single rigid object moving across a uniform field. We focus on motion paths in which the speed and direction of the target object change simultaneously. Naive subjects' ratings of animacy were significantly influenced by (i) the magnitude of the speed change, (ii) the angular magnitude of the direction change, (iii) the shape of the object, and (iv) the alignment between the principal axis of the object and its direction of motion. These findings are consistent with the hypothesis that observers classify as animate only those objects whose motion trajectories are otherwise unlikely to occur in the observed setting.  相似文献   

When a person moves in a straight line through a stationary environment, the images of object surfaces move in a radial pattern away from a single point. This point, known as thefocus of expansion (FOE), corresponds to the person’s direction of motion. People judge their heading from image motion quite well in this situation. They perform most accurately when they can see the region around the FOE, which contains the most useful information for this task. Furthermore, a large moving object in the scene has no effect on observer heading judgments unless it obscures the FOE. Therefore, observers may obtain the most accurate heading judgments by focusing their attention on the region around the FOE. However, in many situations (e.g., driving), the observer must pay attention to other moving objects in the scene (e.g., cars and pedestrians) to avoid collisions. These objects may be located far from the FOE in the visual field. We tested whether people can accurately judge their heading and the three-dimensional (3-D) motion of objects while paying attention to one or the other task. The results show that differential allocation of attention affects people’s ability to judge 3-D object motion much more than it affects their ability to judge heading. This suggests that heading judgments are computed globally, whereas judgments about object motion may require more focused attention.  相似文献   

When a person moves in a straight line through a stationary environment, the images of object surfaces move in a radial pattern away from a single point. This point, known as the focus of expansion (FOE), corresponds to the person's direction of motion. People judge their heading from image motion quite well in this situation. They perform most accurately when they can see the region around the FOE, which contains the most useful information for this task. Furthermore, a large moving object in the scene has no effect on observer heading judgments unless it obscures the FOE. Therefore, observers may obtain the most accurate heading judgments by focusing their attention on the region around the FOE. However, in many situations (e.g., driving), the observer must pay attention to other moving objects in the scene (e.g., cars and pedestrians) to avoid collisions. These objects may be located far from the FOE in the visual field. We tested whether people can accurately judge their heading and the three-dimensional (3-D) motion of objects while paying attention to one or the other task. The results show that differential allocation of attention affects people's ability to judge 3-D object motion much more than it affects their ability to judge heading. This suggests that heading judgments are computed globally, whereas judgments about object motion may require more focused attention.  相似文献   

《Cognitive development》1996,11(2):161-180
One hundred twenty-eight 4-month-old infants were habituated to one of several displays that depicted two rod pieces above and below a box. The effects of common motion, background texture, and orientation of the rod pieces on infants' perception of unity of the partially occluded rod were examined. Infants who viewed displays in which the rod pieces were aligned and presented in front of a textured background, subsequently looked longer at a broken rod (two rod pieces separated by a gap) than at a complete rod, implying that the infants experienced the rod pieces as connected behind the box in the first display. Infants who viewed displays with no background texture, or displays in which the rod pieces were nonaligned but relatable (i.e., connected if extended behind the occluder), looked equally at the two posthabituation displays. Infants who viewed displays containing nonrelatable rod pieces looked longer at the complete rod, implying that nonrelatable edges specify disjoint objects to 4-month-olds. A threshold model, stipulating that perception of object unity is supported by multiple visual cues, is proposed to account for these results. Veridical perception of motion of display elements, depth ordering, and edge orientation are necessary, but not individually sufficient, to support young infants' perception of object unity.  相似文献   

We tested the ability of the mature visual system for discrimination between types of elliptic biological motion on the basis of event kinematics. Healthy adult volunteers were presented with point-light displays depicting elliptic motion when only a single dot, a moving point-light arm, or a whole point-light human figure was visible. The displays were created in accordance with the two-thirds power kinematic law (natural motion), whereas the control displays violated this principle (unnatural motion). On each trial, participants judged whether the display represented natural or unnatural motion. The findings indicate that adults are highly sensitive to violation of the two-thirds power kinematic law. Notably, participants can easily discriminate between natural and unnatural motions without recognising the stimuli, which suggests that people implicitly use kinematic information. Most intriguing, event recognition seems to diminish the capacity to judge whether event kinematics is unnatural. We discuss possible ways for a cross-talk between perception and production of biological movement, and the brain mechanisms involved in biological motion processing.  相似文献   

The judged vanishing point of a target undergoing apparent motion in a horizontal, vertical, or oblique direction was examined. In Experiment 1, subjects indicated the vanishing point by positioning a crosshair. Judged vanishing point was displaced forward in the direction of motion, with the magnitude of displacement being largest for horizontal motion, intermediate for oblique motion, and smallest for vertical motion. In addition, the magnitude of displacement increased with faster apparent velocities. In Experiment 2, subjects judged whether a stationary probe presented after the moving target vanished was at the same location where the moving target vanished. Probes were located along the axis of motion, and probes located beyond the vanishing point evidenced a higher probability of a same response than did probes behind the vanishing point. In Experiment 3, subjects judged whether a stationary probe presented after the moving target vanished was located on a straight-line extension of the path of motion of the moving target. Probes below the path of motion evidenced a higher probability of a same response than did probes above the path of motion for horizontal and ascending oblique motion; probes above the path of motion evidenced a higher probability for a same response than did probes below the path of motion for descending oblique motion. Overall, the pattern of results suggests that the magnitude of displacement increases as proximity to a horizontal axis increases, and that in some conditions there may be a component analogous to a gravitational influence incorporated into the mental representation.  相似文献   

Perception of motion affects language processing   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Recently developed accounts of language comprehension propose that sentences are understood by constructing a perceptual simulation of the events being described. These simulations involve the re-activation of patterns of brain activation that were formed during the comprehender's interaction with the world. In two experiments we explored the specificity of the processing mechanisms required to construct simulations during language comprehension. Participants listened to (and made judgments on) sentences that described motion in a particular direction (e.g. "The car approached you"). They simultaneously viewed dynamic black-and-white stimuli that produced the perception of movement in the same direction as the action specified in the sentence (i.e. towards you) or in the opposite direction as the action specified in the sentence (i.e. away from you). Responses were faster to sentences presented concurrently with a visual stimulus depicting motion in the opposite direction as the action described in the sentence. This suggests that the processing mechanisms recruited to construct simulations during language comprehension are also used during visual perception, and that these mechanisms can be quite specific.  相似文献   

Perception of motion in equiluminous kinematograms   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Two fields of random dots that were identical except for a slight shift in a central square region were presented in rapid alternation. This produced a vivid impression of a square moving back and forth above the background. When the kinematogram is presented in equiluminous red/green, the motion of the central region can still be seen, although over a narrower range of alternation rates, interstimulus intervals, and displacements than for black/white presentation. The perception of motion for equiluminous stimuli indicates that colour and motion can be analyzed conjointly by the visual system. However, as originally reported by Ramachandran and Gregory, the segregation of the oscillating central square from the background is lost at equiluminance. This segregation process therefore appears to be colour-blind.  相似文献   

The ability to perceive the 3-D shape of objects solely from motion cues is referred to as structure-from-motion perception. Recent experiments indicate how this remarkable perceptual attribute is computed by the brains of primates. This computation proceeds in at least two stages, one in which motion measurements are made and another in which moving surfaces are reconstructed. The middle temporal area (MT) in the macaque monkey appears to play a pivotal role in the latter step and suggests a previously unappreciated function for this well-known cortical region, which had previously been thought to play a more rudimentary role in simply signaling the direction of motion of images.  相似文献   

In a previous experiment, we showed that bistable visual object motion was partially disambiguated by tactile input. Here, we investigated this effect further by employing a more potent visuotactile stimulus. Monocular viewing of a tangible wire-frame sphere (TS) rotating about its vertical axis produced bistable alternations of direction. Touching the TS biased simultaneous and subsequent visual perception of motion. Both of these biases were in the direction of the tactile stimulation and, therefore, constituted facilitation or priming, as opposed to interference or adaptation. Although touching the TS biased visual perception, tactile stimulation was not able to override the ambiguous visual percept. This led to periods of sensory conflict, during which visual and tactile motion percepts were incongruent. Visual and tactile inputs can sometimes be fused to form a coherent percept of object motion but, when they are in extreme conflict, can also remain independent.  相似文献   

The processes underlying psychotherapeutic change have increasingly been emphasized in both research and clinical practice. Nonlinear dynamical systems theory (NDS) offers a transdisciplinary scientific approach to the study of these processes. This paper introduces the NDS concept of “emotional inertia”, the property of human emotion by which it retains its course so long as it is not acted upon by an external force, as a key to understanding moment-by-moment and also longer-term change processes within psychotherapy. A testable mathematical model of emotional inertia is presented that represents specific impacts of psychotherapeutic processes on emotional dynamics over time. Emotional trajectories in phase space, treatment energy, and the interaction between them are the essential elements of the model, and a detailed explanation is provided. Procedures for testing this model are described, such as by tracking the movement of emotion in phase space within and across therapy sessions, along with clinical implications of the model, which can potentially help to make more clear the complementary roles of therapeutic force, timing, and leverage.  相似文献   

The effects of social comparison on inaction inertia   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In this paper, we examine inaction inertia in a social context where the decision-maker is among others who are faced with similar current and past opportunities. We specifically investigate whether the likelihood of taking advantage of a current opportunity after having missed a previous, relatively superior opportunity depends on whether a referent other did or did not take advantage of the previous opportunity. We report results from three studies that provide evidence for the interplay between the past actions and inactions of a referent other and the extent of inaction inertia displayed by a focal decision-maker. We also show that the proximity of the other and the valence of the relationship between the decision-maker and the other influence the extent to which the decision of the other impacts the likelihood to take action. And, finally, we show that regret mediates the relationship between the decision of the other with respect to the past opportunity and the decision-maker's likelihood of taking advantage of the current opportunity.  相似文献   

Baraas RC 《Perception》2005,34(8):1025-1028
There is an ongoing debate related to whether chromatic motion perception arises as a consequence of a chromatic signal only (eg Wandell et al 1999 Neuron 24 901-909) or a signal that is essentially based on luminance processes (luminance artifacts) (Mullen et al 2003 Vision Research 43 1235-1247). These two views conform to the idea that colour and luminance processes are physiologically independent (Livingstone and Hubel 1988 Science 240 740-749), but according to other reports many primary cortical 'V1' cells respond to both colour and luminance contrast (eg Vidyasagar et al 2002 European Journal of Neuroscience 16 945-956). A psychophysical task was designed to test whether possible interaction between luminance and chromatic contrast could account for perception of chromatic motion. It is shown that subjects respond in a manner that reflects involvement of both processes.  相似文献   

The visual perception of human movement from sparse point-light walkers is often believed to rely on local motion analysis. We investigated the role of local motion in the perception of human walking, viewed from the side, in different tasks. The motion signal was manipulated by varying point lifetime. We found the task of coherence discrimination, commonly used in biological motion studies, to be inappropriate for testing the role of motion. A task requiring temporal information showed a strong performance drop when fewer points were used or when the image sequence was sampled and displayed at a reduced frame rate. Irrespective of the frame rate, performance did not vary with point lifetime. We concluded that local motion is not required for the perception of tested biological movements, suggesting that the analysis of biological motion does not benefit from examining local motion. The reliance of perception on the number of displayed points and frames supports the idea that biological motion is perceived from a sequence of spatiotemporally sampled forms.  相似文献   

Previous reports have demonstrated that the comprehension of sentences describing motion in a particular direction (toward, away, up, or down) is affected by concurrently viewing a stimulus that depicts motion in the same or opposite direction. We report 3 experiments that extend our understanding of the relation between perception and language processing in 2 ways. First, whereas most previous studies of the relation between perception and language processing have focused on visual perception, our data show that sentence processing can be affected by the concurrent processing of auditory stimuli. Second, it is shown that the relation between the processing of auditory stimuli and the processing of sentences depends on whether the sentences are presented in the auditory or visual modality.  相似文献   

Wertheimer, M. (Zeitschrift für Psychologie und Physiologie der Sinnesorgane, 61:161–265, 1912) classical distinction between beta (object) and phi (objectless) motion is elaborated here in a series of experiments concerning competition between two qualitatively different motion percepts, induced by sequential changes in luminance for two-dimensional geometric objects composed of rectangular surfaces. One of these percepts is of spreading-luminance motion that continuously sweeps across the entire object; it exhibits shape invariance and is perceived most strongly for fast speeds. Significantly for the characterization of phi as objectless motion, the spreading luminance does not involve surface boundaries or any other feature; the percept is driven solely by spatiotemporal changes in luminance. Alternatively, and for relatively slow speeds, a discrete series of edge motions can be perceived in the direction opposite to spreading-luminance motion. Akin to beta motion, the edges appear to move through intermediate positions within the object’s changing surfaces. Significantly for the characterization of beta as object motion, edge motion exhibits shape dependence and is based on the detection of oppositely signed changes in contrast (i.e., counterchange) for features essential to the determination of an object’s shape, the boundaries separating its surfaces. These results are consistent with area MT neurons that differ with respect to speed preference Newsome et al (Journal of Neurophysiology, 55:1340–1351, 1986) and shape dependence Zeki (Journal of Physiology, 236:549–573, 1974).  相似文献   

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