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Previous experiments designed to modify persons' values and subsequent attitudes and behavior have used direct self-confrontation procedures to arouse self-dissatisfaction in subjects. The present study compared the effects on values and behavior of the previously used self-confrontation procedure with a modified value-change procedure which did not confront subjects with information about their own values. Both procedures resulted in college students significantly increasing their ranking of the values equality and freedom. These changes were evident 4 weeks after the experimental procedures. Four months after the experimental treatments subjects were solicited to behaviorally support various activities of the Committee to End Racism, and subjects in both experimental groups showed a significantly greater behavioral effect than did control subjects. Thus, significant long-term value and behavioral change may be experimentally induced even when subjects are not provided objective information about their own value-attitude system.  相似文献   

In evaluating dating scenarios, perceivers tend to infer more sexual responsiveness for drinking than nondrinking daters. The origin of these postdrinking sexual inferences has not previously been examined. In the present study, we considered whether perceivers' alcohol expectancies would influence these inferences. Male and female subjects completed a brief expectancy measure, read a vignette depicting a beer-drinking or cola-drinking woman, and evaluated the targeted woman. Multiple-regression equations were computed to test a replication hypothesis and an interaction hypothesis. In support of the replication hypothesis, subjects rated the beer-drinking woman as more sexual than her cola-drinking counterpart. In support of the interaction hypothesis, male but not female subjects exhibited the predicted expectancy by drink interaction. High expectancy men but not low expectancy men rated the beer-drinking woman as more likely to engage in sexual behaviors than the cola-drinking woman. This finding was evident on behaviorally specific measures, but not on trait-like measures. The roles of stereotypes and alcohol expectancies as determinants of post-drinking sexual inferences are discussed.  相似文献   

Despite the growth of campus rape-prevention programs, the role of individual differences in moderating program effects has been largely ignored. We hypothesized that the effects of anti-rape videotape content—typical of such programs—would depend on men's past sexual coerciveness. After watching an anti-rape or control video, coercive ( n = 22) and noncoercive ( n = 23) men were compared on attitudes toward women, rape-myth acceptance, and sex-related alcohol expectancies. As hypothesized, effects of the videotape were moderated by coerciveness. For the noncoercives, the anti-rape video resulted in lower rape-myth acceptance and sex-related alcohol expectancy scores than the control video. Coercives—who presumably most need to be deterred—exhibited no such effects. We discuss the relevance of these findings for rape-prevention programs.  相似文献   

The relationship between alcohol expectancies and work-related drinking was investigated in a survey of 984 employees from a large unionized manufacturing plant. Respondents were asked about their drinking at work, just prior to work, and in other contexts. Alcohol expectancies were measured by asking how likely or unlikely it was that work-related drinking would lead to 13 personal consequences. The items for this scale were derived from ethnographic interviews and observations in the plant and from a review of the workplace literature. Exploratory factor analysis indicated that the expectancy items formed two scales representing positive and negative consequences. These scales predicted work-related drinking in a simultaneous equations path analysis, even when general drinking practices and background variables were controlled. The analysis also indicated that workers who were younger, Caucasian, hourly, on evening or night shifts, and frequent or heavy drinkers outside of work may be at risk for work-related drinking because of their alcohol expectancies.  相似文献   

Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment - This paper presents the development and validation of the Possessions as Others and Self Inventory (POSI). The POSI is a 23-item self-report...  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the impact of education on rape myth acceptance, alcohol expectancies, and bystander attitudes. A sample of 126 community members and college students who had consumed alcohol within the past 90 days were administered surveys. College experience was unrelated to rape myth acceptance, alcohol expectancies, and bystander intentions. In line with previous research, two rape myth subscales were inversely related to bystander attitudes. In regard to alcohol expectancies and bystander attitudes, only one subscale was marginally significant. Ancillary analysis indicated that rape myth acceptance varied as a function of age, with older individuals less likely to support rape myths.  相似文献   

The cognitive model of depression posits that depressed individuals harbor more dysfunctional self-referent attitudes, but little is known about how depressed individuals perceive the attitudes and perceptions of others in their social arena. This study examined whether dysphoric individuals perceive others to hold equally negative attitudes about themselves, and whether such perceptions depend on sociotropic (i.e., highly invested in social approval and relationship success) and autonomous (i.e., highly invested in vocational or academic achievement and goal attainment) personality styles. A sample of undergraduate students (N = 197) was recruited, and after the assessment of their depression symptoms and personality style, participants read vignettes that described negative scenarios, and imagined that these scenarios occurred to themselves or the general university student. After reading each vignette, participants also rated their agreement with a number of statements that assessed dysfunctional attitudes. Results indicated that elevated dysphoria (i.e., showing signs of depression) scores were positively associated with dysfunctional self-referent attitudes. Further, moderational analyses examining the interaction of sociotropy and dysphoria did not support the hypothesis that individuals higher on dysphoria and sociotropy were less likely to perceive others as harboring negative attitudes about themselves in comparison to those with elevated dysphoria and lower levels of sociotropy. Last, individuals showing elevated dysphoria and higher scores on subdomains of autonomy were more likely to perceive others as exhibiting negative attitudes about themselves than those with low levels of the trait. These findings, their implications, and strengths and limitations of the current investigation are further discussed.  相似文献   

In an experimental study of how beer commercials affect alcohol expectancies, 92 fifth graders watched 40 television ads that included either five beer commercials, five soft-drink commercials, or five beer commercials plus two antidrinking messages. Afterwards, as an unrelated task, they completed the Alcohol Expectancy Questionnaire-Adolescent Form (AEQ-A; Christiansen, Goldman, & Inn, 1982). Exposure to different commercials produced no differences in drinking expectancies. The experiment was repeated on 74 eighth graders with similar null results; however, eighth-grade girls more strongly believed (p <.02) that alcohol leads to deteriorated cognitive and behavioral function. In a comparison of fifth and eighth graders from the same school, eighth graders had significantly more positive scores on three AEQ-A scales that tapped social/emotional expectancies. The failure of beer commercials to create positive alcohol expectancies is consistent with limited and null findings of previous investigations. Research to date does not support a ban on alcohol advertising.  相似文献   

Based on research involving a sample of 1,030 employees in three different organizations, the determinants of ambition for a managerial position were examined using LISREL analyses. The analysis provided support for the model derived from social cognitive career theory. Ambition for a managerial position was mainly explained by managerial self-efficacy, which was influenced by performance attainment, physiological arousal, and verbal persuasion. Outcome expectancies and work-role salience had a direct as well as an indirect relationship with ambition for a managerial position, mediated by managerial self-efficacy. Although the structural model was supported in the three samples, the estimated parameters in the model differed. Contrary to what was expected, vicarious experience did not contribute to self-efficacy in management tasks.  相似文献   

This study examined how an alcohol instructional set (intoxicated or sober) and gender affected subjects' b]eliefs about the negative and positive consequences of engaging in coercive and consenting sexual behaviors, as well as subjects' e]xpressed likelihood of involvement in these activities. Participants who responded to an intoxicated set believed they were more likely to be involved in coercive sexual behaviors than those who responded to sober instructions. Males with an intoxicated set also expected fewer negative and more positive consequences from coercive sex than did other participants. For consenting sexual activities, males (regardless of set) rated negative consequences lower, positive consequences higher, and expressed a stronger likelihood of involvement than did females. Efforts to prevent sexual coercion might be enhanced by including a focus on how beliefs about alcohol may affect the expected consequences and occurrence of these acts.  相似文献   

A priming paradigm was used to explore the representation of attitudes about government policies in memory. Participants performed pairs of tasks in quick succession. The focal tasks involved evaluating a policy or thinking of one of its consequences. The results showed that thinking of a consequence of a policy speeded up its subsequent evaluation, regardless of whether the participant held a strong or weak attitude about the policy. Evaluating the policy speeded up thinking of one of its consequences for strong attitudes but not for weak ones. In general, it took participants longer to think of a consequence of a policy than to evaluate it. The implications of these results for existing views of the representation of attitudes in memory are discussed.  相似文献   

In two studies, we examined people's level of risk taking when making monetary decisions for other people rather than for themselves. Experiment 1 examined the role of regret in these situations; results show that regret concerns led to increased risk avoidance both when participants made decisions for other people as well as when making decisions for themselves. Experiment 2 tested whether skill tasks would lead to greater risk avoidance when the decision was for another person versus for oneself. This hypothesis was not supported, although men were more risk seeking than were women in both situations. Taken together, these studies suggest that many of the findings from risk research on individual decision making regarding financial situations generalize to decision making for others.  相似文献   

Projection of own characteristics onto an in-group, internalization of in-group characteristics into self-conceptions, and the implications of these two processes for one type of cognitive performance among women (spatial skill) were examined. Focus on gender or self and expected method of performance evaluation (male-female comparison or individual comparison [IC]) were varied before high- and low-self-esteem (SE) women completed a spatial performance test. The manipulations and the SE grouping factor interacted to influence spatial skill scores significantly. The results are interpreted as indicating situationally induced self- and group stereotype influences on manifest spatial skill.  相似文献   


Festinger's (1957) cognitive dissonance theory maintains that individuals enhance their opinions of decisions after they have made them. The present experiment demonstrated this postdecision dissonance enhancement effect by using a no-decision control group to test whether predecision moderation (i.e., impression management) or postdecision enhancement (i.e., dissonance reduction) occurred. Male and female subjects (N = 62) were approached in a shopping mall and asked to estimate their chances of winning a “gumball guess” lottery-type game. In clear support of cognitive dissonance theory, those giving their responses immediately after they had taken part in the gumball guess gave significantly higher estimates of winning than those asked just before they guessed or those in the control group.  相似文献   

This article presents the results of a study among 273 supervisors regarding the early retirement of older subordinates. The assumption is that attitudes of supervisors will stimulate early retirement in downsizing organizations and organizations where the employees are exposed to physical pressures. Next, the performance of older employees and supervisors' expectations regarding future performance are deemed important. The results show that supervisors are not in favor of encouraging large numbers of older employees to continue working until official retirement age (65 years). The results suggest that supervisors' attitudes are only weakly influenced by overall corporate goals, such as achieving a younger work force and decreasing employment, and that expectations regarding the loss of human capital and health and sickness absenteeism are important in retirement/retention recommendations.  相似文献   

《The Journal of psychology》2013,147(3):209-227
In this study, the author investigates the influences of cross-sex best friends in early adolescence in regard to cigarettes and alcohol. Specific goals include determining the prevalence of cross-sex best friendships, investigating expectancies and perceived approval of the use of cigarettes and alcohol, and examining substance use levels. A group of urban sixth, seventh, and eighth graders completed a survey that addressed these issues. Results indicate the presence of cross-sex best friendships in the sample. Significant findings on cross-sex best friends' influence include positive expectancies for alcohol in sixth (p = .006) grade, the perception of seventh graders that the best friend's attitudes about smoking (p = .003) and drinking (p = .001) are less negative, and higher levels of cigarette use in sixth (p = .001) and eighth (p = .024) grade and alcohol use in sixth (p = .008), seventh (p = .002), and eighth grades (p = .039).  相似文献   

ABSTRACT In this article we compare the accuracy of personality judgments by the self and by knowledgeable others. Self- and acquaintance judgments of general personality attributes were used to predict general, videotaped behavioral criteria. Results slightly favored the predictive validity of personality judgments made by single acquaintances over self-judgments, and significantly favored the aggregated personality judgments of two acquaintances over self-judgments. These findings imply that the most valid source for personality judgments that are relevant to patterns of overt behavior may not be self-reports but the consensus of the judgment of the community of one's peers.  相似文献   

This preliminary study examined the relationship between social anxiety and specificity of positive alcohol outcome expectancies (AOE) in a community sample of 62 drinking adults. The sample was divided into subsets of socially anxious (n = 17) and nonsocially anxious (n = 45) men and women. The Drinking Expectancy Questionnaire (DEQ) and Alcohol Expectancies in Social Evaluative Situations Scale (AESES) were used to determine if groups differed in the general positive AOE they hold, or only in AOE specific to social situations. ANOVAs revealed that socially anxious individuals had greater positive AOE specific to social situations (DEQ—Assertion scale and AESES) than nonsocially anxious individuals, with no differences in other positive AOE. Partial correlations controlling for social anxiety revealed that AOE specific to social situations correlated with greater drinking and alcohol dependency levels. Findings indicate that identification of AOE specific to social situations may be useful in classifying socially anxious individuals at risk for alcoholism and as a focus of expectancy challenge strategies for individuals with co-occurring social anxiety and drinking problems.  相似文献   

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