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Little work has studied achievement goals in social interaction situations. The present experiment aimed at contributing to this matter by showing the potential of social interaction (in particular disagreement) to moderate the effects of achievement goals on learning. Participants were led to think they interacted with a partner, sharing opinions about a text that they were studying. Mastery and performance goals were manipulated. During the “interaction,” they received either disagreement or agreement from this bogus partner. Results showed that a condition in which mastery goals were induced led to better learning than a performance goal condition only when the partner disagreed. No differences between goal conditions were observed when the partner agreed. Implications for achievement goal research are discussed. Part of this work was conducted during Céline Darnon’s doctoral dissertation under the supervision of Fabrizio Butera, and was written during Céline Darnon’s post-doctorate at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA, thanks to a Fulbright fellowship.  相似文献   

Children's goals for learning on their video game performance and patterns of attention were examined. Before playing a game, second- and fifth-graders were instructed to adopt an evaluative, process, outcome, or no specific goal focus while playing. Children were then interviewed about their game strategies and the game features they paid attention to while playing. Older children and more frequent players showed better performance. Among frequent players, process goal instructions facilitated performance. Younger children's interview references to process goals also were predictive of better performance. Their references to attention strategies, however, were predictive of poorer performance while older children's references to attention strategies were predictive of better performance. These findings highlight the efficacy of process goals for learning among younger and older children.  相似文献   

The present study considers the relationship between college mothers' academic achievement goals (both learning and performance) and the mothers' attitudes toward their children's schoolwork as well as the relationship between each of these sets of characteristics in mothers and their elementary-school-age children's attitudes about learning. Results indicate that a mother's adoption of learning goals in her college education is positively related to the endorsement of a process/indirect focus with respect to assisting and evaluating her child on academic tasks and is associated with more personal satisfaction with providing homework assistance and greater optimism concerning the benefits of such assistance. Results also suggest that college mothers with more of a learning goal orientation and/or more of a process/indirect focus have children who display a similar concern with learning and a positive attitude about homework. Mothers who adopted more of a person/product focus with respect to their child's schoolwork had children who were less likely to interpret homework and other school tasks as opportunities to learn.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the relationship between achievement goal orientations and process goals in a sample of rugby union players. Participants were aged 14–45 years (M + SD: 24.31 + 6.02) and ranged from Club to National level. There were 78 males and 72 females with a mean of 9.17 years experience. Achievement goals were measured using an instrument developed by Harwood, Wilson, and Hardy (2002) Miller, M. B. 1995. Coefficient alpha: A basic introduction from the perspectives of classical test theory and structural equation modelling. Structural Equation Modelling, 2: 255273. [Taylor & Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar] that assesses Self-Directed Task, Self-Directed Ego, Social Approval Task, and Social Approval Ego Goal Orientations. Process goals were measured using a slightly adapted version of an instrument developed by Harwood (1997) Harwood, C. G. 1997. Pre-competition achievement goals within young sports performers, Unpublished PhD Thesis UK: Loughborough University.  [Google Scholar]. Self-Directed Task (7), Self-Directed Ego (5), Social Approval Task (6), and Social Approval Ego (2) had varying numbers of significant positive correlations with process goal variables. Stepwise regression analysis revealed that Self-Directed Task was the sole significant predictor for six of the seven process goal variables (β = .30 to .60). Those significant others who influence the achievement context should encourage high levels of Self-Directed Task and discourage high levels of Social Approval Ego goal orientation to promote a focus upon the processes of performance.  相似文献   

Dans cette expérience de terrain, on applique la théorie de la fixation des objectifs au sentiment d’efficacité personnelle d’étudiants, à leur satisfaction envers le programme du MBA aussi bien qu’à leur performance (GPA). Immédiatement après leur avoir fixé des objectifs spécifiques élevés, nous avons mesuré le sentiment d’efficacité personnelle des étudiants en MBA. Celui des étudiants de la condition “objectifs de résultats pour la fin de l’année” (long terme) était inférieur à celui de sujets qui étaient dans la condition “faites de votre mieux” ou dans celle “but d’apprentissage”. Les sujets présentant des difficultés spécifiques en ce qui concerne les buts d’apprentissage sont plus satisfaits du programme MBA que ceux des autres conditions expérimentales. Le GPA était significativement plus élevé dans la condition “but d’apprentissage” que dans celle “but de performance”à long terme. Les sujets qui ont des objectifs à court terme et un objectif de résultat à long terme ont un GPA plus élevé que ceux qui ont seulement un objectif à long terme ou que ceux qui sont dans l’urgence de faire de leur mieux. Les implications de ces résultats pour la théorie et la pratique sont discutées. The present field experiment examined the application of goal setting theory on student self‐efficacy, satisfaction with the MBA program, as well as performance (i.e. GPA). Immediately after setting specific high goals, the self‐efficacy of MBA students who set year end (distal) outcome goals was lower than participants in either the “do your best” or the learning goal conditions. Participants who set specific difficult learning goals had higher satisfaction with the MBA program than those in other experimental conditions. GPA was significantly higher in the learning goal condition relative to the distal performance goal condition. Participants who set proximal goals, in addition to a distal outcome goal, had a higher GPA than those who only set a distal goal or those who were urged to do their best. Implications of these findings for theory and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

The current study used a microworld simulation to investigate the direction of the relationship between group cohesiveness and performance. The study involved ten 4‐person teams who undertook 12 sessions of an air traffic control simulation. Performance and cohesiveness data were collected at each 1‐hr session. Using hierarchical linear modeling, group performance was found to predict group cohesiveness and not vice‐versa. These findings are discussed with respect to previous research and popular theories of group development.  相似文献   

Microworlds (MWs) are dynamic computer-generated environments that subjects interact with in the laboratory and that simulate conditions encountered in the field. Precise levels of experimental control and improved accuracy and efficiency of data collection procedures are characteristic of MWs. It is proposed that these benefits are achieved with concomitant gains in internal validity (afforded by high levels of experimental realism) and external validity (afforded by the replication of the temporal-interactive nature of most field phenomena). To illustrate these ideas, three sets of MW studies are described that investigated rumor and behavior in the stock market (Broker), escalation behavior (Inve$tment Choice$), and the application of foraging theory to internet shopping (Cybershopper).  相似文献   

采用眼动记录技术,探讨不同学习目标条件下词对位置对学习时间分配的影响。实验结果发现:在高学习目标条件下,词对位置对项目选择存在显著影响,对自定步调学习时间不存在显著影响;在低学习目标下,词对位置对项目选择和自定步调学习时间均不存在显著影响。表明议程驱动和习惯性反应是影响学习时间分配的两种认知机制,学习者会根据学习情境采用议程驱动或习惯性反应来有效地进行学习时间分配,以最小的努力实现学习目标。  相似文献   

We aim to advance the learning goal literature by examining the contingent effect of a reflection intervention on the relationship between learning goals and performance in a complex decision-making task. Data were obtained from a laboratory experiment with a microworld simulation as the experimental task. Participants were randomly allocated to one of the four conditions in a 2 × 2 (reflection intervention: yes vs. no; learning goals: easier vs. more challenging) between-subjects design (N = 140). Our findings suggest that both learning goals and reflection interventions are effective learning mechanisms in complex tasks. Reflection interventions strengthen the positive performance effect of learning goals. Specifically, the combination of a reflection intervention and more challenging learning goals leads to the highest performance. In the current dynamic business environment, effectively solving complex decision-making tasks is an enduring challenge. By integrating the reflection literature with goal-setting theory, we provide evidence of the joint effect of a reflection intervention and learning goals on subsequent task performance. Our findings help scholars and practitioners to design effective learning interventions to solve complex decision-making tasks. Our study is the first to investigate the joint effect of a reflection intervention (particularly, coached feedback reflection) and learning goals on task performance. Additionally, we are among the first to examine the combined use of learning goals and performance goals in a complex decision-making task.  相似文献   

In 2009 we distributed a questionnaire on the deadly sins. It combined two research instruments—The Life Attitudes Inventory constructed by Capps (Pastoral Psychology 37:229–253, 1989) and the Deadly Sins Scale developed by Nauta and Derckx (Pastoral Psychology 56:177–188, 2007). In a previous article (Capps and Haupt 2011) we reported on findings from the Life Attitudes Inventory. In this article we report on findings from the Deadly Sins Scale and then discuss the fact that an unusually high percentage of the respondents identified positively with the item “I achieve my goals in life.” We suggest that their identification with this item is a reflection of the fact that humans are hopeful by nature.  相似文献   

People are inherently driven by the need to form and maintain relationships, and these affiliation goals can influence health behaviors in two ways: (a) indirectly, by increasing a person's attention to others and subsequently leaving them more likely to emulate the health behaviors of others (social contagion); (b) directly, by leading people to be more likely to engage in health behaviors they perceive as helping them to form and maintain relationships with others (self-initiated behavioral engagement). In this review, we discuss the evidence for the catalyzing role of affiliation goals in these two processes for a variety of positive (e.g., exercising, smoking-cessation) and detrimental health behaviors (e.g., binge drinking and eating, needle sharing). Additionally, we discuss individual difference factors that may temporarily or chronically activate affiliation goals and ultimately impact health behaviors. Affiliation goals hold many implications for future work, and for improving interventions.  相似文献   

多元目标与社会稳定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宋开之  沈进 《学海》2003,(6):100-105
社会稳定不仅是一个现实问题 ,也是一个理论问题。对社会稳定的不同理解和界定 ,直接影响着致力于社会稳定的实践及其结果。从理论上说 ,社会本身是由多维度组成的结构整体 ,每一社会单元组织都依存于这个结构整体的不同维度之上 ,并朝着不同的方向用力。传统社会 ,由于社会单元组织的目标单一 ,因而是向一个点上用力 ,从而导致社会结构紧张 ,使社会产生不稳定。现代社会 ,由于改革开放 ,使社会目标多元化 ,也使社会结构整体出现松弛的现象。但这并不是不稳定 ,相反 ,正是现代意义下的动态稳定  相似文献   

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