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A fundamental principle of learning is that predictive cues or signals compete with each other to gain control over behavior. Associative and propositional reasoning theories of learning provide radically different accounts of cue competition. Propositional accounts predict that under conditions that do not afford or warrant the use of higher order reasoning processes, cue competition should not be observed. We tested this prediction in 2 contextual cuing experiments, using a visual search task in which patterns of distractor elements predict the location of a target object. Blocking designs were used in which 2 sets of predictive distractors were trained in compound, with 1 set trained independently. There was no evidence of cue competition in either experiment. In fact, in Experiment 2, we found evidence for augmentation of learning. The findings are contrasted with the predictions of an error-driven associative model of contextual cuing (Brady & Chun, 2007).  相似文献   

Posterior parietal cortex lesions have been associated with both hemispatial neglect and spatialupdating deficits. Currently, the relation between these processes remains poorly understood. We tested the ability of parietal patients with neglect to update remembered target locations during passive whole-body rotations. The rotations and manual pointing responses were executed with and without vision. During the rotation, the remembered location stayed on the same side of the body midline or crossed the midline. Parietal patients generally underestimated rotations, as compared with control groups, but updated targets equally well on either side of the body midline, regardless of the amount of updating required. Once parietal patients have localized a target, they can use self-motion information to update its location, even if it passes into the region they typically neglect. This lack of contralesional updating effects contrasts with impairments in eye position updating found in previous work with parietal patients.  相似文献   

Fifteen elderly participants and 15 young controls were tested on a version of the visual search task to determine if stimulus location had an effect on reaction time (RT). Location was manipulated by presenting the distractors clumped around a target or spread apart on the screen. Elderly participants performed worse overall. Clumping proved to be an important manipulation in the target absent (p < .001), but not the target present, condition. The manipulation of array size (6 versus 12 distractors) proved significant regardless of probe presence (p < .001) or absence (p < .001). Since clumping the distractors significantly improved the search times in the elderly, this suggests that a deficit in attention contributes to an inefficient search strategy in the elderly.  相似文献   

Subjects searched for low- or high-prevalence targets among static nonoverlapping items or items piled in heaps that could be moved using a computer mouse. We replicated the classical prevalence effect both in visual search and when unpacking items from heaps, with more target misses under low prevalence. Moreover, we replicated our previous finding that while unpacking, people often move the target item without noticing (the unpacking error) and determined that these errors also increase under low prevalence. On the basis of a comparison of item movements during the manually-assisted search and eye movements during static visual search, we suggest that low prevalence leads to broadly reduced diligence during search but that the locus of this reduced diligence depends on the nature of the task. In particular, while misses during visual search often arise from a failure to inspect all of the items, misses during manually-assisted search more often result from a failure to adequately inspect individual items. Indeed, during manually-assisted search, over 90 % of target misses occurred despite subjects having moved the target item during search.  相似文献   

In a series of four experiments, subjects were presented with eight item arrays tachistoscopically. In two tasks, the subject was required to recall a digit presented among seven letters or a letter among seven digits. The remaining tasks required the subject to detect the presence of a specific letter either in the context of seven random letters or seven digits. An examination of the effects of a masking stimulus for various target positions suggested that subjects could attend selectively when the target was a different category than its context but had to process the entire array when the target was the same category as the context. The effects of selective attention and masking are explained in terms of parallel and sequential identification processes.  相似文献   

Prism adaptation (PA) is a widely used intervention for (visuo‐)spatial neglect. PA‐induced improvements can be assessed by visual search tasks. It remains unclear which outcome measures are the most sensitive for the effects of PA in neglect. In this review, we aimed to evaluate PA effects on visual search measures. A systematic literature search was completed regarding PA intervention studies focusing on patients with neglect using visual search tasks. Information about study content and effectiveness was extracted. Out of 403 identified studies, 30 met the inclusion criteria. The quality of the studies was evaluated: Rankings were moderate‐to‐high for 7, and low for 23 studies. As feature search was only performed by five studies, low‐to‐moderate ranking, we were limited in drawing firm conclusions about the PA effect on feature search. All moderate‐to‐high‐ranking studies investigated cancellation by measuring only omissions or hits. These studies found an overall improvement after PA. Measuring perseverations and total task duration provides more specific information about visual search. The two (low ranking) studies that measured this found an improvement after PA on perseverations and duration (while accuracy improved for one study and remained the same for the other). This review suggests there is an overall effect of PA on visual search, although complex visual search tasks and specific visual search measures are lacking. Suggestions for search measures that give insight in subcomponents of visual search are provided for future studies, such as perseverations, search path intersections, search consistency and using a speed–accuracy trade‐off.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted which tested the effect of two different types of cues on the allocation of attention in the visual field. Subjects responded to a target appearing either 6.5 degrees to the right or to the left of fixation in a field filled with small randomly positioned line segments. The target form was either a circle or diamond in which a horizontal or vertical line segment was positioned. Subjects made a speeded discrimination response on the basis of the orientation of this line segment. In the first experiment, there was always one target at each trial. In the second experiment, both circle and diamond were presented left or right of fixation simultaneously whereby the line segment only appeared in one of the forms. In different conditions, the most likely target location (left or right) and form (circle or diamond) were cued. Control conditions served as a baseline for determining costs and benefits. Reaction time measures showed that the validity of the location cue resulted in both costs and benefits, whereas the validity of the form cue had no such effects. The results cannot be reconciled with the claim of zoom lens theories that spatial attention can switch between different modes of operations. They are also at odds with theories that claim that attention has no spatial locus. The results are consistent with a simple spotlight theory in which spatial attention involves selecting a particular restricted area of the visual field for which the perceptual efficiency is enhanced.  相似文献   

Because the importance of color in visual tasks such as object identification and scene memory has been debated, we sought to determine whether color is used to guide visual search in contextual cuing with real-world scenes. In Experiment 1, participants searched for targets in repeated scenes that were shown in one of three conditions: natural colors, unnatural colors that remained consistent across repetitions, and unnatural colors that changed on every repetition. We found that the pattern of learning was the same in all three conditions. In Experiment 2, we did a transfer test in which the repeating scenes were shown in consistent colors that suddenly changed on the last block of the experiment. The color change had no effect on search times, relative to a condition in which the colors did not change. In Experiments 3 and 4, we replicated Experiments 1 and 2, using scenes from a color-diagnostic category of scenes, and obtained similar results. We conclude that color is not used to guide visual search in real-world contextual cuing, a finding that constrains the role of color in scene identification and recognition processes.  相似文献   

A comparison of a forced-choice visual search task with an item recognition task did not support Neisser’s (1967) hypothesis of a preattentive stage that processes targets and nontargets differentially. In the forced-choice condition, Ss indicated which of two items in a visual display was a target; in item recognition, Ss determined whether or not the single item in the visual display was a target. The size of the memorized set of possible targets was varied from one to six items for both tasks. Latencies increased linearly with memory set size in both conditions; the slopes for forced choice and item recognition were 41.8 and 27.9 msec per item, respectively. The ratio of 1.38 between the two slopes was well fit by Sternberg’s (1967) item recognition model, which predicts a ratio of 1.50.  相似文献   

To examine the mechanisms and time course of visual search behavior, we rewarded 6 experienced pigeons for locating and pecking at an odd target region randomly embedded in a larger rectangular array of contrasting distractor elements. On two-target test trials, a flanking secondary target region was briefly presented (100, 250, or 500 ms) after display onset with stimulus onset asynchrony values of 0, 50, 100, 175, 250, 375, 500, 1000, 2000, and 3000 ms. Two types of interference effects were possibly identified with target localization accuracy. One type occurred early in processing, where the secondary target appeared to interfere with search behavior, perhaps involving mechanisms similar to inhibition of return. A second type of interference was isolated that appeared to be time locked to responding and might occur at a postsearch stage of processing. Several possible connections of these effects to established mechanisms in human visual search and attention are suggested.  相似文献   

In visual search, detection of a target is faster when a layout of nontarget items is repeatedly encountered, suggesting that contextual invariances can guide attention. Moreover, contextual cueing can also adapt to environmental changes. For instance, when the target undergoes a predictable (i.e., learnable) location change, then contextual cueing remains effective even after the change, suggesting that a learned context is “remapped” and adjusted to novel requirements. Here, we explored the stability of contextual remapping: Four experiments demonstrated that target location changes are only effectively remapped when both the initial and the future target positions remain predictable across the entire experiment. Otherwise, contextual remapping fails. In sum, this pattern of results suggests that multiple, predictable target locations can be associated with a given repeated context, allowing the flexible adaptation of previously learned contingencies to novel task demands.  相似文献   

In visual search tasks, targets are detected more rapidly when they appear in locations that commonly contain a target than when they appear in locations that rarely contain a target. Five experiments were conducted to investigate two specific properties of this location probability effect: its dependence on spatial location versus relative position and its dependence on or independence of target identity. In Experiment 1 spatial location of a stimulus row was varied to determine whether high location probability facilitates target detection in a particular location in visual space or a particular relative position within the row. Both were facilitated to approximately the same extent. In Experiment 2 an inducing target occurred with high probability in one of four display locations, and a test target occurred with equal probability in all four locations. Both targets were found more quickly in the high-probability location than in the other locations, but the advantage associated with targets in the high-probability location was larger for the inducing target than for the test target. In Experiments 3-5 the correspondence between the components observed in Experiments 1 and 2 was examined. The overall pattern of results was compatible with a model in which the location probability effect is produced partly by an attentional spotlight, which facilitates processing of any stimulus appearing in a particular location in visual space, and partly by a network of position-specific letter detectors, which facilitates detection of a particular letter in a particular relative position within a display. Models with flexible scanning strategies were also considered.  相似文献   

孙琪  任衍具 《心理科学》2014,37(2):265-271
以真实场景图像中的物体搜索为实验任务, 操纵场景情境和目标模板, 采用眼动技术将搜索过程分为起始阶段、扫描阶段和确认阶段, 考察场景情境和目标模板对视觉搜索过程的影响机制。结果发现, 场景情境和目标模板的作用方式及时间点不同, 二者交互影响搜索的正确率和反应时, 仅场景情境影响起始阶段的时间, 随后二者交互影响扫描阶段和确认阶段的时间及主要眼动指标。作者由此提出了场景情境和目标模板在视觉搜索中的交互作用模型。  相似文献   

Selection in multiple-item displays has been shown to benefit immensely from advance knowledge of target location (e.g., Henderson, 1991), leading to the suggestion that location is completely dominant in visual selective attention (e.g., Tsal & Lavie, 1993). Recently, direct selection by color has been reported in displays in which location does not vary (Vierck & Miller, 2005). The present experiment investigated the possibility of independent selection by color in a task with multiple-item displays and location precues in order to see whether color is also used for selection even when target location does vary and supposedly dominant location precues can be used. Precues provided independent information about the location and color of a target, and each type of precue could be either valid or invalid. The precues were followed by brief displays of six letters in six different colors, and participants had to discriminate the case of a prespecified target letter (e.g., R vs. r). Performance was much better when location cues were valid than when they were invalid, confirming the large advantage associated with valid advance location information. Performance was also better with valid advance color information, however, both when location cues were valid and when they were invalid. But these color benefits were dependent on the closeness of the colored letter to the cued location. Our results thus suggest that selection by color in a multiple-item display, where location and color information are independent from each other and equalized, is mediated by location information.  相似文献   

Age differences in a semantic category visual search task were investigated to determine whether the age effects were due to target learning deficits, distractor learning deficits, or a combination thereof. Twelve young (mean age 20) and 12 older (mean age 70) adults received 2,400 trials each in consistent and varied versions of the search task. Following training, a series of transfer-reversal manipulations allowed the assessment of target learning and distractor learning both in isolation and in combination. The pattern of data suggests that older adults have a deficit in their ability to increase the attention-attraction strength of targets and to decrease the attention-attraction strength of distractors. The results are interpreted in terms of a strength-based framework of visual search performance.  相似文献   

Ss sorted through decks of cards bearing five-element patterns, separating those in which all five were identical from those in which one of the five was different from the remaining four. Sorting time depended on the configuration and size of the pattern in which the elements were arranged but was independent of the goodness of these patterns. It was concluded that Ss did not attend to the patterns themselves, but just to the elements comprising them in searching for the discrepant element. The differences owing to the patterns appear to be due in part to the compactness of the configurations.  相似文献   

The two-stage model of amodal completion or TSM (Sekuler & Palmer, 1992), and the ambiguity theory (Rauschenberger, Peterson, Mosca, & Bruno, 2004) provide conflicting accounts of the phenomenon of amodal completion in 2-D images. TSM claims that an initial mosaic (2-D) representation gives way to a later amodally completed (3-D) representation. Furthermore, the 2-D representation is accessible only prior to formation of the 3-D representation. On the other hand, the ambiguity theory claims that the 2-D and 3-D representations develop in parallel and that preference for one of the coexisting representations over the other may be subject to the influence of spatiotemporal context provided by other elements in the visual display. Our experiments support the claim that, once formed, both representations coexist, with spatiotemporal context potentially determining which representation is perceived.  相似文献   

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