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抑郁症患者识别情绪词时执行功能实验研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
为了研究抑郁症患者识别汉语情绪词时的执行功能特征,采用神经扫描仪STIM刺激反应系统记录16名抑郁症患者和18名正常对照组执行四类Go/No go汉语情绪词识别作业时的反应时和正确率,抑郁自评量表(SDS)评价抑郁严重程度,自动思维问卷(ATQ)评价负性认知偏差程度。结果发现,识别正/负性词时抑郁症组反应时均明显延长,正确率明显降低。组内方差分析显示,随着情绪词识别作业难度增加,正常对照组正/负性词反应时缩短,正确率逐渐提高,且不受双重作业任务的影响。抑郁症组则表现为反应时延长,正确率变化不明显。重复测量多因素方差分析显示。词性、作业、组别间因素对反应时的主效应均有显著性意义;组别间因素对正确率的主效应均有显著性意义。抑郁症患者SDS、ATQ分与反应时、正确率相关无显著性。提示抑郁症患者区分正负性汉语情绪词时存在执行功能障碍。  相似文献   

李月婷  李琦  郭春彦 《心理学报》2010,42(7):735-742
运用事件相关电位(ERPs)技术, 采用学习-再认范式, 探讨情绪词(积极词和消极词)在内隐和外显记忆测验中的差异。结果发现:在内隐记忆测验中, 消极词的ERP波形比积极词更正; 在450~900 ms时程上存在提取方式的ERP分离, 即在内隐提取过程中, 消极词比积极词的ERP波形更正, 而在外显提取过程中, 二者ERP之间不存在差异。这些结果表明, 在相同编码影响下, 内隐提取对情绪性材料敏感, 而外显提取对情绪性材料不敏感。本实验结果说明刺激的情绪信息影响提取过程, 消极词语义较强的注意攫取能力主要体现在内隐提取阶段。  相似文献   

盖彦君  王权红 《心理科学》2013,36(6):1399-1403
为了考察记忆的知觉干扰效应机制,实验采用“学习-测验”范式,探索了在不同程度视觉干扰条件下,再认测验里低频汉字及双字词的记忆成绩。结果发现:(1)在对低频汉字的记忆中,知觉干扰条件引起了“反知觉干扰效应”,知觉干扰条件削弱了对汉字的记忆;(2)低频双字词不存在记忆的“反知觉干扰效应”。结果可以解释为,记忆的知觉干扰效应反映语音加工优势。  相似文献   

王湘  程灶火  姚树桥 《心理科学》2007,30(4):834-838
目的:比较汉词与图画材料再认过程中的事件相关电位(ERP)表现并探讨其脑机制。方法:使用经典“学习一再认”实验模式对21名大学生进行测验,同时记录EEG,离线处理后对汉词及图画再认诱发的ERP波形主要成分及新旧效应进行比较。结果:两种材料的再认均诱发出了明显的新旧效应。顶区新旧效应头皮分布基本一致,但图画再认该效应波幅大于汉词再认;两种材料诱发的额区新旧效应有所不同,图画再认该效应为正走向,而汉词再认此效应表现为负走向趋势。结论:汉词与图画再认既存在某种共同的神经加工机制,叉分别涉及一些特异性的神经活动模式。  相似文献   

创伤后应激障碍(Posttraumatic stress disorder,PTSD)患者通常伴随着明显的认知功能损伤。例如,存在注意保持缺陷,对与创伤相关的信息表现出更多的注意偏向和应激反应;并存在对创伤信息的记忆偏向,在陈述性记忆和自传体记忆中表现出一定的缺陷。近年的研究积累了更多类似的证据,表明PTSD的认知损伤可能与执行功能缺陷密切相关,但这一解释是否正确仍有待进一步的研究。本综述对5·12汶川大地震后长期的心理干预工作,尤其是认知功能损伤人群的筛选、恢复以及相关科学研究具有现实意义和理论启发作用  相似文献   

方燕红  张积家 《心理学报》2009,41(2):114-126
采用命名与分类任务考察了汉字词和图片命名与分类的特点,揭示义符在汉字词和图片命名与分类中的作用。结果表明,汉字词和图片的命名与分类与拼音文字的词和图片的命名和分类既有共性,又有差异。汉字词和图片的命名与分类具有不对称性:汉字词的命名快于汉字词的分类,图片的分类快于图片的命名。义符对于汉字词和图片的命名与分类的影响具有不对称性:对汉字词的加工有重要影响,对图片的加工无影响;对汉字词的分类有重要影响,对汉字词的命名无影响。被试对有标示类别的义符的词的分类显著快于对无标示类别的义符的词的分类,甚至快于对图片的分类。所以如此,与汉字词的结构特点有关。汉字形声字多用义符来标记事物的类别,提供了重要的类别信息。根据上述结果,作者构建了汉字词和图片认知加工的综合模型  相似文献   

Mindfulness is theorised to improve attention regulation and other cognitive processes. This systematic review examines whether 8-week standardised and manualised mindfulness training programs such as Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) and Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) enhances attention, memory and executive function abilities measured by objective neuropsychological tests. Seven databases were searched resulting in 18 studies meeting inclusion criteria for review. Overall studies did not support attention or executive function improvements. We found preliminary evidence for improvements in working memory and autobiographical memory as well as cognitive flexibility and meta-awareness. Short-term mindfulness meditation training did not enhance theorised attentional pathways. Results call into question the theoretical underpinnings of mindfulness, further highlighting the need for a comprehensive theoretical framework.  相似文献   

The effect of word frequency on the processing of monomorphemic vs. inflected words was investigated in a morphologically relatively limited language, Swedish, with two participant groups: early Finnish–Swedish bilinguals and Swedish monolinguals. The visual lexical decision results of the monolinguals suggest morphological decomposition with low-frequency inflected nouns, while with medium- and high-frequency inflections, full-form processing was apparently employed. The bilinguals demonstrated a similar pattern. The results suggest that morpheme-based recognition is employed even in a morphologically limited language when the inflectional forms occur rarely. With more frequent inflectional forms, full-form representations have developed for both mono- and bilingual speakers. In a comparable study employing a morphologically rich language, Finnish, Lehtonen and Laine (2003, Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 6, 213–225) observed full-form access only at the high-frequency range and only for monolinguals. These differences suggest that besides word frequency and language background, the morphological richness of a language affects the processing mode employed with polymorphemic wordsThis study was financially supported by a grant (#20010) from the Joint Committee of the Nordic Social Science Research Councils (NOS-S). We are grateful for Jonna Kortelahti- Brunnsteiner for recruitment and testing of part of the bilingual participants  相似文献   

高兵  高峰强 《心理科学》2005,28(6):1358-1361
该研究通过词汇判断作业考察了中文双字合成词的心理表征问题。目标刺激为高频透明、高频不透明、低频透明、低频不透明词各12个和48个假词,被试任务为即既又准的判断目标刺激是否是一个词。结果发现,高频词的词汇判断速度快于低频词,透明词的词汇判断速度快于不透明词,词频和语义透明度有显著的交互作用。透明度对低频词的识别所起的作用大于对高频词的识别所起的作用。  相似文献   

Max Kistler 《Synthese》2006,151(3):347-354
I analyse Rueger’s application of Kim’s model of functional reduction to the relation between the thermal conductivities of metal bars at macroscopic and atomic scales. 1) I show that it is a misunderstanding to accuse the functional reduction model of not accounting for the fact that there are causal powers at the micro-level which have no equivalent at the macro-level. The model not only allows but requires that the causal powers by virtue of which a functional predicate is defined, are only a subset of the causal powers of the properties filling the functional specification. 2) The fact that the micro-equation does not converge to the macro-equation in general but only under the constraint of a “solvability condition” does not show that reduction is impossible, as Rueger claims, but only that reduction requires inter-level constraints. 3) Rueger tries to analyse inter-level reduction with the conceptual means of intra-level reduction. This threatens the coherence of his analysis, given that it makes no sense to ascribe macroproperties such as thermal conductivity to entities at the atomic level. Ignoring the distinction between theses two senses of “reduction” is especially confusing because they have opposite directions: in intra-level reduction, the more detailed account reduces to the less detailed one, whereas in inter-level reduction, the less detailed theory is reduced to the more detailed one. 4) Finally I criticize Rueger’s way of using Wimsatt’s criteria for emergence in terms of non-aggregativity, to construct a concept of synchronic emergence. It is wrong to require, over and above non-aggregativity, irreducibility as a criterion for emergence.  相似文献   

早期环境因素持续影响脑与行为的发展,增加个体成年后应激相关精神疾病患病的易感性.应激反应的中枢启动因子促肾上腺皮质激素释放因子(corticotropin-releasing factor,CRF)通过两种受体CRF1和CRF2调节中缝背核(dorsal raphe nucleus,DRN)-五-羟色胺(serotonin,5-HT)系统,后者已被证实在应激相关情绪疾患发病和治疗过程中发挥重要作用.已知CRF受体以相互影响相互拮抗的方式动态调节DRN-5-HT系统,提示这两种受体相对作用的调节对于协调复杂环境中DRN-5-HT系统的应激反应过程起着关键性作用.早期环境因素和遗传因素交互作用导致CRF受体的分布和反应性持续改变并造成DRN-5-HT系统反应异常,可能是导致应激反应和精神疾病易感性个体差异的重要神经基础.  相似文献   

周婷  李娟 《心理科学进展》2009,17(6):1185-1190
“语义一致性加重复”范式(congruity-plus-repetition paradigm)在早前重复范式的基础上增加了早期语义情境用以控制重复效应的前期成份N400和后期成份P600之间的相互干扰。作者回顾了这种范式在轻度认知损伤(mild cognitive impairment,MCI)的事件相关电位研究领域的应用,并分析了该范式在MCI的识别及预测其向痴呆转归方面的优越性。提示效应的组合更能标记正常认知老化向痴呆的动态过渡;能产生两个或多个效应组合的实验范式将是该领域未来研究方向之一。  相似文献   

沈汪兵  刘昌  张晶  张海兵 《心理科学》2012,35(6):1298-1303
运用事件相关电位(ERPs)技术,采用猜谜任务范式,从字谜问题解决中谜底“催化”所诱发顿悟的时间过程和源定位两方面来探讨顿悟的认知神经机制。脑电时程分析显示,在320-550ms内,“有顿悟”较“无顿悟”的ERP波形有一个更大的负向偏移,且在“有顿悟-无顿悟”差异波中,该负成分的潜伏期约为380ms,差异波的脑电峰值锁定在Cz点。EEG时频则显示N380主要表现为减弱的高频gamma波和beta波的频谱特征。独立成分溯源结果显示,N380存在四个独立源,主要分布在右侧额中回、左侧顶下小叶、右侧颞上回和右侧额下回。这些结果表明,三字字谜顿悟的N380就是N400,且主要负责三字顿悟字谜外显含义到内隐隐喻意义的表征转换加工。  相似文献   

大脑梭状回中部被认为是视觉词形加工区(Visual Word Form Area, VWFA)。近年来的研究对VWFA的功能提出了质疑, 研究者开始关注VWFA作为复杂阅读网络的一部分与其它脑区的动态联结机制, 主要集中在三个方面:一是梭状回中部对于视觉词形选择性敏感的本质; 二是它在词汇阅读的神经网络中的作用; 最后是语言经验对于VWFA认知神经功能的塑造作用。结合以上研究的最新进展, 文中指明从动态神经网络的角度揭示大脑功能成为今后认知神经科学研究的最新取向。  相似文献   

The detailed analysis allows to discern seven kinds of integration, namely: I1 consisting in the synthesis of scientific disciplines from their elements, including disciplinary unification I1; I2 inclusion of a science in (reduction to) another, more general; I3 — links between different sciences, especially establishing of common elements; I4 — interdisciplines bridging various sciences; I5 — combination of two (or more) disciplines into a new (complex) science; I6 — a general approach to several domains or multidisciplinary unification; I7 — transdisciplinary sciences about relations of the same type in various traditional domains. These kinds of integration are interwoven with processes of differentiation, viz. D1 — internal differentiation of the sciences resulting of I1; D2 — interdisciplinary differentiation concomitant I4, and D3 — specialization of I7 sciences in several sections. As a result integration and differentiation are combined in the pairs I1 — D1, I7 — D3, and D2 — I4. The processes of integration (and differentiation) may be presented schematically in the following (not strictly isolated one of another) sequence: in the 17th century started I1 followed by D1, and in the last decades by I1 during the 18th and the 19th c. cases of I2 and I3 appear; I4 (together with D2) is unfolding since the late 19th century. Finally, I7 (and D3), as well as I5 and I6 pertain to the latter half of our century. Representative are for one thing I1, I4, and I7 outlining the main stages of integration and at the same time connected with respective kinds of differentiation.  相似文献   

通过测定维持性透析患者血管通路血流量、Kt/V及尿素清除率(URR),利用自然辨证法中因果关系的复杂性探讨血流量与透析充分性之间的因果关系。选择维持性血液透析患者80例。设定血液透析开始后在线血流量,根据血流量不同分为三组,I组血流量300ml/min,Ⅱ组血流量250ml/min,Ⅲ组血流量200ml/min,计算各组Kt/V值与尿素减少率,观察血流量与Kt/V及尿素减少率之间的相关关系。三组之间Kt/V、URR比较P<0.001,差异均具有显著性;血流量与Kt/V、URR之间呈正相关(r1=0.448,P<0.001;r2=0.413,P<0.001;)随着血流量从300ml/min降到200ml/min,Kt/V、URR分别从1.33±0.33、(68.19±8.86)%降到0.99±0.31、(58.59±13.19)%。血液透析患者的血流量与Kt/V、URR密切相关,两者之间存在因果关系,较高的在线血流量是保证透析充分性的一项重要指标。  相似文献   

The study of patients with acquired language disorders has provided crucial evidence for contemporary theories on mental lexical representation. This is particularly true for the representation of morphologically complex words. In this paper we analyzed the performance of a patient (M.B.) affected by agrammatism and dyslexia. M.B. was required to read aloud simple and morphologically complex words. The patient's pattern of errors was interpreted as the result of a predominant use of the lexical routine (phonological dyslexia). Three reading tasks were developed which allowed us to test M.B.'s ability to read morphologically complex words (reading of regular and irregular plurals; reading of high- and low-frequency singular and plural nouns; reading of evaluative suffixes). Errors were determined by frequency effect rather than by type of suffix (i.e., inflectional or derivational). High-frequency morphologically complex items seemed to meet stored representations, thus avoiding the parsing procedures that are required for less frequent items. These results are in keeping with dual route models of lexical representation of morphologically complex words.  相似文献   

A number of recent studies have explored the role of long-term memory factors in memory span tasks. The effects of lexicality, frequency, imageability, and word class have been investigated. The work reported in this paper examined the effect of semantic organization on the recall of short lists of words. Specifically, the influence of semantic category on immediate serial recall and the interaction of this variable with articulatory suppression was investigated in three experiments. Experiment 1 compared immediate serial recall performance when lists comprising items from the same semantic category were used (homogeneous condition) with a situation where lists held items from different semantic categories. Experiment 2 examined the same conditions with and without articulatory suppression during item presentation, and Experiment 3 reproduced these conditions with suppression occurring throughout presentation and recall. Results of all three experiments showed a clear advantage for the homogeneous condition. Experiments 2 and 3 showed that the homogeneous category advantage did not depend on the articulatory loop. Furthermore, error analysis indicated that this effect was mainly attributable to better item information recall for the homogeneous condition. These results are interpreted as reflecting a long-term memory contribution to the recall stage of immediate serial recall tasks.  相似文献   

通过运动迷津和语言描述任务,考察情境和任务对大学生空间参考框架选择的影响。结果表明,开放空间和目标物同背景融为一体有利于被试选择绝对参考框架。习惯空间术语对空间参考框架选择有影响,但影响程度视情境和任务之间关系而定。  相似文献   

The goal of the present study was to examine the contribution of executive function (EF) and social cognition to individual differences in emotion regulation (ER) in preschool children. Sixty 3-, 4-, and 5-year-old children were administered a battery of EF tasks, two theory of mind tasks, a measure of verbal ability, and an ER task. In addition, parents completed the Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Functioning—Preschool Version (BRIEF-P). Performance on the theory of mind tasks as well as parental ratings of executive function was not related to performance on the ER task. However, a component of EF (i.e., inhibition) approached significance with children's displays of positive behaviors during the ER task. Verbal ability was related to the regulation of positive but not negative emotions. Parental ratings of shifting accounted for a significant amount of variance in parental ratings of ER, even after controlling for verbal ability. The findings are discussed in the context of different conceptualizations of the developmental relation between ER and EF.  相似文献   

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