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Loss of the Fragile X mental retardation protein (FMRP) is associated with presumed postsynaptic deficits in mouse models of Fragile X syndrome. However, the possible presynaptic roles of FMRP in learning-related plasticity have received little attention. As a result, the mechanisms whereby FMRP influences synaptic function remain poorly understood. To investigate the cellular locus of the effects of FMRP on synaptic plasticity, we cloned the Aplysia homolog of FMRP and find it to be highly expressed in neurons. By selectively down-regulating FMRP in individual Aplysia neurons at the sensory-to-motor neuron synapse reconstituted in co-cultures, we demonstrate that FMRP functions both pre- and postsynaptically to constrain the expression of long-term synaptic depression induced by repeated pulses of FMRF-amide. In contrast, FMRP has little to no effect on long-term synaptic facilitation induced by repeated pulses of serotonin. Since other components of signaling pathways involved in plasticity appear to be conserved between Aplysia and mammalian neurons, our findings suggest that FMRP can participate in both pre- and postsynaptic regulation of enduring synaptic plasticity that underlies the storage of certain types of long-term memory.  相似文献   

Whereas short-term plasticity involves covalent modifications that are generally restricted to either presynaptic or postsynaptic structures, long-term plasticity involves the growth of new synapses, which by its nature involves both pre- and postsynaptic alterations. In addition, an intermediate-term stage of plasticity has been identified that might form a bridge between short- and long-term plasticity. Consistent with that idea, although short-term term behavioral sensitization in Aplysia involves presynaptic mechanisms, intermediate-term sensitization involves both pre- and postsynaptic mechanisms. However, it has not been known whether that is also true of facilitation in vitro, where a more detailed analysis of the mechanisms involved in the different stages and their interrelations is feasible. To address those questions, we have examined pre- and postsynaptic mechanisms of short- and intermediate-term facilitation at Aplysia sensory-motor neuron synapses in isolated cell culture. Whereas short-term facilitation by 1-min 5-HT involves presynaptic PKA and CamKII, intermediate-term facilitation by 10-min 5-HT involves presynaptic PKC and postsynaptic Ca(2+) and CamKII, as well as both pre- and postsynaptic protein synthesis. These results support the idea that the intermediate-term stage is the first to involve both pre- and postsynaptic molecular mechanisms, which could in turn serve as some of the initial steps in a cascade leading to synaptic growth during long-term plasticity.  相似文献   

Previous studies showed that the serum- and glucocorticoid-inducible kinase (sgk) gene plays an important role in long-term memory formation. The present study further examined the role of SGK in long-term potentiation (LTP). The dominant-negative mutant of sgk, SGKS422A, was used to inactivate SGK. Results revealed a time-dependent increase in SGK phosphorylation after tetanization with a significant effect observed 3 h and 5 h later. Transfection of SGKS422A impaired the expression, but not the induction, of LTP. Furthermore, the constitutively active sgk, SGKS422D, up-regulated postsynaptic density-95 expression in the hippocampus. These results together support the role of SGK in neuronal plasticity.  相似文献   

Extensive literature has demonstrated that arousal and fear modify memory acquisition and consolidation. Predator hair and odors increase arousal in rats and, therefore, may influence information encoding and synaptic plasticity in the rodent nervous system. In behavioral experiments, we confirm that laboratory-bred Long Evans rats avoid cat hair. Electrophysiological work in vivo showed that long-term potentiation (LTP) in the dentate gyrus induced by perforant path stimulation was enhanced for 5-7 days when LTP induction occurred in the presence of cat hair relative to fake hair. The muscarinic receptor antagonist scopolamine (i.p.) reversed the cat hair-elicited LTP enhancement without affecting weaker LTP elicited in the presence of fake hair. Thus, exposure to a predator stimulus elicits a cholinergically-dependent state of heightened plasticity that may serve to facilitate information storage in hippocampal circuits.  相似文献   

The late phase of long-term potentiation (L-LTP) is correlated with some types of long-term memory, but the mechanisms by which L-LTP is modulated by prior synaptic activity are undefined. Activation of protein phosphatases by low-frequency stimulation (LFS) given before induction of L-LTP may significantly modify L-LTP. Using cellular electrophysiological recording methods in mouse hippocampal slices, we show that LFS given before induction of L-LTP inhibited L-LTP in an activity-dependent manner without affecting either basal synaptic strength or the early phase of LTP (E-LTP). This anterograde inhibitory effect of LFS was persistent, required N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor activation, and was blocked by inhibitors of protein phosphatase 1 (PP1) and protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A). These data indicate that certain patterns of LFS can activate PP1 and/or PP2A, and that long-lasting activation of these phosphatases by prior LFS can suppress the subsequent expression of L-LTP without affecting E-LTP. Because this inhibition of L-LTP is caused by prior synaptic activity that, alone, produced no net effect on synaptic efficacy, we suggest that this is a “silent” form of metaplasticity that may influence long-term information storage by modulating the capacity of synapses to express L-LTP after repeated bouts of activity.  相似文献   

Most studies of long-term potentiation (LTP) have focused on potentiation induced by the activation of postsynaptic NMDA receptors (NMDARs). However, it is now apparent that NMDAR-dependent signaling processes are not the only form of LTP operating in the brain [Malenka, R. C., & Bear, M. F. (2004). LTP and LTD: An embarrassment of riches. Neuron, 44, 5–21]. Previously, we have observed that LTP in leech central synapses made by the touch mechanosensory neurons onto the S interneuron was NMDAR-independent [Burrell, B. D., & Sahley, C. L. (2004). Multiple forms of long-term potentiation and long-term depression converge on a single interneuron in the leech CNS. Journal of Neuroscience, 24, 4011–4019]. Here we examine the cellular mechanisms mediating T-to-S (T → S) LTP and find that its induction requires activation of metabotropic glutamate receptors (mGluRs), voltage-dependent Ca2+ channels (VDCCs) and protein kinase C (PKC). Surprisingly, whenever LTP was pharmacologically inhibited, long-term depression (LTD) was observed at the tetanized synapse, indicating that LTP and LTD were activated at the same time in the same synaptic pathway. This co-induction of LTP and LTD likely plays an important role in activity-dependent regulation of synaptic transmission.  相似文献   

Five minutes after the induction of long-term potentiation (LTP) in the intact hippocampal formation of chloralose/urethane-anesthetized rats there was a selective increase in the in vitro phosphorylation state of a 47-kDa band (designated Protein F1). When low frequency, nonpotentiating stimulation was used, no change in Protein F1 was observed. LTP had no significant effect on other phosphoproteins measured at the 5-min time point. In vitro phosphorylation of Protein F1 5 min after LTP was directly related to the change in synaptic efficiency (r = +0.86, p less than .01). The calcium-dependent, synaptically localized Protein F1 may be the same as the brain-specific Protein B-50. The regulation of the plastic LTP response may involve the novel multifunctional phospholipid-dependent enzyme, Protein Kinase C, which has been shown to phosphorylate B50.  相似文献   

We investigated the influence of the protein synthesis blocker anisomycin on contextual memory in the terrestrial snail Helix. Prior to the training session, the behavioral responses in two contexts were similar. Two days after a session of electric shocks (5 d) in one context only, the context conditioning was observed as the significant difference of behavioral response amplitudes in two contexts. On the day following testing of context learning, a session of "reminding" was performed, immediately after which the snails were injected with anisomycin or vehicle. Testing of long-term context memory has shown that only anisomycin injections impaired the context conditioning. In control series, the snails were injected after the training session with anisomycin/saline without reminding, and no impairment of the long-term context memory was observed, while injection of anisomycin during the training session completely abolished the long-term memory. No effects of anisomycin on the short-term memory were observed. Surprisingly, injection of anisomycin after the reminding combined with reinforcing stimuli elicited no effect on the context memory. Differences between single-trial and multisession learning are discussed.  相似文献   

Long-term potentiation (LTP) at input synapses to the lateral nucleus of the amygdala (LA) is a candidate mechanism for memory storage during fear learning. Cellular mechanisms of LTP have been nearly exclusively investigated in coronal brain slices. In our experiments, we used a horizontal brain slice preparation of rats that preserved most of the connections to cortical areas and the hippocampus. The stimulation electrodes were located either within the external capsule (EC) or the LA. The aim of the present study was to investigate the mechanisms of LTP induced either by weak theta burst stimulation (TBS) or strong high frequency stimulation (HFS) using the two different stimulation sites. Whereas both TBS and HFS of afferences running through the LA induced stable LTP, TBS failed to induce LTP of EC-inputs to the LA. The present findings also show that LTP in the LA exhibits vulnerability at different time windows after induction. The time window was dependent on the kind of stimulated afferences. Later LTP becomes resistant to disruption by low frequency stimulation. We could show that both used inputs depended on NMDA receptors for LTP-induction. LTP induced by stimulation of fibers within the LA was not altered by nifedipine (10 microM). In contrast, EC-induced LTP was dependent on L-type voltage-gated calcium channels (VGCC). Finally, we found a higher magnitude of LTP in females using TBS, whereas HFS did not cause gender-specific differences. Our study supports the conclusion that the form of LA-LTP depend on which afferences are activated and what pattern of stimulation is used to induce LTP.  相似文献   

Mammalian memory is commonly "explained" in terms of long-term potentiation (LTP) of excitatory synapses. However, depotentiation of inhibitory pathways (disinhibition) is also a known phenomenon in the brain. Artificial neural networks which are offered as partial models of the cerebrum traditionally encode memory by the potentiation of excitatory "synapses" in a manner which is thought of as analogous to LTP. Analysis shows that such models have seriously limited storage capacities. The models also depend on mechanisms which do not appear to be biologically plausible. This paper demonstrates that these difficulties are avoided by encoding memory by means of disinhibition rather than LTP. The resulting models are simple and plausible, though unconventional.  相似文献   

Recent functional imaging studies link reward-related activation of the midbrain substantia nigra-ventral tegmental area (SN/VTA), the site of origin of ascending dopaminergic projections, with improved long-term episodic memory. Here, we investigated in two behavioral experiments how (1) the contingency between item properties and reward, (2) the magnitude of reward, (3) the uncertainty of outcomes, and (4) the contextual availability of reward affect long-term memory. We show that episodic memory is enhanced only when rewards are specifically predicted by the semantic identity of the stimuli and changes nonlinearly with increasing reward magnitude. These effects are specific to reward and do not occur in relation to outcome uncertainty alone. These behavioral specifications are relevant for the functional interpretation of how reward-related activation of the SN/VTA, and more generally dopaminergic neuromodulation, contribute to long-term memory.  相似文献   

Induction of long-term synaptic changes at one synapse can facilitate the induction of long-term plasticity at another synapse. Here we show that if Aplysia sensory neuron (SN) somata and their remote motor neuron (MN) synapses are simultaneously exposed to serotonin (5HT) pulses, which at either site alone are insufficient to induce long-term facilitation (LTF), processes activated at these sites interact to induce LTF. Coincident induction of LTF requires: (1) that the synaptic pulse occurs within a brief temporal window of the somatic pulse and (2) that local protein synthesis occurs immediately at the synapse, followed by delayed protein synthesis at the soma. LTF at the SN-MN synapses can also be induced with cell-wide application of repeated pulses of 5HT. However, these two forms of LTF differ mechanistically: (1) coincident LTF requires protein synthesis in the postsynaptic motor neuron, whereas repeated 5HT LTF does not, and (2) repeated 5HT LTF is accompanied by intermediate-term (3 h) facilitation, whereas coincident LTF is not. Thus LTF expressed in the same temporal domain can result from different underlying mechanisms.  相似文献   

Recently it was shown that holeboard training can reinforce, i.e., transform early-LTP into late-LTP in the dentate gyrus during the initial formation of a long-term spatial reference memory in rats. The consolidation of LTP as well as of the reference memory was dependent on protein synthesis. We have now investigated the transmitter systems involved in this reinforcement and found that LTP-consolidation and memory retrieval were dependent on β-adrenergic, dopaminergic, and mineralocorticoid receptor (MR) activation, whereas glucocorticoid receptors (GRs) were not involved. Blockade of the β-adrenergic signaling pathway significantly increased the number of reference memory errors compared with MR and dopamine receptor inhibition. In addition, β-adrenergic blockade impaired the working memory. Therefore, we suggest that β-adrenergic receptor activation is the main signaling system required for the retrieval of spatial memory. In addition, other modulatory interactions such as dopaminergic as well as MR systems are involved. This result points to specific roles of different modulatory systems during the retrieval of specific components of spatial memory. The data provide evidence for similar integrative interactions between different signaling systems during cellular memory processes.  相似文献   

Long-term potentiation (LTP) of the gustatory cortex (GC), a part of the insular cortex (IC) around the middle cerebral artery, is a key process of gustatory learning and memory, including conditioned taste aversion learning. The rostral (rGC) and caudal GC (cGC) process different tastes; the rGC responds to hedonic and the cGC responds to aversive tastes. However, plastic changes of spatial interaction of excitatory propagation between the rGC and cGC remain unknown. The present study aimed to elucidate spatiotemporal profiles of excitatory propagation, induced by electrical stimulation (five train pulses) of the rGC/cGC before and after LTP induction, using in vivo optical imaging with a voltage-sensitive dye. We demonstrated that tetanic stimulation of the cGC induced long-lasting expansion of the excitation responding to five train stimulation of the cGC, and an increase in amplitude of optical signals in the IC. Excitatory propagation after LTP induction spread preferentially toward the rostral IC: the length constant (λ) of excitation, obtained by fitting optical signals with a monoexponential curve, was increased to 121.9% in the rostral direction, whereas λ for the caudal, dorsal, and ventral directions were 48.9%, 44.2%, and 62.5%, respectively. LTP induction was prevented by pre-application of D-APV, an NMDA receptor antagonist, or atropine, a muscarinic receptor antagonist, to the cortical surface. In contrast, rGC stimulation induced only slight LTP without direction preference. Considering the different roles of the rGC and cGC in gustatory processing, these characteristic patterns of LTP in the GC may be involved in a mechanism underlying conversion of palatability.  相似文献   

In the experiments reported here we have developed a new group-training protocol for assessing long-term memory for habituation in Caenorhabditis elegans. We have replicated all of the major findings of the original single-worm protocol using the new protocol: (1) distributed training produced long-term retention of training, massed training did not; (2) distributed training at long interstimulus intervals (ISIs) produced long-term retention, short ISIs did not; and (3) long-term memory for distributed training is protein synthesis-dependent as it could be blocked by heat shock during the inter-block interval. In addition, we have shown that long-term memory for habituation is graded, depending on the number of blocks of stimuli in training. The inter-block interval must be >40 min for long-term retention of training to occur. Finally, we have tested long-term memory for habituation training in a strain of worms with a mutation in a vesicular glutamate transporter in the sensory neurons that transduce tap (eat-4). The results from these eat-4 worms indicate that glutamate release from the sensory neurons has an important role in the formation of long-term memory for habituation.  相似文献   

This study was designed to examine the effect of corticosterone on consolidation of contextual fear memory and hippocampal long-term potentiation (LTP) in rats. In Experiment 1, dose–response effects of corticosterone on consolidation of contextual fear memory were determined. Immediately after training in contextual fear conditioning task, rats received different doses of corticosterone. Testing 24 h later, it revealed that corticosterone enhanced memory consolidation in an inverted U shape as evidenced in increased freezing behavior of corticosterone-treated animals. The most effective dose was 3 mg/kg. In Experiment 2, LTP was examined in rats whose memory consolidation has been enhanced with corticosterone. The rats were trained as the above and received corticosterone (3 mg/kg) immediately after training. Immediately or up to one day after retention test, rats were anesthetized with urethane for LTP experiments. For LTP induction, three episodes of high frequency stimuli, 30 s apart, were delivered to the perforant path, each consisting of 10 stimuli at 250 Hz. LTP was assessed by measuring the increase in the initial slope of the population excitatory post-synaptic potentials and the amplitude of the population spikes. Data indicated that animals whose memory has been enhanced by corticosterone, also displayed enhanced hippocampal LTP. The above findings suggest that glucocorticoids may enhance contextual fear memory consolidation via enhancing hippocampal LTP.  相似文献   

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