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Beyond Protection Motivation: An Integrative Theory of Health Appeals   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We develop an integrated theory of health communication by combining protection motivation theory (PMT; Rogers, 1983) with the stages of change described in the transtheoretical model (Prochaska & DClemente, 1982). Our study challenges the assumption implicit in PMT that perceptions of vulnerability, severity, response efficacy, and self-efficacy are equally weighted across individuals. Rather, we propose that people at different stages of readiness to change are differentially affected by levels of these predictor variables. Results from our experiment confirm that vulnerability, severity, and efficacy (response and self) are the main motivators to change behavior during the precontemplation, contemplation, and action stages, respectively. Furthermore, we explore how specific categories of beliefs identified by the transtheoretical model are associated with perceptions of vulnerability, severity, response efficacy, and self-efficacy.  相似文献   

In this article, we draw from key lessons in social psychology in order to organize emerging trends in health communication. A quarter century ago, Ross and Nisbett (1991) distilled social psychology's major insights into three fundamental principles: situationism, subjectivism, and tension systems. The principle of subjectivism – the idea that to predict and successfully change behavior, we must first appreciate a person's understanding of a given situation – is of particular importance and has the potential to bring together health‐related investigations of (i) message framing, (ii) regulatory focus, (iii) construal level, and (iv) psychological mindset. These lines of research are readily applied to goal setting and self‐regulation, and they illustrate the powerful role of subjectivism in determining the effectiveness of health communication. We summarize this research and discuss how a better appreciation of subjectivism illuminates these investigations and gives rise to a cohesive set of implications for designing more persuasive health appeals.  相似文献   

Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment - Social anxiety is characterized by fear, nervousness, and avoidance in social situations and can emerge as early as childhood. Recent...  相似文献   

This study was designed to assess the relationship between self‐report and psychophysiological responses to fear appeals and behavioral changes elicited by these. Ninety‐two subjects watched one of four messages that varied in level of threat (high vs. low) and efficacy (high vs. low). Concomitantly, psychophysiological measures (heart rate and skin conductance) were registered. Perceived threat and efficacy varied according to the characteristics of the message. High‐threat messages elicited significantly different levels of autonomic arousal than low‐threat messages. Following of behavioral recommendation was higher among subjects who were exposed to the high threat / high efficacy stimulus, those who reported high perceived threat, and for those who showed an autonomic response pattern related to the facilitation of attentional processes.  相似文献   

One individual difference that is conceptually closely related to the positive and negative framing of outcomes in persuasive communications is the person's self-discrepancy. It was expected that a match between a person's self-discrepancy and framing will lead to more persuasion, under the condition that the information is processed centrally (high involvement). Two experiments were conducted to test this expectation, one through the Internet among obese people and one in the laboratory among students. Both experiments showed that only among those with high involvement—assessed as an individual difference—participants with an ideal-discrepancy were persuaded the most by the positively framed information, whereas participants with an ought-discrepancy were persuaded the most by the negatively framed information.  相似文献   

Past research has found that fear-arousing persuasive messages can significantly affect attitudes, intentions, and behaviors. In this study, participants in high and low threat conditions viewed appropriately edited versions of a unique fear appeal video used in the American Lung Association’s anti-smoking campaign, while control condition participants viewed no film. Threat condition participants expressed stronger anti-smoking behavioral intentions than did control condition participants. These results represent the first effectiveness test of this widely used film.  相似文献   

Past research has found that fear-arousing persuasive messages can significantly affect attitudes, intentions, and behaviors. In this study, participants in high and low threat conditions viewed appropriately edited versions of a unique fear appeal video used in the American Lung Association’s anti-smoking campaign, while control condition participants viewed no film. Threat condition participants expressed stronger anti-smoking behavioral intentions than did control condition participants. These results represent the first effectiveness test of this widely used film.  相似文献   

Results from 2 studies on advertising to reduce the incidence of drinking and driving show that the effect of self- vs. other-referencing on the persuasiveness of fear and guilt appeals is moderated by definitions of the self (independent vs. interdependent self-construals). For people who hold a predominantly independent self-construal, superiority of self- vs. other-referencing holds for guilt appeals, but the opposite is true for fear appeals. For people who hold a predominantly interdependent self-construal, other-referenced and self-referenced messages are equally recalled and equally favorable for both fear and guilt appeals.  相似文献   

Those seeking to frame political issues to their advantage recognize the power of emotional appeals. Yet the study of framing has focused mainly on the cognitive effects of framing rather than on its emotional effects. This study presents the results of two experiments designed to explore the effect of episodic and thematic framing on emotional response and policy opinion. Participants were randomly assigned to read a column arguing against mandatory minimum sentencing that employed either a thematic or one of two episodic frames featuring a woman who received a harsh sentence under the policy. Episodic framing was more emotionally engaging. Furthermore, the specific emotions elicited by the episodic frame—sympathy and pity for the woman featured in the column—were associated with increased opposition to mandatory minimum sentencing. Yet the thematic frame was actually more persuasive once this indirect effect of frame on emotional response was taken into account. The results are consistent with the conclusion that framing effects on policy opinion operate through both affective and cognitive channels. The theoretical and practical implications of the study are discussed.  相似文献   

Undergraduates who sunbathed were assessed on personality variables and then randomly assigned to read one of 4 essays (with photos) that manipulated threat and coping appraisal information about sunbathing, skin damage, and skin cancer symptoms and prevention. High threat-appraisal information was by far the most powerful predictor of intentions to take precautionary measures against skin cancer. Coping appraisal information was associated with reduced perceptions of hopelessness concerning skin cancer risk. Individual-difference variables (i.e., appearance concern, need for cognition, health locus of control) predicted maladaptive coping modes and, to a lesser extent, adaptive behavioral intentions. Results suggest that tailoring persuasive appeals to individuals may modestly improve preventive efforts, and that invoking perceived threat effectively motivates most people.  相似文献   

Effects of persuasive messages, responsibility denial (RD), and attitude-accessing on blood-giving attitudes, intentions, moral obligations, and behavior were examined. In Study 1, participants (n= 84) who heard a message emphasizing moral reasons for donating indicated a more favorable postmessage attitude and stronger moral obligation to donate than participants exposed to a message aimed at reducing fear, a combined moral and fear- reduction message, or no message. Combined message participants showed greatest intent to donate, yet only 14% of all participants attended a campus drive. In Study 2, low (n= 52) and high (n= 60) RD individuals heard the message arguments and were asked to access their attitudes. Low compared to high RD individuals stated a stronger sense of moral obligation, particularly when they accessed their thoughts relevant to blood donating, and behavioral intention, especially in the combined message condition. Few participants attended a blood drive (12.5%), yet most were low RD individuals from the nonaccessed attitude condition (83%). Results suggest that few individuals will engage in the altruistic act of blood donating, despite the experimental use of persuasive messages and accessing issue-relevant attitudes.  相似文献   

The study compared the effect of five persuasive appeals used in AIDS PSAs and condom commercials (fear arousal-no sex/condom theme; fear arousal-sex/condom theme; erotic; humorous; factual) on 122 male and 114 female college students' i]ntentions to use and taking of condoms. Results showed that the two fear appeals were more effective than other appeals in increasing intentions to use condoms with a new partner. The fear appeal–no sex/condom theme was more effective than other appeals for increasing intentions to use condoms with a steady partner. Compared to men, women rated commercials as more effective for increasing intentions to use condoms with a new partner. Persuasive appeals had no effect on the taking of free condoms. The best predictor of commercial effectiveness was the degree to which a commercial evoked a high fear of AIDS. Other significant predictors were subjects' a]ttitude toward condom use and commercial qualities of being humorous, romantic, credible, and factual. Implications are that all five types of appeals are potentially effective for use in AIDS PSAs. Recommendations include combining appeals (e.g. fear with erotic) and emphasizing the positive features of condom use.  相似文献   

Little attention has been paid in academic dishonesty literature to empirically testing the effectiveness of different instructor communication strategies to minimize cheating. Using a quasi-experimental design, we compared the effectiveness of instructor fear appeals and moral appeals on student cheating-related attitudes and behavior. Cheating was most strongly associated with neutralizing attitudes in the moral appeal condition. Also, the relationship between observation of others cheating and self-reported cheating behaviors was stronger in both treatment conditions than in the control condition. Although a trend toward less cheating in the treatment conditions was evident, it did not attain statistical significance.  相似文献   


According to terror management theory (TMT; Greenberg, Pyszczynski, 1986 Greenberg, J., Pyszczynski, T. and Solomon, S. 1986. “The causes and consequences of a need for self-esteem: A terror management theory”. In Public self and private self, Edited by: Baumeister, R. F. 189212. New York, NY: Springer-Verlag. doi:10.1007/978-1-4613-9564-5_10[Crossref] [Google Scholar]), self-esteem protects people from anxiety associated with the knowledge of certain mortality. A number of studies provide evidence consistent with this assertion, but no studies have experimentally examined the effect of threatened self-esteem on death-anxiety. In the current study, self-esteem was manipulated and death-anxiety measured. A self-esteem threat increased death-anxiety relative to a self-esteem boost and non-self threat control condition.  相似文献   

Can Love Last? The Fate of Romance Over Time by Stephen A. Mitchell (New York, NY: W.W. Norton, 2002, 224 pp.)

This article reflects on the importance of Mitchell's work in the United Kingdom, where notions of intimacy sit uneasily with psychoanalytic practice. The author argues that a reluctance to take up intimacy in the consulting room has a deleterious effect on intimate relations outside it. Drawing on her work with women, in particular, she posits that the erotic is still an undertheorized area of relational analysis. Although most orthodox theory has been jettisoned, new theory is necessary for an understanding of what the author observes to be a “false” erotic in many of her patients in whom the erotic is temporarily available but is unreliable as a desire and as a source of identity.  相似文献   

Woodhill  Brenda Mae  Samuels  Curtis A. 《Sex roles》2003,48(11-12):555-565
A new method of scoring the Extended Personal Attributes Questionnaire (EPAQ) was used to assess the constructs of positive and negative androgyny. The EPAQ was administered to 196 adult women and men; their responses were categorized into a differentiated androgyny. Significant differences were obtained between positive and negative androgynous people as well as between positive and negative feminine and positive and negative masculine people on a set of measures of psychological health and well-being. These findings support the validity and utility of differentiating androgyny into positive and negative categories of gender role identity.  相似文献   

The Extended Parallel Process Model (EPPM; Communication Monographs, 59, 1992, 329) is a predominant message design theory in the social science fear appeal literature that provides a framework for effective communication of health‐related information. This paper provides a review and update of the theory and the use of fear appeals in persuasion. First, a brief overview of the EPPM is provided. Then, Littlejohn and Foss (Theories of Human Communication, 2005, Belmont, CA: Thomson Wadsworth) criteria for evaluation of theory are used as a guide for reviewing research guided by the EPPM in terms of the consistency of data with theoretical predictions, how it has been adjusted and extended through research findings, and a discussion of future research to expand social scientific knowledge about fear appeals and persuasion. It is concluded that the EPPM has advanced our understanding of how fear appeals operate and continues to generate questions for research in risk messaging.  相似文献   

Today there are 2 positive psychologies: 1 that is humanistic and 1 that is not. Both focus on researching, understanding, and fostering well-being, optimal functioning, and healthy social institutions. However, in addition to emerging at different times, the 2 psychologies are characterized by major philosophical and methodological differences that help determine what is seen and not seen from each point of view. One area where these distinctions show up most strikingly is in the psychology of self-esteem. Although humanistic positive psychology understands self-esteem as playing a key role in human behavior, the more positivistic positive psychology seems to have largely missed such an important factor. This article examines how the psychology of self-esteem could be a meeting ground between these 2 approaches.  相似文献   

大学生习惯性负性自我思维与自尊的相关研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用实验法和测验法,让186名大学生完成内隐联想测验、SES量表和习惯性负性自我思维量表,探讨了中国文化背景下大学生习惯性负性自我思维与自尊的关系。结果发现:1)大学生有强烈的内隐自尊;2)内隐、外显自尊是相对独立的;3)习惯性负性自我思维存在显著性别差异;内隐、外显自尊及ZIAT-ZSES性别差异不显著;4)男大学生习惯性负性自我思维与外显自尊存在显著负相关,女大学生相关不显著;习惯性负性自我思维与内隐自尊及ZIAT-ZSES相关不显著。  相似文献   

The person-relative-to-event (PrE) model of fear-arousing or negative threat appeals predicts that increasing levels of threat when resources are appraised as sufficient relative to the magnitude of the threat will increase problem-focused coping. Conversely, increasing levels of threat when resources are appraised as insufficient relative to threat magnitude will decrease problem-focused coping. These hypotheses were tested in the context of a field study in which homeowners living in a local city were the participants. Results generally supported the PrE model in that preparedness increased over a I-month period as level of appraised threat increased, but only for those who also appraised resources as sufficient relative to threat. The possibility that perceived difficulty of preparation for a threatening event should be added to the PrE model as an essential component is discussed.  相似文献   

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