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After surgical removal of a parasitic cyst in the right prerolandic area, an educated 25-year-old male exhibited obvious deficits in one of his three languages (Gujarati), with no measurable deficits in the other two (French and Malagasy). The patient spoke all three languages fluently before the operation. Gujarati and Malagasy had been acquired in infancy. Gujarati was the language of his parents and relatives. Malagasy the language of the local population. All the patient's schooling had been in French, the only language in which he was literate. He used French daily at work. Since the acquisition history for Gujarati and Malagasy was identical, while French had been acquired in a different context, one would have predicted, on the basis of W. Lambert and S. Fillenbaum's (1959, Canadian Journal of Psychology, 13, 28-34) hypothesis, that Gujarati and Malagasy should have been equally affected, with French possibly differently so. However, 8 months postoperatively, the patient had regained control of Gujarati, while Malagasy had deteriorated considerably, and his French remained unimpaired. Two years later, the patient had recovered full use of his three languages.  相似文献   

Two patients presenting a pattern of recovery yet unreported in the literature were observed, one in Paris, the other in Montreal. Both patients alternately suffered severe word-finding difficulties in one language while remaining relatively fluent in the other. They retained good comprehension in both of their languages at all times. They were able to translate correctly and without hesitation from the language they could speak well at the time into the language unavailable for spontaneous use, but were unable to translate from their temporarily poor language (which they understood well) into the language which they could speak quite well at the time.  相似文献   

The present study examined the locus where inhibition of non-target languages is exerted during trilingual word production by analyzing the cue-locked and stimulus-locked ERPs respectively in the n-2 language repetition paradigm. During the experiment, Uighur–Chinese–English trilinguals overtly named Arabic digits in one of their three languages according to a visually presented cue while their behavioral and electrophysiological responses were recorded. The behavioral data revealed insignificant n-2 repetition costs. Cue-locked ERPs revealed also only tiny or marginally significant n-2 repetition effects over some midline electrodes. The stimulus-locked ERP data showed a more negative ERP component elicited by the n-2 repetition trials than the n-2 non-repetition trials around 250 ms after stimulus onset, but no significant difference in this ERP effect between different languages was found. The results indicate that inhibition of non-target languages occurs at the lemma selection phase rather than the language task schemas phase during trilingual language production.  相似文献   

We performed a selective Wada test on a bilingual patient. While a left middle cerebral artery (MCA) injection produced global aphasia for both (Spanish and English) languages, the patient could only speak Spanish (his mother tongue) 1 min after he started to speak English. No language disturbances were observed after a right MCA amytal injection. These findings suggest that all of a multilingual's languages are stored within the verbal-dominant perisylvian region, and while the second language may be organized within the central Sylvian core, the first language may be better represented in more distal perisylvian areas.  相似文献   

A globally aphasic patient was trained on a computerized visual communication system. His ability to comprehend reversible locative prepositional phrases after training was studied and compared with the performance of Broca's aphasics on a similar task. This patient's ability to generalize symbols for actions was also investigated. The results demonstrate our patient's capacity to master a formal visual syntax in the absence of natural language and illustrate how this capacity may be used successfully in a visual communication system. A problem in generalizing symbols for actions is demonstrated, suggesting that certain heuristic and cueing capabilities in the approach may be helpful.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study the ability of a non-fluent aphasic patient, BN, to comprehend morphologically complex words when they appear in utterance contexts. We first establish that he is insensitive to the contextual appropriateness of both derived and inflected words. In a further experiment we show that he has no difficulty processing the stems of complex words and conclude that his problem is with the bound morphemes themselves. We then ask whether this problem is due to his inability to access either the phonological form of a morphologically complex word or its semantic and/or syntactic content. We find that only the access of semantic and syntactic content is impaired. We conclude from these six studies that: (a) BN presents a counter-example to the claim that non-fluent patients have particular difficulty with those aspects of morphology which have a syntactic function; (b) BN processes both derived and inflected words by mapping the sensory input onto the entire full-form of a complex word, but the semantic and syntactic content of the stem alone is accessed and integrated into the context. The semantic and syntactic implications of the suffix are never evaluated. This implies separate representation of the stems and suffixes of some types of morphologically complex words.  相似文献   

R Béland  Z Mimouni 《Cognition》2001,82(2):77-126
We present a single case study of an Arabic/French bilingual patient, ZT, who, at the age of 32, suffered a cerebral vascular accident that resulted in a massive infarct in the left peri-sylvian region. ZT's reading displays the characteristics of the deep dyslexia syndrome in both languages, that is, production of semantic, visual, and morphological errors, and concreteness effect in reading aloud and impossibility of reading nonwords. In the first part of this paper, using a three-route model of reading, we account for the patient's performance by positing functional lesions, which affect the non-lexical, the semantic lexical and the non-semantic lexical routes of reading. Phonological priming observed in a cross-language visual lexical decision task indicates that implicit assembled phonological recoding is possible. The above lesions and implicit nonword reading characterize the output form of deep dyslexia. However, error distribution reveals dissociations across languages (e.g. the semantic error rate is higher in French whereas translations are more frequent in the Arabic testing) that cannot be accounted for within a three-route model. In the second part, extensions to Plaut and Shallice's connectionist model (Cognitive Neuropsychology, 10 (5) (1993) 377) are proposed to account for the translinguistic errors observed. ZT's error distribution is compared to that obtained by Plaut and Shallice after lesions had been applied at different locations through the 40-60 network. The overall syndrome of deep dyslexia found in both languages is explained as resulting from lesions along the direct (O-->I) and output (S-->Ip, Ip-->P) pathways of reading. Lesions along the output pathway mostly affecting S-->Ip connections in French and Ip-->P connections in Arabic account for discrepancies in ZT's error pattern across tasks and languages. This case study demonstrates the superiority of a connectionist approach for predicting the error pattern in deep dyslexia.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to identify the nature of the deficit for a conduction aphasic patient in order to evaluate two different theories of conduction aphasia. First, a conduction aphasic patient FS was tested on auditory word-pair discrimination, word-repetition, and picture-naming. The results of these tasks indicated that her deficit was likely to be post-lexical rather than perceptual or lexical. Next, we examined her repetition performance for two types of nonwords (high-wordlike and low-wordlike nonwords) to distinguish the two theories. FS exhibited a wordlikeness effect: she produced more correct moras and more correct combinations of moras for high-wordlike nonwords than low-wordlike nonwords. We conclude that she had difficulty in maintaining stable phonological representations of verbal materials in the output buffer.  相似文献   

Apraxia usually follows a left hemisphere lesion in right-handers with left hemisphere speech representation. Apraxia following a right hemisphere lesion in left-handers is rare, however, and not well documented in the literature. Two left-handed patients are described in whom apraxia and aphasia followed a right hemisphere lesion. Both the apraxic and the aphasic deficits improved but were still demonstrable 6 weeks following the infarct. The data are consistent with those for right-handers with left hemisphere lesions in suggesting some overlap of anatomical structures for the control of speech and praxis.  相似文献   

The Japanese language is represented by two different codes: syllabic and logographic while Portuguese employs an alphabetic writing system. Studies on bilingual Portuguese-Japanese individuals with acquired dyslexia therefore allow an investigation of the interaction between reading strategies and characteristics of three different writing codes. The aim of this study was to examine the differential impact of an acquired brain lesion on the reading of the logographic, syllabic and alphabetic writing systems of a bilingual Portuguese-Japanese aphasic patient (PF). Results showed impaired reading in the logographic system and when reading irregularly spelled Portuguese words but no effects on reading regular words and nonwords in syllabic and alphabetic writing systems. These dissociations are interpreted according to a multi-route cognitive model of reading assuming selective damage in the lexical route can result in acquired dyslexia across at least three different writing codes.  相似文献   

Psycholinguistic speech production models assume that lexical stress is stored and accessed separately during phonological encoding. We address the questions of the storage and computation of lexical stress in a case study of an Italian-speaking patient with an impairment of lexical stress assignment in naming, reading, and repeating single words. The patient's stress error pattern and his performance on tasks examining lexical stress in perception suggest an impairment in the retrieval of the stress pattern of irregular words. In contrast, his assignment of stress to nonstored phonological forms suggests that the computation of stress is unimpaired.  相似文献   

This study unites investigations into the linguistic relativity of color categories with research on children's category acquisition. Naming, comprehension, and memory for colors were tracked in 2 populations over a 3-year period. Children from a seminomadic equatorial African culture, whose language contains 5 color terms, were compared with a group of English children. Despite differences in visual environment, language, and education, they showed similar patterns of term acquisition. Both groups acquired color vocabulary slowly and with great individual variation. Those knowing no color terms made recognition errors based on perceptual distance, and the influence of naming on memory increased with age. An initial perceptually driven color continuum appears to be progressively organized into sets appropriate to each culture and language.  相似文献   

This study is a detailed phonological and intonational analysis of one subject's jargon productions. The cohesiveness and complexity of the intonation patterns and appropriateness of the gestures lead to the hypothesis that the jargon productions are due to phonological problems as opposed to semantic or syntactic problems. A psycholinguistic model containing a dynamic phonological component is hypothesized to account for this subject's jargon.  相似文献   

The recovery of 31 aphasic stroke patients in the first three months postonset was investigated. Improvements on eight comprehension, repetition, and expression tasks were documented for four groups. These groups, retrospectively defined on the basis of initial scores on a fluency and a comprehension task, were: Low Fluency/Low Comprehension (LFLC), Low Fluency/High Comprehension (LFHC), High Fluency/Low Comprehension (HFLC), and High Fluency/High Comprehension (HFHC). Examination of each group's recovery revealed (1) equal improvement on nearly all language tasks for the two High Comprehension groups and (2) a more selective improvement largely in comprehension and imitation tasks for the two Low Comprehension groups. Implications of this selective improvement in initially low comprehending aphasics are discussed.  相似文献   


This report describes the case of a severely aphasic patient who shows selective preservation for the names of countries.  相似文献   

American and Israeli bilinguals were presented with Hebrew and English words, as well as with drawings of concrete objects. They were timed as they named and classified these items in either their native or non-native languages. The pattern of response times suggests that following reading, semantic processing is conducted in a language-independent mode. Specifically, the patterns exhibited by the two subject groups were almost identical, and neither native-language advantage nor advantage due to a match between language of input and language of output were found.  相似文献   

Evidence of syntactic deficits in a fluent aphasic   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The syntactic abilities of a mild Wernicke's aphasic were examined in production and comprehension tasks. The patient made few errors involving the omission or substitution of substantives or grammatical markers, especially after the first few weeks of testing. Despite his good ability to produce sentences with acceptable surface form, he continued to make role reversal errors and to produce a restricted range of syntactic forms. In comprehension, he also demonstrated an impairment in his ability to use the syntactic information in a sentence to assign role relations. These syntactic impairments could not be attributed to a short-term memory deficit as the patient showed only a slightly reduced short-term memory span, and showed evidence of having a normal phonological store. Implications for theories of aphasic deficits as well as for theories of normal language processing are discussed.  相似文献   

Across two countries and two languages, this research examined the multidimensional associations between suicidality (e.g., past ideation/attempts, communication of intent) and empirically important psychological risk factors (e.g., mental pain, perceived burdensomeness, thwarted belongingness). For samples of 228 Canadian and 331 Portuguese university undergraduates, four dimensions emerged in each sample with two of these, intrapersonal and interpersonal, demonstrating strong replicability across countries and languages. It was concluded that suicidality is a phenomenon that demonstrates some multidimensional similarities across cultures.  相似文献   

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