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There has been some debate in the literature concerning the ability of the male patient to experience his paternal, and particularly negative oedipal, transference feelings directly toward his female analyst. In this context, the author describes paternal transference manifestations evident throughout her male patient's analysis, and presents detailed process material from the termination phase. At this time the patient's obsessional neurosis was revived in the context of setting a termination date, and transference to the negative oedipal father could be clearly demonstrated. The paper illustrates that even the negative oedipal component of the paternal transference can be experienced directly in the male patient/female analyst, dyad, and interpretation of this material can bring it into clearer focus. The author discusses some possible influences of her sex on the timing and intensity of the material.  相似文献   

Pretend play reflects both the unique mental organization and the developmental challenges of early to middle childhood, with a trajectory that parallels the monumental transformation of the toddler to the school-age child. Despite evidence for various forms of playing throughout the life cycle, the flowering of symbolic play in this phase is specific, essential, and typically transient in terms of its dominance in the life of the child. It reflects the simultaneous emergence, processing, and integration of the remarkable developmental advances occurring during this period, most especially the capacity to symbolize, in the service of the exponentially expanded psychosexual/social/emotional force field implied in the contemporary use of the term oedipus complex. Moreover, it constitutes a particular mental organization and ego state, with idiosyncratic mentation, affect regulation, and relationship to inner and outer experience, that accompanies the child's gradual orientation to consensual reality. Subsequent access to some form of this state varies widely among individuals but is rarely fully comparable.  相似文献   

Macbeth has been viewed as a play about the oedipal crime of patricide. This paper elaborates on this approach by elucidating the oedipal and preoedipal themes in the roles played by women in the drama, particularly in Macbeth's relationships with Lady Macbeth and with the weird sisters. Differences between Macbeth and Macduff's responses to the oedipal dilemma are also defined. An understanding of these themes provides the context for understanding the underlying hostility toward women implicit throughout the play.  相似文献   

In this paper the author describes some of the clinical features encountered in patients who seem to 'nurture' a persistent grievance. He gives clinical examples, and discusses the nature of the powerful underlying dynamics. He suggests that contained within the patient's grievance is a set of phantasies that constitute the expression of his fear and hatred of reality, particularly the reality of the oedipal situation, the child's relationship to the creative parental couple, which Money-Kyrle (1968, 1971) has characterised as an essential element of 'the facts of life'. The phantasies the patient has evolved serve to protect him from envy and jealousy, anxiety and guilt. The primitive oedipal phantasies on which the grievance rests also contribute to the excitement and gratification that are characteristic of the grievance. The analysis of the underlying state of mind helps to account for the persistent grip the grievance has on the patient, and the way this interferes with development.  相似文献   

Freud based his oedipal theory on three clinical observations of adult romantic relationships: (1) Adults tend to split love and lust; (2) There tend to be sex differences in the ways that men and women split love and lust; (3) Adult romantic relationships are unconsciously structured by the dynamics of love triangles in which dramas of seduction and betrayal unfold. Freud believed that these aspects of adult romantic relationships were derivative expressions of a childhood oedipal conflict that has been repressed. Recent research conducted by evolutionary psychologists supports many of Freud’s original observations and suggests that Freud’s oedipal conflict may have evolved as a sexually selected adaptation for reproductive advantage. The evolution of bi-parental care based on sexually exclusive romantic bonds made humans vulnerable to the costs of sexual infidelity, a situation of danger that seriously threatens monogamous bonds. A childhood oedipal conflict enables humans to better adapt to this longstanding evolutionary problem by providing the child with an opportunity to develop working models of love triangles. On the one hand, the oedipal conflict facilitates monogamous resolutions by creating intense anxiety about the dangers of sexual infidelity and mate poaching. On the other hand, the oedipal conflict in humans may facilitate successful cheating and mate poaching by cultivating a talent for hiding our true sexual intentions from others and even from ourselves. The oedipal conflict in humans may be disguised by evolutionary design in order to facilitate tactical deception in adult romantic relationships.  相似文献   

The link between numerical magnitude and mechanisms of spatial orienting has been underlined in an increasing number of studies. Similarly, the relationship between numerical magnitude and grasping actions has started to be investigated. The present study focuses on the influence of numerical magnitude processing in the free choice of the position of an object. Participants were presented with a digit (1-9 without 5) and were required to decide whether it was smaller or larger than 5. Then, they had to grasp a small cube and change its position before vocally responding "higher" or "lower". Results showed that in the initial phase of the grasp movement, the grip aperture was modulated by the numerical magnitude. Moreover, participants shifted the position of the cube more leftward with smaller digits compared with larger ones, and they tended to position the object closer to themselves with smaller digits compared with larger ones. These results extend the previous findings indicating that the processing of magnitude is tightly related to the mechanisms of spatial orienting that subserve action execution.  相似文献   

Summary The study deals with the processes of semantic activation which accompany the response of naming an object. A general model of semantic activation is presented, characterized by the proposal of the existence of different components of the semantic representations that constitute the conceptual nodes corresponding to objects. Within these, a distinction is made between elements corresponding to physical properties of the stimulus objects, and more abstract, functional elements. Two distinct routes are proposed for the activation of the concept node, a direct and an indirect one. A further distinction made in the present study is between categories characterized predominantly in terms of perceptual properties, and primarily conceptual categories.The study reports two sets of experiments, the first one offering support to the distinction of two activation routes, the second to the notion of the existence of two types of categories. This latter distinction also allows a convincing explanation for various facts reported in the literature, in particular for the difference in categorization and in naming latencies for objects and for words.  相似文献   

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