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生物运动知觉是视觉运动知觉研究的一个重要领域.分析人类识别生物运动的神经机制,有助于理解人类如何实现远距离的交流、沟通和模仿学习各种复杂的运动行为.众多研究表明,生物运动知觉很可能由一个广泛的神经网络负责,颞上沟、梭状回、舌回和颞中区等脑区对识别生物运动起着关键性作用,其他脑区如杏仁核、小脑、前运动皮层和纹外体皮层等也可能参与其中.一些研究者在综合分析已有实验证据的基础上尝试建立可能的神经模型,典型的代表是等级神经模型和模板匹配模型.两种模型分别从各自的角度阐述了生物运动知觉的加工过程,在一定程度上解释了以往的研究结果,但是也存在一些需要进一步探索和澄清的问题.  相似文献   

《Ecological Psychology》2013,25(1):31-64
Animals generally seek to avoid potentially harmful collisions. To perform successful avoidance, actors must correctly perceive the approach of an object and produce an appropriate motor response. Objects can approach from any part of the visual field, but avoidance skills are particularly relevant when threatening approaches occur in peripheral vision. This type of behavior has so far received little attention. Stoffregen and Riccio (1990) found that participants are sensitive to visually simulated impending collision at 0 or 90°. However, motor behavior produced in response to a real object approaching at various angles of eccentricity and at various speeds has not been investigated.

In this study, participants were asked to dodge a ball approaching at 0, 20, 40, 60, or 80° of eccentricity. The ball was travelling at a constant speed of 1.0, 1.5, or 2.0 m/sec. Results showed that time to contact (TTC) at initiation of the avoidant response was similar for 0 and 20° but increased from 20 to 80°. Angle of approach had no effect on participants' movement velocity. Ball speed had an effect on both variables. TTC decreased and participants' movement velocity increased with eccentricity. No interaction was observed between ball speed and eccentricity. These results show that a successful motor response to impending physical collision is possible across a wide range of approach eccentricities. It appears that the speed of the approach was accurately perceived. The speed of avoidant responses was consistent, suggesting that intensity coupling, that is, a coupling of movement velocity with stimulus speed, was not affected by the eccentricity.  相似文献   

陈婷婷  丁锦红  蒋长好 《心理科学》2012,35(6):1524-1529
人类可以从生物体的各种运动行为中获得丰富的社会信息,以满足社会交往的需求。视觉系统对生物运动信息的加工是一个复杂的过程,不同于对其他普通客体的加工能力。研究者们采用不同的方法,分别从各自的角度来研究这一过程,同时也建立了一系列模型。其中早期模型关注视觉系统加工生物运动信息的过程和方法;近期模型则采用脑成像手段构建生物运动信息加工的神经网络。这些模型包含了很多有价值的研究成果,但是也存在需要进一步完善的地方。  相似文献   

《Ecological Psychology》2013,25(2):87-110
Rising acoustic intensity can indicate movement of a sound source toward a listener. Perceptual overestimation of intensity change could provide a selective advantage by indicating that the source is closer than it actually is, providing a better opportunity for the listener to prepare for the source's arrival. In Experiment 1, listeners heard equivalent rising and falling level sounds and indicated whether one demonstrated a greater change in loudness than the other. In 2 subsequent experiments listeners heard equivalent approaching and receding sounds and indicated perceived starting and stopping points of the auditory motion. Results indicate that rising intensity changed in loudness more than equivalent falling intensity, and approaching sounds were perceived as starting and stopping closer than equidistant receding sounds. Both effects were greater for tones than for noise. Evidence is presented that suggests that an asymmetry in the neural coding of egocentric auditory motion is an adaptation that provides advanced warning of looming acoustic sources.  相似文献   

生物运动加工特异性:整体结构和局部运动的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蒋毅  王莉 《心理科学进展》2011,19(3):301-311
人类具有很强的识别生物体运动信息的能力, 甚至当运动信息仅是由附着在头部和一些重要关节上的光点的运动组成时, 观察者对该信息检测和编码的优势依然存在。光点生物运动信息包含整体信息(如整体形状)和局部信息(如各个点的运动轨迹)。先前的绝大部分研究强调整体形状在生物运动知觉中的作用。最近有研究表明去除了整体结构信息的局部生物运动仍然存在加工优势, 揭示了局部生物运动本身可能包含了一些特异性信息。因此生物运动知觉并非单一现象, 而是一种具有不同加工机制(基于整体结构和基于局部运动)的多水平现象。  相似文献   

This article seeks to formulate how motivational factors underlie and contribute to situation perceptions. Specifically, it is proposed that situation perceptions, to a large extent, capture subjectively perceived “motivational presses”, consisting of motivational processes (What happens to one's needs and goals in the situation?) and motivational content (Which needs or goals does the situation concern?). Additionally, such a motivational perspective can be fruitfully equipped with evolutionary psychological theories on human (social) motives. Thus, it is argued that situation perception contains evolutionarily important information on motivational processes and content. An evolutionarily informed motivational perspective on situation perception is applied to the recently proposed Situational Eight DIAMONDS situation characteristics to provide them with a theoretical underpinning. Ultimately, such a framework can be used to better understand situations and person–situation transactions (i.e., how people experience and shape situations in daily life) that can impact well‐being, health, and personality development.  相似文献   

环境中的风险认知特征   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
于清源  谢晓非 《心理科学》2006,29(2):362-365,357
采用多维度的心理测量范式,研究公众在“影响程度”、“可控性”、“了解程度”、“影响的持续性”、“发生的可能性”、“结果的严重性”六个维度上对39个环境条目的风险认知特征。研究结果验证了“风险程度指标”,并将环境风险划分为“生态环境”“疾病与灾害”“生活环境”三个大类并探讨其风险认知特征。结果显示,由“客观认识”和“主动作用”两维度形成的认知地图可有效地指导风险沟通。  相似文献   

视觉运动是探索脑功能的一个重要研究途径,该对视觉运动通路与色彩的关系、视觉运动知觉的产生,对于视觉信息的不同阶段的处理以及立体视觉等若干问题进行了回顾与讨论,并概述了其中若干理论及其争论,提出了未来视觉研究可能存在的问题与研究方向。  相似文献   

Perception of sequential blanking displays was studied in a series of three experiments investigating factors that influence whether “shadow motion” or “item motion” is seen in a display. In addition to the duration of the blanking interval (BI) itself, three other such factors were identified: the eccentricity at which the display is viewed, the spacing of items in the display, and the type of motion that subjects are instructed to try to see. It is argued that these and other previously reported results are explicable without the need to invoke any kind of visual integration period. Instead, they are interpreted in terms of a first-order system of automatic luminance detectors and a second-order tracking system involving both voluntary and involuntary attention. The relationship of these findings to other recent work in apparent motion and visual attention and to other bistable motion displays is discussed.  相似文献   

A radially expanding flow with a linear positive speed gradient is perceived as a rigid object approaching the observer, whereas such a flow having no or a reduced speed gradient is perceived as a non‐rigid, two‐dimensionally deforming object (De Bruyn & Orban, 1990). We tested elementary school‐aged children (younger children, 6–9 years, and older children, 9–11 years) and adults (20–22 years) to examine the development of the perception of rigidity. The results suggest that the perception of rigidity in response to a radial flow pattern with a speed gradient is similar in older (but not younger) children and adults. The development of rigidity perception from a radial flow pattern may be related to the maturation of the dorsal and ventral visual pathways during the elementary school years. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

采用随机点阵范式和实验内元分析技术,首次分离水平、垂直、旋转和径向运动形式下两两对立方向的运动一致性阈值,探究整体运动知觉(GMP)老化的方向不同步性及总效应。结果发现:四种运动形式下,老年组阈值均显著高于青年组,且元分析显示两组阈值之差的效应量大于0,表明相对于青年人,老年人的GMP存在显著下降。同时,老年组向右、向下、顺时针和外扩方向的阈值显著高于其对立方向及青年组,表明老年人这些方向的GMP衰退更加严重,提示GMP的老化存在方向不同步性。  相似文献   

本研究采用时间二分任务来探讨海洛因戒断者的时间知觉特征。结果发现: (1)戒断组的长反应比例在中间时距上显著高于对照组; (2)戒断组的主观相等点低于对照组且差异显著, 韦伯比例与对照组相比差异不显著。结论: 海洛因戒断者更容易高估时间, 并且对时间的高估更多体现在中间时距上。  相似文献   

《Ecological Psychology》2013,25(2):113-130
Two experiments using a new device that correlates simulated optic flow with forward and backward head motions are reported. The first experiment tested the effectiveness of the rate of optical expansion/contraction as a cue for relative distance perception; the second experiment examined the role of propriospecific information in determining whether or not a simulated wall was perceived to moving relative to the ground. In walking along the line of sight in a stationary environment, the image of a nearer object expands/contracts more than the image of objects farther away. In Experiment 1, observers' abilities to judge which of two walls was nearer, according to expanding/contracting patterns, were tested. The results show that both walking and stationary observers can detect the order of depth from expansion patterns but not from the contraction patterns. Experiment 2 assessed the role of propriospecific information for specifying the motion or nonmotion of simulated 'wall' relative to the ground. The results show the importance of synchrony between expansion/contraction patterns and head motion. Whether or not an observer is obtaining information actively does not seem to matter for perceiving relative distance but it does matter in perceiving object motion.  相似文献   

This article presents results of a study of pupils' perceptions of the level of creativity of the classroom climate. The purpose was to determine whether the teachers' classroom behaviors provided a means to identify relatively stable behavior patterns in individuals or groups of teachers categorized by subject taught and pupils' perceptions of the classroom climate. Secondly, the aim was to identify those teacher behaviors correlating with high or low level of creative classroom climate perceptions respectively. Observation was the principal method in identifying teacher behaviors related to creative classroom climate perception. Several behavioral categories were identified that correlated significantly with a high level of creativity in classroom climate perception. Furthermore it was found that some of the teachers' behaviors may be so influenced by context that they reverse the resulting effect.  相似文献   

In examining films of lifting movements in a study of the size-weight illusion (Davis & Roberts, 1976), a consistency was noted in the values obtained for the maximum accelerations of the objects lifted. While at first surprising, this finding can be embedded significantly in theories relating to kinesthetic illusions and the perception of weight and to theories on the control of general physical movement. This study was designed to confirm its existence. Twenty-four subjects were filmed lifting four objects differing in size, shape, substance, color, and weight. The film was analyzed frame-by-frame and the data were subjected to a two-way analysis of variance. Subjects, while differing from one another, were consistent in the maximum accelerations they applied to the three heaviest of the four objects. The accelerations of the lightest object differed significantly from the accelerations of the other three, but it seems likely that this was due to the experimental task itself.  相似文献   

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