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Self-determination theory (SDT) posits the existence of distinct types of motivation (i.e., external, introjected, identified, integrated, and intrinsic). Research on these different types of motivation has typically adopted a variable-centered approach that seeks to understand how each motivation in isolation relates to employee outcomes. We extend this work by adopting cluster analysis in a person-centered approach to understanding how different combinations or patterns of motivations relate to organizational factors. Results revealed five distinct clusters of motivation (i.e., low introjection, moderately motivated, low autonomy, self-determined, and motivated) and that these clusters were differentially related to need satisfaction, job performance, and work environment perceptions. Specifically, the self-determined (i.e., high autonomous motivation, low external motivation) and motivated (i.e., high on all types of motivation) clusters had the most favorable levels of correlates; whereas the low autonomy (i.e., least self-determined) cluster had the least favorable levels of these variables.  相似文献   



Overweight and obesity pose significant health problems for adolescents. Rates of overweight and obesity in children have increased 45% in the last decade and have increased three-fold since 1980. Because children who are physically active are at lower risk for the development of obesity, it is important to understand some of the factors that influence children’s physical activity patterns. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between motivation, cardiorespiratory fitness, and weight status, defined as obese or non-obese. We predicted that the association between motivation and weight status would become non-significant when controlling for cardiorespiratory fitness.


The study employed a correlational, cross-sectional design.


Participants included physically active middle school students (N = 82. 51% female) of aged 12–14 years, who participated in the Teen Eating and Activity Mentoring in Schools (TEAMS) study aimed at improving health and preventing obesity among middle school students. Students completed attitudinal questionnaires about physical activity and self-determination on a computer-based system and participated in a number of fitness performance, health behavior, and anthropometric assessments.


Non-obese adolescents showed higher intrinsic motivation scores than obese adolescents. Mediational analyses showed that cardiorespiratory fitness mediated the relationship between motivation and weight status.


The results of this study demonstrate differences in physical activity motivation as a function of adolescent weight status, but only for intrinsic motivation. As predicted, adolescents who were intrinsically motivated for physical activity were more fit and thereby less likely to be obese. The findings are consistent with self-determination theory.  相似文献   

ObjectivesThis investigation examined how Goal Contents Theory, Organismic Integration Theory, and Basic Psychological Needs Theory collectively explain well-being and behavioral outcomes related to physical activity over 6 months. Specifically we examined a model whereby changes in relative intrinsic goal contents → changes in motivation → changes in psychological need satisfaction → well-being and physical activity.Methods and designParticipants were 203 adults from the general population (68.00% female; Mage = 32.57 years, SD = 15.73). Two identical questionnaire packages containing assessments of goal contents, motivational regulations, basic psychological need satisfaction, indicators of well-being and physical activity behavior, separated by six months were given to participants. Residualized change scores were analyzed with path analysis.ResultsResults supported the hypothesized sequence of SDT. Changes in psychological need satisfaction mediated the relationship between changes in autonomous motivation and well-being. A more complex pattern of results emerged for the indirect effects of motivation and psychological need satisfaction between relative intrinsic goals → well-being. Changes in competence satisfaction mediated the relationship between autonomous motivation and physical activity behavior. Moreover, changes in autonomous motivation through competence satisfaction mediated the relationship between relative intrinsic goals and physical activity.ConclusionsFindings support a model based on 3 mini-theories of SDT and suggest that psychological need fulfillment during physical activity could be a key mechanism that facilitates increased well-being and behavior. Findings also highlight the importance of examining competence, autonomy, and relatedness independently (rather than as a composite).  相似文献   

We examined the utility of the bi-factor model for disentangling general motivation and specific motivations (i.e., amotivation, external, introjected, identified, and intrinsic regulations) in relation to goal progress and physical activity (PA). Participants (N = 186 undergraduate students; Mage = 19.26 years) completed assessments of motivation and PA at Time 1. Four weeks later, PA and goal progress were assessed at Time 2. Results indicated that the exploratory bi-factor model specifying motivational regulations as the specific factors and general motivation as the general factor was a good fit to the data. Results of the structural equation model indicated that identified and intrinsic regulations and general motivation predicted concurrent PA at Time 1. A novel finding was that controlling for concurrent PA at Time 1, general motivation emerged as the only predictor of Time 2 goal progress and PA. Results highlight the importance of examining general motivation in addition to quality of motivation in tandem because general motivation emerged as the sole significant longitudinal predictor of PA outcomes.  相似文献   

Self-determination theory proposes that individuals experience distinct types of motivation to varying degrees. While it is well documented that these types of motivation differentially predict outcomes, very little attention has been paid to how they interact within individuals. The current study addresses the simultaneous occurrence of multiple motivation types within individual workers by adopting a person-centered approach on two samples of employees from different countries (n = 723 & 286). Four very similar motivation profiles were found across samples, representing balanced motivation, amotivated, autonomously regulated and highly motivated employees. In Sample 1, governmental employees presented a greater likelihood of membership in the least desirable amotivated profile. In Sample 2, autonomously and highly motivated profiles showed superior work performance and higher levels of wellbeing, while the amotivated profile fared the worst. The presence of external regulation in a profile appears unimportant when combined with autonomous forms of motivation, and detrimental to outcomes in the absence of autonomous forms of motivation. These results support the hypothesis that autonomous forms of motivation are far more important in promoting positive workplace outcomes than more controlling forms.  相似文献   

We investigated, based on self-determination theory (SDT), the impact of the functional meaning of monetary rewards on individuals' motivation and performance and further tested the role of the psychological needs as the underlying mechanism. In two experimental studies, we show that when presented in an autonomy-supportive way, rewards lead participants to experience greater intrinsic motivation, which leads them to perform better, than when monetary rewards are presented in a controlling way. This is mediated by greater psychological need satisfaction, indicating that through greater feelings of competence, autonomy, and relatedness, individuals experience greater intrinsic motivation for the task at hand. Our findings suggest that rewards can have a distinct effect on individuals' motivation and performance depending on whether they take on an autonomy-supportive or controlling meaning, thus providing empirical evidence for the theoretical and practical implications of SDT's concept of functional meaning of rewards. By highlighting the importance of this concept, this research contributes to our understanding of the effectiveness of such rewards in the workplace, suggesting that they can foster employee motivation and performance if organisations present them to employees in an autonomy-supportive way to convey an informational meaning and positively contribute to their psychological need stisfaction.  相似文献   

ObjectivesMost theories of motivation, including Self-Determination Theory (SDT), focus mainly on students’ reasons for participating in activities, at the expense of a focus on reasons for non-participation. In terms of underlying reasons for non-participation, SDT has focused primarily on amotivation. The present study investigated reasons for non-participation that are driven by externally or internally pressuring demands (i.e., controlled motivated non-participation), thereby relying on a dimensional and person-centered approach.Design and methodParticipants were 647 secondary school students (69% boys, Mage = 13.27 years) and their 14 PE teachers (93% men; Mage = 35.50 years). Students reported on their own motivation for participation and non-participation and outcomes (i.e., learning, feelings of resentment towards both the lesson and the teacher), and teachers rated the students’ performance. Multilevel regression modeling (i.e. dimensional approach) and cluster analysis (i.e. person-centered approach) were used.ResultsConfirmatory factor analyses indicated that controlled motivated non-participation and amotivation represent distinct reasons for non-participation that can also be discerned from controlled and autonomously motivated participation. Controlled motivated non-participation yielded unique associations with feelings of resentment towards both the lesson and the teacher, but not with learning and teacher-rated performance. Person-centered analyses indicated that the group characterized by elevated levels of both controlled motivated participation and non-participation in combination with amotivation displayed the least beneficial pattern of outcomes.ConclusionThe current findings point to the importance of more intensively studying students’ reasons for non-participation. Directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

As the nature of work has changed in recent decades, employees are increasingly exposed to psychological demands in the workplace, which have associated consequences for employees, organizations, and society. Using self-determination theory, this study examined the dark side of work, in which frustration of basic psychological needs is associated with higher levels of work-related stress. In this model, work-related stress is associated with higher levels of somatic symptom burden, which in turn is associated with higher levels of emotional exhaustion, turnover intention, and absenteeism. Results of a longitudinal analysis using data from four time points over 15 months supported these predictions. Taken together, this study advances the literature towards an understanding of the (potential) detrimental impact that need-thwarting work contexts can have on employee wellness and work-related outcomes.  相似文献   

ObjectiveThe motivational processes underpinning walking behaviour are not well understood. This study aimed to develop walking-specific motivation measures drawn from self-determination theory (SDT), assess the psychometric properties of the measures, incorporating Baysesian structural equation modelling (BSEM), and examine how these variables relate to walking behaviour.MethodParticipants (n = 298; mean age = 41.69; S.D. = 11.06; male = 57) completed the Behavioural Regulations in Walking Questionnaire (BRWQ), Psychological Needs Satisfaction for Walking Scale (PNSWS) and the IPAQ-long form, from which measures of workplace, transport and leisure walking were extracted. BSEM was used to test the hypothesized factor structures of the BRWQ and PNSWS. Internal reliabilities were assessed using the composite reliability coefficient. Convergent and discriminant validity were assessed by examining the relationships between the variables in relation to established theory.ResultsBSEM showed excellent fit for the BRWQ and PNSWS measurement models. The scales demonstrated good internal consistency. The associations within and between the BRWQ and PNSWS subscales were generally as expected. The relationship between the BRWQ subscales and walking for transport and leisure were also generally as expected, but there were no significant relationships for walking at work. Two PNSWS subscales were significantly related to walking for leisure, but no significant relationships were evident for walking for transport and at work.ConclusionsThere is preliminary evidence for the acceptable psychometric properties of instruments to measure SDT constructs in walking, and the findings highlight the advantages of BSEM. The findings also suggest that the motivational processes underpinning walking may vary by type of walking.  相似文献   

Personality and self-determination of exercise behaviour   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
There is extensive evidence that personality traits are associated with health-related behaviours, but less evidence regarding the underlying mechanisms. In this study, we examined the relationships between personality and self-determination of exercise behaviour. Users of a sports centre completed personality scales (the NEO Five Factor Inventory supplemented with the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire Psychoticism scale) and exercise self-determination scales (Behavioural Regulation in Exercise Questionnaire which measures extrinsic, introjected, identified and intrinsic forms of regulation). Analyses were restricted to 182 individuals in the maintenance stage of exercise participation. Partial correlation analysis was used to examine the relationships between each personality scale and the self-determination scales, controlling for other personality scales, gender and age. Neuroticism was associated with more introjected regulation, extraversion with more identified and intrinsic regulation, openness with less external regulation, conscientiousness with less external regulation and more intrinsic regulation, and psychoticism with more external regulation. Relating these findings to self-determination theory (Deci & Ryan, 2000), it is speculated that extraverted individuals are able to feel self-determined because exercise can satisfy the need for relatedness, conscientious individuals because exercise can satisfy the need for competence. Furthermore, conscientious individuals may have greater wherewithal to advance along the continuum of behavioural regulation.  相似文献   

The present research investigated whether assessing adolescent elite athletes’ motivational profiles at the beginning of the season would allow us to predict their subsequent performance over the course of a competitive season. In two studies, athletes completed the French version of the Sport Motivation Scale (Brière et al., Int J Sport Psychol 26:465–489, 1995) at the beginning of the season. Objective levels of performance were recorded for the following season, as well as for the season prior to questionnaire completion. In Study 1, the sample comprised a total of 170 French junior national tennis players (M = 13.42 years). Results revealed the presence of a four-cluster solution, reflecting different levels of autonomous and controlled motivations. Results revealed that controlling for past performance, athletes with the least self-determined motivational profile obtained lower levels of subsequent tennis performance than those in the three other (more self-determined motivational) clusters. In Study 2, there were a total of 250 French junior national fencers aged 15 years. Results revealed a three-cluster solution very similar to that of Study 1. In addition, in line with Study 1, results revealed that the least self-determined motivational profile led to the lowest level of performance. Overall, these findings suggest that cluster analysis is useful in the understanding of the complex relationship between motivation and performance in elite sport.
Nicolas GilletEmail:

This study examined the impact of the actual environment on changes in psychological adjustment over time. According to Self-Determination Theory (SDT; Deci and Ryan, Intrinsic motivation and self-determination in human behavior, 1985a, Plenum, New York; J Res Pers 19:109–134, 1985b; Psychol Inq 11:227–268, 2000), environments that are objectively supportive of autonomy should facilitate psychological adjustment through their impact on people’s subjective perceptions of autonomy and self-determined motivation. The present study tested this hypothesis using a prospective design with nursing homes residents. Results from structural equation modeling showed that actual autonomy-supportive nursing home environments were positively associated with residents’ perceptions of autonomy that in turn predicted self-determined motivation in major life domains. Self-determined motivation, in turn, predicted increases in psychological adjustment over a one-year period. Theoretical implications of the present findings are discussed in line with SDT.
Robert J. VallerandEmail:

The Motivational Pull of Video Games: A Self-Determination Theory Approach   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Four studies apply self-determination theory (SDT; Ryan & Deci, 2000) in investigating motivation for computer game play, and the effects of game play on well-being. Studies 1–3 examine individuals playing 1, 2 and 4 games, respectively and show that perceived in-game autonomy and competence are associated with game enjoyment, preferences, and changes in well-being pre- to post-play. Competence and autonomy perceptions are also related to the intuitive nature of game controls, and the sense of presence or immersion in participants’ game play experiences. Study 4 surveys an on-line community with experience in multi-player games. Results show that SDT’s theorized needs for autonomy, competence, and relatedness independently predict enjoyment and future game play. The SDT model is also compared with Yee’s (2005) motivation taxonomy of game play motivations. Results are discussed in terms of the relatively unexplored landscape of human motivation within virtual worlds.  相似文献   

This study aimed to provide a quantitative synthesis of the effect of Self-determination theory (SDT) based instructional interventions on the motivational regulations of participants in organized physical activity. We conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis on experimental studies conducted before December 2021. The search using the online databases PsychINFO, PsychARTICLES, ERIC, SportDISCUS, and ProQuest Dissertations and Theses, and Google Scholar and other supplementary search strategies yielded 7774 articles, with 38 articles (142 effects and 12,457 participants) meeting the inclusion criteria. The articles were analyzed using a meta-analytic multivariate model. The study showed that SDT-based instruction had a positive heterogeneous small effect on intrinsic motivation (g = 0.29; CI 95% [0.17, 0.41]) and identified regulation (g = 0.23; CI 95% [0.10, 0.35]) and a negative heterogeneous, small effect on external regulation (g = −0.16; CI 95% [-0.31, −0.00]) and amotivation (g = −0.14; CI 95% [-0.28, −0.01]). SDT-based instruction did not have an effect on integrated regulation (g = 0.08; CI 95% [-0.11, 0.28]) nor introjected regulation (g = 0.03; CI 95% [-0.7, 0.13]). Univariate categorical moderator analyses highlighted multiple variables that impacted the size of the effects on the outcomes, including type of intervention and control group, length of study, age of participants, and study quality. Findings from the moderator analyses challenge the practical implications of SDT-based instructional interventions in improving motivation in organized physical activity. High-quality experimental trials using careful and precise conceptualizations of need-supportive behaviors and strategies would benefit the discipline.  相似文献   

People experience autonomy when they perceive their behaviour to be volitional rather than driven by external controls. Previous research has studied autonomy in relationships at a general level, focusing on people’s motivations to maintain their romantic relationships, as measured by the Couple Motivation Questionnaire (CMQ; Blais et al., J Personal Soc Psychol 59:1021–1031, 1990). To supplement the CMQ, we developed the Motivations for Relational Activities (MRA) scale, which assesses the extent to which people feel autonomous and controlled in a variety of specific relational activities. The purpose of this study is to examine the unique contributions of general motivations to maintain a relationship (CMQ) and motivations toward specific relational activities (MRA) in the prediction of relationship well-being. Results showed that the MRA and CMQ both independently and significantly contributed to the prediction of relationship well-being (i.e., commitment, intimacy, satisfaction, and vitality within the relationship) and were differentiated by their associations to dimensions of personality and attachment.
Graham S. GaineEmail:

ObjectivesThe present study tested a need-supportive teaching approach to enhance the experience of need satisfaction, autonomous motivation, and well-being, and to decrease need frustration, controlled motivation, amotivation, and ill-being among students with intellectual disability in physical education activities. We further tested the effects of experimental condition in predicting students’ need satisfaction and need frustration, motivational regulations, and well-being and ill-being over the semester.DesignExperimental study.MethodsNinety eight students with mild and borderline intellectual disabilities (Mage = 16.53, SD = 3.22; female = 63.3%) attended in this experimental semester-long study. Teachers (N = 6) of students randomly assigned into either an experimental (need-supportive teaching style) or a control (usual teaching style) condition. Students filled out the targeted questionnaires at the beginning (T1), middle (T2), and the end of the semester (T3).FindingsThe results showed that students of the teachers in the experimental condition reported higher need satisfaction and positive affect, and lesser need frustration, amotivation, and negative affect than students of the teachers in the control condition. The results also showed that experimental condition predicted positively T3 need satisfaction, whereas and negatively predicted T3 need frustration, amotivation, and negative affect.ConclusionFindings highlight the importance of teachers’ need-supportive teaching behaviors to enhance positive outcomes, and decreasing their negative outcomes in students with intellectual disabilities in PE.  相似文献   

ObjectivesThis study aims to add to literature on the phenomenology of ultra-running, an extreme form of long distance running. Through application of reversal theory, the study seeks to extend knowledge of the motivations and experiences of ultra-runners as well as approaches to understanding ultra-endurance sport more generally.DesignPost-positivist, qualitative, phenomenological.Method10 recreational ultra-runners participated in semi-structured interviews in which they were introduced to the eight metamotivational states of reversal theory and asked to discuss their running motivations and experiences.ResultsA thematic networks analysis revealed a propensity for participants to experience a diverse range of reversal theory states when running, embodying Apter’s (2007) concept of psychodiversity. Participants revealed an orientation to both states in each pair of the four metamotivational domains of reversal theory; serious/playful, conformity/rebellious, mastery/sympathy, and self/other. Participant accounts of experiencing playful (paratelic) and other-orientated (alloic-sympathy) metamotivational states were particularly important to ultra-running phenomenology and its differentiation from mainstream sport.ConclusionReversal theory has proven to provide an effective framework for exploring and theorising ultra-running phenomenologies. The psychodiversity documented by participants suggests that ultra-running and other ultra-endurance sports necessitate a diverse and dynamic metamotivational orientation. Application of this thesis to other ultra-endurance activities is encouraged.  相似文献   



Little is known about the determinants of Faculty members’ well-being and the temporal distribution of academics activities (research, teaching, and collective tasks). We linked well-being in the sense of PERMA (Seligman, 2011) to an inventory of academics’ motives and to measures of relative involvement in work activities.


Testing the hypothesis that an inventory of academics’ motives could explain inter-individual variations in well-being and in time distribution of work activities.


Two hundred and twenty-two senior lecturers from French universities filled in a questionnaire of professional motives, a collection of well-being scales implementing PERMA. They also provided a measure of their relative time-distribution by means of a tool designed for this purpose.


A seven-motive structure was extracted and confirmed by CFA. It explained 81.7% of the variance of the 21 final items: (1) Contribution to Progress by Research; (2) Teamwork in Teaching; (3) Self-esteem through Teaching; (4) Autonomy in Research Activities; (5) Positive Relationships with Students; (6) Autonomy in Teaching; and (7) Collaboration. The motives explained membership to six Relative ‘Temporal Allocation Profiles’ extracted by k-means (Cox and Snell pseudo-R2 = .332). In path analyses, the motives explained from 40 to 52% of the variance of the five PERMA elements.


The study provides three contributions: an original inventory of the structure of academics’ motives; a first use of the PERMA model for measuring academics’ well-being; and a new tool for measuring differential involvement in academic activities.  相似文献   

ObjectivesTo report the theory-based process evaluation of the Bristol Girls' Dance Project, a cluster-randomised controlled trial to increase adolescent girls' physical activity.DesignA mixed-method process evaluation of the intervention's self-determination theory components comprising lesson observations, post-intervention interviews and focus groups.MethodFour intervention dance lessons per dance instructor were observed, audio recorded and rated to estimate the use of need-supportive teaching strategies. Intervention participants (n = 281) reported their dance instructors' provision of autonomy-support. Semi-structured interviews with the dance instructors (n = 10) explored fidelity to the theory and focus groups were conducted with participants (n = 59) in each school to explore their receipt of the intervention and views on the dance instructors' motivating style.ResultsAlthough instructors accepted the theory-based approach, intervention fidelity was variable. Relatedness support was the most commonly observed need-supportive teaching behaviour, provision of structure was moderate and autonomy-support was comparatively low. The qualitative findings identified how instructors supported competence and developed trusting relationships with participants. Fidelity was challenged where autonomy provision was limited to option choices rather than input into the pace or direction of lessons and where controlling teaching styles were adopted, often to manage disruptive behaviour.ConclusionThe successes and challenges to achieving theoretical fidelity in the Bristol Girls' Dance Project may help explain the intervention effects and can more broadly inform the design of theory-based complex interventions aimed at increasing young people's physical activity in after-school settings.  相似文献   

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