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Procrastination is defined as postponing a task, anticipating adverse consequences in the future. In contrast, D. A. Rosenbaum and colleagues introduced the concept of “precrastination” in 2014, defining it as people doing a task early even when involving physical cost because they desire to minimize their cognitive load. This study aimed to organize and expand the new concept and advance understanding of precrastination in everyday situations and of the associations between precrastination and self-control. Using the scenario assumption method, we examined whether people would precrastinate or procrastinate a task to remove cognitive load and clear their mind even if there was physical cost/burden (Study 1), and whether they would precrastinate or procrastinate a painful event to remove emotional load stemming from a fear of pain (Study 2). The results showed that (a) people start tasks early in order to remove cognitive and emotional load; (b) people do not start tasks early when they involve physical cost, burden, or fear; (c) people with high self-control start tasks early to remove cognitive load even when involving physical cost; and (d) people with high self-control and low fear start tasks earlier to remove emotional load.  相似文献   

大学生性心理与性教育   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
为了解大学生性心理和性教育的现状,对重庆医科大学1570名大学生进行问卷调查。结果是大学生性心理状况令人担忧,大学生缺乏正确的引导和教育,容易发生性心理偏差。建议在高校开展性教育。  相似文献   

Lay's (1986) General Procrastination (GP) and McCown and Johnson's (1989) Adult Inventory for Procrastination (AIP) measures were evaluated across two studies. In Study 1, both inventories were administered to two groups of college students (Sample 1 n=52; Sample 2 n=59), who were asked to return completed scales before the end of the semester. Students' attendance rates at study groups, test grades, and time required to complete multiple choice items on two exams also were recorded. Results indicated that high procrastination scores were related to a higher number of days to return completed inventories but not attendance, exams scores, or test-taking time. In Study 2, nontraditional age university students (n=215) were asked to complete procrastination measures as well as sensation-seeking, need for cognition, and self-esteem inventories. Factor analysis indicated that scores on Lay's (1986) scale loaded on sensation-seeking, while McCown and Johnson's (1989) scale loaded negatively with need for cognition and self-esteem variables. It would appear that although the scales assessed procrastinatory behavior, one inventory is indicative of sensation-seeking and the other the avoidance of poor self-esteem.Data for Study 1/Sample 1 and Study 2 were collected when the author was a Visiting Assistant Professor at Baruch College/CUNY. The author thanks instructors for permitting class time to be devoted to the data collection process. Also, the author thanks Bill McCown and Clarry Lay for editing an early draft of this paper.  相似文献   

为明确手机成瘾对其拖延行为的作用机制,本研究构建了一个有调节的中介模型,重点考察了注意控制在二者关系中的中介作用以及意志控制的调节作用。以1212名大学生为被试,采用问卷法对其手机成瘾、注意控制、意志控制及拖延行为进行调查。结果显示:(1)在控制性别、年龄、年级后,手机成瘾对拖延行为具有显著的正向预测作用;(2)注意控制能够在手机成瘾与拖延行为的关系中起中介作用;(3)手机成瘾对拖延行为的直接预测作用及注意控制在二者关系中的中介作用均会受到意志控制的调节。研究结果不仅有利于从注意控制理论及自我调节失败理论的视角理解手机成瘾与拖延行为的关系,而且对引导大学生合理使用手机为其心理社会适应服务具有启示意义。  相似文献   

工作拖延行为是当今职场人士面临的普遍困扰之一。基于资源保存理论,本研究从不合规任务视角探究工作拖延行为的成因。对196位员工的两时点调查数据进行层次回归分析,结果表明:不合规任务正向预测员工工作拖延行为,自我损耗在不合规任务与工作拖延行为之间起着中介作用,主动性人格负向调节不合规任务与自我损耗的正向关系以及自我损耗的中介效应。以上结果对预防或降低工作拖延行为具有启发意义。  相似文献   

本研究主要考察了自我控制对睡眠质量的影响作用,以及反刍思维和就寝拖延的中介作用。采用相关量表对1104名大学生进行问卷调查。研究结果表明:(1)自我控制可以负向预测睡眠质量问题、反刍思维和就寝拖延。(2)自我控制还通过反刍思维和就寝拖延的单独中介及序列中介,间接影响睡眠质量。  相似文献   

A cross‐sectional study tested the integrated effects of self‐downing, self‐doubt, and rational beliefs on procrastination in a sample of Turkish undergraduate students (N = 315). Results suggest that both self‐downing and rational beliefs have a direct and interactive effect on self‐doubt, and self‐doubt mediates the relationship between self‐downing and procrastination. Results suggest that the indirect effect of self‐downing on procrastination via the mediation of self‐doubt may vary depending on the level of rational beliefs. Implications for counselors and future research directions are discussed.  相似文献   


This article examines the treatment by German courts, from the early 1970s to 2016, of requests made by Muslims to be exempted from school activities for religious reasons. Based on a qualitative reading of 72 court rulings, the article demonstrates a shift in the courts’ decision-making, from initially tolerating Muslim requests for exemption to firmly denying them. Arguments from the court rulings are substantiated by an analysis of the public discourse on Muslims in German schools. The results suggest that the transformation of court attitudes corresponded with the rise of broader concerns about multiculturalism and manifestations of Islam in the public sphere, the liberalization of gender norms, and increasing secularism within German society. The article further demonstrates that, contrary to public perception, requests for exemptions from school activities were not a distinctly Muslim phenomenon. Christian families have challenged school activities in a similar way.  相似文献   

青少年学生性生理、性心理发展及性教育现状研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
李文虎  雷良忻  黄海 《心理学探新》2003,23(4):39-41,54
目的:研究青少年学生性生理、心理的发展及性教育的现状。方法:采用统一编制的《江西省中学生性现状调查问卷》,采用分层抽样方法,对江西省三县市4所中学的1100名学生进行问卷调查。结果:(1)男生首次遗精平均年龄为14.07岁,女生月经初潮平均年龄为12.96岁;(2)江西青少年手淫行为发生率较国外学生低,但对此行为更多表示否定态度;青少年有较强的异性交往愿望;(3)青少年性教育方面,家庭和学校教育未占主导作用,而女生在学校与家庭中受到的性教育显著高于男生;结论:江西青少年性生理发育正常,但在性生理、性心理发展中出现的正常现象的认识上存在许多误区。此外,青少年缺少必要的性教育,且效果不明显。  相似文献   

为探讨认识论信念、自我调节学习与学业拖延不同维度之间的作用机制及年级的调节作用,采用分层抽样,对山东省两所大学的1096名一至四年级大学生进行问卷测查。结果发现,自我调节学习在认识论信念与学业拖延程度之间起完全中介作用,在认识论信念与学业拖延问题/学业拖延降低期望之间起部分中介作用。较高的认识论信念有利于培养学生的自我调节学习能力,降低学业拖延程度,较少受学业拖延问题的困扰。并且随着年级的升高,认识论信念的积极作用倾向于降低。结论:年级因素在“认识论信念→自我调节学习→学业拖延”中的调节作用机制对于教学实践具有重要意义。  相似文献   

本研究采用基于人口学特征的大规模取样, 通过线索气味识别测验和词汇测验考察了年龄和性别因素对嗅觉功能和语义知识的影响。1497位健康的成人(35岁~95岁)参与了气味识别和词汇熟练性测验。结果表明年龄对两项测验的成绩都有显著的负面影响, 尽管嗅觉测验的年龄效应更大。女性比男性识别出更多的气味且这种效应与年龄无关, 这进一步证实了先前的观察。本文详细讨论了这些发现的意义。  相似文献   

为探讨自我同情对拖延的影响及其作用机制,采用自我同情量表、大学生拖延量表、大学生羞耻量表和接纳与行动量表对795名大学生进行调查,结果发现:(1)自我同情对大学生拖延行为具有负向预测作用;(2)羞耻在自我同情与大学生拖延行为的负向效应中起到中介作用;(3)经验回避、羞耻在自我同情和大学生拖延行为之间起链式中介作用。  相似文献   

郑阳蕾  胥遥山 《心理科学》2022,45(6):1450-1457
本研究以157名大学生为对象,选用正念五因素量表、心理韧性量表、自我控制量表和Aitken拖延量表,探索在网络教学情境下正念对学业拖延的作用机制。结果表明:正念能够直接对网络教学情境下的大学生学业拖延产生影响,也能够通过心理韧性和自我控制的链式中介作用对大学生学业拖延产生影响。研究结论为发挥正念的作用,改善网络教学情境下的学业拖延提供了参考。  相似文献   

采用问卷法对708名小学高年级学生进行调查,以考察成就目标定向、学业拖延、数学焦虑与数学学习投入之间的关系,结果显示:(1)掌握定向和表现-接近定向均能直接正向预测数学学习投入,而表现-回避定向的直接预测作用不显著;(2)掌握定向、表现-接近定向和表现-回避定向均能通过学业拖延来间接预测数学学习投入;(3)掌握定向和表现-回避定向均能通过数学焦虑来间接预测数学学习投入,但表现-接近定向不能通过数学焦虑来间接预测数学学习投入;(4)三种成就目标定向均能通过学业拖延经数学焦虑的多重中介作用来预测数学学习投入。这表明成就目标定向不仅能直接预测,还能通过学业拖延和数学焦虑的多重中介作用,来间接预测小学生数学学习投入。  相似文献   

研究采用问卷集体施测,收集了651名小学高年级学生的父母教养方式、学业拖延以及时间管理倾向的状况,探讨小学高年级学生父母教养方式与学业拖延的关系及时间管理倾向作为中介变量的影响。结果表明:时间效能感在父母教养方式中的父亲情感温暖理解、父亲惩罚严厉、父亲拒绝否认、母亲情感温暖理解、母亲惩罚严厉、母亲拒绝否认与学业拖延之间起完全中介作用;时间效能感在父亲惩罚严厉、母亲过度干涉保护与学业拖延之间起部分中介作用。研究认为,良好的父母教养方式,有助于个体形成合理的时间管理倾向,并可能在一定程度上降低个体的学业拖延行为。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the prevalence and individual risk factors of people who trade or sell sex among sexually active individuals seeking HIV and sexually transmitted infection (STI) testing. Using electronic agency records, an analysis of the characteristics of 5,029 youth and adults who voluntarily obtained HIV and STI testing was conducted. Multiple imputation procedures for missing data from 3 variables and logistic regression were conducted. A total of 128 individuals reported having traded sex. Nine variables had statistically significant associations with trading sex. Individuals who identified as White and female had lesser odds of trading sex, whereas individuals who were transgender, were living in a shelter, had been sexually assaulted, had a previous STI, had high-risk sex, or used drugs had greater odds of trading sex. Elevated levels of high-risk behavior in addition to sexual trauma should be considered in intervention research and community health practice. Implications for service providers and researchers are discussed.  相似文献   

Extensive research indicates that procrastination is associated with many maladaptive outcomes including diminished performance and greater psychological distress, but the specific factors and mechanisms associated with the vulnerability of procrastinators still need to be identified. The current study examined the associations among procrastination, ruminative brooding, mindfulness, and self-compassion. Procrastination was measured in terms of academic procrastination as well as a cognitive measure of procrastination examining the frequency of procrastination-related automatic thoughts. In addition to the main focus on the vulnerability of procrastinators, the question of whether students with multiple vulnerabilities would be particularly at risk for depression was also assessed. A sample of 214 undergraduate students completed measures of academic procrastination, procrastination-related automatic thoughts, rumination, mindfulness, self-compassion, and depression. Correlational analyses showed that both procrastination measures were associated with ruminative brooding as well as reduced mindfulness and self-compassion. Moderator-effect tests yielded no significant interactions. Overall, our findings highlight the relevance of cognitive factors in explaining procrastination and depression. Elevated levels on measures tapping cognitive risk factors (ruminative brooding and procrastination-related automatic thoughts) or a low level of protective, self-relevant cognitive factors associated with resilience (mindfulness and self-compassion) were related to a high level of procrastination and depression. These results imply that procrastinators might be vulnerable to depression due to the joint presence of these cognitive risk and resilience factors.  相似文献   

This study examined sex differences in risk factors associated with adolescent depression in a large sample of boys and girls. Moderation and mediation explanatory models of the sex difference in likelihood of depression were examined. Findings indicate that the factors associated with depression in adolescent boys and girls are quite similar. All of the variables considered were associated with depression, but sex did not moderate the impact of vulnerability factors on likelihood of depression diagnosis. However, negative self-perceptions in the domains of achievement, global self-worth, and physical appearance partially mediated the relationship between sex and depression. Further, girls had higher levels of positive self-perceptions in interpersonal domains that acted as suppressors and reduced the likelihood of depression in girls. These findings suggest that girls' higher incidence of depression is due in part to their higher levels of negative self-perceptions, whereas positive interpersonal factors serve to protect them from depressive episodes.  相似文献   

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