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Academic psychologists are right in wanting things shown to them statistically; and it is we Jungians who have the onus of showing them that our ideas stand their tests. Only in this way can the unconscious be re-introduced into a scientific discussion. And we could have the chairs of the psychology departments of the universities held by Jungians and they could have their real institutes, their assistants, their student population, their funds, their statisticians, their computers and high dynamic discussion and a living thing over against the scientific stagnation we have reached in Jungianism during the last years (M eier 9).  相似文献   

The Arab-Muslim countries have remained pre-modern as opposed to other countries that have been able to find a balance between their local culture and a universal culture. Arab-Muslims have remained tied to their cultural specificity, a fact which, in my opinion, is related to a complex based on the defensiveness of the former colonized. This complex drives them to remain closed to any cultural communication and therefore to any opening capable of allowing the emergence of a sensibility to their rights as human beings, or even the development of a will to bring about a democratic environment in their countries.  相似文献   

This research examined the types of eating regulation goals that women have for themselves as well as for their romantic partner, and how these relate to their interpersonal style toward their partner, and to their partner’s psychological and relational well-being. Participants were 131 heterosexual couples. Results show that the eating regulation goals that women have for their partner (health or appearance oriented) reflect the type of goals that they personally pursue. Furthermore, women who have health-focused eating goals for their partner are perceived as more autonomy-supportive, which is associated with the partner’s report of higher relationship quality. Conversely, women who have appearance-focused eating goals for their partner are more likely to be perceived as controlling, which negatively predicts the partner’s psychological and relational well-being. These results attest to the importance of considering women’s personal eating regulation goals for a better understanding of the type of goals they have for their partners and how these relate to their partners’ well-being and relationship quality.  相似文献   

《Women & Therapy》2013,36(2):75-87

As a therapist I have chosen to work with adolescent girls whose voices are among the weakest in our society. They have been sexually, physically and/or emotionally abused as children. Many have seen their mothers beaten by their boyfriends or husbands. Many have body-perfection obsessions such as anorexia and bulimia. Almost all of them have run away from home, hung out downtown, stolen property, relied on drugs and alcohol, and purposefully hurt themselves to take away their feelings. Many have resorted to selling their bodies on the streets or within their peer groups. They all operate from a self-belief of worthlessness, a belief that has gender socialization and abuse at its core. It is at this core that the therapeutic relationship must begin. This article describes a therapy relationship with a 14-year-old girl. This work with adolescent girls is described as being guided by three main principles, that of relationship, justice and soul work.  相似文献   

There are few indulgences academics can crave more than to have their work considered and addressed by leading researchers in their field. We have been fortunate to have two outstanding philosophers from whose work we have learned a great deal give ours their thoughtful attention. Grappling with Stephen Yablo’s, and Juan Comesaña’s comments and criticisms has helped us gain a better understanding of our ideas as well as their shortcomings. We are extremely grateful to them for the attentiveness and seriousness with which they have considered our arguments and to philosophical studies for giving us this opportunity. Given the substantive difference between the two response papers, there is not much beyond sincere gratitude that we can covey to them jointly. We will therefore address them in turn.  相似文献   

Universities have their own particular ways of doing things. They have their own histories, their titles, their policy documents to attend to, and their own practices that have often evolved and taken form over centuries. The overall aim in this article is to illustrate an individual’s complex growth into becoming a proficient university teacher from being a novice. With a phenomenological point of departure I analyze the embodied working conditions that a newcomer to university teaching carries around and gradually becomes familiar with – and even relatively proficient in – over a period of about three years. The focus in the article is the newcomer’s reflective struggle with understanding her/himself and the social and cultural demands and possibilities that s/he is confronted with.  相似文献   


The history of the intersection between women and their worship-spaces is both simple and complex. This article begins to identify ways in which women have responded to restrictions on them in liturgical space and how they have interpreted that space. This task poses serious methodological challenges, identified here, and raises questions about ways in which women have found a place in and around church buildings during a history characterized by their restriction and exclusion. Using a variety of primary and secondary sources, women's action through patronage, fundraising and benefaction, in disobedience and disorder, is explored, together with ways in which women have exercised the natural authority of their religious gifts and experience, when their temporal authority wis limited and indeed have reinterpreted the meaning of the term ‘liturgical space’.  相似文献   

This article argues that children have a right to education that assists them to find a meaning in life. The right of children to meaningful education is interpreted as a right to be raised within a coherent concept of the good and to learn about a variety of alternative conceptions. Both parents and teachers have duties that correspond with the two aspects of meaningful education. I argue that parents have a freedom to raise their children within the conception of the good they themselves hold, but that this freedom is restricted in two ways. Firstly, they have to give their children the freedom to explore alternative conceptions. Secondly, the conception of the good that they offer to their children has to be moral.  相似文献   

This research examined the relationship between adult attachment styles and mothers' feelings of closeness to their children, mothers' interaction styles in a teaching situation, individual differences in the desire to have children, and the concerns individuals have about their ability to relate to young children as parents. Investigation 1 revealed that more avoidant mothers did not feel as close to their preschool children as did more secure mothers, and they behaved less supportively toward their children during a laboratory teaching task. Anxious-ambivalence was also associated with feelings of less closeness, but the level of closeness achieved depended on marital quality. Investigation 2 showed that more avoidant college men and women, compared to secure ones, were more uncertain about their capacity to relate to young children and about whether they wanted to have children. Highly ambivalent men and women reported being more uncertain about their capacity to function well as parents, but ambivalence was not related to the strength of the desire to have children. These findings are discussed in the context of attachment theory.  相似文献   

In this paper, I will discuss the responsibilities that scientists have for ensuring their work is interpreted correctly. I will argue that there are three good reasons for scientists to work to ensure the appropriate communication of their findings. First, I will argue that scientists have a general obligation to ensure scientific research is communicated properly based on the vulnerability of others to the misrepresentation of their work. Second, I will argue that scientists have a special obligation to do so because of the power we as a society invest in them as specialists and professionals. Finally, I will argue that scientists ought to ensure their work is interpreted correctly based on prudential, self-interested considerations. I will conclude by offering suggestions regarding policy considerations.  相似文献   

Becoming a parent is a major developmental transition of adulthood. Individuals often have optimistic expectations about parenthood, yet this transition also presents a number of challenges. The authors investigated whether new parents have overly optimistic expectations about parenthood and, if they do, how this influences their adjustment to this role. The sample consisted of 71 first-time mothers who completed questionnaires during pregnancy and at 4 months postpartum. The study assessed women's expectations of caring for their infant and the influence parenthood would have on their well-being and their relationships with others. Most women's expectations were matched or exceeded by their parenting experiences. However, where experiences were negative relative to expectations, there was greater depression symptomatology and poorer relationship adjustment.  相似文献   

Positive sexual imprinting is a process by which individuals use the phenotype of their opposite-sex parent as a template for acquiring mates. Recent studies in humans have concluded that an imprinting-like mechanism influences human mate choice in facial traits. However, some of the previous studies have had methodological problems or flaws which might have invalidated or led to an overgeneralization of the original interpretation of their results. In this study, 70 heterosexual adults were used to test if their partners resembled facially their opposite-sex parent as the sexual imprinting hypothesis predicts. Judges assessed the subjective facial similarity between each participant's partner and their parent. We found that there was no perceived facial similarity between women's partners and their fathers. However, men tended to pair more often with women that were perceived as resembling the men's own mothers. In contrast to previous studies, the quality of the relationship between participants and their parents did not predict the level of facial resemblance between the participant's spouse and their parent.  相似文献   

Recent surveys have found that many patients are not receiving empirically supported treatments and that therapists may not update their knowledge of research. Studies have found that therapists prefer to use their clinical experience rather than research findings to improve their practice, although cognitive behavioral (CB) practitioners have been found to use research more frequently than therapists of other theoretical orientations. The organization in which therapists work has been shown to impact attitudes toward working practices, but studies have not examined whether workplace requirements to use research affect therapists’ practice. Studies to date have mainly been conducted in North America. These findings may not be generalizable to the United Kingdom where there is a National Health Service (NHS), which requires the use of empirically supported treatments. The first part of this study aimed to investigate which factors were influential in therapists’ choice of theoretical orientation and to see whether CB practitioners differed from other therapists in the factors that influenced their choice of theoretical orientation. The second part tested whether therapists’ theoretical orientation or their workplace influenced the frequency with which they used research in their clinical decision-making. The final part investigated whether being a CB practitioner or working in the NHS was associated with having a favorable attitude toward research. An online survey was sent to 4,144 psychological therapists in England; 736 therapists responded (18.5%). Therapists reported that research had little influence over their choice of theoretical orientation and clinical decision-making compared to other factors, specifically clinical experience and supervision. CB practitioners and NHS therapists, regardless of their orientation, were significantly more likely to use research than other therapists and were more likely to have a positive attitude toward research.  相似文献   

Quality circles have repeatedly been suggested as a technique for enhancing employees' involvement in and satisfaction with their work. This study explored the relationship between employees' participation in quality circle (QC) activities and their reactions to their jobs. Specifically, the relationship of participation in QC activities and employees' perceptions of the influence they have on their jobs, the characteristics of their jobs, and their overall job satisfaction were examined. Four hundred and fifty-five (455) QC members and 305 non-QC members, all employees of a large electronics manufacturer, were surveyed. The effect of QC membership as well as tenure in quality circles on the above variables is reported. Involvement in a quality circle was found to have a significant relationship to employees' perception of influence, as well as to some job characteristics. No significant effect of QC membership on job satisfaction was found. The results are discussed in the context of the need for further validation of many arguments heard about quality circles.  相似文献   

Two ambiguous figures (Mach's book-figure and the AMBEGUJAS phenomenon) have been studied. They show colour shifts synchronised with the shifts of their alternative phases. The perceived concave phase appeared to have chromatic surface colour, but the perceived convex phase can appear to be in coloured illumination and shadow (film colour). The two perceived reversible shapes of the Mach figure (the book and the tent) and the three perceived alternative shapes of the Mondrians used in the AMBEGUJAS phenomenon (a roof, a ceiling, and a tile) all can appear to have chromatic surface colours in their concave phases but appear to have coloured illumination and shadow in their convex phases.  相似文献   

Emil Andersson 《Res Publica》2011,17(3):291-296
Timothy Michael Fowler has argued that, as a consequence of their commitment to neutrality in regard to comprehensive doctrines, political liberals face a dilemma. In essence, the dilemma for political liberals is that either they have to give up their commitment to neutrality (which is an indispensible part of their view), or they have to allow harm to children. Fowler??s case for this dilemma depends on ascribing to political liberals a view which grants parents a great degree of freedom in deciding on the education of their children. I show that ascribing this view to political liberals rests upon a misinterpretation of political liberalism. Since political liberals have access to reasons based upon the interests of children, they need not yield to parent??s wishes about the education of their children. A correct understanding of political liberalism thus shows that political liberals do not face the dilemma envisaged by Fowler.  相似文献   

This article examines the reasons that some physicians have recently opted to reduce the size of their practice rosters to allow more time for each patient in exchange for a retainer fee from patients. These physicians also offer supplementary, nonmedical amenities to patients as part of their service. Because physicians have reduced the size of their practice rosters and have increased the price tag for their services, some patients have lost access to their care. We have tried to assess the ethical propriety of such a change in the design of medical practices by weighing plausible, ethically relevant arguments favoring and opposing RFMP. Physicians are ethically obligated first and foremost to promote and protect the health of their patients. RFMP fulfills this duty directly by ensuring prompt and ample professional time for the care of patients. It does so indirectly by allowing time for physicians' continuing education, which in turn should upgrade the quality of care. It also advances the ethical goals of autonomy as it allows patients to choose their own physicians and to spend their money as they please. On the other hand, these ethical positives are offset by the cost of retainer fees that may exclude access of patients to their physicians' care. Even if ethical tradition obligates physicians primarily to patients under their specific care, as professionals and as private citizens, they also have a responsibility to support the health of the entire community. RFMP does little to advance this cause, except that by optimizing the conditions under which their own private patients receive healthcare, they call attention to shortcomings in prevailing public healthcare policies, which by comparison fall short of that standard. An assumption that health is not properly a market commodity, and that all people should receive healthcare on equal terms, would expose RFMP to moral reproof. From an ethical perspective, we find sufficient cause for concern and caution in this innovative style of practice. Nevertheless, the weight of arguments presented here does not seem to justify unequivocal moral condemnation of RFMP. As neither pro nor con views seem to have settled the ethical question, definitive moral judgment on RFMP will probably depend on the outcome of future experience and ongoing evaluation. The implications of RFMP for any future healthcare system are not clear, at least to us.  相似文献   

Many have argued that individuals should receive income in proportion to their contribution to society (i.e. their productivity). Others have believed that it would be fairer if people received income in proportion to the effort they expend in so contributing, since people have much greater control over their level of effort than their productivity. I argue that those who believe this are normally also committed, despite appearances, to increasing the social product — which undermines any sharp distinction between effort- and productivity-based distributive proposals. However, effort-based proposals do emphasise more the importance of people having control over factors affecting their income. The second set of problems I consider is how to implement policies which hold true to this emphasis. I show that there are major problems with the accuracy of using any objective criteria to measure the level of effort a person is expending. Moreover, once any such criteria are employed the problem of 'moral hazard'arises because people modify their behaviour in such a way as to maximise their income while minimising their effort. This violates the original motivation for using effort. Because of this and other empirical considerations, I argue that productivity may well be a better criterion on which to distribute income even if one is motivated by the same concerns which have prompted effort-based proposals.  相似文献   

Helping is what it's all about. But if we recognize that one way to help is to train someone else to do a part of what we can do, we can assist that many more people with our limited resources. Thus, to be professionally adequate through all dimensions of the Cube requires the capacity to “train” as well as to “help.” Delworth and Moore have had extensive experience in both modes and have trained literally hundreds of paraprofessionals on a wide range of tasks. Their expertness shows through particularly in their recognition that training is not complete until the trainee has mastered the barrier of systems entry. Too many well-meaning and adequately skilled counselors have had their noses flattened because they did not have the “key” to the system. Too many well-meaning and adequately skilled counselors have remained in their offices because they lacked the ability to “multiply” their efforts through others. Here is a schematic to facilitate change in both kinds of counselors.  相似文献   

Sales professionals in the computer industry have had to confront a fundamental shift in the definition and source of value within their marketplace. From an emphasis on hardware, vendors and customers are now looking to software and systems for the next advancements in technology and productivity. As the sources of value within the industry have changed, so have the requirements for sales success. No longer able to rely on their traditional and “proven” approach to selling, salespeople have had to learn new competencies. Based on studies of the sales organizations of six computer companies, this article explores how—and why—computer salespeople must adopt a new sales orientation and expand their behavioral repertoire.  相似文献   

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