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关于"更加注重社会公平"及其核心问题   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
沈卫平 《学海》2006,(6):11-14
我国贫富差距的扩大突显社会公平地位。中共中央提出了“更加注重社会公平”的政策取向。要正确认识“更加注重社会公平”的内涵。当前,改革收入分配制度,遏制收入差距扩大的趋势,还要重视解决影响社会公平的体制问题。  相似文献   

Cybernetics, the study of goal-directed, adaptive systems, is the best framework for an integrative theory of personality. Cybernetic Big Five Theory attempts to provide a comprehensive, synthetic, and mechanistic explanatory model. Constructs that describe psychological individual differences are divided into personality traits, reflecting variation in the parameters of evolved cybernetic mechanisms, and characteristic adaptations, representing goals, interpretations, and strategies defined in relation to an individual’s particular life circumstances. The theory identifies mechanisms in which variation is responsible for traits in the top three levels of a hierarchical trait taxonomy based on the Big Five and describes the causal dynamics between traits and characteristic adaptations. Lastly, the theory links function and dysfunction in traits and characteristic adaptations to psychopathology and well-being.  相似文献   


Cybernetics, the study of principles governing goal-directed, self-regulating systems, offers a useful approach to understanding psychopathology or psychological dysfunction, overcoming limitations of other naturalistic approaches. Whereas influential theories of psychopathology have relied on definitions of dysfunction rooted in evolution and fitness, we define psychopathology in terms of cybernetic dysfunction, failure to make progress toward important goals. Cybernetic function in organisms is not identical to evolutionary function, despite their causal phylogenetic relationship. We define psychopathology as persistent failure to move toward one’s goals, due to failure to generate effective new goals, interpretations, or strategies when existing ones prove unsuccessful. This definition allows a thorough integration of dimensional approaches to psychopathology and personality and provides a new perspective on the nosology of mental disorder. We review evidence that the major dimensions of psychopathology correspond to major trait dimensions of personality, but we assert that extremity on these dimensions is neither necessary nor sufficient for psychopathology, which requires cybernetic dysfunction. Drawing from psychological and neurobiological research on personality and psychopathology, we present a theory of the mechanisms underlying the five major dimensions of psychopathology, some of their subdimensions, and the general risk factor for psychopathology. We conclude by discussing implications of our theory for research, diagnosis, and mental health interventions.  相似文献   

20世纪中叶以来,随着控制论的兴起与广泛应用,目的论问题成为生物学哲学以及系统科学哲学的重要议题。运用控制论原理及其目的论思想对高血压病诊治中的有关问题进行了分析和探索,以期对高血压病做到更有效的控制。  相似文献   

"齐物"三义 --《庄子·齐物论》主题分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在前人对<齐物论>作齐"物论"、与"齐物"论两种理解的基础上,作者提出齐物我的另一重含义.合起来构成齐"物论"、齐万物与齐物我三义齐物论是对各种思想学说,进行一种哲学批判,其重点不在是非的标准,而是对争是非本身的正当性的质疑.齐万物则要求人的世界观的转变,放弃任何自我中心的态度,看待万有的自然性与自足性,把是非转化成有无问题,具有从认识论向本体论过度的意味.齐物我是前二者的深入,它所涉及的心物关系不是认识论而是生存论问题,本体论上化有为无,就是表现在生存论上的丧我与无为,它是导向另一种生活方式的信念基础.齐物三义是庄子哲学的基本纲领.  相似文献   

20世纪中叶以来,随着控制论的兴起与广泛应用,目的论问题成为生物学哲学以及系统科学哲学的重要议题.运用控制论原理及其目的论思想对高血压病诊治中的有关问题进行了分析和探索,以期对高血压病做到更有效的控制.  相似文献   

Recent theory and research have suggested that a significant portion of human behavior in organizations is motivated by impression management concerns, that is, by the desire to be perceived by others in certain ways. However, the complex interpersonal dynamics of impression management in organizations remain largely unexplored. This paper synthesizes theory and research across several disciplines and literatures to present an integrative, process-oriented model of impression management in organizations. Potential applications and implications of the model for management research and practice are discussed and directions for future research are provided.  相似文献   

The Ways of Coping Questionnaire (WCQ; Folkman & Lazarus, 1985 ) remains one of the widely used measures of self‐report coping behaviours, despite an acknowledgement of its relatively poor psychometric properties. In contrast, the Cybernetic coping scale (CCS; Edwards & Baglioni, 1993 ) appears to have improved psychometric characteristics, but is scarcely employed within published research. To examine the factor structure and criterion validity of the CCS, a longitudinal study was conducted using a diverse sample of New Zealand employees from a range of organizations. Using confirmatory factor analysis, the CCS was found to have construct validity over time. However, a 14‐item CCS model produced the best goodness‐of‐fit and improved item properties. The implications of this improved CCS are discussed in terms of longitudinal research designs, and the necessity for the inclusion of robust self‐report coping measures.  相似文献   

论复合平等   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分配的正义是一个宽广的观念。它把整个物品(goods)的世界都置于哲学反思的领域之内。没有什么会被忽略;我们公共生活的每一个特征都会被考察到。人类社会就是一个进行分配的社群。人类社会不全是分配的社会,但却主要是一个分配的社会:我们在一起共有(share)、划分(divide)和交换(exchange)。我们同样在一起制造那些我们所共有、划分和交换的事物;而制造——也就是工作——是通过劳动的划分而在我们中间分配的。我在经济中的处境,我在政治秩序中的地位,我在同侪中的声誉,我的物质的所有物:所有这些都自他人而来,到我这里。说我是正确地还是错误地、正义地还是不正义地拥有我所拥有的事物是可能的;但是给定分配的范围和参与者的人数,要作出这样的判断决不是轻易的。  相似文献   

王立 《哲学动态》2006,(12):11-16
罗尔斯《正义论》的出版,实现了当代政治哲学研究主题范式的转换:从自由到平等。人类几千年以来都在追求平等,然而时至今日仍难以完全实现。新自由主义提出了不同的平等理论范式来解决经济的不平等。罗尔斯的“民主平等”被视为诸种平等理论中的上佳范式,其缜密的论证、严密的逻辑、精巧的体系都令人叹为观止。但是,任何一种理论,无论多么精妙总会受到许多限制和约束。一解决不平等的理由充足与否构成平等理论的首要限制。解决不平等的理由是什么,这可以从两个方面来分析回答:一是为什么要平等;二是导致不平等的原因在道德上是不应该的。人…  相似文献   

Chenyang Li 《Dao》2012,11(3):295-313
This essay studies equality and inequality in Confucianism. By studying Confucius, Mencius, Xunzi, and other classic thinkers, I argue that Confucian equality is manifested in two forms. Numerical equality is founded in the Mencian belief that every person is born with the same moral potential and the Xunzian notion that all people have the same xing and the same potential for moral cultivation. It is also manifested in the form of role-based equality. Proportional equality, however, is the main notion of equality in Confucian philosophy. Proportional equality is realized in moral, economic, and political realms. On the basis of these notions of Confucian equality, I propose two Confucian political principles for contemporary society. The first is the inclusive principle of general election by citizenry, and the second is the exclusive principle of qualification for public offices.  相似文献   

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