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苏彦捷  马天舒 《心理科学》2014,37(4):985-992
研究通过最后通牒任务,考查孤独症儿童在公平任务中的决策,以及心理理论和识别自我/他人情绪对决策的影响。29名孤独症儿童和三组对照组儿童参加实验结果发现,孤独症儿童在任务中面对不同分配比例的接受率(2:8、3:7)与对照组之间存在显著差异。心理理论能力和自我情绪识别都与决策存在相关:当处于不公平的情况下(1:9、2:8、3:7),通过心理理论任务的孤独症儿童才会拒绝接受不公平分配,儿童也会感觉到不高兴并且做出拒绝的决定。  相似文献   

为了探讨儿童道德义愤的发展及其对第三方公正行为的影响,实验1考察106名幼儿园大班、小学2年级和4年级儿童的道德义愤在年级以及数目和价值不公平分配上的差异;实验2考察57名小学儿童在有无代价条件下,其道德义愤对第三方公正行为的影响。结果表明:儿童的道德义愤呈现随年级增长而不断增强的趋势;儿童由数目不公平分配引发的道德义愤得分显著高于价值不公平分配;幼儿园大班和2年级儿童在数目不公平分配中的道德义愤得分均显著高于价值不公平分配,而4年级儿童在数目和价值不公平分配中的道德义愤得分不存在显著差异;诱发道德义愤的儿童更多地做出第三方公正行为,并且更愿意选择补偿受害者;在不同诱发道德义愤条件下,是否需要付出代价都不会影响儿童的第三方公正行为。研究说明儿童的道德义愤随年级增长而发展,并影响第三方公正行为。  相似文献   

公平是人们社会交往中采用的一种综合考虑自我和他人利益的策略,幼儿依据何种标准进行资源分配包括两个层面:一是理解,体现为公平认知;二是应用,体现为公平行为,儿童对公平的理解和应用会有一个发展过程。实验1,采用独裁者博弈范式考察4~8岁儿童公平认知与实际分配行为差距。结果显示:4~8岁儿童均已具有公平认知,公平行为随着年龄增长而增加,二者之间的差距逐渐减小,直到8岁儿童公平行为与公平认知趋于一致。实验2,探索社会比较、不公平程度和有无代价对儿童分配行为的影响。结果表明三者对儿童分配行为均存在显著的影响,儿童宁可付出代价也倾向于避免自身处于不利地位,和确保自己相对有利。结论:儿童公平认知与行为存在显著差距,儿童公平决策的发展包含了克服使别人得到比自己少的强有力的社会比较过程,社会比较对分配行为存在重要的作用。  相似文献   

为探讨10~12岁儿童社会价值取向与第三方利他行为的关系,实验1采用第三方惩罚范式,招募233名儿童被试,实验2采用第三方补偿范式,招募238名儿童被试,考察三种分配(高度不公平、中度不公平和公平)情境下社会价值取向、情绪对第三方利他行为的影响,并对比两个实验的结果。结果显示:(1)在第三方惩罚任务中亲社会儿童(相比亲自我)在高度不公平情境下拿出更多金币用于惩罚分配者;(2)在第三方补偿任务中亲社会儿童(相比亲自我)在两种不公平情境下都拿出更多金币用于补偿接受者;(3)情绪只在高度不公平情境下在社会价值取向与第三方利他行为之间发挥中介作用;(4)采用第三方补偿(相比第三方惩罚)的儿童面对不同分配时情绪波动更小,在中度不公平情境下有更多利他行为。这些结果从发展的角度为社会价值取向对第三方利他行为的影响机制提供证据,强调了亲社会取向对维护社会公平的重要作用。  相似文献   

为考察同伴接纳与儿童公平分配行为之间的关系,以独裁者博弈和最后通牒博弈两种范式,对小学126名儿童进行了研究。结果表明:(1)同伴接纳对儿童公平分配行为的影响因博弈范式而不同,它主要影响了儿童在独裁者博弈中分配的公平性,在该范式中,同伴接纳水平高的儿童,公平分配行为更高;(2)在独裁者博弈中,受欢迎儿童的公平分配行为最高,被拒绝儿童的公平分配行为最低;(3)受欢迎儿童和被忽视儿童在两种范式中,都有较高的公平分配行为,而被拒绝儿童和普通儿童在独裁者博弈中分配的公平性,均显著低于他们在最后通牒博弈中的表现。  相似文献   

张雪  刘文  支焕 《心理科学》2018,(2):324-329
公平行为是个体对自己或别人不偏不倚的行为,存在本质公平与表现公平。本质公平,即个体本身渴望公平,能够依据某种公平原则做出公平行为;表现公平,即个体在行为上做出公平的表现而实质并非来自本身的意愿。研究1选取270名6~8岁儿童,采用资源分配任务考察儿童在有无社会信号作用下表现公平行为的发展特点,研究2选取300名6~8岁儿童,采用抛硬币任务来考察儿童是否会用公平程序来掩盖其不公平行为。结果表明:(1)有无社会信号条件对儿童公平行为存在显著影响,并存在显著的年龄差异。有社会信号条件下,儿童更多选择公平行为,无社会信号条件下,儿童更多选择对自己有利的不公平分配。(2)儿童选择通过抛硬币的方式来获取奖品的人数随着年龄增长显著上升,抛硬币的儿童报告自己得到好的奖品的概率显著多于得到不好奖品的概率。结论:社会信号作用下儿童更多会做出表现公平而非本质公平。  相似文献   

通过两个实验考察了不同情境下儿童分配行为的年龄差异以及资源价值和数量在其中的作用。结果发现,在第一方分配情境下,与年幼儿童(8岁)相比,年长儿童(10岁)倾向于做出不平等分配。在第三方分配情境下,与年幼儿童(8、10岁)相比,年长儿童(12岁)倾向于做出平等分配,并且这种行为随着资源价值的增加或数量的减少而增加。由此得出结论:在平等与效率冲突的分配情境下,随着年龄增长,第一方分配情境下利他的不平等分配增加,儿童分配的效率提高;第三方分配情境下平等分配增加,儿童分配的公平性提高。同时,资源价值和资源数量影响儿童的资源分配,资源价值较高或数量较少会导致不平等分配增加,即儿童的分配更高效;而资源价值较低和数量较多会导致平等分配增加,即儿童的分配更公平。  相似文献   

当他人对个体进行资源上的自私、公平或慷慨分配后,个体倾向于以同样的分配方式对待第三个无关个体,这一现象为资源分配模式的传递效应。研究考察自我绝对利益受到影响时这一效应在学龄前儿童中的表现以及其中可能的社会认知机制。118名4~6岁儿童被随机分到实验条件或对照条件中。实验条件下被试与匿名同伴合作完成拼图游戏后得到同伴分配的1个(自私)、3个(公平)或5个(慷慨)代币(共6个),之后再作为分配者与另一匿名接受者完成同样的游戏;而对照条件下被试只扮演分配者完成拼图和分配游戏。结果发现,公平条件下公平分配比例与对照条件之间不存在显著差异,而自私条件下自私分配模式比例和慷慨条件下慷慨分配模式比例分别高于对照条件下相应比例;在慷慨条件下传递者比非传递者拥有更强的二级心理理论与(认知)共情能力。这提示学龄前儿童会传递自私和慷慨分配模式,心理理论和共情更强的学龄前儿童更有可能传递慷慨分配模式。  相似文献   

“揭开黑箱”——变革型领导中介变量的研究现状与展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
变革型领导作用机制的研究目前是国内外学者关注的一个热点.大家比较一致的结论是心理授权在变革型领导行为与领导有效性之间起到中介作用,其中,心理授权中工作意义和自我效能两个维度起主要作用.学者们还发现信任和组织公平在变革型领导与员工工作绩效之间能起到显著的中介作用;另外,领导一成员交换关系和工作特征等作为变革型领导行为过程中的中介变量也得到验证.在未来,基于目标设置的变革型领导作用机制的构思将为今后研究提供一条新思路.  相似文献   

通过3个实验逐步考察了高、低权力个体对三种分配方案(公平/劣势不公平/优势不公平)的公平感。结果发现:(1)被试的公平评级从高到低依次为公平、优势不公平、劣势不公平, 做出评级的反应时则从快到慢依次为公平、劣势不公平、优势不公平; (2)相对于低权力被试, 高权力被试对劣势不公平分配的公平评级更低, 而对公平分配和优势不公平分配的公平评级更高, 且做出公平判断的反应时更短。基于这些结果, 作者提出了公平与利益权衡的公平优先效应及权力的自我增强假设, 以更好地理解权力和公平的本质及二者的关系。  相似文献   

为探究儿童在不同利益对比情境以及与己利益无关情境中的公平行为,研究呈现了自我任务的劣势博弈、优势博弈、冲突博弈以及第三方任务博弈四种分配情境。自我任务中儿童需要为自己与另一名匿名儿童迫选方案,第三方任务中则需为两名匿名儿童迫选方案。结果发现:(1)劣势博弈中所有年龄组均倾向于选择公平方案,而非劣势方案;(2)优势博弈中,8岁、10岁组选择公平方案的人显著多于优势方案,而4岁、6岁组均无显著差异;(3)冲突博弈中,4岁、6岁组选择优势方案的人显著多于劣势方案,而8岁、10岁组均无显著差异;(4)第三方博弈中, 8岁、10岁组选择公平方案的人显著多于不公平方案,而4岁、6岁组均无显著差异。这表明,4岁~6岁儿童尚未真正获得公平观念,且以获得个人利益为主;而8岁是真正获得公平观念的转折年龄,8~10岁儿童对人对己均坚持公平原则,且表现出利他倾向。  相似文献   

探讨了4~6岁儿童早期字词意识的年龄差异,拟为元语言意识的多因素模型提出支持性的证据。实验结果表明:4岁儿童的字词意识及5岁儿童的词意识还很不清晰,6岁儿童已达到较高的字意识水平;幼儿在字意识任务上的成绩显著地优于词意识任务。  相似文献   

儿童心目中的友好行为及其年龄发展趋   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
通过开放式问卷、自我评价等方法对小学、初中儿童心目中的友好行为及其年龄发展趋势进行考察.结果表明,关系的纳入在儿童心目中的友好行为中占主导地位,达54.14%,通常意义上的亲社会行为只占20.24%,将友好行为与亲社会行为的概念区分开来是非常必要的.友好行为的年龄发展趋是:从4年级到6年级,三类友好行为的自评分数均呈上升趋势,从6年级到8年级呈下降趋势.  相似文献   


The purpose of this research was to test the proposition that moral development and social evolution have progressed together, each enabling the other. Stage 1 and Stage 2 reasons for behaving morally are to avoid punishment and achieve rewards. Since moral behavior at these stages is externally determined they do not form a basis for cooperative living. Stage 3 morality involves the reasoning that people are obligated to care for their family and friends; this would appear to be the morality of hunter and gatherer societies. Stage 4 morality involves the reasoning that people must obey authority in the form of traditional norms, written laws, and the legal system; this would appear to be the morality of nation states. Stage 5 morality involves the reasoning that people should obey democratically created rules which presumably create the greatest good for the greatest number and Stage 6 morality involves the reasoning that people should follow universal ethical principles like justice. These moralities would appear to be the morality of international social organizations. To test the hypothesis that moral development and social evolution progressed together, the Measures of Moral Reasoning Scale was created, consisting of six scales measuring Kohlberg’s stages of moral reasoning. As a measure of social evolution (i.e., inclusion), participants were asked how many of their resources they intended to invest in the following targets over their lifetimes: self, biological children, mate, biological parents, biological siblings, friends (but not relatives), American strangers, and non-American strangers. Supporting the hypothesis, Stage 1 and 2 measures correlated with the intent to invest in the self but not others; the Stage 3 measure correlated with the intent to invest in the participant’s children, mate, parents, siblings, and friends (a hunter-gatherer social organization); the Stage 4 measure correlated with investment in all of the above targets except self and non-American strangers (a nationalistic social organization); the Stage 5 measure correlated with investment in children, mate, parents, and American strangers (a nationalistic social organization), and the Stage 6 measure correlated with investment in all of the targets except self (a global social organization).


选取60名8-10岁儿童,采用迫选式独裁者游戏,考察个体与博弈对象的社会距离以及分配差距对儿童有利不公平厌恶的影响。结果发现:(1)在有利不公平条件下,与博弈对象社会距离越近,儿童对不公平分配提议的拒绝率越高;(2)分配差距越大,儿童对不公平分配提议的拒绝率越高;(3)社会距离和分配差距交互作用显著,在中等分配差距条件下,儿童对不公平分配提议拒绝率的社会距离效应最为明显。结果表明,社会距离和分配差距对儿童有利不公平厌恶有显著影响,在中度分配差距下社会距离具有更加明显的调节作用。  相似文献   

选取60名8-10岁儿童,采用迫选式独裁者游戏,考察个体与博弈对象的社会距离以及分配差距对儿童有利不公平厌恶的影响。结果发现:(1)在有利不公平条件下,与博弈对象社会距离越近,儿童对不公平分配提议的拒绝率越高;(2)分配差距越大,儿童对不公平分配提议的拒绝率越高;(3)社会距离和分配差距交互作用显著,在中等分配差距条件下,儿童对不公平分配提议拒绝率的社会距离效应最为明显。结果表明,社会距离和分配差距对儿童有利不公平厌恶有显著影响,在中度分配差距下社会距离具有更加明显的调节作用。  相似文献   


Children come to prefer fair distributions at the age of 5 to 6?years. But do they actually want to be fair, or do they want to appear fair to others? In three conditions, an experimenter initially distributed chocolates to 5-/6-year-old participants and partners they were paired with. Participants always possessed, through some means, two chocolates when the experimenter returned after a brief absence, and they had to decide whether to take an extra one for themselves. To measure the extent to which children were concerned with actually being fair versus appearing fair, two conditions were created in which children were led to believe that the experimenter did not know that the distributions had become equal. In the windfall condition, a confederate gave one additional chocolate to the participant, and in the partner condition, the partner transferred one chocolate to the participant. Compared to the control condition, participants who passed the false belief task in both of these conditions tried to appear fair in their distribution. Thus 5-/6-year-old children seem to prefer appearing fair to others regardless of the situation.  相似文献   

This study investigated a cognitive‐behavioral model of anxiety disorders in Japanese children and adolescents. Participants comprised 532 children from elementary schools and 751 adolescents from junior high schools as a community group, and 41 children and adolescents who fulfilled the criteria for childhood anxiety disorders as a clinical group. All participants completed three questionnaires about anxiety symptoms, self‐statements, and cognitive errors. While the clinical group showed more anxiety symptoms, negative self‐statements, and cognitive errors than the community group, there was no significant difference in positive self‐statements. Multigroup structural equation modeling found the presence of cognitive links for the community and clinical groups. Specifically, cognitive errors generated negative self‐statements, exacerbating a higher‐order factor (childhood anxiety) affecting six anxiety symptoms corresponding to the diagnostic criteria of psychological disorders. Mediated relationships were supported in only the community sample. Clinical implications for prevention and treatment of anxiety disorders in children and adolescents are discussed.  相似文献   

Acculturative stress among young immigrants in Norway   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
The study examined the relationship between migration and the incidence of emotional disorders among 568 young Third World immigrants in Norway. Participants were 10–17 years of age. Using a questionnaire, acculturative stress (i.e., change in health status as a result of acculturation) was found to exist among the children, although having to migrate or being born in Norway was not related to mental health status. A stressful acculturative experience (i.e., difficulties in initiating friendship with Norwegian peers) alone could account for only 1% of the self reported emotional disorders. Incidence of depressive tendencies, poor self image, and psychological and somatic symptoms were found to be related to close and supportive parents, marginality, integration, gender and the number of friends the child had. These accounted for between 12 and 15% of the explained variance. The paper theoretically discusses how these factors may be related to acculturative stress, and recommends them as starting points for a primary intervention program to reduce emotional disorders among these children.  相似文献   

Reunion behavior following stressful separations from caregivers is often considered the single most sensitive clue to infant attachment patterns. Extending these ideas to middle childhood/early adolescence, we examined participants' neural responses to reunion with peers who had previously excluded them. We recorded event‐related potentials among nineteen 11‐ to 15‐year‐old youth previously classified on attachment interviews (11 secure and 8 insecure‐dismissing) while they played a virtual ball‐toss game (Cyberball) with peers that involved fair play, exclusion and reunion phases. Compared to secure participants, dismissing participants displayed a greater increment in the N2 during reunion relative to fair play, a neural marker commonly linked to expectancy violation. These data suggest a greater tendency toward continued expectations of rejection among dismissing children, even after cessation of social exclusion. In turn, the link between self‐reported ostracism distress and neural signs of negative expectancy at reunion was moderated by attachment, such that self‐reports were discordant with the neural index of expectancy violation for dismissing, but not for secure children. A video abstract of this article can be viewed at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qzoRel5c-4s .  相似文献   

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