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This paper looks at the question of third-party payments in psychotherapy and psychoanalysis. This is of particular relevance in Holland, where the Dutch government makes substantial payments for psychoanalytic treatment via a state insurance system. The literature concerning third-party payments is reviewed. Freud himself was inconsistent about this matter and cannot therefore be relied on to give a clear guideline. The majority of writers are heavily in favour of ‘personal sacrifice’ and show a strong bias, especially against insurance payments for fees. These arguments are examined in detail and the two main conclusions are explored, namely that (1) certain unconscious conflicts cannot be mobilised where there is external financing, and (2) that the absence of personal sacrifice engenders too much wish-fulfilment. Both these arguments are rejected as being biased and are found not to stand up to detailed scrutiny.

The effects that different types of payment have on the development of the therapeutic situation, and the different types of transference and countertransference problems that each engenders, are explored. There is some speculation as to the reason for the persistence of this view if it is so patently false. Finally there is some consideration of the positive effects third-party payments can have on psychoanalytic practice.  相似文献   

Anestis MD  Anestis JC  Lilienfeld SO 《The American psychologist》2011,66(2):149-51; discussion 152-4
Comments on the original article, "The efficacy of psychodynamic psychotherapy," by J. Shedler (see record 2010-02208-012). As Shedler noted, some researchers have reflexively and stridently dismissed psychodynamic therapy (PT) as ineffective without granting outcome studies on this modality a fair hearing. We applaud Shedler's efforts to bring PT into the scientific mainstream and hope that his article encourages investigators to evaluate claims regarding PT's efficacy with a more objective eye. Nevertheless, as Shedler also observed, one reason for the scientific community's premature dismissal of PT is traceable to some psychodynamic practitioners' historical antipathy toward controlled research and propensity to overstate PT's efficacy. Regrettably, Shedler falls prey to the latter error by glossing over key methodological details, ignoring crucial findings that run counter to his position, and overstating the quality and quantity of the evidence base for PT. Because of space constraints, we focus only on a handful of the more serious shortcomings of Shedler's analysis (a more complete review of these issues is available from the first author on request).  相似文献   

In this study, we replicated and extended the research of Hollinger and Clark (1983) on the prevalence and correlates of employee counterproductivity. Two separate employee groups completed an expanded version ofReid Survey III. Roughly one-third of subjects admitted to employee theft. Separate scales measuring perceived attitudes of management, of supervisors, of coworkers, and of employees themselves regarding theft all intercorrelated positively, supporting the concept of a pervasive organizational theft climate. Further, these climate measures were related to subjects' self-reported on-the-job theft. Parallel results were obtained for employee substance abuse. Implications for controlling employee counterproductivity are discussed.  相似文献   

Among Asian Americans, particularly within immigrant communities, religious leaders are respected and sought out for support and guidance. There is a need to examine how religious leaders, especially within non-Christian faiths, identify persons and ascribe meaning and attributions to mental health concerns. The aim of this paper was to address this knowledge gap by exploring the perceptions of five Vietnamese American Buddhist leaders in regards to mental illness. Using qualitative analytic techniques we identified appearance, behaviours, and cognitive impairments that leaders interpreted as indicators of a mental health condition. Religious leaders cited messy and overly adorned outer appearance, aggressive and violent behaviours, and abnormal cognitive functioning as indicative of mental health problems. They attributed mental illness to a variety of causes: daily stressors, mind-body imbalance, karma, virtuous deeds, and spiritual possession. Findings inform strategies for faith-based initiatives and mental health service delivery to religiously affiliated Asian Americans.  相似文献   

不怕“不知道”,只怕没想到世上千奇百怪的事本来就层出不穷,再加上有人故意作伪、有人信口开河、有人随意夸张、有人以讹传讹,……有限的专家很可能来不及对各种诸如“特异功能”之类的异常事例都进行检验。面对这种状况老百姓经常说的话就是“你信不信?”其实若只是作为谈资,信不信并无所谓,问题是人们往往随之要决定是否应采取一些有代价的行动,如花一些时间或钱去听报告、学习、接受治疗、买一些物品等等。那该不该做这些“付出”呢?这时自然状态有两种可能:“有”或“无”特异功能;老百姓可采取的策略也有两种:“付出”或“不付出”财…  相似文献   

Visual search is often facilitated when the search display occasionally repeats, revealing a contextual-cueing effect. According to the associative-learning account, contextual cueing arises from associating the display configuration with the target location. However, recent findings emphasizing the importance of local context near the target have given rise to the possibility that low-level repetition priming may account for the contextual-cueing effect. This study distinguishes associative learning from local repetition priming by testing whether search is directed toward a target's expected location, even when the target is relocated. After participants searched for a T among Ls in displays that repeated 24 times, they completed a transfer session where the target was relocated locally to a previously blank location (Experiment 1) or to an adjacent distractor location (Experiment 2). Results revealed that contextual cueing decreased as the target appeared farther away from its expected location, ultimately resulting in a contextual cost when the target swapped locations with a local distractor. We conclude that target predictability is a key factor in contextual cueing.  相似文献   

Using cases of harassment by leaders, the authors examined the effects of target perceptions of leader responses to sexual harassment and whether leader implementation of harassment policies made a difference beyond the impact of the policies themselves. Results showed that women who perceived that leaders made honest efforts to stop harassment felt significantly freer to report harassment, were more satisfied with the complaint process, and reported greater commitment than did those viewing leaders as more harassment tolerant. Different leadership levels had different effects, with hierarchically proximal leaders generally having the greatest impact. Leadership mediated the relationship between organizational policy and outcomes, supporting the view that a key role for leaders is establishing an ethical organizational climate that reinforces formal harassment policies through actions.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research is to provide a richer lens on the ethical organizational environment by examining the relationship between ethical leadership and unit-level unethical behavior through ethical organizational climate (EOC), with collective moral identity as a boundary condition. In testing our theoretical model, we first develop and validate a measure of EOC to address concerns with existing measures of ethical climate. Second, we examine the role of collective moral identity as a moderator of the relationship between EOC and unit unethical behavior. We discuss implications regarding the importance of developing a more comprehensive conceptualization of EOC.  相似文献   

This study describes the development and application of a new organizational climate instrument, the Survey of Organizational Characteristics (SOC). The participants in the development phase were 94 master's of business administration students, and the participants in the validation phase were 77 medical professionals: 24 medical faculty, 17 postdoctoral students, and 36 medical technicians. The final instrument consisted of 8 relatively independent scales with alpha coefficients based on the combined sample ranging from .77 to .98, and with 6 coefficients that were higher than .90. Validity hypotheses based on a priori knowledge about the 3 medical groups were for the most part well substantiated, although the small sample of postdoctoral students was a limitation. In relation to the findings, an attempt was made to clarify and perhaps narrow several of the conceptual and methodological gaps that persist between organizational climate and organizational culture.  相似文献   

We examined changes in pain sensitivity in the rubber hand illusion (RHI). Experiment 1 investigated changes in pain tolerance immediately after a “healthy” and “wounded” RHI when immersing the hand in a cold pressor ice bath. There was 19% increased pain tolerance and increased perception detection threshold after the healthy RHI, but 11% reduction after the wounded RHI. Experiment 2 examined pain experience during the wounded RHI with capsaicin-induced hyperalgesia. Pain intensity and unpleasantness was higher on the illusion arm during the synchronous RHI, compared with asynchronous trials. There was no change in pain experience on the control arm, and both arms had similar pain sensitivity after the experiment. Our results highlight the impact of embodying a substitute limb on pain, with increased tolerance and reduced tactile sensitivity when the fake limb is healthy and apparently pain-free, but increased pain sensitivity when the self-attributed limb appears to be wounded.  相似文献   

何欣 《天风》2005,(6):44-45
五月,正值中国国民党主席连战来大陆访问,海峡两岸激荡着和平的热情。此次记者随上海VMCA访问团参加台南YMCA50周年庆典活动,并在第一时间,与台湾教会的弟兄姊妹,分享和见证了两岸关系史上这一重大事件。现为台湾威盛电子股份有限公司总经理室顾问的欧阳家立弟兄,在台湾完成了读书、事业成长之路,由于与内地商贸的原因,他对两岸共生共荣的迫切性与重要性有了更深的认识,近年,他常往返于两岸之间,在今年年初金陵协和神学院江宁新院的奠基典礼上,他专程赴宁代表公  相似文献   

Negotiators in regulatory fit report feeling right about an upcoming negotiation more than those in non-fit, and this intensifies their responses to negotiation preparation (Appelt et al. in Soc Cogn 27(3), 365–384, 2009). High assessors emphasize critical evaluation and being right (Higgins et al. in Advances in experimental social psychology, Vol 35, pp 293–344, 2003). This emphasis should motivate them to engage in correction processes when they only feel right—so strongly as to produce elimination, and perhaps even overcorrection, of the fit effects found previously. We found that low assessors replicated regulatory fit effects on negotiation preparation measures of anticipated performance and perceived assessment competence. For high assessors, however, these fit effects were eliminated and even reversed to some extent. This is consistent with the prediction that high assessors correct because they want to be right, and not just feel right, and correcting can result in overcorrection. Implications for understanding the trade-offs of a strong assessment orientation are discussed.  相似文献   

This study addresses the advertising effectiveness of round and thin models. Integrating previous findings and theories, the authors predict and find that impulsive and reflective product evaluations as responses to thin and round advertisement models diverge. Specifically, four experiments indicate that impulsive product evaluations follow a priming logic, such that the beauty of the model spills over directly onto product evaluations; thin models thus produce more favorable implicit responses than do round models. For reflective product evaluations however, this pattern appears reversed. Moreover, these explicit product evaluations are mediated by campaign liking.  相似文献   

This paper presents empirical research analyzing the relationship between work-family climate (operationalized in terms of three work-family climate sub-scales), organizational leadership (i.e., senior manager) characteristics, organizational commitment and turnover intent among 526 employees from 37 different hotels across the US. Using multilevel modeling, we found significant associations between work-family climate, and both organizational commitment and turnover intent, both within and between hotels. Findings underscored the importance of managerial support for employee work-family balance, the relevance of senior managers’ own work-family circumstances in relation to employees’ work outcomes, and the existence of possible contagion effects of leaders in relation to work-family climate.  相似文献   

When natural language input contains grammatical forms that are used probabilistically and inconsistently, learners will sometimes reproduce the inconsistencies; but sometimes they will instead regularize the use of these forms, introducing consistency in the language that was not present in the input. In this paper we ask what produces such regularization. We conducted three artificial language experiments, varying the use of determiners in the types of inconsistency with which they are used, and also comparing adult and child learners. In Experiment 1 we presented adult learners with scattered inconsistency - the use of multiple determiners varying in frequency in the same context - and found that adults will reproduce these inconsistencies at low levels of scatter, but at very high levels of scatter will regularize the determiner system, producing the most frequent determiner form almost all the time. In Experiment 2 we showed that this is not merely the result of frequency: when determiners are used with low frequencies but in consistent contexts, adults will learn all of the determiners veridically. In Experiment 3 we compared adult and child learners, finding that children will almost always regularize inconsistent forms, whereas adult learners will only regularize the most complex inconsistencies. Taken together, these results suggest that regularization processes in natural language learning, such as those seen in the acquisition of language from non-native speakers or in the formation of young languages, may depend crucially on the nature of language learning by young children.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to disentangle the relative contribution of semantic and phonological representation in immediate serial recall. Indeed, short-term memory (STM) performance could be enhanced by familiarity with the phonological form of the word only or together with semantic information. Participants learned two sets of words in an unknown language: for one set they acquired both phonology and semantics, while for the other only phonology. After that, they performed two immediate serial recall tasks involving either “phonology and semantics” or “only phonology” words and one with untrained words. The analyses showed that the trained lists did not differ from each other, while they did from the untrained one. These data confirm that familiarity with the phonological form is sufficient for immediate serial recall. Therefore, we argue that semantics is not required for verbal STM, but knowledge of the phonological form is what matters.  相似文献   

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